Two Rivers is about the umbilical cord between America
and Asia, particularly Greater China. A few amongst us are still
pointed to Europe and Russia. But the more advanced leaders of
North America are trafficking across the Pacific and below the Panama
Canal. For more on companies doing business in China, such as ChinaVest, see
our Business
204. -new- Chinese Noodle Dance
The Chinese export machine keeps penetrating new areas. Now it is getting more deeply into consumer outlets. Hai Di Lao, a successful Chinese restaurant chain, is coming to the States. "Only in the past several years have Chinese companies significantly embarked outside the country. But most have centered on sectors like energy and manufacturing. Mr. Zhang is one of the few who have gone after consumer."
"In China, every Hai Di Lao employs a handful of "noodle masters," who train an average of four to six months before starting to perform their dance in the middle of the dining room. They stretch foot-long wads of dough into at least 10 feet of slender, ribbonlike noodle by whipping the center out like a jump rope and rippling and swirling it through the air like the ribbons twirled by Olympic rhythmic gymnasts. Often, the dancer flings the dough over customers' heads as they squeal and clap, before folding it with a flourish and dropping it in the broth."
"Hai Di Lao's 75 outlets made more than a 10% profit on 3.127 billion yuan ($510 million) in revenue in 2012, up 54% from a year earlier, Mr. Zhang said.
"The entrepreneur is well aware that not every trick in his playbook will work for the U.S. market. Manicures in restaurants aren't likely to pass muster with U.S. food-safety inspectors. Costs for amenities like hot hand-towel service and dancing wait staff are bound to be higher in the U.S., just as they have been in Singapore."
Look here to see the noodle dance. (05-23-13)
203. China Opens World's Longest Sea Bridge

Built in just four years at a cost reported by the Chinese state media yesterday as 1.42 billion the bridge stands on 5,200 pillars and was entirely designed by Chinese engineers at the Shandong Gausu Group.
We have learned a lot of new techniques and skills during the construction, said Shao Xinpeng, the bridges chief engineer.
At least 10,000 workers toiled in two teams around the clock to build the bridge, working from opposite sides of the bay and linking the two ends together in the middle. That was a totally original design, claimed Mr Shao.
While they were working on the bridge, more engineers were simultaneously building an accompanying tunnel underneath the bay, which will help to ease the traffic flow.
A staggering 450,000 tons of steel was used in the construction, enough for almost 65 Eiffel Towers, and 2.3 million cubic metres of concrete. Chinese officials said that the bridge will be strong enough to withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake, typhoons or the impact of a 300,000 ton ship.
The bridge has eclipsed the current Guinness World Record-holder, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana, by at least two-and-a-half miles.
However, it will be eclipsed in 2016 by another Chinese bridge, which is being built to link Hong Kong with Macau and Guangdong province and which will be around 30 miles long.
China also boasts a 102-mile-long land bridge on the route of the Beijing to Shanghai high-speed railway.
The worlds longest sea bridge, Qingdao Haiwan Bridge, deconstructed:
Length: 26.4 miles (almost 3 miles longer than the previous record holder)
Width: Six-lane expressway
Capacity: Expected to carry over 30,000 cars a day
Tensile strength: Able to withstand earthquakes of 8.0 magnitudes on the Richter scale, strong typhoons and the impact of a 300,000 tonne vessel
Made up of: 450,000 tonnes of steel and 2.3 million cubic metres of concrete, supported by 5,200 columns
Built by: More than 10,000 workers
Built in: Four years
Importance: Reduces the distance between Quingdao city and the Huangdao district by around 18 miles
(March 27, 2013)
202. Chinese Ready for the Exits
Sinologists and Silicon Valley lobbyists are constantly at work telling us how all the young bright Chinese brainy entrepreneurs are deserting America and making their way back to the Ancient Kingdom to seek their fortune. But lately we notice that there is more commentary on bright people coming this way. Moreover, several wealthy Chinese have their suitcases packed, ready for a quick exit to other countries if things get too touchy in China. For instance, the Wall Street Journal declares "More Wealthy Chinese Said to Prepare Exits." And Der Spiegel tells us "Successful Chinese Emigrating to West in Droves." In these volatile times, agile people are ever on the move, finding almost all pastures less than green.
201. Child Prostitution and Slavery in India
India probably has more modern slaves than any country in the world. It has millions of women and girls in its brothels, often held captive for their first few years until they grow resigned to their fate. China surely has more prostitutes, but they are typically working voluntarily. India's brothels are also unusually violent, with ferocious beatings common and pimps sometimes even killing girls who are uncooperative.
Unicef has estimated that worldwide 1.8 million children enter the sex trade each year. Too many are in the United States, which should prosecute pimps much more aggressively, but the worst abuses take place in countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Cambodia" "Raiding a Brothel in India," Nicholas Kristof, New York Times May 25, 2011.
The Indians themselves are well aware of their child prostitution and child slavery problem, but have not really been able to come to grips with it. Child slavery has a long history in India, through thick and thin. Moral questions aside, the mis-use of human capital throughout India is yet one more impediment to the successful growth of the national economy.
200. Beyond the Censors: China’s Publishing Industry
The censors in China exert a heavy hand on popular media, the broadcast industry, and the Internet. But, it seems, the book publishers have a freer hand and are flourishing. “Mr. Zheng’s triumph reflects a significant shift in Chinese society as headlong economic development has brought new liberalization and ideas. While film, radio and television remain squarely under the thumb of the Chinese government, the book industry has steadily become more open: New York Times, December 27, 2010, p.B3. Certain subjects are still very much off limits—such as Taiwan, the Dalai Lama, the dark periods in Communist party history. But literature, much of it imported, pours off the presses: Chinese publishing houses bought 15,700 foreign titles in 2008.
This loosening up has also been accompanied by a gradual change in governance at the highest levels of Beijing’s councils. More than one of our sources has asked government officials if various saber rattling portends a cold or hot war with America. All the officials say, “No way. The Chinese people will not tolerate it.” While the country is far from democratic, the people have sway. This is not unlike, say, 16th and 17th century England were inchoate freedom developed as the economy grew, even if the populace could not vote. Economic liberalism gradually fosters an articulate bourgeoisie. (3-2-2011)
199. Poking Through the Great Firewall
“How Dissidents Punch Holes in China’s Great Firewall—and Evade the Cyberpolice.” Wired, November 2010, pp.178-186. Sketching out how Falun Gong members and others in this country have devised software systems tied to proxy servers with programs such as UltraSurf and Freegate to thwart digital barriers erected in China, this article implicitly recognizes the central dilemma of China’s rather able leadership. On the one hand, it has, in its own eyes, to control information exchange that threatens its political dominance, but on the other, has to build freer information exchange if it is to have a modern economy and a system that successfully manages the huge numbers of everything, especially people, with which it must deal. China today, for instance, could never have a 311 data collection system, such at that in New York City, where citizen questions and complaints are gathered, answered, and analyzed. Though the article does cover the rise of Iranian voices with virtually the same needs as the Chinese, it is not global enough in its outlook, since nations all about the earth are all doing information sifting and censorship that are thwarting the promise of the internet. Turkey, for instance, seems to be fiddling with social networking sites, most notably Facebook, even though we bump into scads of Turkish users there. (10-26-10)
198. Huge Healthcare Opening in China
The Wall Street Journal is just one of many publications that is beginning to realize that the Chinese Government is going to spend aplenty on healthcare. This is really a 2-year old story, and we are surprised that media have learned about the party so late. “That nation plans to spend $125 billion to build tens of thousands of hospitals and clinics, extending health care to nearly all of its citizens. Its ambitious three-year plan, announced last year, has created a rare feeding frenzy in the lucrative field of diagnostic-imaging machines, an area in which Western manufacturers still face little Chinese competition.”
“Indeed, China's total medical device and equipment market is expected to roughly double between now and 2015 to $53.7 billion, according to market-research firm Frost & Sullivan. That figure includes products ranging from patient-monitoring devices to stents, but much of the growth will likely come from MRI and CT scanners, which are highly profitable and can cost up to $2 million apiece.” (Frost and Sullivan, incidentally, published a report on these prospects back in February 2004.)
“GE, which plans to increase its 4,000-employee health-care work force in China by as much as 15% this year, has expanded its line of lower-priced Brivo imaging equipment beyond X-ray machines and into CT scanners that are roughly 30% less expensive than the company's costlier models. GE says it has sold 70 Brivo scanners in China since they were introduced in March”
With its vast aging population and its huge peasant population vastly underserved by the healthcare sector, the PRP government is contemplating some innovative mass health measures that have not yet been reported in the Western press. (08-04-10)
197. Chinese Workers and Beijing
The WSJ reports that Chinese worker unrest is posing a threat to the highest levels of the Chinese government, and that Beijing does not quite know what to do about it. “The success of strikers at three Honda parts factories near Guangzhou in winning concessions is creating a dilemma for the Communist Party, which wants to be seen as supporting better conditions for workers yet is fearful that strikes led by militant workers could escalate into broader demands for more autonomous unions and pose a threat to its unchallenged rule.” In our own view, the reporting in this article is overblown. The Government is concerned, but not alarmed, by labor restiveness we are led to believe.
The main fear of the Government has been and will continue to be the peasantry inland . Chinese leaders have long feared that rural peasants, if aroused, could blow the top off things. The main concern of government bureaucrats is to see whether the rising costs of urban labor can be met by rising sophistication in industy. The question is whether industry can move up the value chain so as to produce cost competitive products that still can absorb more expensive labor. (08-04-10)
196. The Party’s Hidden Levers of Power
In “China’s Private Party,” WSJ, May 15, 2010, Richard McGregor details how China’s leadership keeps a tight hold on all the major institutions in its society. All the top people in the society are wired together, literally, by a private phone system. “The phones are encrypted not just to secure party and government communications from foreign intelligence agencies. They also provide protection against snooping by anyone in China outside the party's governing system. Possession of the red machine means you have qualified for membership of the tight-knit club that runs the country, a small group of about 300 people, mainly men, with responsibility for about one-fifth of humanity.
The modern world is replete with examples of elite networks that wield behind-the-scenes power beyond their mere numerical strength. The United Kingdom had the "old-boy network," originally coined to describe connections between former students of upper-class, non-government schools; Japan has the Todai elite, graduates of the law school of Tokyo University, an entry point into the long-time ruling Liberal Democratic Party, the Finance Ministry and business. The U.S. has the Ivy League, the Beltway, K Street and the military-industrial complex, and a host of other labels to signify the opaque influence of well-connected insiders.
None can hold a candle to the Chinese Communist Party, which takes ruling-class networking to an entirely new level. The red machine gives the party apparatus a hotline into multiple arms of the state, including the government-owned companies that China promotes around the world these days as independent commercial entities.” The WSJ article is an escerpt from McGregor’s book The Party. (07-14-10)
195. Is It Too Late to Enter China?
This is just a silly rhetorical question, the title of an article by Edward Tse, chairman of Booz in China, that appears in the Harvard Business Review, April 2010, pp.96-101. Of course, it’s not too late. Booz itself has been late to most parties, and yet it’s still around, peddling advice far and near. In fact, any Tom, Dick, and Harry can make a nickel there and obtain semi-fame, as laments our China correspondent who talks about an instant China expert who made the front page of the Wall Street Journal: “However, it scares the hell out of me when a fellow who builds a law practice in Hawaii (of all places) and has all of two years experience in China is being quoted as an "expert" on China's property market!” In fact, latecomers might easily do better there, avoiding some of the missteps of the fools who first rushed in. If GM can make money in China, anybody can. As ever, the mantra should be to ‘make haste slowly.’
But Tse gives us little interesting factoids which should prepare us for the China Adventure. “The number of private companies in China shot up from 140,000 in 1992 to 6.6 million by the end of 2008, even as the number of foreign corporations grew to 435,000. Of the Fortune 500 companies, about 480 are already in China….” “China surpassed the U.S. as the world’s largest automotive market in 2009.” For the first time the net profits of China’s top 500 companies exceed the top 500 in the U.S. in the first half of 2009. “No other country –not even Japan or the United States—has as many products and brands as China does.” (05-05-10)
194. -new- China’s Invisible Barriers
It’s not the Chinese Wall that keeps foreign influences out of China. It is all sorts of virtual barriers. Most recently, we are hearing more about the enthusiasm with which the Chinese Government is clamping down on internet transmissions it regards as unfriendly, such that Google has wondered whether it should pull up stakes there. It should be noted, however, that millions of Chinese do find pathways around the censors, often abetted by offshore services located in America and elsewhere. Moreover, a host of Government officials in China are very regular users of Google and would not know what to do without it.
Despite its promises of fairer trade practices with its accession to the WTO in 2001, the Chinese Government and local governments have found countless ways to keep foreign products out of China. “China accounts for less than 2% of the global sales of drug giants such as Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, and Bayer, estimates IMS.” (Economist, October 17, 2009, p73). The complaints about China range from “subsidized competition, restricted access, conflicting regulations, a lack of protection for intellectual property and opaque and arbitrary bureaucracy.” “China agreed to allow foreign firms to compete to offer booking systems to local airlines, but according to the European Chamber it has not yet produced the necessary regulations.” “Local officials go to great lengths to protect companies on their patch, often by giving them preferential access to land or credit, or by easing bureaucratic constraints for them.”
This said, a number of companies are doing well in China, if they produce locally there. At the moment, anyway, many foreign companies with large manufacturing operations in China are prospering, and this is not much reported on by the Western press. (02-24-10)
193. China: The Green Giant
In 2006, China surpassed the U.S. as the world’s greatest producer of greenhouse gases. Those who are pessimistic about the country’s future might dwell on its pollution levels and it mysterious disease outbreaks and its curiously adulterated products—such as its milk supply. In Beijing, pollution counts often enough reach the 500 level whereas U.S. cities grimace in horror if they even touch 100. It’s not uncommon to see strange plumes as one flies into Chinese cities such as Shanghai.
But, the Chinese are trying harder to do something about it than the U.S. Although U.S. research still produces an awful lot of breakthroughs, the Chinese have ramped up their efforts hugely during the last 20 years. More importantly, they have become leading producers and installers of green installations, such as wind turbines and solar equipment. Evan Osnos surveys this giant program in “Green Giant, Beijing’s crash program for clean energy,” New Yorker, December 21 and 28, 2009, pp.54-65. In 2003, China made virtually no solar cells: by 2008, it made more than any other country. The Coda, a $30,000 all-electric car that will be hitting the U.S market soon, gets a critical component, its lithium batteries, from China. China is a huge producer now of wind turbines. (02-10-10)
192. Is China a Disaster Waiting to Happen?
China watchers have long wondered whether China and its buoyant economy is doomed to implode. They point to the restive peasants in the interior, that rural oppressed mass even feared by the Chinese leadership. Others have focused on its over-geared banking system which holds loans that will never be repaid but which have really been made to please the various whims of government officials. And there are a crop of other sore points.
The Economist (January 16, 2010, pp. 67-70) allows that there are problems. “Chronic overinvestment has, it is argued, resulted in vast excess capacity and falling returns on capital. A flood of bank lending threatens a future surge in bad loans, while markets for shares and property look dangerously frothy.” But it would argue that all these concerns are very over-stated, and that its problems do not begin to measure up to real bubble economies.
But we must recognize that some very smart parties, including James Chanos and Pivot Capital, feel that things are very risky. One has to take Chanos very seriously since he has made some very prescient calls. “As most of the world bets on China to help lift the global economy out of recession, Mr. Chanos is warning that China’s hyperstimulated economy is headed for a crash, rather than the sustained boom that most economists predict. Its surging real estate sector, buoyed by a flood of speculative capital, looks like “Dubai times 1,000 — or worse,” he frets. He even suspects that Beijing is cooking its books, faking, among other things, its eye-popping growth rates of more than 8 percent.
“Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses,” he said in a recent appearance on CNBC. “And there’s no bigger credit excess than in China.” He is planning a speech later this month at the University of Oxford to drive home his point.”---New York Times, January 7, 2010. The insufficient returns on invested capital deserve a great deal of attention. In China’s command economy, a great deal of capital is wasted, and, in this regard, it does not appear to compare well with another big growth economy—India. That’s a real worry. (01-20-10)
Update: The Invisible Hand
It’s not clear who runs what in China’s financial system, but ultimately it’s obvious that the Central Government is the prime mover in all the major banks. “ ‘The State Council…tells them to lend, and they lend.’ Overt controls increase in line with the amount of credit. Loans above $500M are said to be directly vetted by the State Council.” “Red Mist,” The Economist, February 6, 2010, pp.79-80. “Something like four-fifths of the assets in the banking system are controlled by 17 institutions.” “Technically, the banks fall under the auspices of Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Interest-rate and exchange-rate decisions come under Zhou Xiaochuan, head of the People’s Bank of China….Even so, in the shifting currents of power, many believe the critical hand is played by Wang Qishan, the vice-premier responsible for the financial sector, a former mayor of Beijing and former head of China Construction Bank.” He “is a member of the Politburo, the government’s chief political arm. He also serves on three big regulatory commissions covering insurance, banking and securities.”
As in the United States, both the concentration of assets and the unfortunate nature of government regulation lead to a mis-allocation of credit and capital. Perhaps the biggest negative effect in both countries is that too much capital is constantly being pushed at big enterprises, too little at small companies and organizations, the places where most employment is created and where the major long-term economic growth cumulatively occurs. “Virtually non-existent in 1979 when China took its first steps away from centralized planning orthodoxy, its smaller companies numbered around 1m by 1990 and 8m by 2001. Today they total around 60m….Together they account for 60% of China’s GDP and half its tax revenues. More than 95% are privately owned….” “They are responsible for 66% of the country’s patent applications and more than 80% of its new products.” “China’s Struggling Smaller Firms,” The Economist, September 12, 2009, pp.70-71. “They are also responsible for 68% of China’s exports,” and the drop in export growth has particularly hurt them. “Of the more than 7 trillion yuan loaned out in the first half of this year by Chinese banks, only an estimated 10% has gone to smaller firms.”
Meanwhile, it should be noted that Fitch has downgraded ratings of two midsize Chinese banks. “It represents the first time in more than six years that Fitch has downgraded a Chinese bank.” Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2010, p. A12 (02-10-10)
191. Getting China’s Consumers Consuming
It’s said that the two kingpin economies of the world—China and the U.S.—are both out of kilter. The U.S. consumes too much and does not save and invest enough. China makes things, build roads, saves a lot of money, but its people, particularly its vast peasant population don’t have enough to spend, have a truly miserable health system, etc. For the world to function right, both countries have to mend their ways. James Surowiecki remarked on the Chinese problem in “The Frugal Republic,” New Yorker, December 7, 2009, p. 35. “Proportionate to its economy, China spends far too little. Consumption accounts for just thirty-five percent of G.D.P., significantly lower than for most Asian countries and only half the rate of the United States. Chinese households set aside a quarter of their disposable income, and, collectively, consumers and institutions put away $2.5 trillion every year.” “Credit isn’t always that easy to come by. China’s policy of holding down the value of its currency means that consumer prices are higher than they would otherwise be…” “Once you move beyond China’s biggest cities, there’s often a dearth of retail outlets and products for sale.” “The inadequacy of the social safety net forces the Chinese to engage in ‘precautionary savings,’ buffering themselves against disaster.” “In the past decase, in fact, the share of G.D.P. that goes to wages has actually fallen, while the share that goes to profits has risen.” What does not seem well understood in China, even amongst China’s very smart top rulers, is that its overwhelming focus on infrastructure and production probably is politically destabilizing. The Government would be wise to follow the example of autocratic Bismarck who ladled out some beneficience as he knit Germany together in the 19th century. (01-06-10)
190. -new- Double-Digit Depression
“More than 17 percent of Chinese adults have a mental disorder…far more than the 1 to 9 percent reported in studies done between 1982 and 2004.” New York Times, June 16, 2009, p.D6. This finding comes from a study by Columbia University researchers who worked with counterparts at hospitals in Beijing, Shandong, Zhejiang, Qinghai, and Gansu. See also “Comparing Diagnostic Methods for Mental Disorders in China, Lancet,13 June 2009, pp.2002-2004. These findings are not at all surprising, as variously described mental disorders now run epidemic in developed and fast developing countries. One would suspect that this study merely corrects the flaws in previous studies. The authors caution us that they cannot say that the numbers revealed here would hold true for the whole of China. (09-09-09)
189. Entrepreneurs Key to Chinese Economic Growth
Yasheng Huang, in the December 2008 edition of the McKinsey Quarterly, claims it was rural entrepreneurs, not state iniatives and investments, that put China on the road to high growth. “What actually happened is that early local experiments with financial liberalization and private ownership, in the 1980s, generated an initial burst of rural entrepreneurialism. Those earlier gains—not the massive state-led infrastructure investments and urbanization drive of the 1990s—laid the true foundation for the Chinese miracle.” “Although many experts contrast China’s grand infrastructure projects and gleaming factories built using foreign money with India’s dilapidated highways and paltry foreign-direct-investment flows, this point of view overstates the contribution of public spending and foreign investment to China’s growth.” “Shanghai is the most visible symbol of China’s urban development. Its modern skyscrapers, foreign luxury boutiques, and top-ranking GDP per capita make it China’s model city—a glittering testament to the success of state-led capitalism. Or is it? By more meaningful measures of economic achievement, Shanghai’s rise is far less impressive than that of Wenzhou, an enclave of entrepreneurial capitalism a few hundred miles to the south, in Zhejiang province. In the early 1980s, Wenzhou was known for little more than its struggling farmers. Of five million inhabitants, fewer than 10 percent were classified as urban. Today, Wenzhou is China’s most dynamic municipality, teeming with businesses that dominate European garment markets. By contrast, Shanghai, once home to China’s earliest industrialists, is now oddly bereft of native entrepreneurs.” “The real mystery of China’s miracle isn’t how the economy grew, but how Western experts got the growth story so wrong.” Private ownership, holds the author, is the key to how China achieved dynamic growth. (06-24-09)
188. -new-
China’s Wine
Will Runneth Over
“In May, Berry Brothers & Rudd,” an English wine merchant on St.
James, predicted in its “Future
of Wine Report” that in 50 years China would be the world’s leading
wine producer. Further it says China has the right conditions to
produce wines of absolutely the first rank. China is
already sixth, with some “400 wineries.” New York Times Magazine, December
14, 2008, p.80.
187. China’s
Transportation and Logistics
ChinaVest, a merchant
banking house based in Shanghai, has long focused on China’s efforts to
knit itself together, which involves ports, highways, trains,
airplanes, warehouses, American fast-forward services such as FedEx and
UPS, and so many other things. It includes, too, the Internet:
China now has more Internet users than the USA. Its newsletter
is making a more determined effort to share some of its insights with
us, and China observers would do well to look there to see how the
tapestry is coming together. China’s government has determined to
weave the interior to the over-developed coastline and, in the process,
to create one large national market, not unlike what the U.S. did after
the Civil War across the whole of the nation. We are hopeful that
ChinaVest will broaden its review over time to include more of the less
dramatic but terribly important nodes that collectively are creating
one nation. Shanghai, we learn in a recent report, is China’s
dragon, handling 3 times the containers of any other city, but a slew
of other ports are fast making themselves key distribution centers. In
cargo, however, several cities, especially Ningbo, are giving Shanghai
a run for the money. Nanjing, it seems, is the top river
port. (11/5/08)
186. Drucker in Asia
Peter Drucker lives on. Back when Drucker and the
rest of the Four Horsemen (Juran, Deming, and Feigenbaum) were at NYU,
the Japanese paid them much more heed than Americans. Now, we
notice, America is fast forgetting Drucker, but Asia still worships at
his feet. This is chronicled in “Drucker’s Teachings Find
Following in Asia,” Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2008, p.
B2. “In China … Mr. Drucker is the man of the moment. In
the past few years, devotees have created 14 Drucker academies in
Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, and other Chinese cities.” “Mr. Drucker
himself laid the groundwork for China’s enthusiasm … meeting in 2000
with leaders of the nonprofit Bright China
Management Foundation to get the Drucker academies started.
Last year 6,000 Chinese managers graduated from the academies….”
Other countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and Japan share this
continuing enthusiasm for Drucker. (10/22/08)
185. Fantastic Restaurants in
We would suggest that modern China needs one more turn
of the screw before it offers truly great cuisine. We find, for
instance, that very young, mobile chefs who have gone to other ports
prepare more interesting, fresher dishes than are available on the
Chinese mainland or, for that matter, in the various Chinatowns across
the world. That said, an intrepid Stan Sesser, writing for the Wall
Street Journal, May 9, 2008, p. W1, boldly proclaims he has found
offbeat Beijing and some real winners. Here are some of his
discoveries: Liqun Roast Dunk(PekingDuck) 11 Beixangfeng Alley, Zhengyi
Rd., Chongwen district; (86-10) 6705-5578. Jiu Men Xlao Chi
(Beijing-style snacks) 1 Xiaoyou Hutong off Denei Dajie Rd. Xicheng
district; (86-10) 6402-5858. Guo Yao Xlao Ju (Tan Family
cuisine). 58 Jiaodaokou Bei Santiao, Dongcheng district; (86-10)
6403-1940. Jun Qin Hua (Guizhou). 88 Meishuguan Houjie, Dongcheng
district; (86-10) 6404-7600 Xlan Lao Man(Beijing-style dumplings). 252
An Nei Da Jie, Dongcheng district; (86-10) 6404-6944. Jade Garden
(Jiangsu) 6 Jiqingli Chao Wai Ave., Chaoyang district; (86-10)
6552-8688. Hong Zhuang Yuan (Beijing congee) 7 Panjia Yuan Rd.
(near Panjia Yuan antique market), Chaoyang district; (86-10) 8771-80
Hua Jia Yi Yuan (Modern Beijing) 235 Inner Dongzhimen St., DONGCHENG
DIST.; (86-10) 6405-1908 Kejia Xlao Zhen (Hakka) 103 Manheyan Dajie,
turn into Nanwaizi Hutong (across from Days Inn), Dongcheng Dist.;
(86-10) 6522-8993, Fei Teng Yu Xlang (Sichuan) 1 Gong Ti Bei Lu (Corner
of Chun Xiu Rd.), Chaoyang district; (86-10) 6417-4988. (7/16/08)
184. UPS in China
“United Parcel Service Inc, which aims to open an
international express-delivery hub in Shanghai in November, is doubling
its bet on mainland China with plans to move its hub for regional
shipments to the booming southern Chinese city of Shenzen.” (See
“UPS Enlarges Footprint in China, Wall Street Journal, May
22, 2008, p. B4). It will have 5 times the capacity of its former hub
in the Phillipines. Fed Ex is going to open in Guangzhou and DHL
plans a facility in Shanghai. As we have noted, China has been
focused in developing its internal market, with heavy emphasis on
logistics, transportation, and communication. These expansions go
hand-in-hand with this effort to knit together the Chinese heartland.
183. China’s Try for an Ultra-Power
Reviving a Soviet era technology, China is trying to
patch up its power grid. “China’s power distributors have been”
pushing “an ultrahigh-voltage power grid that would transfer large
volumes of electricity from remote inland regions rich in coal and
hydropower to economic powerhouses along the coast” (Wall Street
Journal, November 15, 2007, p. A20). State
Grid Corporation is shepherding a pilot project “than will link
parts of Shanxi province with Jingmen city in the central province of
Hubei via a 1,000- kilowatt alternating- current transmission
line.” Generating and transmission capacity investment “could
reach $2.9 trillion, equivalent to a quarter of the world’s
total….” “Last year China added more than 100 gigawatts of
power-generating capacity—equivalent to France’s entire installed
capacity.” (2/27/08)
182. Herbal Drugs–Shanghai Hutchison
“Shanghai Hutchison sold 200 million doses last year for
$8.7 million, with sales up 17% from 2005.” “The two companies,
Shanghai Hutchison and Hutchinson MediPharma..share the same parent,
Hutchison China MetTech, or Chi-Med.” It is trying to expand
traditional herbal drug market, while uncovering brand new drugs from
Asian flora. See Forbes, June 4, 2007, pp. 80-84.
It is owned by Li Ka-shing, Asia’s richest man. “Sales of Western
pharmaceuticals in China grew 91% in five years to $13 billion in 3005
… roughly equal … to the traditional Chinese medicine market.”
Western firms have had a few hit drugs derived from herbs for malaria
(Novartis Coartem) and for genital warts (Medigene of
Germany). Samantha “Du and her staff have screened 10,000
traditional Chinese medicines looking for ones that influence cancers
and the immune system and have come up with a handful of new
prospects.” The FDA allows botanicals to skip early stage trials
if the candidate has a history of safety already in China.
181. Charles Bethell Wheat
Can a young man from Shanghai do well and do good in
America? Born in Shanghai on June 18, 1933, Chuck was reared in
California and Oklahoma, many of his business acquaintances knowing him
as the witty Okie from Ohio. In fact, he became as American as
apple pie, and it’s all too fitting that he spent a good portion of his
life in Middletown, Ohio. Wherever he hung out—Ohio, Virginia,
London, even New York City—he sank his feet into the clay and made the
place very much his home. In at least two locations, he even
penned local histories.
For he was a journalist and writer. We remember him as a
speechmaker for corporate presidents at substantial global
companies. At one point we visited him at the top of a skyscraper
in the Midwest, where he officed with the chairman, president, and vice
chairman who were his writing clients. Not for him the pits of
the public relations department at the lower depths.
We experienced his creativity in several ways. Most fun
perhaps was his contribution to the unending novel on this website
called Monongahela. His chapter was called “Escape from San
But he never forgot his entry into this world in Shanghai,
which he recounted for us:
I was born in the British Country Hospital in
Shanghai. When people ask me why I was born in China, I used
to reply "to be near my mother." Actually, I was the first
(legitimate) U.S. child born to a member of the Navy's Yangtse
Patrol. My dad, a J.G. at the time, was Gunnery Officer
(executive officer on a gunboat) on the Panay. This was in
1933, four years before the Japs sank her. During those
years, the Navy had the responsibility of being the police force on the
Yangtse under the treaty ending the Boxer Rebellion. War lords, pirates
and the like. I recall several good tales told me about that
which I won't bore you with now.
I was only 2 years old when my dad was transferred to the Philippines,
so I recall nothing personally of
China. Pity. But when I worked in London, a good
friend who was born in the same hospital in Shanghai allowed me to join
the annual luncheon in Limehouse of the London Born in Shanghai
Club. Fascinating. Even a member of the famous Soong
family was there. And when my friend's mother and mine got
together one time in that lady's suburban home near London, we all had
a blast watching those two formidable old women compare notes on living
in China. They got out street maps and recalled old memories
of the Bund, "Bubbling Well Road" and the race course, and
watching the Jap bombs fall on Shanghai from the rooftop of the old
Metropole Hotel. And my mother saying of that hostel "those
Satin sheets. Ah, those Satin sheets!" A sweet memory of her
for me that never fades.
He made his mark, leaving his bevy of friends bereft, and Asia, North
America, and Europe emptier for his passing. At the end, he had
found his way back to the water—on the Eastern Shore of Virginia at
Onancock. He wouldn’t miss Christmas but took his exit on
December 28, 2007. (1/23/08)
180. Finally, the China Pot of Gold
Thar’s gold in them thar hills. As the Wall Street
Journal puts it, “China Begins to Fulfill Its Potential for
Profit,” October 9, 2007, p. A12 ff. “A 1998 survey by consulting
firm A.T. Kearney found more than one-third of multinationals were
losing money in China, and an additional 25% were barely breaking
even.” “An analysis by San Francisco-based Revere Data of filings by
companies trading on U.S. stock exchanges shows that 44 reported that
5% or more of their 2001 revenue came from China. By last year, the
number had leapt to 108. The true figure is all but certainly higher,
because many companies don't disclose revenue by country.” According to
a survey of the U.S.-China Business Council, 83% of the American
companies they have surveyed now are getting profits, and usually
profits that matter, from China. “China is now, by far, Yum’s most
important growth market. In the first half of this year, the China
division, which includes small operations in Taiwan and Thailand,
accounted for 70% of the company’s profit growth over the same period
last year. In the most recent period, Yum would have reported an
operating loss if not for the $65 million in operating profit from
China.” The WSJ reporter mainly reports on the growth of the
Chinese market and the fast growth in revenue of many American
corporations. But we do understand from reliable sources that many of
the majors really are making significant profits there. It’s still
another matter yet as to whether those profits are getting
re-patriated. Getting the money back out has always been a problem in
the People’s Republic. (1/16/08)
179. China Investment Research
As China’s equity markets burgeon and, frankly, get
overheated, the need for serious investment commentary grows
stronger. Some of the sources of information on China’s companies
and markets have become tainted, as entrepreneurs involved with the
markets have over-reached themselves, even to the point of incurring
the wrath of the Chinese government. Below are a couple of
sources that enjoy a good reputation. We will be adding to this
- Chinavest, a merchant banking firm that is helping major
American firms gets positioned in China and is helping Chinese firms
invest outside Greater China, publishes a frequent newsletter that
details transactions of note in the Chinese financial markets.
Its reports are archived on its website in its Research Library.
Prior to the founding of the merchant bank, Robert Theleen was China’s
premier venture capitalist, having started venture activities there
several decades ago.
- Research-Works is headed by Hugh Peyman, a
veteran commentator on Asia’s and China’s public companies.
Institutional investors throughout the West purchase his
research. Each year, in addition, it publishes a handbook on China’s
principal companies, some 200 of them.
- Latitude Capital Group is focused on private
companies and is based in Hong Kong. We have found its notes on
real estate activity helpful, although its sector updates can give
investors a quick snapshot of other areas as well. (1/2/08)
178. China’s Environment and
China is about to displace Germany as the world’s third biggest
economy. But it is also getting ready to overtake the U.S.
economy in one important respect. Its pollution and gaseous
output is set to equal the world’s largest economy, occasioned in some
respects by the fact that China’s infrastructure is a vast sieve that
wastes energy and resources while creating a flow of
contaminants. All that said, the Chinese government has begun to
turn the heat up on environmental protections in a number of
ways. We will be following here both the depth of the country’s
environmental problems and its accelerating efforts to get on top of
Readers are urged to peek in several places on the Global
Companies, Big
Ideas, Two
Rivers—where you will discover that China is already up to a great
deal that will make an environmental difference. For instance, in
we learn that the Chinese are only producing 68 wind megawatts today,
but 400 megs are in sight, and some visualize 20 gigawatts by
2020. In “Solar Shi,”
we learn as well that one of China’s richer men has made his ascent
through solar manufacturing. Suntech Power Holdings, now listed
on the New York Stock Exchange, is now a big photovoltaic equipment
producer, with “first world technology and developing world
Amidst its flood of greenhouse gases, China is forging ahead
with clean-tech, according to the Economist, July 21, 2007,
pp. 64-65. One report puts the economic cost of air and water
pollution at around $100 billion a year, or 5.8% of China’s GDP.
“Venture-capital investment in clean
tech in China is picking up, increasing by 147% from $170m in 2005
to $410m last year, according to the Cleantech Group....”
Several companies trying to earn credits under the Kyoto Protocal by
doing clean up projects in poor countries to offset their emissions in
the more developed world are taking on projects in China. The
government has already approved some 524 projects; “China accounted for
61% of the CDM market last year, which was worth nearly $5
billion.” The Chinese Government has also pushed standards and
projects of its own. The Joint
US-China Co-operation on Clean Energy (JUCCCE), headed by Peggy
Liu, once of Silicon Valley, and now a venture capitalist in China, is
now particularly enthused about cutting energy waste in buildings,
which tend to use 2 or 3 times more power than buildings elsewhere in
the world. “Last year the government set a goal of reducing the
energy consumption of new buildings by 50%, and in some cases by
65%.” As elsewhere, green ideas depend on government
subsidies. “A shining exception is solar-powered water heaters,
of which China has more than any other country. Chinese firms
sold $2.6 billion of them last year alone.”
Despite this tremendous commitment, a clean environment and sustainable
practices will not come easy to China. This is easy to see in
Beijing which, in a way, is an environmental laboratory for all of
China. As part of its Olympic bid, China pledged to make Beijing
and its environs green for the 2008 Summer Olympics. “Smog and
Mirrors,” Wired, pp. 146-149 and 158, explores both the
successes and the limitations of the clean-up. “They’ve shuttered
the worst of Chairman Mao’s beloved old blast furnaces, torn up streets
to build subway lines, upgraded sewerage plants. They’ve planted
tens of millions of trees, pulverizing a nearby mountain for fresh
soil.” Olympic Village will have solar-powered showers, a fleet
of electric buses in on the way, and energy-efficient streetlights are
being installed in some places. “Chinese officials promised to
pour $12.2 billion into cleaning up.” Despite this copious
effort, the air is still dense, poisoned by the 2 million cars now on
the streets, and by the foul stream of effluents coursing in from
neighboring Hebei Province, a heavily industrialized area. (11/7/07)
177. China’s Advancing, Retreating
China’s Internet is making great strides technically. On the
other hand, the government is maintaining as tight a clamp as ever over
it, and it’s uncertain what bloggist or what site will be put out of
business next.
“In research labs throughout China, engineers are busy working
on another project of that the Chinese government plans to unveil at
the Olympics: China’s Next Generation Internet (CNGI), a faster, more
secure, more mobile version of the current one.” See CIO,
July 15, 2006, pp. 43-48. “CNGI is the culmination of this
revolutionary plan” to turn China into the world’s innovation capital,
says Wu Hequan, vice president of the Chinese Academy of
Engineering. “The technology at the heart of CNGI is an emerging
communication standard called Internet protocol version 6
(Ipv6)…. The current standard, Ipv4 … doesn’t have enough unique
addresses for every would-be user in the world to connect to the
Internet.” By getting a jump on adapting to ‘6,’ it could seize
an innovation lead, developing products around the new standard:
Japan and Korea are trying to be early adopters as well. “China’s
NextGenerationn Internet could further tighten its control over
Internet access and traffic while offering a strategic advantage to
foreign intelligence.” If the U.S. remains on ‘4,” it will become
impossible to track China traffic back to its source. “Today CNGI
connects 100 universities, 100 research institutes and 100 companies in
20 cities.” “China, which is expected to surpass the United
States as the world’s biggest Internet user later this year, has just 2
percent of the world’s IP addresses, or around 60 million—about as many
as Stanford University.”
Ipv6 solves “the address shortage by increasing the number of
decimal values in each address from 4 to 16 (or 128 bits), resulting in
a near infinite number of combinations…. Ipv6 can also recognize
Ipv4 traffic, allowing network operators to phase out the old standard
over time.”
Internet and wireless voice and internet use are spreading
copiously in China. But “the government has also spent freely to
keep its liberating side-effects under control.” See “China and
the Internet,” Economist, April 29, 2006, pp. 27-30.
Even with efforts of American firms to placate the government so as to
maintain their market presence, local firms are gaining ground, and
having a more profound effect on China’s people and economy. The
search engine Baidu apparently now controls some 56% of the search
market. Another important domestic internet company is Jack Ma’s Alibaba.
Other sources suggest that China’s Internet population grew
18% in 2004 and 2005, and 23% in 2006. See Deborah Fallows, “China’s Online Population
Explosion,” Pew Internet Center, July 2007. At these rates
China could have 210 million users by the beginning of 2009.
China’s Internet population is overwhelmingly urban, and now it is
interesting to see if the country can get substantially beyond its 3.1%
rural penetration. Wireless telephones have made major inroads,
and it is possible that wireless transmission may expand Internet
usage, if farmers and the like can see the upside of using it.
Update: Mobile Fun Downloads,
Social Life, Games
In “Alternative Reality,” The Economist, February 2, 2008, we become
clear that the Chinese Internet is not a knockoff of what goes on in
Western countries, but instead an intriguing organism that is
developing along far different lines. It just reached 210 million
users, up 50% in a year, it is 3 times larger than that of India, its
software savvy neighbor, and it is slated to soon surpass America’s
numbers. And still, it just covers 16% of the population, so its
rocketing growth probably will continue unabated. Despite severe
government controls, it is flourishing as a tool of youth—in contrast
to the West. “More than 70% of Chinese internet users are under 30,
precisely the opposite of America….” Margins at leading internet firms
are 28%, a contrast to America’s 15%. Its “most obvious use is to
distribute free pirated films, television shows and music.”
Though the Government screens out content that is politically
objectionable, it has not stopped piracy of foreign media. “When
it comes to making money online, the biggest market involves the
delivery of mobile-internet content to mobile phones.” “Another
big field is online multiplayer games, which have become so popular the
government has started to worry about their impact on adults’
productivity and children’s education.” “The most dynamic area,
and the hardest for outsiders to understand, is that of online
communities, many of which are run by a company named Tencent. Its
site offers an instant-messaging service and a MySpace-like social
networking site….” Read more about Tencent in “Internet
Boom in China is Built on Virtual Fun.” Also see “Creating
Consumer Value in Digital China,” Morgan Stanley, September
12, 2005, Richard Ji and Mary Meeker. It appears, however, that
Internet user growth in China has exceeded even the optimistic
estimates put out by Morgan Stanley in 2007. (3/12/08)
Update: Welcome, Big Brother
As we have previously indicated, a very high percentage of Internet
users in China are quite young. And their elders are quite
concerned about the tone and content of what passes through the
Internet portals. So “Few in China Complain About Internet
Control” reports Deborah Fallows of the Pew Internet & American
Lifek Project, March 27, 2008. “According to findings from the
fourth and most recent of a series of surveys about internet use in
China from 2000 to 2007,1 over 80% of respondents say they think the
internet should be managed or controlled, and in 2007, almost 85% say
they think the government should be responsible for doing it.”
“Three-quarters of respondents deemed reliable most or all the
information on government websites, compared with 46% for pages from
established media, 28% for results from search engines, 11% for content
on bulletin boards and in advertisements, 4% for information from
individuals' web pages, and 3% for postings in chat rooms. In addition,
an overwhelming 93% of internet users said they considered much of
internet content to be unsuitable for children.” (6/18/08)
176. Religion in China
The July/August 2007 Atlantic is heavily devoted to various
aspects of China and is well worth a read. The editors have put a
stake in the ground and decided to make China their own special
province, though most of the world is little aware of this, because it
is not relentless enough to attack the subject in every issue.
The fine journalist James Fallows has a signature article here on why
we should be content that China has become the world’s cheap
manufacturing machine, but it is a little thin, and Fallows is better
when he describes an enterprise or a business TV program, as he has
done in recent times. Jeffrey Tayler’s “South of the Clouds” is
quite fine, an intelligent look at Kunming, China’s City of Eternal
Spring, in Yunnan Province, sorely tempting us to make a sortie in its
direction on our next trip over. Northwest of Kunming is the
Qiongzhu Si, the Bamboo Temple, which reminds us that religious
activity is never far from the surface in China.
“I stepped up to the rope cordoning off the hall from the
courtyard and focused on the walls on either side of the Buddhas.
There, surfing sculpted waves, were the surreal characters for which
the temple is known: an imperious duke astride a flying rooster, a
masked buffoon atop a lion, devils mounted on dragons, and a multitude
of other playful statues, all commissioned from the famous 19th-century
Sichuanese sculptor Li Guangxiu and modeled after arhats, or
monks who’ve attained nirvana. It took Li more than seven years
to complete the collection, which comprises 500 figures, each depicting
an aspect of human experience.”
That brings us to the most important article in the issue,
Adam Miner’s “Keeping Faith,” billed as Bishop “Jin Luxian’s 50-year
struggle to keep Catholicism alive in China, balance Rome and Beijing,
and build a Church for “100 million Catholics.” Luxian, at great
sacrifice to himself, has kept the original Catholic Church alive in
China, even as the State constructed its own version of Catholicism
with priests who toed the official line. At times this task has
put him at odds with Rome as well. “Defying canon law, as Jin has
done on several occasions, is no small matter for a Catholic
bishop. But Rome has tolerated his disobedience, largely because
of what he’s accomplished in Shanghai. From his modern office,
Jin looks out over a diocese that includes 141 registered churches, 74
priests (most under the age of 40), 86 nuns, 83 seminarians, and
150,000 laypeople.” “In 1980, China officially had 3 million
Catholics (likely an underestimate due to poor census data), the same
number it had had in 1949. Today, the best estimates place the
Catholic population between 12 million and 15 million. No single
explanation accounts for this.” Jin’s survival, even amidst
incarceration, and his subsequent rebound as Bishop of Shanghai
indicates how resilient religion has been, even with the various moods
of the Communist Party.
Today the Party and the State have become rather permissive
towards several religions, except for cults that it thinks may create
social instability. Particularly with the stresses between the
cities and the rural poor, it has come to regard religion as a useful
opiate to keep the peace. See, too, “Christianity
in China.”
In “When Opium can be Benign,” February 3, 2007, pp. 25-27 the Economist
discusses the resurrection of religion in China. “The
resurgence encompasses ancient folk religions and ancestor worship,
along with the organized religions of Buddhism, Taoism, Islam … and
Christianity.” (10/24/07)
175. Finding
the Great Wall
“There isn’t a scholar at any university in the world who specializes
in the Great Wall. The fortifications have been poorly preserved,
and in the past many sections of low-lying wall were plundered for
building materials, especially during the Cultural Revolution.”
See “Walking the Great Wall,” New Yorker, May 21, 2007, pp.
56-65. Since 2002, David Spindler “has worked as an independent
scholar of the Great Wall, and although he has no academic affiliation
or outside funding, he has become one of its leading
researchers.” This should remind us, incidentally, that the most
interesting, original, and provocative research always is done without
much official sponsorship, since independent people do not stroke
institutions very well. Spindler had studied at Peking
University, worked for CNN’s Beijing bureau, tried Harvard Law, worked
for McKinsey & Company, again in Beijing, and then simply quit to
do the great Wall.
“In 2006, Spindler began giving more
lectures—his main client was Abercrombie & Ken, a high-end travel
service—and his income rose to twenty-nine thousand dollars.”
Dong Yaohui, a former utility line worker,
has become a Wall compulsive as well. “He helped found the Great
Wall Society of China, which publishes two journals and advocates
preservation of the fortifications.” A British geologist, William
Lindsay, had done 4 wall related books and founded the International
Friends of the Great Wall. Wall enthusiasts maintain a
website at www.thegreatwall.com.cn.
author of this article queries enthusiasts about the importance of the
wall. Many consider it to be a symbol of national pride, a way of
waving the flag. But the most committed wall enthusiasts think of
it more as a historical symbol of how China defended itself against
attacks from invaders. It is most interesting that a raft of
foreigners have proven to be its most diligent explorers. The
Great Wall is so visible, such an important symbol, but so
forgotten. (10/3/07)
Update: China Heritage Quarterly and Great Wall
China is so busy re-inventing itself that it is hard to remember that it so wonderfully old and that it harbors a durable culture that, out of sight, survives, sometimes because it is so neglected, sometimes because an oddsome bunch of foreign enthusiasts keep it alive. One of the ways to stay in touch with its culture is to pay heed to Australia’s China Heritage Quarterly. As we have suggested before, for instance, Chinese scholarship on the Great Wall has been patchy and many from abroad know it better than the locals. So it is worth a read of “The Great Walls of China” As well, see “The Great Wall of China: Tangible, Intangible, and Destructible.” “Although walls rarely form a part of traditional Chinese ritual concerns, they play a key role in Chinese discourses of power and provide an aesthetic for defining urban spaces and housing that resonates through Chinese architectural history.” “Great Wall studies (Changchengxue) is a relatively new branch of Chinese scholarship that examines the history of China's various walls, and it is a field that attracts professional archaeologists and amateur enthusiasts. The China Great Wall Society is the leading organisation championing the restoration of the Great Wall…” To some extent, the CHQ is rather too caught up in its missionary zeal to save artifacts and edifices, a passion that sometimes gets in the way of appreciating the heritage itself.
174. Spurt of
Private Colleges in India
“Amity is part of a wave of private universities in India—the most
high-profile backed by the nation’s business moguls—that are sprouting
up to meet the demand for skilled workers.” Amity started as a
small management school 16 years ago, financed by Ashok Chauham, head
of AKC Group of Companies that has flourished in plastics and herbal
medical products. Now it has 45,000 students on two campuses near
New Delhi with plans to expand throughout India. There are
quality questions about some of the new colleges. On the other
hand, Shiv Nadar’s Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering has
earned high marks for its educational standards. (7/11/07)
173. India Short
on Tech Workers
Though India “produces two and a half million college graduates and
four hundred thousand engineers,” it is short on postgraduates and many
undergraduates come out of community colleges with rather incomplete
educations. “India spends roughly three and half per cent of its
G.D.P. on education, significantly below the percentage spent by the
U.S…” (New Yorker, April 16, 2007, p. 54). Despite its
investment incidentally, the U.S. is also running into shortages of
knowledge workers with critical skills. (7/4/07)
172. China’s
Reality Business School
“There is also a best Chinese reality show…. We first heard
of Ying Zai Zhongguo, or Win in China from …
Baifang Schell, who was involved in the production (“Win in China,” Atlantic,
April 2007, pp. 72-78). The show offers big money to
contestants, the originator Wang Lifen having raised the money from big
investors in China. Prominent business figures served as judges
and played other parts in the show’s promotion. CCTV has now
renewed the show for 2 more seasons. (6/13/07)
171. China’s
Promontory Point
In 1869 America spanned the continent, tracks from East and West
uniting at Promontory Point. About a century and a half later
burgeoning China is getting the task done, putting railroads across its
interior so that all its commerce is no longer concentrated along the
coasts. See Wall Street Journal, March 20, 2007, p.
A8. “The plan calls for the government to nearly quadruple its
investment in the nation’s railroads to almost $200 billion by
2010. The aim is to create 10,500 miles of new track, much of it
in underserved central and western China. By the end of the
decade, if China meets its goal, the rail system will have grown to
more than 56,000 miles.” “In many countries, railroads carry as
much as 20% of all containerized freight; China’s historically
underfunded tracks transport less than 2% of its shipping
containers.” Since trucks are cost effective for a distance of
about 300 miles, this isolates the interior and makes it hard for it to
participate in the export trade. James Wang, a transportation
geographer at the University of Hong Kong, calculates that no less than
94% of China’s international trade is generated within 150 miles of the
coast.” “A centerpiece of the plan is the creation of 18
logistics centers to expedite the distribution of containers throughout
Logistics News details some of the details on logistic center
plans. “Property consultant Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) said in a
research report that China’s five main logistics centers could be
joined by ten second-tier cities as centers of manufacturing and
logistics. The second-tier cities all show increasing trends in
retail growth. They are Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Chongqing,
Wuhan, Nanjing, Harbin, Changchun, Xi'an and Zhengzhou.”
“Logistics activity is expected to consolidate in to the five
main hubs of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Tianjin.
In northeast China’s the Bohai Bay region, Beijing and Tianjin
dominate the market.” See
Establish for logistic highlights and links to sundry logistics
publications. (6/13/07)
170. The
Growth of the English-Language Press
Well, newspapers may be dying in the West, but not in China. And
emphatically not in India. India’s population, incidentally,
includes the second-largest body of English- speaking citizens in the
world. See “Let 1,000 Titles Bloom,” Economist, February
15, 2007:
India has some
300 big newspapers, with a combined circulation of 157m last year--a
rise of 12.9% on 2005. Only a few dozen of these rags, with a
circulation of 35m, are in English, but they get about half of the
advertising cash. The economy has grown by 8% a year over the
past four years and growth has been particularly strong among
traditional advertisers, such as carmakers, property developers and
airlines. … The language of inspiration is English and the
medium of aspiration is the newspaper, so an English newspaper is
almost a ladder on which this class seeks to rise. … In
recent years, led by the Times of India, the biggest English
dailies in each region have gone national, breaking a gentleman’s
agreement to avoid each other’s patches. For example, the Deccan
Chronicle, traditionally of Hyderabad, has won a circulation of
nearly 200,000 in Chennai, traditional home of the Hindu, in
just 18 months. (5/16/07)
169. China
Getting Green
Long a laggard, China is turning green and trying on health. Its
environmental and healthcare problems are huge, but interestingly its
government has become mildly activist on both questions. “China
Tilts Green: Global Warming Softens Stance,” WSJ, February 13,
2007, p.4 talks about this change of heart. “China, which could
soon surpass the U.S. as the top generator of carbon-dioxide emissions,
is rethinking its policies regarding greenhouse gases.” It is
embracing carbon credits, a Kyoto Protocol idea, where companies in
developed countries are allowed higher emissions by finding gas
reduction projects in developing countries. It is launching a
program to use energy more efficiently.
health, as well, China shows signs of at least turning the
corner. “In China, Farmers Become Health-Care Monitors: Test
Program Targets Nation’s Broken System; Fining the Local Doctor,” WSJ,
February 13, 2007, pp. A1 and A22. “Only a small fraction of
China’s rural population receives any health-care aid, compared with
about 90% in the early 1970s.” “One pivotal problem: In China,
most village doctors make their income solely by selling drugs.”
Citizens are being encouraged to speak up about bad care. “In
2003, William C. Hsiao, a chair professor of economics at Harvard’s
School of Public Health, began enrolling about 60,000 farmers in a
health-insurance program he and other academics designed.” The
enrollees have a big say in how the money is spent and controlled.
Various studies have shown that over-prescription of drugs in
rampant. Hsiao’s program, and others like it, unfortunately only
get at a portion of the costs borne by a seriously ill patient, and
does nothing to remedy underinvestment in hospitals, health services,
etc. (5/9/07)
168. Broad
Air Conditioning 
James Fallows has once again given us insight into the shape of the
future. His “Mr. Zhang Builds his Dream Town,” Atlantic,
March 2007, pp. 84-92 provides tremendous insight into the ways of
China’s growing band of capitalists and into the many ways they are
reshaping the world beyond China’s borders. Zhang Zue and his company
are located in Changsha, well inland from the Coast. In China, it
is now correct to say, “Go West, young man, since the greatest
expansion is now taking place in the heartland. Not only is
Zhang’s home a virtual palace, but it is housed in substantial
enclave—a factory town estate totally controlled by him. “In
China, Changsha,” with a population equal to New York City’s, “is
famous as the capital of Hunan province and one of the places where the
young Mao Zedong lived and worked.” Broad Town has a fancy club,
a 130-foot-high gold-covered replica of an Egyptian pyramid, and 43
bronze statues of leaders from different cultures and different
times. The factory and its workers are run with military
Zhang, one of the few leaders in China
allowed to fly his own craft about the country, interviews Fallows
about aircraft, anxious to buy a more fuel-efficient, environmentally
friendly plane. He wants it now, though Fallows would prefer to
have him wait 3 years until a new generation of executive jets are in
circulation. Zhang has a do-it-now impatience that puts
executives in the West to shame. Interestingly top Chinese are
becoming activists about energy, the health, and the environment,
pushing these issues with a fervor not yet found in the United States.
A control room in the factory manages
real-time control of air conditioning installations all over the
world—in hotels, at malls, in airports. It is probably not widely
understood that a Chinese company is in command of building systems all
over the globe. “Broad Air Conditioning has no debt, and last
year had annual sales of about $300 million. The company’s
English name is derived from Yuan Da, which means expansive or
spacious.” “Broad’s specialty is a form of air-conditioning that uses
less energy than conventional means.” The company has been the
subject of a Harvard Business School case called
“Broad Air Conditioning and Environmental Protection.” Their
coolers are non-electric, using natural gas to boil a special liquid,
which, upon condensing cools the surrounding air.
“Employees are like an army in mufti.
They eat, work, and sleep in the base—I mean, the factory grounds.”
“Solar-energy collectors are everywhere in Broad Town. Part
of boot-camp indoctrination is training employees about environmental
has set out what he expects the “The
World in 2015” to look like. In it, Asia becomes the center
of the universe. We could put that down to jingoism, except that
Zhang and his peers have a habit of making their visions come
true. (5/2/07)
167. China’s
Irrational Exuberance
The U.S. is not alone in having millions who are playing the
stock market as if it were a crap game. China’s markets are
equally frothy. See “Chinese United by Common Goal: A Hot Stock
Tip,” New York Times, January 30, 2007, pp. A1 and A10.
“Less than two years after share prices collapsed, China’s stock
markets are almost going mad … with the leading Shanghai Composite
Index approaching 3000….” “One mutual fund raised $5 billion in a
single day.”
is a worry to the government. See “Stock Frenzy in China Stokes
Official Concern,” Wall Street Journal, January 30, 2007, pp.
A1 and A15. Investors are using their homes as collateral to buy
stocks, or even running up bills on their credit cards to raise cash
for plunges. “The Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission …
hasn’t permitted the sales of any new mutual funds this year, following
the launch of 92 new funds in 2006….” With the run-up, China’s
markets are now third in Asia, after Japan and Hong Kong.
166. China’s
Optics Valley
Global Sources, 5 October 2006. “Wuhan, capital of Hubei
province, is known as China’s Optical Valley. It is the first and
largest base for the optical electronics and photoelectronics
industries in China.” “Its fiber-optic cable sector is currently
third in the world in terms of manufacturing capability.” “Wuhan
currently has 48 colleges and universities, 56 institutes, 11 national
key laboratories and 10 national project technology centers. The
Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications (WRI) and
Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) are considered
leaders in optics technologies.” “Wuhan has about 600 optical
electronics product makers, which in 2004 hit $40.17 billion in output.
About 30 of these companies are optical communication or
fiber-optic makers. Twenty of the top 500 companies worldwide
have invested and established factories in Wuhan, and these include
NEC, IBM, Fujikura and Philips.”
“FiberHome’s products are exported to 37 countries and regions.
The company has set up overseas offices in Saudi Arabia, Russia,
Nigeria, Malaysia and South Africa. In 2005, FiberHome achieved an
estimated total sales of about $376 million, in which optical
communication systems accounted for about $10.79 million. Its
export sales is estimated to have reached $25 million in 2005.”
165. China
Business: The Almost Agile WSJ
The Wall
Street Journal is now offering a China Briefing,
which is a grand idea, but the execution is lacking on all
counts. It cumbersome title is dumb: “The Wall Street Journal
Briefing: China Business.” Its content is undigested: it looks
like a hackneyed rewrite of wire service pieces, so it’s more of a
chronicle than a briefing with insight. And the promotion for it
is dismal, so its success will depend on an avid readership demand,
rather than on the merchandising finesse of Dow Jones. In sum, it
has all the problems that usually occur with WSJ
publications—outside of the flagship newspaper. For somewhat
similar reasons, the WSJ has botched its European and Asian
editions and has utterly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with
the Far Eastern Economic Review. All this saddens us,
because the WSJ should be America’s premier publication.
164. Solar
Shi Zhengrong of Wuxi has now become one of China’s richest
people. See “For Chinese Tycoon, Solar Power Fuels Overnight
Wealth,” Wall Street Journal, October 12, 2006, pp.A1 and
10. Though unobserved, considerable wealth is now being amassed
in the advanced developing countries by adventurous entrepreneurs who
have placed bets on alternate energy. In this regard read about Tulsi
Tanti’s Suzlon Energy in India where a textile captain became a
windpower general. (For more on solar, see “Solar Power
Revisited.” Suntech Power Holdings, now listed on the New
York Stock Exchange, is now a big photovoltaic equipment producer, with
“first world technology and developing world prices.” Shi is also
a prime example of the power of China’s policy of sending students
abroad to learn—in Zhengrong’s case, to Australia—and then reaping
benefits much later when the savvy student returns to China with
entrepreneurial ideas. Ninety percent of the equipment produced
in China is estimated to be sent abroad, particularly to countries like
Germany and Japan which offer incentives to solar energy producers.
His company, registered in 2001, has achieved very fast growth.
Through necessity, he invented a cheaper manufacturing process that was
ready for primetime in 2003 when solar sales took off, soaring to $266
million last year. (12/13/06)
163. Yum
Yum in China
Yum Brands, owner of KFC and Pizza Hut, is making quite a mark in
China, not only by implanting many outlets there, but by starting a
whole new chain in China to serve Chinese food. See “One U.S.
Chain’s Unlikely Goal: Pitching Chinese Food in China,” Wall Street
Journal, October 20, 2006, pp. A1 and A8. East Dawning is the
name of its Chinese food chain, and it is proceeding slowly and
deliberating, already scrapping one version and opening stores at a
slow rate. Among other things, it has been hard to come up with a
formula for all of China, since the tastes and cooking are so different
in different regions. Yum got 16% of its profit in China last
year, operating 2000 stores in 400 Chinese cities, well ahead of its
international rival McDonald’s.
Su, who is leading the effort, hails from Taiwan and comes out of
Proctor and Gamble’s operations in Germany. Yum has gotten a leg
up by offering a better atmosphere than typical Chinese fast-food
chains, but building a nation-wide menu with enough variety will be
more challenging. Other chains are nipping at it. Yonghe
King, open since 1995, is looking to open 500 locations, having entered
a partnership with Jollibee, a chain in the Phillipines. (12/6/06)
162. IBM
Purchasing in Shenzen
IBM is moving the headquarters for its global procurement arm from
Somers, New York to Shenzen (Wall Street Journal, October 12,
2006, p. B3). IBM has been sourcing for hardware in Asia for 50
years; now it plans to buy more there for both the software and
services part of its business. It spends “30% of its $40 billion
procurement budget in the Asian-Pacific region, of which about half is
spent in China.” “IBM employs a quarter of its 7,500 procurement
personnel in Asia, with 700 in China.” “China is IBM’s
eighth-largest market and the company’s sales there grew 8% in
2005.” It is also expanding in India, with a software development
center in Calcutta that will be second in employment in India only to
Bangalore. “IBM expanded its work force in India to 43,000 in
June from 38,500 in December 2005. (11/22/06)
161. China’s
China’s growth is outrunning its infrastructure—in so many ways.
Most recently we read that “China’s Urban Growth Overwhelms Water
Supply,” Wall Street Journal, August 23, 2006. There’s
both water pollution and a shortage of potable water. “By the end of
last year, about 52% of the wastewater from cities was being treated,
up from 34%in 2000.” “The government says some 300 million people
don’t have access to clean drinking water.” “Leakage remains a
problem. About 20% of a typical Chinese city’s water supply is
lost because aging pipes leak badly—more than double the ratio of
losses for a city in the West….” (10/18/06)
Update: More Water Problems
Getting new water is not an easy matter. It is very
complex to change the course of rivers. And regulation of water
resources requires ingenuity at the point of consumption that thus far
has been lacking.
For instance, “an engineering project as
ambitious and controversial as the Three Gorges Dam is attempting to
divert billions of tons of water from China’s floodprone south to the
Yellow River and the cities that rely on it” (Wall Street Journal,
October 20, 2006, p. A8). “The lack of water in China’s north is
so severe that planners have quickened construction of a part of the
canal network to make sure there is enough water to supply the Beijing
Olympics in 2008.” China has ¼ of the per capita water
resources of the world’s average; in Beijing, 1/30. “More than
300 million people … lack access to clean drinking water….” More
than half of the waterways are badly polluted, and ¼ of them
cannot be used for anything. This diversion would take water from
the Yangtze to the North. “The entire project could take decades
… at an estimated cost of $60 billion….” The eastern part of the
project would involve an upgrade of the Grand Canal, the longest in the
world at 1,100 miles, which dates back 1,400 years.
commentators think the diversion will lead to great ecological damage
and substantial waste. They are urging conservation and better
water management. Even the water minister Wang Sucheng has spoken
out against some parts of the diversion proposal. But sundry
government bodies now urge a rise in the price of water which, even
with substantial hikes that have occurred, is still at 1/3 of estimated
average cost around the world. And, “more money” to help fix
leaking pipes would make a difference. The Chinese media says
urban pipes leak at twice the rate of those in developed countries.
Even where wastewater plants are available, they are often under-used
or not used at all. See the Economist, October 28, 2006,
p. 50. (1/17/07)
160. The Bloom Is
off the Factory
China is getting more expensive, and, a little at a time, its
manufacturing position is eroding, especially in the coastal
provinces. See “China Loses Some Allure as World Factory,” Wall
Street Journal, August 7, 2006, p. A4. We are seeing as well
a decline in foreign direct investment in China, both in absolute terms
and as a percentage of GDP. “At this point, much of the
manufacturing that can be profitably shifted to China has already
moved, while the lowest-end production is starting to migrate away to
less expensive locations.” Vietnam is one such location.
159. China’s Soft
The Boat Sink the Water is an
investigation of Chinese peasant life by two Chinese journalists.
See “Betrayed by the Revolution,” Wall Street Journal, July 6,
2006, p. D8. Published in 2003, it sold 250,000 copies before the
authorities yanked it off of China’s shelves. “The authors
describe a world of violence and corruption, a world in which Chinese
peasants—the supposed beneficiaries of the communist revolution—suffer
at the hands of vicious local officials.” The book “suggests that
a threat to China’s Communist Party now exists in the form of peasant
uprisings.” It is widely known, moreover, that the biggest fear
of the Chinese leadership is that the Chinese peasantry, left behind so
far by the country’s coast economic development, will rise up against
the government. (9/6/06)
158. Fine
Wines in China
“In October 2000, however, Nicolas Billot-Grima decided to build a
winery, far from his native Bordeaux, within sight of the Great Wall of
China, 43 miles northwest of Beijing” (New York Times, July 4,
2006, p. C7). “Wine consumption in China, including Hong Kong, is
forecast to grow 78 percent in the 10 years to 2009, according to a
study by The International Wine and Spirit Record in London.”
Chinese wines, though growing in volume, are a bit substandard in
quality. A number of foreign winemakers are setting up small
projects in China, and a few Chinese vintners are trying to crawl into
the quality game. All this reminds us that once a year we had a
celebration in New York’s Chinatown, and our host also brought along a
couple of bottles of cheap Chinese Chablis: we would not know
what to do with Chinese wine that pretended to be upscale ripple.
157. Wumart vs.
Shares of Beijing based Wumart Stores have been on the rise. “In
February, Wumart agreed to pay US $46 million for a majority stake in
Merrymart, the fourth-largest retailer by size in the Beijing
area. In April, Wumar paid US$22 million for a 28% stake in
Shanghai-listed supermarket retailer Xinhua Co., which has a strong
position in the northern Ningxia province.” Major chains only
have 0.5% of retail sales in the China market, obviously the world’s
largest by population. “The prospect to all this competition led
local retailers to lobby for a set of proposed regulations that may
curb the expansion plans of foreign retailers and benefit local
players” (Wall Street Journal, July 20, 2006, p. C14).
“Wumart’s market share in the great Beijing area will be slightly
more than 5%.” Wumart is giving the foreign discount chains a run
for the money. (8/23/06)
156. The Mandarin
“Ma is the deputy director general of the National Office for Teaching
Chinese as a Foreign Language, better known as Hanban, and the map
chronicles his success exporting Mandarin around the world” (Wired,
April 2006, pp. 84-93). “The map shows that the hottest markets
for Mandarin are Thailand and South Korea, where all elementary and
middle schools will offer Chinese by 2007.” Mandarin is already
the most spoken language in the world and is second on the
Internet. “The government is backing” the Mandarin initiative “to
the tune of nearly $25 million a year.” Gasper Caperton, former
governor of West Virginia and now president of the College Board, is a
major promoter of Chinese learning in the United States. (8/23/06)
155. Foreign
Capital Going to Secondary Cities
Foreign real estate investment in China was up 37% in 2006 from the
second quarter in 2005. While there was still heavy investment in
Beijing and Shanghai, over 2/3 of the deals were done in secondary
cities, especially Chengdu, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Quindao, and
Guiyang. See Latitude China Real Estate Quarterly, Second
Quarter 2006. (8/16/06)
154. Auto Passion
China is fast
knitting its coast and the rest of the country together, creating one
giant, integrated domestic market. Ample evidence of this is
provided by the national highway network—which is growing by leaps and
bounds—the huge growth in automobiles, and the zeal with which the
Chinese who can afford it are taking to their cars. “Capitalist
Roaders,” (New York Times, July 2, 2006, pp. 30-37, 50, 54) lays
out just this story: Ted Conover, a
Western journalist who writes about roads and prisons and all manner of
thing, takes a journey to Hubei Province, with a stopover at the Great
Gorges Dam, as part of an auto club, clubs increasingly popular among
the affluent. “Total miles of highway in the country: at least
23,000, more than double what existed in 2001, and second now only to
the United States. Number of passenger cars on the road: about 6
million in 2000 and about 20 million today.” While most of the
cars in the writer’s expedition were foreign-made, “more than 40 local
brands are currently manufactured in China.” Gordon Wu’s
“Guangzhou-Shenzhen Superhighway was the beginning of an infrastructure
binge that seems to be only picking up steam: the government recently
announced a target of 53,000 freeway miles by 2035. (The U.S.
Interstate Highway System, 50 years old last week, presently comprises
46,000 miles of roads.)” The Chinese driver’s “style of driving
helped me understand better why China, with 2.6 percent of the world’s
vehicles, had 21 percent of its road fatalities in 2002….”
“According to The Wall Street Journal, Bejiing’s
sulfur-dioxide levels in 2004 were more than double New York’s, and
airborne-particulate levels more than six times as high.” “By
2030, according to the International Energy Agency, China may be
importing as much oil as we do.” (8/9/06)
153. Safe Drinking Water
government apparently has made safe drinking water its top
environmental priority (Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2006, p.
A10). It is struggling to deal with pollution in its major rivers
as well as recurring drought in the north. “More than half of the
surface water in China’s seven major rivers is unfit for human
consumption….” We ourselves make a point of staying at hotels
with good filtering systems when we are in China. (7/19/06)
152. Drive-Through
McDonald’s is
now cementing a deal with China’s largest gas retailer, state-owned
Sinopec Group, to build drive-throughs at its gas stations.
McDonald’s calls this De Lai Su, which means approximately, “Come
and Get It Fast.” This goes against the grain in China, which has
not favored take-out food. McDonald’s, Yum Brands, and others are
betting that exploding car ownership will lead to burst of take-out
consumption. See the Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2006,
pp. B1 and B9. (7/12/06)
151. Sake It to Me
Trends in
Japan, 23 May 2006
shows Japanese sake production to up 8% in 2005, with the dollar value
up 18% to $48 billion, a record for the 5th year in a row. All
the growth is from exports, which are up 50% over the past five
years. “The United States is the top importer of Japanese sake,
accounting for 31% of the exports.” “After the United State, the
biggest import markets for Japanese sake are Taiwan and Hong
Kong. There is also growing interest in China, particularly in
major cities.” (6/20/06)
150. Ikea in China
increasingly stocking Ikea’s Chinese shops with China-made products,
Mr. Duffy pushed prices on some items as low as 70 per cent below
prices in Ikea outlets outside China.” “The gamble seems to have
worked. Next month, Ikea will up the ante in its low-price
strategy by opening a store in Beijing that will be its largest store
in the world outside of its flagship store in Stockholm” (“Ikea Hits
Home in China,” Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2006, pp. B1 and
B4). “Typically, Western brands in China price products such as
makeup and running shoes 20% to 30% higher than in their other
markets.” Now, of course, Britain’s B & Q will double its
units, and Home Depot is thinking about entering the market,
promising more intense competition. (6/14/06)
149. Avid Adders
“Spending on
advertising grew 18% last year from 2004 … but it was off from 22%
the year before and a skyscraping 39% jump in 2003…” (Wall
Street Journal, February 17, 2006, p. B3). The U.S. rose 3%
to $150 billion. One hitch was Chinese government roadblocks for
giants such as Disney, Viacom, and News Corp., all of which are trying
to establish a larger presence in China. “CTR reported about $30
billion in advertising in China last year, tying the nation with the
United Kingdom and Germany,” which were in third place behind the U.S.
and Japan. “Foreign companies represent about 30%” of ad revenues
in China, with P & G leading the way, a change from 2003 when local
Chinese brand spending overshadowed the foreigners. As
competition heightens, advertisers, as in the West, are moving beyond
traditional print and TV into sundry alternate media and direct
marketing. Last year newspaper advertising dropped 1%, but radio,
a good buy, was a gainer. The WSJ cautions that the
figures should be discounted a bit, since they are based on rate cards,
rather than actual billings. (5/17/06)
148. Fractured
When last in Shanghai and wandering about the city, we
were pleasantly accosted by some delightful elderly Chinese who
wandered away from their exercises in the park in order to chat with
us. The conversation was about as expected: “Where have you been
here and what have you enjoyed? Where do you come from?”
Only later did we figure out that these senior citizens were avid to
try out their English on us, worried that their Chenglish might die
from lack of use. There is a passion for English in the People’s
Republic, and it is conceivable that it may become the largest English
speaking country on earth.
the Chinese are obsessed with English” (The Economist, April 15,
2006, pp 61-62). “This is fueling a market that comprises
everything from books, teaching materials and tests to teacher training
and language schools themselves.” China is already the world’s
largest market for English, according to “Mari Pearlman at ETS, an
American group that developed TOEFL, a well-known test of
English-language proficiency.” “Macmillan has sold more than 100m
school textbooks in China….” “At its kindergartens, Beijing’s
municipal government has just started testing interactive whiteboards
made by a British firm, Prometheus.” “Finally there are the
private language schools themselves—some 50,000 of them, reckons Ms.
Pearlman, from family-run outfits to chains,” including “New Oriental,
a Chinese operator that claims to be the largest, with 2.5m enrolled
students.” The Economist reckons that profits are thin,
particularly given government controls over the whole education
process. (5/10/06)
147. Getting
in Hot Water
In “Heat for
the Tubs of China,” Wall Street Journal, March 31, 2006, pp.
A11-A12, James T. Areddy remarks on how “cheap solar-powered devices”
are bringing “hot water to millions” of Chinese. “China has
quickly emerged as the world leader in using solar power for a more
mundane task—providing hot water for showers and washing dishes in
dwellings that often have no other source of heat the year
round.” “Already, China claims an estimated 30 million solar
households, or nearly 60% of the solar capacity installed in the world,
according to Worldwatch Institute….” The Chinese are now to make
a bid to enter the U.S. market, hoping to heat swimming pools, showers,
and dishwashers. Apricus Solar Co. in
China claims to have shipped 4 times as much equipment to the U.S. in
2005 as 2004, and is apparently on track to triple this again in 1006:
one importer is Earth Sun
Energy Systems. It is noted that China is making considerable
progress on both sun-to-heat systems, and sun-to-electricity
equipment. Despite China’s vast energy usage and its horrendous
environmental record, it is clearly making progress on both solar and
wind energy, and in some ways it is leading other major nations in this
regard. (5/3/06)
146. Backwater
“China is beset
with rural poverty…. In response, the government is pouring $10
billion into the tourism infrastructure of dozens of scenic but
impoverished areas” (Wall Street Journal, April 22-23, 2006, pp.
P1-P9). The article particularly cites the somewhat isolated
province of Guizhou, where only 270,000 foreigners visited last year.
Other remote new tourist locations include Jiuzhaigou national
park and Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. This tourism thrust on the
part of the government fits its general objective of fostering the
growth of service jobs in its domestic economy. The opening up of
remote areas is creating new opportunities for sundry tourism related
industries. The French chain Accor, with 30 hotels in China,
plans to open 30 more; Sheraton, Intercontinental, and Super 8 all have
growth plans as well. (5/3/06)
145. The
Decline of the State
China, the
world’s most populous ‘socialist’ economy, becomes relentlessly more
capitalist: it “aims to cut the number of enterprises owned by
the central government by about half…” (Wall Street Journal, April 13,
2006, p.A8). The reductions will be achieved mostly through
mergers, cutting the total SOEs down to 80-100, with less successful
groups merged into more successful ones. “But a recent backlash
against pitfalls of market-oriented policies, such as a growing wealth
gap and environmental degradation” has many thinking about how to
successfully privatize within the context of various societal
initiatives. The further thought is to take several of these
enterprises public eventually, particularly those in non-strategic
sectors. Since 1999, the number of state-owned enterprises has
roughly been cut in half: as well, the number of unprofitable ones has
also been cut by 50%. (5/3/06)
144. Looking at Beijing
Squidoo is the
witty name of an online newsletter from a quirky little marketing firm
in Connecticut called David Manners. It’s got a guide to Beijing and a piece
on the 2008 Olympic Games
that merit your attention. These introductions are far from
definitive, but are a help. The 2008 Games will be a transforming
experience for China—and certainly for Beijing. All of us will be
giving a bit more attention to China’s political capital, a bit less to
its economic capital—Shanghai. The companies we advise are
maintaining outposts in both cities. (4/12/06)
143. Arriviste
The worry of the very astute Chinese political leaders is
the ever widening, yawning gap between the haves and the
have-nots. There’s more and more talk about billionaires and
millionaires. And we hear about more and more serious revolts in
agrarian China where the peasants can’t make ends meet, and are
plundered to boot by local authorities. The explosion in golf is
probably as good an indicator as any that the parvenu urban classes
have come into their own, not only at the renowned Mission Hills
complex but all about Shanghai and Beijing. Golf is a metaphor
for the new China, the most capitalist socialist country on earth.
This is all very well laid out for us in
“How Do You Say Shank in Mandarin?” in Play, the new sports magazine of
the New York Times, February 2006, pp. 102-107, 114. “The
first modern course, an Arnold Palmer design, opened in 1984.
Another dozen or so were added in the decade following. But in
the last 10 years the total has soared to 230, making China second in
Asia in terms of golf course acreage (behind Japan), and though there
is supposed to be a moratoriusm on constructing courses, new ones seem
to spring up every month.”
Sheshan Golf Club, on the outskirts of
Shanghai, is “the newest and most exclusive of the Shanghai
clubs.” “Thanks in part to a connection with IMG, the giant
sports-management agency, Sheshan was selected as the site for last
November’s HSBC Champions tournament, whose $5 million in prize money,
the richest purse in Asia, was sufficient to attract even the likes of
Tiger Woods….”
Hills—with a lavish clubhouse, a five-star hotel, pools and spas, and a
mall-size pro shop—is a sort of factory itself, turning out rounds of
golf on an industrial scale…. Mission Hills is the brainchild of
David Chu, a native of Hong Kong who was one of the first entrepreneurs
to see opportunity in mainland China…” He has put together 10
courses altogether, each designed by a golfing great such as Els,
Nicklaus, Singh, Duval, and Greg Norman. (3/29/06)
142. -new- How Nations
“One of the keenest observers of this renaissance has been
Kun Pyo, director of the Human-Centered Interaction Design
Laboratory at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology.
BusinessWeek Asia Editor David Rocks and Seoul Bureau Chief Moon
Ihlwan recently sat down with Lee in a Seoul Chinese restaurant to
share plates of roasted eggplant, grilled shrimp, and fried tofu while
discussing the changes sweeping Korean design” (“The Flavor of Korean
Design,” Business Week, January 24, 2006).
But Koreans
traditionally don’t articulate what they’re doing beforehand.
They’re very contextual. Of course they do customer
research and product planning and user-centered design and so on.
But they quickly arrive at solutions, then look at the solution
to find any further problems. Some might say that’s unsystematic,
but it’s really very dynamic. And it works well for products with
a short lifecycle, like mobile phones or MP3 players.
It’s not only
design—there’s a pattern of differences among the cultures. In
food, the Japanese keep things very simple, Korean food is very hot,
Chinese is very greasy. In colors, Japan is very monochrome.
Korea is a little bit red. And China is red and gold.
In Japanese traditional music there’s almost no sound. Korea’s is
a little bit noisier, and Chinese opera is very loud. The same
goes for the communication mode. In Japan, when people finish
speaking there’s a little pause, then the other person replies.
In Korea, people are a little faster, and in China they all
overlap. All those things are visible in aesthetics.
Japanese products don’t violate the horizontal and vertical, but
Korean design is a little bit more dynamic. And in China, it’s
very busy.
Korea has 230
design schools—more than America. But 80% of those schools still
require a drawing examination for admission. Of course there are
some design problems that require drawing. But interface design
solutions can’t be drawn. It doesn't make any sense.
And this explains to us why Japanese design
leads to too much functionality in a product and a dashboard (i.e.,
switches) that is much too complicated to operate, designed for a
nation of near-sighted people. On a more serious note, this whole
discussion probably leads us to think rather carefully about where to
have a product designed.
worth a visit to his lab’s website where one can get an idea of the
scope of his ideas and publications. It’s a little tricky, we
find, since one seems to get Korean pages when keyed to English, and
English pages when keyed to Korean. That’s just a humorous
footnote. There are serious efforts here, too, in the area of
robot design, a field in which there is rumblings the world over.
141. Auto-China
in the Fast Lane
As we said in “Autos: The
Thrill Is Gone,” the world auto industry is undergoing massive
consolidation, but in Asia, as happens in this world of contradictions,
it is forging ahead in China, Korea, and now even India. Keith
Bradsher of The New York Times (February 17, 2006, pp. Al and
C5) writes tellingly of China’s vaulting ambitions:
In the latest
sign of this country’s manufacturing ambitions, a major Chinese company
(i.e, Lifan), hand-in-hand with the Communist Party, is bidding to buy
from DaimlerChrysler and BMW a car engine plant in Brazil…. The
failure of China to develop its own version of sophisticated, reliable
engines has been the biggest technological obstacle facing Chinese
Now the
enormously wealthy and prominent president and principal owner of
Lifan, Mr. Yin (i.e., Yin Mingshan) has his sights on exporting to
Europe in 1008 and the American market in 2009…. The Tritec
engine is one of the most technologically sophisticated and
fuel-efficient care engines in the world…. Mr. Yin said he wanted
to rebuild the factory on vacant land next door to his car assembly
plant here.
already one of the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturers with sales
in 112 countries, is about to start exporting its remarkably
well-built, $9,700 roadsize sedans to developing countries.
Technology Transfer
Keith Bradsher
continues his excellent coverage of the Chinese auto industry.
Reporting from Chongquing, he says, “Thanks to Detroit, China is
Poised to Lead,” March 12, 2006, pp. BU1and 9. U.S. and European
automakers are desperate to establish and hold major positions in the
Chinese market, and, for this entry, the Chinese are demanding a stiff,
some would say an unconscionable, price. GM is making a nickel in
China, while losing its shirt at home: it’s no wonder that it’s
committing long-term strategic suicide there. Company after
company is exporting its technology and techniques to China where it
has to be shared with Chinese partners who will be exporting to the
world before long. Chinese carmakers have finally captured 28.7
percent of their home market, now ahead of everybody else, even the
Japanese. (4/26/06)
140. Shanghai
Tang Comes on Strong
“But now the new team, led by le Masne de Chermont and
Ooi, believes that Shanghai Tang’s moment on the world runway has
arrived. If, as global market watchers from Wall Street to Tokyo
have claimed, this is the China Century, then Shanghai Tang may just
turn out to be that century's banner—China’s first global, upscale
brand.” This from Linda Tischler in Fast
Company. Ms. Tischler, incidentally, is quite focused
on the nuances of global branding:
While the global
luxury market is already big—$168 billion a year, according to Bain
& Co.—and growing at a rate of 7% per year, ‘big’ doesn’t begin to
describe the potential market for glitzy goods in China itself. A
quarter of a century ago, there were no millionaires in China; by the
end of 2004, there were more than 236,000, Bain says. And
Patrizio Bertelli, the CEO of another fashion house that’s hungrily
eying the market—Prada Group—figures that China could overtake the
United States as a market for luxury goods by 2020.
Until now,
Shanghai Tang has been proceeding cautiously, focusing first on
satisfying the growing Chinese demand for prestigious labels at home,
with five stores in Hong Kong and four on the Mainland (plus 10
outposts in places such as Paris, London, and Bangkok). But now
it's embarking on an ambitious expansion plan that will see it
launching five stores a year in the world's toniest markets.
The brand’s
founder, British-educated David Tang, is from Hong Kong, that most
Western of Chinese cities. Ooi is American; Camilla Hammar, the
marketing director, is Swedish. Le Masne de Chermont, who is French,
honed his luxury branding skills at Piaget before being deployed by
Richemont, whose portfolio also includes Mont Blanc, Chloe, Dunhill,
and Cartier, to fix its ailing Shanghai Tang brand.
David Tang, son
of a wealthy Chinese businessman, launched the brand in 1994 in Hong
Kong as a custom-tailoring business, marshaling the talents of
Shanghainese tailors who had fled Communist China in 1949. In
1996, anticipating a robust market selling Chinese souvenirs to
well-heeled tourists attracted by the handover of the city from the
British in 1997, he expanded into ready-to-wear. [Tang went on to
sell a majority interest in the company to Richemont.]
rivals were starting to steal some of Shanghai Tang’s cultural thunder.
One of them was Ooi, who, after various jobs in the Hong Kong fashion
industry, had opened her own store across from the Shanghai Tang
flagship. China was chic, and international fashion editors were
going wild for qi pao dresses. “I thought I'd launch my own
ready-to-wear line based on the idea of innovating this iconic symbol,”
says Ooi, a 5-foot-6 Asian-American whose own fashion taste runs to
jeans and T-shirts. “To underscore my point, I even made one qi
pao out of African kente cloth and put it in my window. I thought
I would eat Shanghai Tang for lunch.
The theme for
the spring/summer 2006 collection: contemporary Chinese art. Ooi
commissioned well-known Chinese artists to create designs and, in turn,
asked students at China’s most prestigious art academy to create
artworks based on fabrics from the collection. She’s currently
gathering ideas for a collection based on Shanghai in the 1930s, the
period when the city was known variously as either the Pearl of the
Orient—or the Whore of the East.
and our colleagues always visit Tang in Hong Kong to see what’s up and
to see what it tells us about the Chinese temperature. The brand
is doing very well, but the enterprise has surely lost some of its
magic playfulness. (3/1/06)
139. China Goes Upmarket
Edward Tse’s
“Five Surprises” provides a host of insights about China’s future,
warning us that the past may not be a very good guide to the future.
We are most struck by the fact that the Chinese are rapidly going
upmarket, moving away from commodity, unbranded products to offerings
where they can capture more of the value added:
Within China,
some industries are already developing a maturity that their Western
counterparts took decades to reach. In automobiles, for example,
full-service retailers have emerged (formerly, they were state-owned
enterprises or joint ventures between the government and foreign
manufacturers like Volkswagen). Chinese vehicle manufacturers are
establishing global vehicle brands, such as First Auto Works, the
world’s foremost producers of midsized heavy-duty trucks. The
Wanxiang Group (a privately held manufacturer of auto parts from
Hangzhou) is acquiring ownership stakes in American, European, and
Japanese companies to build a global supply chain and develop a global
brand. Chinese component suppliers are consolidating; some are
establishing themselves globally. Most significantly, according
to a Booz Allen Hamilton analysis of cost figures, price competition in
China (along with price competition from India) has put enough pressure
on margins that vehicle manufacturers will probably need to reduce
costs by 8 percent per year within the country to stay profitable, even
as annual sales volumes increase by 10 percent or more per year.
Similar consolidation is taking place in appliances, electronics,
and textiles. These are the hallmarks of a maturing set of
enterprises. (2/22/06)
139. The
Yanghan Deep Water Port
On an island
some twenty miles out to sea, China has opened what promises to become
the world’s largest container shipping port, further cementing
Shanghai’s pivotal role in China, in some ways similar to New York
City’s key role in 19th-century commerce that was
accentuated by the Erie Canal. “Other experts say that the city
of Shanghai might have to spend up to $18 billion over the next 15
years to complete the construction of this complex port…” Already
Shanghai is the world’s third busiest container port, behind Hong Kong
and Singapore. Existing ports are 23 feet deep, but the new port,
49 feet deep, can handle much larger vessels. A six-lane bridge,
some 20 miles in length, has been built to connect the islands to the
Coast in order to lorry in cargo. See the New York Times,
December 12, 2005, p.C7. (1/25/06)
Update. Port-Technology.com is a
good way to keep track of port development around the world, although
we notice that it is a bit outdated. Yangshan
(or Yanghan) is, of course, listed, since it is surely the most
important port development around the world. Meanwhile trade continues
to surge at China’s other principal ports such as Qingdao,
Ningbo, Guangzhou, and Tianjin. (2/8/06)
138. Drucker:
The Chinese Weakness
“In contrast,
the greatest weakness of China is its incredibly small proportion of
educated people. China has only 1.5 million college students, out
of a total population of over 1.3 billion. If they had the
American proportion, they’d have 12 million or more in college.
Those who are educated are well trained, but there are so few of them.
And then there is the enormous undeveloped hinterland with excess
rural population. Yes, that means there is enormous manufacturing
potential. In China, however, the likelihood of the absorption of
rural workers into the cities without upheaval seems very dubious.
You don’t have that problem in India because they have already
done an amazing job of absorbing excess rural population into the
cities—its rural population has gone from 90% to 54% without any
upheaval. Everybody says China has 8% growth and India only 3%,
but that is a total misconception. We don't really know. I
think India’s progress is far more impressive than China’s.” From
an interview “Peter Drucker Sets Us Straight,” Fortune, January
12, 2004. (12/28/05)
137. Christianity in China
figures suggest there are 5 million Catholics and 15 million
Protestants, while unofficial estimates about the size of the Christian
population range from 2-7% of the population. The most ambitious
claims speak of perhaps 100 million underground worshippers.
Growth has often occurred outside officially sanctioned places of
worship, in gatherings in private homes, for instance. This
opening up has occurred since 1980, when hard Mao-era restraints on
religion were lifted. “Most striking in recent years has been the
spread of Christianity among urban intellectuals and businesspeople,”
with some striking activity on university campuses. See The
Economist, April 23, 2005, p. 44. “David Aikman, the author
Jesus in Bejing, a book about the growth of Christianity in
China, says there are probably dozens of Chinese universities teaching
Christian culture.” (12/14/05)
136. Johnny
Apple’s Shanghai List
R.W. Apple has made more of a splash as a journalist
with a global expense account than he ever did as a political writer on
the New York Times. He gets his tips about this city and
that from a source or two in each city, and his tips are as good as
whatever deep throat he discovers. Most recently he did a bang up
job in Thailand, but then he has a superb on the ground friend named
Robert Halliday, who really does know food. In fact, his Bangkok
article, “On the Streets of Bangkok, Two Guys Keep It Real,” is far
more interesting than his foray into Shanghai. We have cribbed
his list of Shanghai eateries from an October 9 piece called “Shanghai,
a Far East Feast,” a title that did not tax his
imagination. His list will get you started, but you will find
much better offerings as you move about amongst the city’s more than
3,000 restaurants:
1. Bao Lu, 2721 Fumin Lu; telephone:
2. Chun, 124 Jinxian Lu; telephone:
3. Xin Ji Shi, North Block Xintiandi,
Building 9, Number 2, Lane 181; telephone: 6336-4746
4. Nan Xiang, 85 Yuyuan Lu; telephone:
5. Din Tai Fung, 12-20 Shuicheng Lu;
telephone: 6208-4188
6. Crystal Jade, South Block Xintiandi,
House 6-7, Lane 123; telephone: 6385-8752
7. Guyi Hunan, 89 Fumin Lu; telephone:
8. M on the Bund, 5 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu;
telephone: 6350-9988
9. Laris, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu;
telephone: 6321-9922
10. Jean-Georges, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu;
telephone: 6321-7733
Whampoa Club, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu; telephone: 6321-3737 (12/7/05)
135. Growth
of Linux in China
In China Linux
is making the Big Leap Forward, urged on by a government that is
resistant to software with proprietary code. “According to
China’s Ministry of Information (MII), almost 70 percent of all
software purchases last year were of Linux-based products.
Meanwhile, provincial governments installed 45,000 desktops with Linux
operating systems. Now private companies are following
suit.” See CIO Magazine, October 15, 2005.
pp.21-22. Red Flag, a
major Chinese Linux vendor, says the government’s railway and telecom
companies pushed into Linux early on. (11/30/05)
134. The
Real Mao
Nicholas D. Kristof, a fine journalist, provides an
excellent review of
Mao: The Unknown Story
in the New York Times Book Review, October 23, 2005, pp. 1 and
10-11. Jung Chang, along with her husband historian Jon Halliday,
has “written a biography of Mao that will help destroy his reputation
forever.” “No wonder the Chinese government has banned not only
this book but issues of magazines with reviews of it, for Mao emerges
from these pages as another Hitler or Stalin.” The Chinese
Communist Party in its early days was entirely under the thumb of
Russia. “Mao rose to be party leader not because he was a
favorite of his fellow Chinese, but because Moscow chose him.”
“More startling, they argue that Mao didn’t even walk most of the Long
March—he was carried.”
Communist Party, of course, is having some difficulty maintaining its
legitimacy in modern China, and the erosion of the myth of Mao will not
help. Such a book suggests that the Party will have to broaden
its pantheon to include other historic figures and embrace some of the
traditions coming from earlier periods in its history. (11/30/05)
The Logistical Costs of Doing Business in China
“Making It in
China” (CIO, October 15, 2005, pp.46-56) explores the added
costs of doing business in China, particularly in the hinterland.
Lead times for bike production at Pacific Cycle, a maximum of 60 days
back in the U.S., can now run as long as 270 days. This involves
shipping times, delays on inland transport, complications for sourcing
components or raw materials, lack of transparent supply chain controls,
etc. These hurdles must, of course, be balanced against very low
labor costs which, depending on the product, may be all
important. Some companies try to beat some of the headaches by
buying their own factories, but that is a mixed blessing as well.
132. Top Hong Kong Story
We have been
vaguely keeping track of this story, but it has gripped Hong Kong and
the Orient in the same way as the O.J incident. transfixed the United
States. An overpaid U.S. banker—out of Greenwich we think—and his
wife have for years apparently led an absolutely wretched life there
together, both mentally askew. Right or wrong, the courts have
found her guilty of his murder. You can read most of it on East
West blog—in several entries—whose author obviously has as big a taste
for low-life matters as the next guy, whatever the ambitions of his
blog. To read about Robert and Nancy Kissel’s very soiled
underwear, you can start at Zonaeuropa.
One of our associates out in the Kong also promises to do a write up.
131. FBI
Watches Chinese Economic Spying
David Szady,
number two in the FBI’s counterintelligence division, is leading the
charge on China’s effort to pick up U.S. economic secrets. See
the Wall Street Journal, August 10, 2005, pp. A1 and A4.
The Chinese are alleged to have something like 3,000 front
companies in the U.S. that put out feelers to Chinese nationals working
at U.S. companies, particularly in technology. “All told, about
700,000 Chinese tourists and business executives visit the U.S. each
year.” “Mr. Szady and other FBI agents believe China began
intensifying its spying operations in the late 1970s,” when relations
opened up between the two countries. Formal spies sent out by the
Chinese don’t actually peek in company’s files; instead, agents collect
information from Chinese and China Americans working in vital
industries. (9/28/05)
130. Asian
Middle-Market Investment Bankers
Asia in general is still constructing its financial
infrastructure. Now a number of firms are springing up that can
minister to the special needs of middle-market companies to include
reverse mergers, U.S. listing, capital raising in and beyond Asia, exit
strategies to include buyouts by Western companies. We will be
adding more investment banks to this list and will eventually include
the names of other kinds of intermediaries.
ChinaVest. A longtime
venture-capital firm funded in the West but staffed with both
Westerners and Chinese nationals, it has now converted itself into a
merchant bank based in Shanghai. Founder Robert Theleen has wide
experience in a number of Chinese sectors to include light
manufacturing, branded services and retail concepts, technology,
etc. We think he has particular insight into the logistics and
distribution sectors, areas of particular concern as China tries to
integrate its domestic market. It has most recently completed a
financing for Net 263. With offices in Bejing, Hong Kong, and San
Francisco, it is probably best reached at its Bund office in Shanghai
at telephone 8621 6329 3610. Fax: 8621 6329 3951. Website: www.chinavest.com.
Orient Financial. President
Nils Ollquist and Principal David Sih have shown themselves to be
skillful at helping young Hong Kong entrepreneurs on a fast track
expose their companies to Western markets. They have clients
throughout Greater China and India. Examples of transactions are
www.orientfinancial.com/track.html. Orient Financial Services
Limited. One International Financial Centre, 18th Floor.
One Harbourview Street. Hong Kong Central. Telephone:
852-2166-8333. Fax: 852-2166-8999. Website:
www.orientfinancial.com. (9/7/05)
FirstAlliance Financial Group.
Chief Executive Weiming Zhang, based in Shanghai, has shown particular
aptitude for bringing companies public in the U.S., often by reverse
mergers. The firm is particularly active with companies in the
automobile components sector. Clients include Pacific CMA
(Amex:PAM), China Automotive (Nasdaq:CAAS.OB), and Sorl Automotive
(Nasdaq: SAUP.OB). See biography for Ms. Zhang at www.wpcapital.
FirstAlliance Capital Group, Inc. 1800 West Zhongshan Rd., 25J1,
Zoa Fond Universe Building, Shanghai, 20035. Telephone:
011-8621-6440-1678. Fax: 011-8621-6440-1901. Email:
weiming@firstalliance-capital.com. (9/7/05)
Trenwith Group. Now a
fast-growing affiliate of BDO Seidman, a second-tier accounting firm,
Trenwith, formed on the West Coast, has intensified its China
activities over the last 5 years. It started as a merchant bank
in1981 and has gradually broadened into a full-scale, multi-office
investment bank. Its particular strength we think is its
collaborative nature, as it has shown an uncanny ability to work with a
host of other financial intermediaries. One can get some idea of
its range of assignments at
www.trenwith.com/news/pr.asp. We would particularly point
companies seeking help to Douglas Ivan in Newport Beach, California,
who has had broad experience working on a host of questions for
middle-market companies stretching well beyond the usual banking menu (www.trenwith.com/contact/ivan.asp).
Unlike most young investment bankers, he actually returns his
calls. He can be reached at the Costa Mesa office at 3200 Bristol
Street, Fourth Floor, Costa Mesa, California 92626. Telephone:
714-668-7333. Website: www.trenwith.com.
Latitude Capital. We have
found Latitude to be useful on due diligence and some aspects of
negotiations for selling parties. We notice that it is now
publishing more information on completed transactions. This group
has ample staffing. As well, it is publishing some sector
information—IT, healthcare, logistics, mobile phones, etc.—which is
moderately helpful and suggests it has its eye on active sectors.
We see it has subsidiary offices in Bejing and San Francisco, but
we would point you at Hong Kong, Suite 4310, Jardine House, One
Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong. Telephone:
852-2973-5311. Fax: 852-2295-3979. Website:
www.latitudecapital.com. (9/7/05)
129. The Art Torrent from China
We have said elsewhere
that the most vibrant part of China is the art scene which, even with
politics, has a vibrant interchange with the Chinese diaspora outside
the borders of the People’s Republic. In this regard, we refer
you to Eleanor Randolph, “China’s Moving Art Scene: Pushing into Dark
New Territory,” New York Times, November 7, 2004, p. Wk
10. She refers to the 2004 Shanghai Biennale (the fifth) at the
Shanghai Art Museum, a magnificent comfortable museum, incidentally,
which houses a gratifying collection (www.shanghaibiennale.com/2004).
Through last November, one could see there “a dis-orienting
upside-down room, or examine photos of distant nudes on blinding, white
ice…. These artists in Shanghai,” she thinks, “and in some places
as Xu Yong’s avant-garde place in Beijing offer a glimpse inside a
Communist society that is becoming increasingly capitalistic.” We
are not sure that she’s got it right about capitalism, but she at least
understands the vibrancy, even disturbing momentum, of art
throughout all of China—inside and outside the borders of the Middle
More so, the art
scene speaks to the fundamental unity amongst all Chinese, of whatever
political stripe. For instance, one should note that Cai
Guo-Qiang’s “Art Show Bridges Chinese Divide on Taiwan Strait,” Wall
Street Journal, September 15, 2004, p. A19. A 47-year old New
York Chinese artist from China’s southeastern coast, he just staged an
art show in Quemoy of 18 artists from both sides of the strait.
See http://bmoca.kinmen.
For more on the
galloping market demand for new Chinese art, see “Appreciating Oils,”
www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=3841245. And for
Chinese art shows, see
Significantly, the government is now even stoking the art
machine. (8/31/05)
128. Future Cola
We much
recommend Wharton’s online business magazine, so that you can catch up
on Wahaha’s marvelous growth. It’s the number one beverage (milk
drinks, bottled water, and mixed congee) company in China with $1.37
billion in sales and $163 million in profits. Started in 1987 by
Zong Qinghou, it was state-owned til 2000, when Zong bought 55%, giving
25% to his employees. He does not think employee ownership has
hurt or helped the company. He started with beverages and ice
cream, then started up Wahaha Nutritional Food Factory in 1989, and
establishing a fast hit with Wahaha nutritional liquid, particularly
targeted at children where there were a lack of competing
products. It now has 40 subsidiaries in 16 provinces, a
children’s garment line, and Future Cola—its answer to Coke and Pepsi.
Danone is a major investor and provider of capital. With
lower costs than foreign competitors and knowledge of local
distribution, it often penetrates rural markets first, using that as a
base to attack the cities. Read the full article at
127. Foreign Babes in Beijing
DeWoskin banged around China with her father, a noted sinologist, in
her youth. After Columbia, she rushed off to China and went to
work for a pr firm. By luck she wandered into a job that made her
China famous—one of two title gals in a Chinese nighttime soap called
“Foreign Babes in Beijing.” Since she has done a book by this
name—in case you’ve forgotten, Foreign Babes in Beijing—an
account of her times in China as well as on the show. And she
tucks in four stories of girl friends in China, capturing the flavor of
China through the lives of her China peers. DeWoskin most wanted
to catch the rapidfire change that has taken hold of modern China, it
probably changing more in 90s than it did in the last 5,000. For
a good account on De Woskin, see Columbia, Spring 2005, “Our Babe in
Beijing,” pp. 11-15. (7/6/05)
126. China Connects
As we have hinted in East/West Blog,
blogging in Greater China and throughout the Pacific Rim is of
paramount importance, much in contrast to the West where bloggistas
just add more noise to an over-messaged world. With the Internet
and with mobile communications, Asia is leapfrogging past the old style
media (landline telephones, TV, newpapers, etc.), creating in
crackerjack fashion a communications network that is putting citizens
in touch with one another. Within Greater China, particularly the
People’s Republic, blogging has even greater meaning, because it
permits everyone to go around officialdom which strives to control and
censor all communications. Today there’s a great push on
logistics in China, there being a vast effort to link up the interior
with the coastal regions with the hope of creating an integrated
national market. Much unintended, the Internet has blossomed as
the virtual equivalent of this logistical integration, and a necessary
one at that, since a national market cannot work unless the people are
knit together by dialog.
Kristof, a thoughtful columnist at the Times who outthinks the
more celebrated Tom Friedman, has seized on this in “Death by a
Thousand Blogs,” New York Times, May 24, 2005 (www.nytimes.com/2005/05/24/opinion/24kristoff.html?hp),
where he grasps that blogs have given China a functioning political
press. Though the authorities shut down many bloggists, there are
too many out there for the Party to keep a real lid on things. He
particularly mentions Lu Xinde’s
www.yuluncn.com, which focuses on official wrongdoing.
Likewise, he mentions the wide circulation that penetrating that
Jiao Guobiao’s essays receive simply by an active exchange of emails
about the land (www.uscc.gov/bios/
Even government
officials pay keen attention to them. (6/22/05)
125. China's Open Dorr on Logistics
The Latitude
Capital Group in Hong Kong, an up-and-coming boutique investment
banking group, has just published a report on the Chinese logistics
market, which is undergoing rapid change and expansion, especially as
China knits its interior together with coastal markets. (See
The report suggests that WTO reforms are driving this market: there is
a timetable for foreign entry into each logistics segment basically
calling for full participation by December 2005. There is a
considerable amount of consolidation and M & A activity. But
this really understates the WTO impact. China is shaking up its
markets in several ways to ready itself for outside competition.
Noted is a $100 million acquisition of Sinotrans by UPS, and TNT
plans to spend $260 million on building its network. UPS’s supply
chain management company is opening 20 more logistics centers in China
this year. “China logistics spending is expected to increase from
about $300 billion in 2003 to $360 billion in 2005.” The third
party logistics market is now fairly small, perhaps 4% of total market,
but is expected to swell. As the Economist has made clear, lots
of multinationals are targeting the vast Chinese market, but are
discovering that is fragmented, with poor internal communications,
making it very hard to act on a national basis. (See www.economist.
With burgeoning
logistics development, help is on the way. (6/1/05)
124. Bowring
Bowring, who has been posted in Asia since 1973, served once as editor
of the now defunct Far Eastern Economic Review—it is being
revived in a lesser form at www.feer.com—but
has contributed invariably insightful columns to everything from the
International Herald Tribune to the South China Morning Post.
We much enjoyed his columns on the slow death of FEER, which can be
found at
htm and at
www.bowring.net/scmpfeerdeath.htm. He more or less attributes
its demise to Karen House, current publisher of the Wall Street
Journal. An awful lot of his columns are about China and Hong
Kong, but, on occasion, he roams through Southeast Asia with telling
comments about politics and economics. Read him as well on Davos,
which he finds to be less and less worldly, particularly as it becomes
a circus of stars. See www.bowring.
He’s the hardworking overseas columnist the Times should have
on its staff—indeed, it once had types like him in the days when any
journalist worth his salt wanted to get as far away from the meddlers
at headquarters in New York as possible. A great deal of his work
is posted at
www.bowring.net/index.htm. (4/20/05)
123. East/West Blog
About one half of one per cent of all blogs merit our attention.
East/West Blog is one of them. Sadly, this blogista pulled down
most of the stuff of his site on March 12, 2005. But a few
entries remain, and he promises to restore many of his bests.
Look here for interesting essays on everything from a comparison of the
divorce laws of China and Chile to an examination of the polarizing
effect of blogs wherein like-minded people tend to talk to each other,
virtually shutting out people and thinking of different suasions.
www.zonaeuropa.com/02358.htm. (4/5/05)
of the Chinese Middle Class
East West/Blog surveys the worries and dilemmas of the Chinese middle
class, which sound awfully close to those of striving, worried,
self-centered Middle Americans. The Bloggist translates a section
of a book called Investigation of the Chinese Middle Class.
Again, the main surprise there is that middling Chinese are like the
bourgeoisie everywhere. What we find a bit different, however, is
that the Chinese wonder whether to be truthful or deceitful on the
Internet. In China, in Korea, and in many other nations of Asia,
we find the citizenry to be even more compulsive users of
the Internet than virtual Americans. We think even more of their
lives are tied up in online fantasies. Indeed, in response to a
fairly mundane inquiry we made to one journalist in Singapore a while
back, we got back a recommendation to visit an Asian pornographic
site. More and more Asian lives are immersed in
Siliconville. See
www.zonaeuropa.com/20050224_1.htm and
www.zonaeuropa.com/20050225_1.htm. We would claim that you
cannot understand modern China unless you carefully peruse the
Internet. Indeed, it was our Asian clientele that demanded that
we ourselves become more email conversant. Watch out,
however. Viruses pour in from all parts of Asia. (5/2505)
Update: The Soong Song: Media
researcher Roland Soong is the author of East/West blog, a fact he has
loosely kept under wraps. He is, we find, as good a way as any of
keeping up on the flavor of politics and the facts of urban life in
Hong Kong and China. Incidentally, it is worth probing into his life a
bit, because he did a fair amount of time in New York City, where he
was a researcher by day, yet often a translator of documents for U.S.
Government agencies by night. Apparently he is a quick
can learn much more about Soong and some of the other more than 50
bloggists that thrive in the Hong Kong scene in a very good article in The
Standard (www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/Metro/GE17Ak05.html)
dated May 17, 2005 and entitled “The Blog Is Mightier Than the
Sword.” We debate about the value of blogs in the West, since
they are often an unhappy mishmash, poorly written, dealing with
neurotic concerns and plagued by adolescent musings whatever the age of
the writers. But the China blogs are very important, clearly
abetting the spread of culture throughout Greater China. We
intend to spend more time reading them. A fair number of these
bloggers have been educated in the West, and they constitute one of
America’s most significant exports to China. Doug Crets, who
wrote about blogs for the Standard, also thinks highly of Yan
Sham-Shackleton’s www.glutter.org,
which, we find, has some worthy outpourings on art, as well as the
usual stuff on politics, censorship, etc. (6/29/05)
122. Discount Airlines in China?
Right now some of China’s airlines are offering much lower
fares, as they expand capacity and broader segments of the population
have the wherewithal to travel by air. “Private airlines also are
poised to begin offering cheaper fares soon,” including Okay Airlines
out of Bejiing and United Eagle Airlines from Chengdu. “China’s new
plane purchases by new and incumbent airlines are expected to boost
seat capacity 15% during the next two years…. Last month, China’s
state-owned airlines collectively bought 60 Boeing 787s, the largest
order for” Boeing’s new medium haul jet. Some service has finally
been allowed for the Chinese New Year between the Mainland and Taiwan,
and operators are hopeful that this practice can be extended. Wall
Street Journal, February 8, 2005, pp. B1 and B2.
low cost, budget airlines are dotting the tarmacs throughout Southeast
Asia. You can go from Singapore to Bangkok for $14.17. In
the fray are Bangkok’s Nok Air (www.nokair.co.th
), Singapore’s Tiger Airways(www.tigerairways.com
), and Jetstar Asia (www.jetstarasia.com
) of Singapore, which formed just last year. The new Oasis Hong
Kong Airlines plans to fly from Hong Kong to several European
destinations this year. AirAsia of Kuala Lumpur, which has led
the way, touches down at some real out-of-the-way spots.
Valuair (www.valuair.com)
will get you from Singapore to Perth. See “Low-Cost
Airlines Finally Land in Asia,” Wall Street Journal, March 2,
2005, pp. D1 & D3. (3/23/05)
121. Why So Down
on Zhao Ziyang?
In “Martyr Complex,” New York Times, January 26, 2005, Yale’s
premier China historian Jonathan Spence ponders why the party
chieftains in China are keeping a lid on any mention of Zhao Ziyang,
even though he has now passed away. Under house arrest for the 15
years following his ejection from power, Zhao was clearly the very
unforgotten forgotten man. Spence argues that he was like many
who came before him, well back into the time of the emperors, “a bold
and visionary reformer who insistently calls for change and openness in
a tightly controlled political environment.” Eventually cast
aside by their co-governors, such reformers eventually achieve martyr
status, something the leadership tries to avert if it can. The
fear of the leadership is that a martyred Zhao will personify all the
calls for broad political reform which would, of course, upset Party
dominance. Read about Spence’s Treason by the Book—about
a scholarly revolt in the Manchu Dynasty—in the Infinite
Bookstore. Spence posits, of course, that (a) ideas do matter
and can change the world, bringing down an imperial order, and (b)
China is all about dynasties and their fall, up to and including the
current dynasty which just happens to have Politburo in its name.
In like manner, the mainland government has sternly opposed
sundry cult movements, strongly opposed to any system of belief that
might seek to take precedence over the state. (2/9/05)
120. Tourist China
Hainan, an island off the South Coast of China, was once thought to be
another Hong Kong. But it has struck out as a business center,
and now is trying to be “a playground for China’s new rich.” See The
New York Times, January 18, 2005, pp. C1 and C10. It has a
heavy influx of visitors from both China and Russia, and 3.7 million
tourists stayed in hotels there in 2004. It has staged its own
version of Davos to attract more attention from the West.
119. Citicorp
Gives China Region Its Own CEO
Creating a new post, Citicorp has named Richard Stanley to be its China
CEO, and it will place him in Shanghai. Prior to this post,
Stanley had headed corporate and investment banking in the Singapore
region, and before that, he led the bank’s retail thrust in
China. Probably this goes halfway towards establishing the kind
of presence Citicorp needs in mainland China. Years ago another
Fortune 500 company stumbled in Japan because it included that country
in its Asian group operations rather than recognizing that Japan was
then so important that it needed to be separately organized and report
directly to the CEO on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States.
Citicorp should break Citicorp China out of the Asian region; the
appointment of Stanley only partially recognizes the utter importance
of the China market.
118. China's National Highway System
As we have said many times, China is now building its internal market,
carefully weaving the whole country together in order to integrate
economic activity and to spread prosperity beyond the usual coastal
suspects. For a quick take on the burgeoning highway system, read
“When the Silk Road Gets Paved,” Forbes, September 20, 2004,
pp. 111-12 and 117-18. “In 1989 China had lots of bicycles and
only 168 miles of expressways. By the end of last year—a year
during which China spent $42 billion building roads—it had 18,500 miles
of expressways, and the plan is to reach 51,000 by 2008….”
Update: Betting
on Infrastructure
China has put heavy bets on its infrastructure, ceaselessly spending on
the arteries that will knit the nation together to drive growth.
See the Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2008. “Much of
the $586 billion stimulus package China unveiled this week will go
toward building highways, railroads and airports. Already,
according to official estimates, infrastructure spending had been
increasing by an average of 20% annually for the past 30 years.”
“The speed of China’s motorization is stunning—some 30,000 miles of
expressways were built in the past decade. Plans call for China's
highway system to stretch 53,000 miles by 2020, surpassing the 47,000
miles of interstate roads in the U.S. currently.” (12/17/08)
117. What the World Needs Now
Economist James Smith concludes in this recent speech (August 25 and
26, 2004) that the vibrancy of the world economy is utterly dependent
on the stimulus provided by China and the U.S. Fortunately he
finds the two economies to be in pretty good shape, despite all the
worries about a halting recovery in the U.S and overheated markets in
China. For the full text of Smith's speech, click here.
116. Riedel
Research Group
Research Group covers smaller capitalization companies in China,
Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. See
www.riedelresearch.net. David Riedel founded his company in
his Tribeca apartment in May 2003 after he was put out to pasture by
Salomon Smith Barney. He used an interactive jobs service in Hong
Kong to hire analysts in his target countries. Interestingly he
is filling a gap in the research picture. Firms out in Asia do
not do a good job of covering smaller cap companies nor do they gear
their research to the needs of hedge funds and institutions in the
West. So far he has 6 major clients. See The New York
Times, July 29, 2004, p. C5.
115. Business
Sense: Mr. China
In the
July/August 2004 issue of Global Finance (pp. 17-19), Winter Wright
offers Westerners getting started in China sundry do’s and don’ts on
dealing with a climate that still does not really have an enforceable
business code. Above all, he suggests, you should not suspend the
commonsense you would display in any other country. Don’t place
blind trust in a local business partner. Understand that a
government bureaucrat, particularly one on the take, can put you in
business or out of business in a moment. Find a way to achieve
scale (perhaps, with alliances) even if you are small, since that is
paramount to getting traction with the locals who are the gatekeepers
of your success. Know that China does not really score that high
on the criteria put out by the International Finance Corporation in its
Doing Business in 2004, which you can now read about in Agile Companies.
man in Hong Kong, Andrew Tanzer, reviews below with high praise Mr. China,
an almost tell all by a writer who actually knows a lot. It gives
you a sense of what you have to deal with in China. But as Tanzer
points out, with all the complications, there’s still plenty of success
to be had in an economy growing 8% a year:
say an aggressive journalist with a keen sense of smell sniffs an
undisclosed scandal or investment debacle in a corporation. He or
she approaches the company fortress and is greeted by obfuscating or
stonewalling executives, oily PR handlers, barking lawyers.
Hard-nosed and energetic, the reporter interrogates suppliers,
customers, ex-employees, ex-spouses, garbage handlers—anyone, to get
the scoop. Weeks later, the editor rings to say time is up: the
paper has deadlines; resources are finite. The paper trumpets an
investigative expose that is maybe half of the real story.
beauty of Mr. China, by Tim Clissold (Constable & Robinson,
London, 2004), is that the stories are all there. With rich,
delectable anecdotes, Mr. China illuminates scams in China, piles high
the dirt and etches heroes’ and villains’ portraits memorably.
The tales of foreign investment disaster, and conflict between the
Chinese and the foreign barbarians, oscillate between comedy and
of course, is no journalist. A Chinese-speaking Briton, he had a
front-row seat in the 1990s as second in command at a foreign
private-equity investor he doesn’t identify. Nor does he identify
“Pat,” the boss, a master of the universe from Wall Street who somehow
raised $418 million in the U.S. in the mid-1990s to invest in
China. We’ll make an educated guess: the firm is Asimco and the
Wall Streeter with the China dream is Jack Perkowski. Mr. China
is the story of vanishing dollars and the unraveling of that China
focused on two industries: motor-vehicle components and beer,
businesses where he figured he could buy Chinese factories and be the
great consolidator. A consummate salesman, he had no trouble
raising over $400 million in the U.S.; perhaps more surprisingly, he
invested the entire amount in just two years. Then the cultural
learning experiences commenced.
first deal, an ignition-coil factory in Changchun (the Detroit of
China), Northeast China, went like this: the foreign side invested cash
for 60% of the business; the Chinese put up land and buildings for a
40% stake. A few weeks after the deal closed, the Chinese factory
director called to say there was a slight problem: “Our factory’s land
… is not registered in our name so we can’t put it in. Does that
the foreigners invested in a gear-wheel factory for motorcycles in
Sichuan, the factory director flew to Beijing to seek approval for a
gearbox factory. The foreign investors rejected the
proposal. Next visit to Sichuan, Clissold was stunned to find a
new plant under construction, “‘Er, Mr. Su, what’s that?’” he
asked. “Mr. Su, beaming from ear to ear, announced proudly, ‘It’s
the new gearbox factory.’”
these lessons were mild compared to what was to come. Up at an
electrical components factory in Harbin, when the foreigners attempted
to sack the manager, he coerced suppliers to stop shipping parts to the
plant and told customers that the plant was going bust. Down in
Zhuhai, Guangdong, the factory director of a brake-pad factory stole
millions of dollars through issuing phony letters of credit that a
Chinese bank opened without proper authorization. Clissold
visited the Zhuhai Anti-Corruption Bureau to ask for an
investigation. The chap in charge of cases involving foreign
investors said he’d investigate, but “in order to do so we would have
to give him a ‘car and some working capital.’” When the
foreigners sought justice against the bank in a local court, the case
was thrown out even though the bank “lost” documents demanded by the
of the best factory directors in their universe, in Anhui, built a
second factory in direct competition. When the foreigners sought
legal action, the warlord-like factory director milked his relations
with local government and apparently fomented a factory strike.
Demonstrations turned so violent that the local government called out
the military.
at an electrical-motor factory in Hubei, the joint venture factory
director siphoned profits into the Chinese partner through sales
offices that operated in the partner’s name. When the foreigners
attempted to sack the director, violence erupted. Nor did the
hapless foreigners fare any better in beer. Shortly after
investing $58 million in a beer joint venture in Beijing, Clissold
discovered that the money had vanished: it went to repay an overdue
bank loan by the Chinese partner, which was owned by the Beijing
was dealing with a society that had no rules—or, more accurately,
plenty of rules that were seldom enforced,” writes Clissold.
“China seemed to be run by masterful showmen: appearances mattered more
than substance, rules were there to be distorted and success came
through outfacing an opponent … a core difference between Chinese and
Western business: for a Westerner, a contract is a contract, but in
China it’s a snapshot of a set of arrangements that happened to exist
at one time.” Clissold simultaneously felt squeezed by the
uncomprehending, impatient investors in the U.S. Somewhere along
the line, the young man had a heart attack while on vacation in
funny thing is, today China’s car market is booming and rapidly
integrating with the global car industry; Chinese breweries are rapidly
merging and the beer industry is consolidating. Reckless and
naïve, Pat may just have been a bit ahead of his time.
114. Big Boys
Betting Super Big on China
Big companies in several countries, which have often
experienced tepid growth in their traditional home markets, are betting
very, very big on China, perhaps to a worrisome degree. GM has
announced that it and local partners will spend $3 billion by 2007 to
expand facilities (Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan and Daimler-Chrysler are
also on the move there). Sales were up 20 % last year, but this
is a slowing from the torrid pace set earlier as Chinese regulators try
to cool the economy. GM is aiming now at 1.3 million vehicles by
2007, upping a previous goal of 865,000, and doubling the 530,000
produced currently. It is now highly profitable, and has moved
its share up from 1 to 11 percent. GM expects to generate enough
cash from operations to pay for the expansion. (See The New
York Times, June 8, 2004, pp. W1 and W8.)
BHP of Australia (the old Broken Hill) just signed a deal to sell $9
billion of iron ore to China’s steel mills over the next 25
years. BHP, to feed China and world demand, is spending $5.4
billion over the next 5 years to expand production of copper, nickel,
and alumina. It and other producers are straining to meet demand
for commodities, but the news of Chinese pullbacks has hit producer
stocks (i.e., equities) as well as the currencies of the many nations
heavily dependent on raw material production. (See the Times,
June 8, 2004, pp. W1 and W8.)
113. Harvard for
the Masses via CNBC and Dow Jones
Our colleague Andrew Tanzer brings us up-to-date on HBS
exports to China:
The weekend of July 11 will mark quite a
bold experiment in television. CNBC Asia (www.cnbcasia.com/ ),
a joint venture between CNBC and Dow Jones, will bring Harvard Business
School case studies to television in Shanghai, China. China
Business Network, a Shanghai Media Group (www.smg.sh.cn/english)
channel, will broadcast “Strategic Decisions.” Dragon V (see
www.dragontv.net/about_e.html), a nationwide satellite network,
will beam the show to cable operators around the Middle Kingdom.
Potential audience: more than 400 million households.
HBS case studies hardly sound like
riveting entertainment, and they’ve never before been adapted to the
tube. But consider this: upwardly mobile Chinese are hungry for
management education and business information. “So many people
want to get ahead in business in China,” explains Cynthia Owens, vice
president for programming at Singapore-based CNBC Asia. Owens
says the target audience is 25-45 years of age. In July, CNBC
Asia will also launch a career show aimed at aspirational Chinese
called “Road to Success,” also with China Business Network.
Decisions” will be filmed in a studio in Shanghai. In
each hour-long episode (52 minutes of content, 8 minutes of ads), the
Chinese presenter will lob questions about the case at a panel of four
Chinese experts and interact with the studio audience comprised of
Shanghai business school students. A Harvard professor tied to
the case will be separately interviewed in Cambridge. It’s all a
form of cheap distance learning for the ambitious young Chinese.
112. Ogilvy
Moves into Second Cities
Oglivy and Mather, part of WPP Group, is well established in Shanghai,
Bejing, and Guangzhou. Now it is moving into China’s second tier
of cities. It purchased 51% of Fujian Effort, the largest agency
in the eastern province of Fujian. To serve its multinationals,
it must get out in the hinterlands. China is increasingly being
knit together, creating a broader interconnected internal market that
will call for national marketing. Now Oglivy will also court more
Chinese companies. See The Wall Street Journal, June 17,
2004, p. B4.
111. American
Entrepreneurs Abroad: Heinecke
Andrew Tanzer, our colleague in Hong Kong, waxes poetic
about the considerable effect American entrepreneurs have had in the
Asian business scene:
There’s no
shortage of transplanted Asians who have enriched the U.S. economy
through importing entrepreneurial skills. In the computer
industry, for instance, Jerry Yang co-founded Yahoo, Charles Wang
started Computer Associates, and let’s not forget Wang Laboratories’
founder An Wang. What’s less understood is that the trade in
entrepreneurism is two-way: many American entrepreneurs have built huge
businesses across the Pacific. In Hong Kong, for instance, Robert
Miller and Charles Feeney founded Duty Free Shoppers, an industry giant
now controlled by LMVH; Nebraskan Merle Hinrichs started NASDAQ-listed
Global Sources, a highly profitable and leading electronic marketplace;
William E. Connor II has quietly constructed an impressive supply-chain
management/buying agency for a list of blue-chip clients including
Nordstrom, Williams-Sonoma and Land’s End.
Over in
Thailand, William Heinecke has made his fortune in fast foods, hotels
and branded-goods agencies. Heinecke, the son of a U.S. military
journalist who worked overseas for the Marine Corps’ Leatherneck
magazine, paid his adopted country the ultimate compliment: he
abandoned his U.S. citizenship and became a Thai. His The Entrepreneur: 25
Golden Rules for the Global Business Manager, told with
Jonathan Marsh (John Wiley & Sons, 2003), is an accessible,
practical blend of memoirs and primer for the aspiring entrepreneur.
No arcane,
academic tome, The Entrepreneur offers simple, commonsensical
and humorous advice on topics such as crisis management, hiring and
firing, and time management. One of the most attractive aspects
of the book is that, unlike so many self-important and narcissistic
American CEOs, Heinecke relishes poking fun at his own blunders, which
adds credibility to his story. For example, Heinecke admits that
a Thai businessman beat him hands down in supermarkets in
Bangkok. His competitor’s Villa chain had fresher produce and
superior inventory control. “I knew we were in trouble when my
wife told me her friends preferred to shop at Villa…. We got out
as soon as we could, poorer but wiser…. Never confuse qualities
of determination with those of stubbornness and stupidity.”
Indeed, humility
and high emotional intelligence are clearly two of Heinecke’s strong
suits. A high school graduate, Heinecke obviously listens well,
learns constantly and makes an art of “OPB”—working with other peoples’
brains. He knows his weaknesses and hires the best people he can
find to compensate. “Too many business people waste time on tasks
to which they’re ill-suited…. Half of being smart is knowing what
you are dumb at…. If you keep hiring people who are smarter than
you in important areas, you will build an organization that is very
Obviously a good
manager of people, Heinecke stresses that a leader must cut loose the
underperformers. Firing “involves coming to terms with your own
failings. You have to admit that you made a mistake by hiring the
person in the first place. But if you don’t fire mediocre
performers, you are doomed to failure as an entrepreneur. Just as
excellence breeds excellence, mediocrity breeds mediocrity.”
Like many
successful entrepreneurs, crisis and adversity seem to bring out the
best in Heinecke. He bounces back with the resilience of a Thai
kick-boxer who keeps scraping himself off the mat. For instance,
he weathered the Asian Crisis of 1997-98, whose epicenter was in
Thailand; he survived a bruising battle with Goldman Sachs over control
of a Bangkok luxury hotel and picked himself up after losing the Pizza
Hut franchise following a vicious battle with YUM, the U.S. parent
And like many
entrepreneurs, Heinecke succeeds by thinking differently. He
introduced pizza to Thailand, a nation of spicy cuisine and no
tradition of eating cheese. “Eating pizza in an air-conditioned,
American-style restaurant became a perfect symbol of increasing
purchasing power and changing consumer attitudes,” he explains.
He brought traditional Thai architecture to hotels and condos in
Thailand when local developers were looking overseas for bad
architectural ideas. “Developers looked at concrete blocks in
Hawaii and then built carbon copies in Thailand. Sometimes it
takes an outsider to point out something that is staring everyone in
the face—Thai architecture is breathtakingly beautiful.”
Richard Branson, Heinecke is an adventurer who flies his own planes and
helicopters and competes in car races. He makes no apologies for
disappearing sometimes for weeks. Indeed, he sees a management
lesson here: “This is good for me as well as my executives, who have to
operate without my presence.”
110. The
Shanghai Express
Another first in China. Shanghai has a new magnetic levitation
train, the first in commercial service. At peak speed, it cruises
at 268 miles per hour, taking just 8 minutes from downtown to the
airport. Started in January, it only carries 4,000 riders a day,
about 1/6 of its capacity. Like the Concorde, it is not very
comfortable, just fast. But it’s quite a milestone, since maglev
trains have been talked about in the States and elsewhere for years,
but they never quite get off the drawing boards. See The New
York Times, April 22, 2004, p. A4. Shanghai is getting
into a lot of superlatives, tall buildings and the like, as it
displaces Hong Kong as the commercial center of Greater China.
109. China
Demand for electricity in China is growing at the rate of 10 to 15% a
year. In some 21 provinces last year, the lights dimmed in homes
and factories went down. Particularly hard hit was Hunan in
southern China. As with other resources including capital, China
is profligate, and energy conservation alone could meet a great deal of
future power demand. Adding 30 plus gigawatts a year to its
supply, China will have to be a ballooning importer of oil, with 1/3 of
its crude already coming from abroad. See The Economist,
March 27, 2004, pp. 43-4.
108. The Rush to
With India’s growth rate bettering that of China last year, the nations
of Asia are pushing commercial ties in India to lessen their dependence
on China. See “Singapore Leads India Charge,” The Wall Street
Journal, April 5, 2004, p. A17. ASEAN’s (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations) trade with China is still 5 times that of its
dealings with India. “More than 1,400 Indian companies have
offices” in Singapore, including 19 of the top 20 Indian technology
companies. Singapore, Thailand, and ASEAN itself have trade
agreements and other ties on the way with India. “Singapore
companies have invested in everything from Indian ports to
real-estate developments to communications.
107. Kobe Suds
You have probably noticed that Japan’s Prime Minister has even been
reaching out in television ads to attract American tourists to
Japan. Kobe and Hyogo prefecture are going him one better, trying
to lure foreign businesses to locate there. P & G, Nestle,
and Eli Lilly have put their Japanese headquarters there. That
said, efforts by the local bureaucracy to attract multinationals had
been stuck in low gear until a couple of years ago. Then Werner
Geissler, P & G’s on-the-spot manager, started lending P & G
branding, marketing, and public relations expertise to the Japanese.
Now Kobe’s presenters reach out to more companies with much
livelier presentations, and a local official Masaaki Akagi is
spearheading the drive to reach into the executive suites of
foreigners with offices in Tokyo or those who have passed through
Kobe. See The Economist, March 27, 2004, p.62. For
an introverted and insular nation, this is earthshaking.
106. Behind the Mask
The Economist, March 20, 2004, features a special
section on business in China entitled “Behind the Mask.” There
are no particular surprises, as the article repeats most of the truisms
already known to China hands. Foreign companies are having a
tough time building scale there, and, more importantly, making any
profits. Their difficulties are compounded by an uncertain legal
structure, push and pull with both central and provincial governments,
and partners that do not operate by Western norms. Fueled by
ongoing and massive foreign direct investment, the economy grows at an
8 or 9% clip, but it is a marvelously inefficient user of capital,
wringing very poor returns out of the influx of funds.
Despite the fact that the SOEs (state-owned
corporations) deliver either poor returns or losses, they are not going
out of business anytime soon. The State intends to hold onto the
biggest enterprises and let the smaller fish slide into bankruptcy or
the private sector.
The real agenda of SASAC (the
State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission) “is the
transformation of a group of 30-50 SOEs into globally competitive
‘national champions’ by 2010.” While it points out that “the
three big oil companies, Baosteel, Haier (household appliances) and TCL
(electronics) are breaking into the bigtime globally,” The Economist
says this global thrust will be a hard slog. It notes that “only
11 Chinese companies rank in the Fortune 500 list of top global firms
by revenues….”
The Economist is most concerned about
the weak condition of the banks and the financial system.
“China’s sclerotic financial system not only fails to allocate capital
properly; its frailty endangers the company’s growth and
stability.” “At the very least, the country will soon have to
restrain its reckless fiscal pump-priming and will need to stop
bankrolling SOE reform and rural migration.” Both The
Economist and the majority of China experts share this view: They
see nothing but risk until China gets its financial house in
We are not sure China’s leaders see
priorities in the same light. In fact, we believe they are
working harder to keep the flow of funds coming, next perhaps by
floating shares and debt of more Chinese companies in the West.
They hope to sell their way out of trouble.
think they’re most worried about their rural poor—above all else.
Necessarily, this is their highest priority. In this vein,
see “China Focuses on Its Have-Nots,” The Wall Street Journal,
March 4, 2004, p. A14. “The gap between urban and rural incomes
has widened as China’s economic overhaul has sparked a boom, mainly in
the cities.” While residents along the Coast in private
enterprises have prospered, farmers as well as workers in state-owned
enterprises are hurting and are getting more vocal about their
distress. The trick will be for the State to get better returns
from capital and yet to put more people to work—not an easy task.
Haier Learning
Haier of China
has grown 70% a year for two decades and has now reached $9.7 billion
in sales, and its head, Zhang Ruimin, is celebrated around the
world. It is trying to become a global brand, with $1 billion of
sales now overseas. Ruimin is going abroad in a big way, because
margins are suffering at home, given an explosion of competition. The
Economist believes that it will have problems—with too broad a
product range, too many iterations of each product, flat profits with
increasing volume, and higher costs as it produces abroad. In
other words, by Western standards, it is spread too thin.
Nonetheless, it has been smart enough to penetrate markets by gobbling
up niches: it’s the big boy in very small refrigerators in
America. What has yet to be examined is how it is going about
achieving deep consumer recognition.
104. Who Is the
Smartest Banker of Them All?
There are a host of questions about Alan Greenspan, with
high anxiety in some quarters that he has turned on inflation with low
interest rates, fueled speculative endeavors, and prompted
misallocation of capital. Wright and Smithers think he should
have dampened asset inflation (i.e., stock market bubble) (see
suggest that the failure to do so will inevitably lead to a strong
period of economic contraction. To some, European bankers appear,
on the other hand, to have too many feet on the brakes.
The Economist (February 14,
2004, p. 68) believes Japan’s Toshihiko Fukui, who has only been on the
job about a year, is the central banker who has gotten it right.
He has been feeding money into the system, while verbally pumping up
markets by saying he will keep easy policies in effect until deflation
is routed. Expectations have clearly changed, and share prices
have been rising.
103. China’s New
Our man in Hong Kong, Andrew Tanzer, points out that Dow
Jones, The Financial Times, and everybody else under
the sun is trying to make a go of English-language publications for
Greater China and the whole of Asia with less than spectacular
results. Much more buoyant is the growth of publications in China
for the Chinese, as the Government cuts back on its own publications
and cautiously allows growth of the entrepreneurial market. Our
commentator does not remark on the slow but steady progress in private
broadcast initiatives which we detected as far back as 2001. At
any rate, here’s his take on magazines and newspapers:
“The bigger
opportunity, of course, is in local-language publishing, especially in
the mother of all emerging markets—China. Not only is the ad
market booming in China; the people are also thirsty for knowledge and
information. Media are still one of the mostly tightly controlled
sectors in China, but if you look closely you can see change.
Largely for economic reasons the Communist Party is beating a retreat
from media. The Party is shutting down, privatizing or selling
stakes in hundreds of loss-making Party and government-owned
newspapers; the Government says it will stand behind only a handful of
newspapers. A new government regulation bans coerced
subscriptions to publications. The media sector is clearly moving
towards a market economy; restrictions on foreign investment are being
We’ve been
reading some of the Chinese newspapers and magazines. The big
surprise is some are shockingly good. We’ll give you a taste of 21st
Century Business Herald, a twice-a-week newspaper published in
Guangzhou (traditionally an intellectual backwater in China) by Nanfang
Daily. Clearly one of the leading candidates to be the Wall
Street Journal or Nihon Keizai Shimbun of China, 21st
Century is printed in eight cities and sells for less than a
quarter a copy.
We are, quite
frankly, blown away by the content of this newspaper. While
American publications, perhaps influenced by USA Today and People
Magazine, are moving to lighter fare, jazzier graphics and more
white space, 21st Century is content rich, solidly
researched and surprisingly critical. No, it doesn’t call for the
overthrow of the Party, but there’s lively debate and an independent
One recent
edition of 21st Century included the following
articles: an interview with a scholar about weeding out
corruption in the Party; an editorial on streamlining and improving
disclosure of the central government’s budgets; a piece on the need to
fund public schools for the children of migrant workers; a
well-reported story on the tsunami of Japanese car-parts investment in
China; an investigative tale about theft and disappearance of oil from
pipelines in the country; an opinion piece on the need to improve
ethics education in the schools; an analysis of the politics and debate
over a new labor-insurance law; a story about the rapid spread of
shopping malls in the nation; an analysis of Philips Electronics’
logistics system; a four-page package of articles comparing the
economic development strategies and paths of India and China; a story
about a government campaign to rein in excess investment in cell-phone
manufacturing (current capacity 170 million handsets a year for a
market of 80 million units). This is all in one day’s newspaper!
Century Business Herald is clearly a remarkably highbrow product,
but of course it doesn’t turn away advertisers. This same day’s
edition included the following ads: consumer electronics ads from
Toshiba, Konka and Shinco (two domestic makers); ads for BMW and
Citroen (Xinhua reports that auto adverts in Chinese newspapers jumped
by 80% last year); a large ad for UBS, touting its Greater China
banking services; and ads for Hainan Airlines, a domestic hard-liquor
brand and a new shopping mall in Dongguan, a Guangdong Province
boomtown.” For more on 21st Century Business Herald,
The Financial
Times (March 4, 2004, p.13) recently commented on the cautious
opening of the government to partial privatization. “China late
last year launched a review of more than 1,400 party and state
newspapers and periodicals:” it closed half and made the rest begin to
clean up their finances or join commercial groups. Foreigners now
can invest in TV production companies which will have to generate
voluminous content for hundreds of new State TV channels that will be
ramped up in the years to come. The content of newspapers has
gotten more interesting, ranging from sports to entertainment to
corruption exposes. Papers are learning not to do investigations
close to home, but delving into bad deeds in remote provinces, thus
avoiding the heavy hand of local party officials. Advertising in
media has edged up to about $5 billion from $3 billion in 1998.
Despite state
controls, a greater range of opinion and information is exchanged on
the Internet than in normal publishing channels, abetted by online
discussion boards and a huge flurry of text messaging.”
Update: China's New Media
Hu Shuli is editor of the twice-monthly (to be weekly) Caijing
magazine, which is devoted to business and finance. It has a
circulation of 80,000 and is staffed by 40 journalists. Founded
in 1998 by Wang Boming, it is part of SEEC, which Wang hopes to grow
into the country’s biggest media group. It has run daring stories
on corruption and crony capitalism, but both its owners and Ms. Shuli
are close enough to the powers that be to skirt stories and attitudes
that may rub officialdom the wrong way and result in a shutdown.
See The Economist, May 29, 2004, p.68 and
www.caijing.com.cn/english/. It is considered the most
hard-hitting of the business magazines. One can not
overrate the importance of the emerging independent media in China, a
sign that the government recognizes the corrective nature of good
newspapers for both growth and stability as long as they operate within
government is less at ease with the Internet, and continues to extend
its controls with perhaps 35,000 Internet policemen trying to block
uppity websites and dissidents. This now extends into local
administrations with a comprehensive recent addition of special rules
in Shanghai. However, blogs are now running rampant, and the
government simply can’t get its arms around them, because there are so
Update: Openings for Foreign Media. In an
interview, “Hold the Presses: The Story on China’s Media Sector is
Still Evolving,” at Wharton, January 11, 2006, Zhengrong Hu, a
professor at the Communication University of China, spoke of the
emerging opportunities for Western content and business process
providers in the Chinese landscape, despite public controls over
controversial subject matter. Wharton outlines the vastness of
this market: “China today has 1.2 billion radio listeners and 1.23
billion TV watchers, and there are currently 282 radio stations, 314
television stations and 1,913 broadcasting stations at the city level.
Income from these outlets totaled approximately $10 billion in
2004—numbers that will only grow as cable and digital TV roll out
nationwide over the coming years.” Broadcasting outlets can
produce less than 70% of content locally, according to Hu. Now
“less ideological activities—such as production, distribution,
transmission networks, advertising, entertainment, music, movies, TV
dramas, sports and lifestyle—will fall to private media companies.”
Apparently with the flowering of broadcast media, newspapers are
feeling a great deal of pressure as in the West, their revenues
sometimes flat or declining, and readership migrating to electronic
media. (2/15/06)
102. Portal to Asia
The Pair
Catalog (Portal to Asian Internet Resources) can be found at http://webcat.
It will lead you to websites on
sundry topics for a multitude of Asian countries, with links ranging
from culture and public health to business.
America Déjà Vu
Now we learn that Columbus did not discover
America. We are continuously learning that all the things we
invented in the Western World were done in China first. Our man
in Hong Kong, Andrew Tanzer, reviews a fascinating and controversial
book that claims that the Chinese uncovered the New World well before
Western European explorers thought they were charting a new passage to
Asia, going West to go East. At any rate, it's a good read:
“Gavin Menzies’
quest began when he stumbled upon some startling 15th-century maps and
charts, cartography that he argues conclusively demonstrates that some
mariners discovered and mapped the Americas, Australia, Greenland and
Antarctica long before the great European explorers arrived. His
answer: “There was only one nation at that time with the material
resources, the scientific knowledge, the ships and the seafaring
experience to mount such an epic voyage of discovery. That nation
was China.” So writes the retired British submarine commander and
amateur historian in 1421: The Year China
Discovered America, William Morrow, 2003 (tellingly entitled 1421:
The Year China Discovered the World in the UK edition).
Menzies spent 14
years and visited 900 museums around the world in conducting
research. His yarn goes like this: from 1421-23 China conducted
global voyages of exploration under the command of the famed Admiral
Zheng He, Grand Eunuch in the Court of early-Ming Emperor Zhu Di.
Menzies maintains that the Chinese explored and discovered the Americas
70 years before Columbus; rounded the Cape of Good Hope over 60 years
earlier than Dias and da Gama; circumnavigated the globe a century
prior to Magellan’s vessel (Magellan himself was butchered by the
natives on the Philippine island of Cebu); and explored Australia three
centuries before Captain Cook. Then, in a fit of xenophobia in
the mid-15th century, the Chinese court burned all records of these
historic expeditions. Menzies says the legendary European
“explorers” all carried maps recreated from Chinese cartography.
When Menzies
sticks to facts the book is fascinating. The first purpose
of Zheng He’s armada was to return tribute-bearing envoys to their
homes in Southeast Asia, India and East Africa. These had visited
Beijing for the 1421 inauguration of the exquisite Forbidden City,
built by five million laborers at a time when Europe was crude and
rather barbaric. Zheng He could call on treasure ships that were
480 feet long, 180 feet wide, each with the capacity to transport 2,000
tons of cargo (Europe’s best of that era were Venetian galleys: 150
feet long, 20 feet wide, a cargo capacity of 50 tons). Beside
superior naval architecture and the invention of the magnetic compass,
Chinese sailors were able to calculate longitude centuries before
Europeans; they measured latitude more accurately, possessed superior
astro-navigation skills and water-desalinization
technology. The Chinese seafarers even ate and slept
better: soybeans were grown on ships to prevent scurvy; otters were
trained to catch fish; well-qualified concubines were on board for
every pleasure.
Menzies sees
Chinese fingerprints wherever he goes: shipwrecks, artifacts,
mysterious stone structures, DNA and linguistic legacies. He
points to evidence such as the early appearance of Asiatic chickens and
pigs in Latin America, the introduction of rice to the Americas and the
movement of corn from South America to China.
trouble with the book is that it reads like a novel. Most of the
evidence is circumstantial; many of the conclusions are highly
speculative. Menzies’ approach reminds one of a journalist who
writes his story before commencing reporting. Yet the book does
serve the useful purpose of reminding Westerners of the glory of
China’s ancient culture, the tradition of innovation in science and
technology—and points to the vast potential of the ingenious Chinese
100. Chinese Investment
Most of our
attention so far has been focused on FDI—foreign direct investment—in
China. But now you will notice that some major Chinese companies
are beginning to open up factories in the West, sending money in the
other direction. Haier, for instance, is putting an appliance
plant in South Carolina, and already has 13 sites abroad. FDI
into China did reach a record in 2002 of $53 billion and was projected
to ratchet up another $8 or $10 billion in 2003. Apparently, the
Chinese invested $2.9 billion outside China in 2002, a small but
significant amount. Roland Berger, a consulting firm, says 3/4 of
its manufacturing firms have foreign plans in the works. China’s
3 big oil firms have invested in 14 countries. Baosteel is
planning a big stake in a giant Brazilian steel plant. In order
to move upstream, the Chinese are also buying ailing foreign brands
with a view to selling higher value-added, pricey products. See The
Economist, September 6, 2003, p. 57.
-new- Update.
The uneasy but symbiotic relationship between the United States and
China draws ever closer. Yilu Zhao’s “When Jobs Move Overseas (to
South Carolina),” New York Times, October 26, 2003, BU4,
closely details Haier’s expansion into a $40 million plant in Camden,
South Carolina. Haier already has 1/3 of U.S. market for compact
refrigerators and half the market for wine-cooler cabinets. With
2% of the standard size refrigerator market, it has goal of expanding
to 10%. The article speculates that Haier, rather connected to
the Chinese government, may be pursuing market share and a U.S.
presence with less of an eye to profit and a heavy emphasis on gaining
market position at all costs.
99. Home Improvement
Urban China, at least, is taking up the habits of
Western affluence in very short order. “China’s home-improvement
market, estimated to be worth almost 200 billion yuan ($24 billion) two
years ago, has since grown much bigger. “B & Q (part of Great
Britain’s Kingfisher) is already China’s biggest chain by sales.
Its foreign rivals include Sweden’s IKEA and Germany’s Obi. America’s
giant Home Depot, which already has links to Homeway, a Chinese chain,”
plans to take a bigger plunge in this market. While the Chinese
buy the home improvement goods, they don’t, as in the West, do
the work themselves. Margins for these stores are thin, however,
because supply and distribution costs are still high, and customers
require lots of service which leads to excess staffing. See the Economist,
October 11, 2003, pp. 67 and 68.
98. China First
Greater China is becoming a more important market for
Japan and Singapore than the U.S. Japan’s exports to Greater
China (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the People’s Republic) are surging,
reducing its trade imbalance with China. “Singapore’s third
quarter economic figures showed the fastest growth in eight
years. The July-to-September quarter posted a blistering 17.3 per
cent expansion compared to the quarter before.”
China is now Singapore’s top export market:
“China has overtaken USA to become Singapore's top export
destination for the first time. For the first nine months this
year, Singapore’s exports to China and Hong Kong, which redirects much
of the exports to China, hit $30.6b, compared with the $24.8b to the
U.S. in the same period. In a fillip for the all-important
electronics sector, which accounts for a third of Singapore's
manufacturing output, microchip exports to China almost doubled for the
first nine months of this year, compared with the previous year.
The US was Singapore’s top export market last year, importing $32.9b
worth of goods, while China and Hong Kong were close behind at
Bites of the Week, Challenge Newsletter, Singapore MITI, week
of November 15-21, 2003.
97. The Birth of Democracy
Japan long has had the trappings of democracy, but not
the substance. Now, in its most recent election, we apparently
have witnessed the beginning of a genuine two-party system that is a
necessary prelude to a complete revitalization of its economic
structure. This would set the stage for something similar in
China and the rest of Asia, where some political problems are
intractable due to the lack of popular participation. For more on
this, see our Letters from the Global Province, November 19, 2003, “The
Sun Maybe Rises.”
96. Reverse to Forward
In a flipflog, Indian drug companies are fully coming of
age. Once busy tearing apart and then copying American drugs,
then selling them on the cheap, they are now going straight.
Indian up and comers such as Ranbaxy Labs (www.ranbaxy.com),
Dr. Reddy’s (www.drreddys.com),
and Cipla (www.cipla.com)
have forged research partnerships with the likes of Pfizer, Novartis,
and Watson Pharmaceuticals. Is it possible that the Indians will
do in pharmaceuticals what the Japanese long ago did in electronics,
moving from knockoffs to we-will-go-you-one-better? Since U.S.
drugs are horribly overpriced, this is a distinct possibility.
See Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2003, pp. A14 and A16.
95. Watching India
We have plenty of China watchers, but probably not
enough India watchers. There are several reasons why we should
pay more attention. As we have said, its GDP growth has become
impressive in recent years, getting as high as 6.1% in 2000 and 4.3% in
2003, years ending March 31. For the current year (ending March
31, 2004), some current private forecasts look to growth as high as
8%. With more structural reform and a more welcome attitude
towards foreign direct investment, it could equal or outclass
China. But, of course, its political leaders do have a habit of
being the country’s worst enemies, continuously shooting the country in
the foot on all sorts of issues, which is probably linked to the
enduring legacy of Britain’s imperial adventure there and to its
inability to bring its culture into the 20th century,
despite the fact that it is a mecca for software production for much of
the developed world. Interestingly, foreign equity capital has
poured into India stocks recently, up about 5 times over 2002, and the
private equity houses are coming in, even with all the obstacles.
“World Bank officials do say New Delhi’s debt load—owed mainly to
domestic lenders—is undercutting the government’s ability to fund new
infrastructure and development programs.” See Wall Street
Journal, September 25, 2003, p. A17.
“A rising number of Western and Asian
multinational companies are setting up or expanding Indian production
operations, both to cash in on the booming local economy … and to
capitalize on an export platform with important potential.” The
car companies are coming here in a major way, particularly Hyundai
which has taken a 20% share of the local car market. Nonetheless,
there remain doubts among foreign investors, particularly since the
Indian infrastructure is still so outdated. See “India, the
Export Launching Pad,” Wall Street Journal, October 2, 2003, p.
Indian businessmen in the United States,
particularly in the high-tech community, have tended to organize very
well in mutual help business groups, which are worth a look since they
give insight into worldwide Indian business trends.
As a practical matter, however, one should
be ever watchful in doing business with India. We have reports
from substantial companies in both Canada and France that they always
encounter flies in the ointment when contracting for exports.
Something always goes wrong, and their Indian correspondents simply
won’t remedy the defects. In fact, this problem is so acute that
they now boycott Indian products.
94. The Shirt
Harry Lee’s TAL
Apparel Ltd. in Hong Kong not only makes shirts for everybody under the
sun, but it, instead of the retailers it supplies, has pushed supply
chain principles to the nth degree with the companies to which it is
linked including J.C. Penney, but also J. Crew, Calvin Klein, Banana
Republic, Tommy Hilfiger, Liz Claiborne, Ralph Lauren, and Brooks
Brothers. For Penney it does everything from design, to ordering,
to replenishment. “Because TAL manages the entire process, from
design to ordering yarn, it can bring a new style from the testing
stage to full retail rollout in four months, much faster than Penney
could on its own.” It is now negotiating to do exactly the same
thing with Brooks Brothers. From Malaysia TAL Apparel is making
made-to-measure, semi custom pants for Land’s End (see Land’s End on Agile Companies
#180) and shipping them directly to U.S. customers, with a Land’s End
invoice enclosed. See the Wall Street Journal, September
11, 2003, pp. Al & A9. Also study IBM case history on TAL at
Lee is moving into other articles of clothing such as underwear.
93. Reaching Deeper into China
Western consumer companies ranging from Nokia to
Swatch, Johnson and Johnson, and Coke are moving beyond the biggest
cities and the 13 China Central Television channels to reach the
millions outside the major urban areas. Some 70% of China’s 1.3
billion people are peasants, for instance, in rural markets. This
is a complicated chore. “China has more than 3,000 channels and
hundreds of markets. There are also 1,800 radio stations, more
than 1,000 newspapers, some 7,000 magazines and numerous internet
portals.” In fact, this effort tracks the larger national effort
to weave together and strongly develop the whole internal market which
is not unlike America’s 19th-century effort to link all of the United
States into one integrated economy, particularly through the
railroads. See the Wall Street Journal, August 29, 2003,
p. A6.
92. Global Virtual Teaching
Founded in 1997, Blackboard (www.blackboard.com)
is going Chinese. Its interactive educational software platforms
now are in use at 3,000 clients (600 of them abroad), but now it has
concluded a deal with Cernet, a Chinese public-private education
company, an undertaking which could far overshadow previous
efforts. It is expected to generate $3 to $5 million a year for a
company that only turned its first profit last year with revenues of
$22.6 million in the quarter ending June 30. Cernet expects 50 to
100 thousand students to use Blackboard this year, with a rise to 5 to
10 million in the next 5 years. Clients now include Yale, Oxford,
and the National Technical University in Singapore. See the New
York Times, September 1, 2003, p. C3. Cernet (www.edu.cn/20010101/22189.shtml)
itself deserves some extra study by educational policymakers and China
watchers because it is assisting in the transformation of Chinese
education, which itself is moving from a lecture, top-down mode of
teaching to more of a seminar or conversational mode of learning.
It is felt that the Internet, properly used, can be a vehicle for
accelerating national change, particularly in under-funded
infrastructure sectors such as education and health.
91. India Closing in on China
The common wisdom is that China is an economic miracle
and that India is a basket case. David Wessel of the Wall
Street Journal (July 24, 2003, p.A2) shows us that the facts are
different, based on his reading of an article by Tarun Khanna of
Harvard Business School and Yasheng Huang of Sloan School of
Management at MIT in Foreign Policy magazine. Because
of huge inbound Foreign Direct Investment, China has grown at a 7-8%
rate for the past decade, while India comes in at 6%. In
addition, India saves 24% domestically versus China’s 40%, so in
aggregate China has a huge capital base to power its growth rate.
Commentators note that China wastes a considerable percentage of this
capital, particularly in the State Owned Enterprise sector. So
India gets a much higher return for its capital, and one can argue that
a modest rise in savings and investment could put India on the same
growth curve as China. Note, too, that China became serious about
its economy in 1978, while India only began to shift its economic
strategy in 1991: We might assume convergence will occur as India
gets another decade under its belt.
suggest strongly that readers look at the magazine article as well,
since it has so many other important observations (www.foreignpolicy.com/story/story.php?storyID=13774).
Last year, it notes, the Forbes 200 included 13 firms from
India, but only 4 from mainland China. The authors believe that
India’s infrastructure, capital markets, and legal system are superior
to China’s. They conclude that India, even with its bureaucracy,
has fostered a more dynamic entrepreneurial class than China.
Clearly their article goes overboard to make a point, particularly when
you look at a table in their article comparing the two countries where
India compares so unfavorably on poverty, infant mortality, excess
population growth, and digitization as expressed in phone
saturation. It should be noted, however, that India has achieved
much more horsepower in the software area (which is probably a proxy
for modern intellectual capital) and is even now exporting mundane
software chores to China. We would suppose, however, that smart
investors will find ways, difficult as it may be, to place more capital
in India and other places in Asia that are showing world competitive
entrepreneurial energy.
90. Gender Gap in Japan
Japan, women comprise 8.9% of managerial workers, 20.2% of civil
service workers, and 7.3% of Parliament. The equivalent figures
for the U.S. are 46%, 49.3%, and 14.3%. If anything, the U.S.
lags in government categories among developed nations, but is a leader
in the private sector. This sets the stage for Howard French’s
important article, “Japan’s Neglected Resource: Female Workers,” New
York Times, July 25, 2003, p. A3. Given the fact that Japan
has an aging workforce, which is reaching retirement in greater numbers
than in the West, and since it shuts out migration into the country,
this social anomaly amounts to economic suicide for the nation.
It needs all the workers and educated talent it can lay its hands
on—both as workers and consumers. With the country’s
mini-depression, there is even some severe pressure to squeeze women
out of the second rank jobs they hold. This has more than one
strategic implication for the United States: Whether it is the
Middle East or Japan or other places, it is in the interest of the U.S.
government to target more of its communications at the female
population which, given its status in so many places, is the Trojan
Horse for many, many countries. And, as the content of jobs
migrate from brawn to brains in many parts of the world, it becomes
imperative to entwine one’s economic policy with the advancement of
women who can be equal or better knowledge workers than their male
counterparts. Asia, in general, will have to face up to the
claims and place of women in the 21st century if it is not to lag the
89. Chinese Brand Names
might have been predicted, Chinese manufacturers, after years as
cheap producers of goods for Western multinationals, are exerting more
muscle and putting their own branded products out into the
marketplace. This move into all aspects of marketing and
distribution has been gathering momentum for some 5 years, but Western
publications are just beginning to take note of it. See, for
instance, “Made, and Branded, in China,” Wall Street Journal,
August 22, 2003, p. A7. Haier Group, an appliance manufacturer,
has long been putting its wares around the world, and it has a real
presence in the United States. Among those reaching out are Konka
Group, Sichuan Changhong Electric, and TCL International
Holdings. This, incidentally, is the most important aspect of
China’s forthcoming hosting of the Olympics: It signals a coming of age
in the marketing sphere, just as it did in Korea in its day.
Western economies will have to think long and hard about all this,
since, increasingly, the only value companies there add to the mix are
marketing and distribution. What will they do now?
88. Hungry China
only for food, but for all sorts of raw materials. “The
country’s crude-oil imports this year are on pace to hit a record 80
million metric tons….” See the Wall Street Journal, August 21,
2003, p. A8. Increasingly, you can expect China to be a vast
importer of all sorts of commodities that are vital to its
economy. This has major implications for the world’s raw material
87. Hong Is Long Kong
Kong has been taking an economic pelting ever since the People’s
Republic re-absorbed it into Mainland China. Much of the property
now sells for less than the mortgages the banks hold on it. Just
as manufacturing has moved into adjacent provinces with ample, cheap
labor and space, the business titans are emigrating to Shanghai,
China’s New York City if you like. Since 98, the Hang Seng index
has charted the misery of the city’s stockmarket. Likewise
shipping is moving out of town, to Shenzen Province and to Shanghai
where the fees are much less. Interestingly, the Hong Kong banks,
including overseas branches of European banks, having seen
substantial loans go bad, have turned unduly cautious, often
failing to lend adequately to perfectly healthy enterprises. So
this financial center is seeing mainland Chinese banks steal away even
its natural banking franchise. Paradoxically, Hong Kong was
probably more productive for the whole of China when it was under a
British mandate. Independent Taiwan likewise probably does more
for the Chinese economy as a semi-independent nation. Perhaps
this is not unlike the situation in Germany, where the re-union with
East Germany has dragged the whole economy down.
86. Chinese Students Abroad
Two articles in
the Economist highlight the flood of Chinese who are schooling
abroad—and then returning home to change China forever. “The
latest figures, from 2001, show around 18,000 Chinese students in
British higher education. That makes them the largest group out
of a total of 143,000 foreigners. And it is a 71% increase on
2000. Preliminary figures for 2002 show a further increase of
67%, taking the likely total over 25,000.” See Economist,
March 29, 2003, p.53. In parallel, considerable numbers of
children of rich Chinese now also go to boarding school abroad, the
parents not only bearing very handsome stipends for the education, but
supporting the very high spending habits of the children. (See Economist,
March 29, 2003, p.39-40.) Education of Chinese and Asians in the
West has, as we have said before, becoming an increasingly important
export of Western developed nations.
85. Cutting through the Very
Red Tape
“Red Tape,” Forbes, March 3, 2003, we learn how a McKinsey
consultant discovered his true calling. Jeff Bernstein has found
his home in China in “logistics—getting goods to the right places at
the right time. Because its distribution is so fragmented, the
nation spends about 15% of its GDP (which was $1.2 trillion last year)
on logistics, well above the U.S. rate.” His Emerge Logistics
does business with 15 Western corporations wanting to avoid the
considerable hassle of physically moving goods through the
underdeveloped Chinese distribution network and the dealing with
countless government approvals that burden the whole process.
“Getting goods through customs requires 100 forms and an additional
wait for clearance so that Emerge’s data terminal can print out the
government’s okay.” As we have said, distribution and logistics
has become the most important area of development in the Chinese
economy, as the country tries to knit the interior together with
coastal areas and more fully develop its internal market, not unlike 19th-century
84. China Tech
Business Week, which seems to do a better job on
China than its competitors Fortune and Forbes,
portrayed all that is underway in technology in China in a cover
article October 28, 2002. Technology exports, still 1/6 of
India’s, are expected to pull even with India in perhaps five years,
and the two are projected to pour $60 billion worth of goods or so
annually into world markets in fairly short order. The article
reminds us that China has an abundance of engineering graduates, and
that an engineer commands $15,000 a year, a tremendous competitive edge
in world markets. But the most interesting observation is how
China is tapping into the Chinese diaspora abroad, with numerous
Chinese professors, for instance, holding joint appointments at
universities in their adopted land as well as in China. We would
add that the considerable number of returnees from abroad who are
starting tech ventures in China is a key driver in China’s quest to
catch up with all the Silicon Valleys of the world.
83. Global Yamaha
Genichi Kawakami died May 25, 2002, age 90 (See Economist,
June 8, 2002, p. 81.) Our interest in him is that he took Yamaha
global in a host of product categories and made sure, to boot, that his
products enjoyed a good enough reputation to go head to head with the
best. His pianos, at the end, were regarded as well as Steinways
by many. “By the late 1980s, Yamaha has become the world’s
leading maker of musical instruments of all kinds, not just
pianos.” He also scored in motorbikes, water scooters, tennis
rackets, golf clubs, machine tools, etc. His marketing went to
the unusual: he started a worldwide chain of franchised music
schools, and perhaps 5 million students got their harmonies and a touch
of Yamaha in just this way. Little wonder that many bought Yamaha
instruments along the way. We suspect he is a model for business
generalissimos in the present age where one has simultaneously to go
upmarket and to go global.
82. Internet Guide for China
Studies (and A Lot More)
The Institute of China studies at Heidelberg University
is one of those very helpful sites hidden in the Web’s Virtual Library
System with a system of links that gets at almost any subject.
www.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/igcs/. Though most of its links
lead you to academic resources, there’s an attempt to get at a range of
everyday concerns such as exchange rates, stock prices, and business
81. Go West, Young Man
Business Week (December 9,
2002, pp. 51-58) did an interesting special report on the integration
of the Greater China economy, by which it means roughly the
knitting together of the People’s Republic, Hong Kong, and
Taiwan. In some respects this is old news, since all this has
been afoot for several years. Even more significant, we think, is
the integration of the economy inside the People’s Republic as
industrial development and logistics infrastructure knit Western China
together with the coastal areas where the first wave of modern economic
development took place. The Chongqing Municipality is at the
center of this opening up of the interior, and Business Week
notes that over $200 billion is expected to be invested there over the
next decade.
80. China: And Now for
China has been
an export economy, but now the imports are beginning to matter.
Beginning in 2000, imports finally soared past $200 billion, and,
thinks the Wall Street Journal (October 14, 2002, p.R5), this
year they should mount to $250 billion. This surge has also been
accompanied by a spurt in travel by Chinese citizens, with some 12
million going abroad last year. People from the coastal areas are
not only consuming foreign goods at an increased pace but are paying-up
for tours overseas as well.
79. Chinese Stock Markets Open
an Inch
As of December 1, large institutional investors (with $10 billion and
up in assets) will be able to invest in Shanghai or Shenzen
yuan-denominated markets. It will be hard to get in and
impossible to get out. So the institutions are not beating a path
to China’s door. The opening of the China markets is to be a slow
process which is just the way the Chinese want it, no matter how
dependent they already are on foreign direct investment flows, which
are huge and which are fundamental to its fast growth rate. See Economist,
November 16, 2002, p. 68.
78. Headquarters Hawaii
Japan is tough on small companies. Closures outpace start-ups,
and venture capital investments are an infinitesimal fraction of the
GNP, not only when ranked against the United States but even when
stacked up against European nations such as France and Portugal.
Some smart entrepreneurs are sidestepping legal and financial headaches
by registering their companies in Hawaii, even if they really intend to
do business in Japan, having discovered this loophole in Japanese
regulations. See “Japan’s Entrepreneurs Say Hawaii Offers a
Better Business Climate,” Wall Street Journal, October 15,
2002, pp. A16-17. Digital Point has gone them one better.
Not only has this Internet consulting business set up shop in Hawaii,
but now its owner, Hiroshi Kawasaki, has a second product line—advising
other Japanese companies how to do the same thing. He’s got a
book out on the subject with a somewhat amusing title called The
Easy Way to Set Up an Incorporated Company for 300,000 Yen.
We imagine this is one instance where you can tell a book by its cover.
77. Pan Asia Websites
A while back, we began looking for websites about Asia
that had breadth and depth, and found that all the normal suspects
(newspapers, government institutes, and the like) were offering
less than tours de force. So we will begin the list with a couple
of Pan-Asia sources that at least make an effort to offer a lot, and we
will plan on adding to the list in the future:
2. Contemporary Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature
in English.
http://www.postcolonialweb.org/ This will get you Singapore,
India, Australia, and New Zealand. This affair is managed by
George P. Landow of Brown University and the National University of
Singapore. Obviously it is supposed to take you into the
literature of each country, but it also gives you briefs on economics,
history, demography, etc. The value of the site lies in the fact
that you cannot get a very good window into any country unless you can
get the flavor of its art and literature.
1. Asian Studies Network Information
http://link.lanic.utexas.edu/asnic/ Lo and behold, the
University of Texas at Austin has a pretty comprehensive site, replete
with all sorts of links, which gives you a rather big sweep of
Asia. Kindly be warned that the fellows in Texas have not been
diligent (many of the links are outdated) and the site needs to be
better maintained. Nonetheless, it leads you to some pretty good
76. Making Tracks
“Spending $42 billion in the five years to 2005, the government plans
to add 4,400 miles of track to the country’s sprawling 43,000 rail
network. The goal is to clear major transportation bottlenecks
that threaten to choke economic growth. One byproduct could be
huge contracts for foreign companies selling next-generation rail
technologies.” See “China Lays New Tracks to Spur Growth,” Wall
Street Journal, July 16, 2002, p. A12. The thrust is to build
east-west links as part of the larger effort to tie together China’s
internal market, spreading development from the Coasts into the
interior. China is also inviting foreign investment in rails and
cargo now, realizing that it has to create infrastructure in a hurry to
service its internal market.
75. Pharma from Farming
Natural remedies have always had a hard time making it into the
mainstream marketplace because they do not offer large proprietary
profits to the drug companies and because, almost as a consequence,
controlled large-scale testing does not take place. Our
regulators need massive controlled tests in order to pass on a
drug. But, slowly, herbs are finding their place in the
sun. “The Hong Kong Trade Development Counsel reckons the world
market for Chinese medicine has doubled over the past eight years to
about $23 billion.” The biggest market is Europe, particularly
Germany. “In June, Changchun Da Xing (HONG KONG: 8067.HK), a
mainland company that gets 80% of its profit from a traditional
treatment for cervical ailments, issued shares in Hong Kong and found
them ten times oversubscribed.” Simple to say, there is
simply too much latent demand for such treatments to be kept in the
74. Chopsticks
Food is the glue that ties countries together. And this is easily
seen in “The History of Eating Utensils,” now on exhibit at the
California Academy of Sciences. There you can learned that
chopsticks came into being in China 5,000 years ago, earning the name
kuai-zi (“quick little fellows”), so appropriate for these agile
utensils. Later they spilled over into Vietnam, Korea, and
Japan. The Japanese word for them is hashi (“bridge”), possibly
accounting for the numerous real bridges in Japan that really go
nowhere but satisfy the porkbarrel urges of public officials who feel
one cannot enough too much of a good thing. In any event,
chopsticks do tie Asia’s leading nations together. See
73. The Esprit Is Maybe Back
Can the spirit recover? Because of family spats and other
problems, the once-powerful Esprit clothing
producer and retailer has gotten into deep trouble. And now it is
all owned by Hong-Kong’s Esprit Holdings (HSKE: ESHDF; www.esprit-intl.com/ir/),
the Asian outlet having swallowed its parent. Besides picking
smarter store locales, Esprit is changing its target audience from
teenies and young 20s to 28-year-olds. This kind of ownership
reversal has happened before: Japan’s 7-11 had to take over 7-11
in the U.S. Increasingly, retail innovation is coming from
abroad, rather than from the U.S., where various outdated
mass-merchandising tactics often cause retailers to falter. See
the Wall Street Journal, June 17, 2002, B1 and B4.
Sanxingdui Museum
Another one of our intrepid travelers, Dr. Ed David, one-time National
Science Advisor as well as research impresario at AT&T and Exxon,
discovered this gem on his most recent trip to China. He could
not rave enough about the museum and its contents, citing, for
instance, the 40-ft. bronze trees that were meant to take you up to
heaven in the Shu Kingdom, some 4800 years ago. The handsome
little museum sits beside the Yazi River, an attractive introduction to
several aspects of ancient Sichuan. See www.sanxingdui.com/musuem.htm.
The fruit of longtime archaeological endeavors dating back to the
1930s, the surfeit of bronzes and other objects are unsurpassed,
apparently bettering collections now on tour in the West.
71. Taming of
the Dragon?
The Economist (June 15-21, 2002, after page 54)
has a curious survey of China called “Out of Puff.” It is doubly
curious because these Economist surveys usually lack much of a
point of view. This article is clearly focused on China’s
troubles—unemployed, over-taxed rural people; the huge overhang of
non-performing loans at the nation’s banks; a leadership that may not
be ready for enough change, etc. etc. You will be convinced that
horrible times are coming. These are, incidentally, amongst the
ills cited by the China specialists at all our best think tanks.
But a troubled China is not what we saw on our recent visit. We
met a leadership willing to acknowledge its many problems, and tackling
a great many of them. The last ten years constitute a miracle of
spellbinding economic progress. But the specialists say that all
the progress simply means that China took on its easy problems
first—and that its big simmering problems will lead to an
explosion. China is now busy constructing its internal market; if
it is successful, it will realize a galaxy of benefits. The
biggest threat to its well being, as we see it, is the coming
retirement of Zhu Rongi, China’s chief operating officer (i.e. prime
minister), who has been driven less by statecraft and more by his will
to get things done. We don’t know who the next table-pounder will
70. Buyouts in Japan
We have previously commented on foreign acquisition activity in China,
where large amounts of current inflows now represent acquisitions of
parts of Chinese state-owned companies. Since 1998, the pace,
size, and volume of deals in Japan has also accelerated, with a
commensurate transforming effect on business practices. Nissan
Motor, now really run by Renault, has transformed purchasing for the
auto industry, while it has cut costs and employment
dramatically. Foreign purchases probably are the best hope for
unproductive, debt-ridden state-owned enterprises in China. And
they are probably the key to reviving the Japanese economy, long held
back by encrusted oligarchic practices and a government bureaucracy
unwilling to undertake broad reform. See the Economist,
March 23, 2002, p. 59.
69. Electricity in Darkness
In April, China announced a new de-regulation power policy that will
split power generation from transmission and allow for enough
generators to ostensibly create a price competitive atmosphere.
Because of politics and other intrigue, there is a large question mark
as to whether this highly politicized industry can obtain true
independence of the state and achieve market-driven efficiency.
“Chinese consumers pay about 30% more for their electricity than do
Americans.” AES of America owns some plants (as do some other
foreign concerns) it would like to dump, but there are no takers for
these black holes. There is now a surplus of energy available in
China, but it is thought that this will soon enough turn to a shortfall
if the new policy does not really lead to thoroughgoing reform.
See the Economist, June 8, 2002, pp. 60-61.
68. East-Asian and Japanese
Studies at Columbia
Columbia, Columbia
University’s Alumni Magazine, focused its Spring 2002 issue on the
history of East Asian (heavily Chinese) and Japanese studies at
the university (pp. 8-19). The vitality of both departments
stemmed from the considerable new blood they drew to Columbia at their
start, particularly from abroad. At first East Asia brought in a
raft of talented Europeans, and after, a multitude of Chinese students,
some of whom went on to teach there, others who became world famous
such as the diplomat Wellington Koo. Ryusaku Tsunoda put Columbia on
the Japan Studies map, and Sir George Sansom, a colleague, once
referred to him as “the father of Japanese studies in America.”
Even to this day, Columbia has some special claims in Asian scholarship.
67. Big Spenders
finance is beginning to come very alive in Asia, because many segments
of the population are learning to spend and consume, rather than save
and abstain. The mechanics are not yet all in place, with a lack,
for instance, of good credit bureaus in several countries. The
demand is there, with credit cards and consumer finance companies in
its wake. In this vein, the Economist reports that
consumer credit is a major force behind South Korea's boom. See Economist,
April 20, 2002, pp. 69-70.
66. Roadways on the Way
according to officials, now has 19,000 kilometers of highway, but it is
adding new roads rapidly. By 2020 it is expected to have a 55,000
kilometer grid. This is part of the growing internal market
infrastructure and distribution system that is being hastened by the
advent of WTO. (Economist, April 20, 2002, p. 40)
65. Polo Chic
Ralph Lauren
shows how the U.S. and China have interpenetrated each other at a
cultural level, a necessary precursor to the developments now occurring
at the economic and political levels. Likewise, his very smart
online magazine at Polo.com also
shows how lifestyle and cultural marketing is the sine qua non
of salesmanship for high value-added products. In Polo.Com
Magazine, look at such articles as “Ancient Chinese Secrets” (tales
behind prominent decorative symbols, see
www.polo.com/editorial/static/chinoiserie.asp) by David Soul,
“Decorating with Chinoiserie” (www.polo.com/editorial/static/deco_chinois.asp)
by Jill Kopelman, and “Porcelain's Puzzling Patterns”(www.polo.com/editorial/static/porcelains_puzzling_patterns.asp)
again by David Soul.
64. The Alameda Corridor
After 20 years
in development, the Alameda Corridor links the Los Angeles and Long
Beach ports with LA’s transcontinental rail yards. Imports from
Asia will now speed ever more rapidly to their U.S. destinations now
that rail and sea are better tied together. See the Wall
Street Journal, April 9, 2002, p. B7.
63. Lu Sing
In 1888,
Louisa May Alcott completed her last novel, Lu Sing, about a
young girl in China who was brought up by her aunts. It was both
a model and memento for her niece Lulu who had come to live with her on
the death of her sister May. It is testament to nineteenth
century's America's fascination with the East, and Alcott's own Chinese
cultural studies. The original manuscript is now being offered to
publishers in the hopes of raising money to save the Alcott's Orchard
House, now being devoured by powder post beetles; it is the family home
in Concord, Massachusetts. Previously, America’s long love affair
with China is deep and complex. See the New York Times,
March 27,2002, p. B7.
62. Microsoft
to China and India
Reuters on
March 2l reported that Microsoft is considering going head to head with
AOL in both China and India, expanding its MSN Internet service from
the U.S. to other regions. Now with 7.7 million users, Microsoft
is still far behind AOL overall, but it is clearly entering these big,
underserved markets to keep breathing down AOL Time Warner's back.
62. Next:
Matthew Miau
of Taiwan is fast becoming the Third Force in the computer distribution
business, right behind the two U. S. behemoths, Ingram Micro
(NYSE:IM) and Tech Data
(NASDAQ:TECHD). His Synnex Information is making fast strides in
the U.S. Unusual because we think of Taiwan as a producer and not
a distributor, Miau is also thinking—at the right time—about mainland
China, since he is now putting $35 million into distribution centers
there. We are clearly at a stage where more Chinese businesses
will be springing up in the distribution sector to take advantage of
the WTO-induced integration of China's internal markets. See Forbes,
April 1, 2002, p.62.
62. The Real
Restructuring Begins?
The next stage
of Chinese economic development may be starting. We will know
that the shake-out of the state sector really has begun when we see
bits and pieces of companies hived off and legitimately sold to brand
new interests. In particular, this will mean sales to foreign
interests, with more than 50% ownership going to the supplier of
capital coming from outside the country. While this has been
resisted so far, a couple of such deals have just been completed.
Emerson just bought 100% of a division of Huawei, a telecom equipment
company. In another, Alcatel got an increased stake in and
control of a joint venture it has with a state-owned company.
Naturally all this sounds quite exciting to international investment
banks who need a jolt in their M & A practices. And, if we
see more, we can expect a major productivity burst in China, as cross
country consolidations reap benefits from an internal economy headed
towards much greater integration. See the Economist,
March 16, 2002, p. 66.
62. Schools for
Top Dogs
The Wall Street Journal reports that Western MBA
factories (Henley, Instead, University of Chicago, etc) are
turning up good revenues with executive MBA courses often staged in
Asia (e.g. Singapore), not in the West. See WSJ, March
20,2002, p.B5A. This trend in
executive education only further extends a growing phenomenon in U.S.
higher education, which, in fact, is propped up by its influx of
foreign students, particularly from Asia. Cultural and knowledge
exports are to be a growing part of the U.S. invisible trade.
62. Chinese
Discovered America?
John Noble Wilford in the New York Times this
week (March 17, 2002, p. 14YNE) offers up a Brit's theory that the
Chinese may have discovered the New World before Columbus. Gavin
Menzies, retired Royal Navy submarine commander and navigation expert
has put together a somewhat convincing assemblage of maps and
conjecture to suggest that Zeng He may have gotten here first.
Menzies has tried to reconstruct Zeng He's long voyage from March 1421
to October 1423 as admiral of a huge fleet. Naturally the
doubters are many, even though Menzies has been given a most respectful
hearing in Great Britain. Wilford, incidentally, is a long-time
science writer at the Times as well as author of a history of
62. The other
Davos has moved its meeting from Switzerland to New
York, and Switzerland is getting more involved with the UN. Less
noticed, but more important perhaps, is the gathering momentum of the
Boao Forum for Asia, permanently headquartered in China's Hainan
Province. (See www.boaoforum.org.)
Started by former Philippine President Fidel Ramos and former Prime
Ministers of Australia and Japan--Bob Hawke and Morihiro Hosokawa,
respectively--it draws broadly from the leadership of East and
West. Hainan, once an island for exiles, and now virtually a
resort, provides a relatively idyllic backdrop for the musings of
movers and shakers in and around Asia.
61. China's
Coming Transformation
This article, by George Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham,
appeared in Foreign Affairs, July/August 2001. The
authors contend that the next generation of Chinese will be pragmatic
and loosen the political strings enough to ensure that economic
development continues. "Many of today's senior Chinese officials
recognize this dilemma but have powerful personal motivations to resist
change. The next generation of Chinese leaders, however--set to
take office in 2002-2003--is both more supportive of reform and less
constrained by Tiananmen-era political baggage."
60. Emperor Qianlong's Lodge
See the New York Times, February 19, 2002, p. B1
and B2. Retiring in 1796, he lived here in retirement until his
death 3 years later. Castiglione's influence is felt in the
murals. And now the World Monuments Fund is assisting in the
restoration. "The lodge represents the crystallization of a
moment of encounter between the East and West," according to Stubbs of
the WM Fund. Also known as the Lodge for Weary Diligence.
59. The Decline
and Rise of Temple Architecture
With the decline of Buddhism in Japan, temple-building
and Japanese temple carpentry have been in decline. But, to a
certain degree, it has soared into the United States, with recent shows
at the Asia Society and the Japan Society -- and with a number of tool
shops and craftsmen available on each of the coasts. See the New
York Times, February 21, 2002, p. 10. Also, see www.misugidesigns.com; www.hidatool.com; www.eastwindinc.com; and www.kiarts.com.
58. Bund-erbar
everything in Shanghai, the Bund, along the bank of the Huangpu
River, is undergoing a
revival. For tourists, the buildings along the Bund have always
made a sparkling display at night, reminding one of some Scandinavian
harbor. Business again is looking for a locale in this
area. For a tour, see www.sh.com/arch/archch2.htm.
57. China
commentators far and wide are catching up with China's last economic
decade, when the leaders out of Shanghai (who are today's national
leaders) remade China's industrial economy, with the banks and
agriculture yet to come. Clifford's and Panitchpakdi's
China and the WTO highlights some of the meaning of
China's accession to the WTO. Obviously they dwell heavily on the
integration of China into the world economy; perhaps as important is
the fact that now China's own economy, propelled by WTO, will achieve
integration and raise productivity. On February 5, 2002, the Conference Board came out
with its first real study of China, "Reconstructing Chinese
Enterprises," which shows how private capital and/or local control
generates vastly more productive enterprises, the SOEs (state-owned
enterprises) still being the millstones around the Chinese
economy. Shortly we will have a volume on Zhu Rongji, the author
of many of these changes. Humorously enough, major private equity
investors, who have been burnt earlier in China, are now sitting on the
sidelines, with a solid chance of missing the good times ahead.
56. Wired Nation
Elsewhere we
talk about smart communities (see
Big Ideas). The smart communities people should study Korea,
a nation not usually on the list of smarties. "More than half of
Korea's 15 million households have broadband service, while more than
60% of Koreans carry cell phones. Korea's telcos are already
trying out third-generation mobile handsets, designed to handle
high-speed wireless transmission of video, data, and voice. In
the securities market, about 70% of all share trades are done
online." See BusinessWeek, February 4, 2002, p. 50.
To be this wired is a competitive advantage and is one of the reasons
why smart private equity is going two places in Asia -- China and South
China-Intensive Companies
In 2001's Annual
Report on Annual Reports, we implied that any company serious about
growth has to be passionately committed to doing business in
China. Who is? Here's an ever-growing list....
6. Intel
(NASDAQ:INTC, www.intel.com).
Even though other Coca Cola and Motorola have cottoned onto China, the
chip houses, well before other industries, have figured out that China
is number one. Now Intel has announced that China will overtake
Japan -- which accounts for 7% of current sales value -- as its number
one market in Asia.
Most recently,
on a visit to India, CEO Craig Barrett stated that China and Russian
probably will garner the biggest share of Intel investment for a number
of years to come. According to a Reuters release of August
30,2002, Intel has invested about $500 million in China over the last 5
years, and it will double employment at its Shanghai chip plant, from
1,200 now to 3,000 by 2004. Intel will also put more into India,
ranging from $100 to $200 million over the next few years, building up
software operations by tripling its engineering staff to 3,000.
5. General Motors
(NYSE:GM; www.gm.com).
GM is going downmarket in China. Already a major force with its
Buick plant in Shanghai and a sport utility vehicle in the Northeast,
it has concentrated on the high end market so far. Now it is
spending $30 million for a third of a partnership with two Chinese
companies for a venture in Guangxi that will focus on minivehicles, a
segment that has been growing robustly and now has edged up to more
than 600,000 units a year. Its partners are Shanghai Automotive
(SAIC) and Liuzhou Wuling Automotive which sold 120,000 minitrucks and
vans last year. See the Wall Street Journal, June 4,
2002, p. D6. Since China is now expanding its internal
distribution and logistical network, GM’s move would appear to be
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company (NYSE: WWY;
Chairman Wrigley remarks
that "Record shipments in Russia completed our recovery from the
ruble's devaluation of three years ago, and China solidified its
position as our second largest volume country in the world. These
two significant and relatively newer markets continue to showcase the
Company's long-term strategic focus..." See Annual Report
2001, p. 5. Asia, as a whole, grew at a 25% clip last year, with
total company sales growing at a fourth of that rate.
3. DuPont
(NYSE:DD; www.dupont.com). DuPont seems
to be making more progress in China than it is on the homefront, where
all its redos never quite get the company churning again. First
off, it and others are making some good buys there. “Purchases of
Chinese assets accounted for as much as a fifth of the $51 billion of
foreign investment in the country last year…. St. Louis-base
Emerson has made the biggest buy so far, spending $750 million for the
electric motor business of China’s privately owned Huawei
Technolgies…. But DuPont’s $20 million purchase of the
protein plant in Yun Meng is notable, too….” Its total investment
there will soon add up to $700 million, with a $70 million
joint-plastics venture with Japan’s Asahi Kasei announced in
March. DuPont first came into China in 1863; with time out for
the early days of the Communists, it returned in 1984. See Forbes,
June 10, 2002, pgs 92-94. Dupont’s success there is taken to be
related to its focus on doing a series of small steps and an ability to
pick up the right partners along the way.
2. ChinaVest (www.chinavest.com). A
venture capital firm based in Hong Kong and San Francisco, ChinaVest
only funds enterprises in China or in the overseas Chinese business
community. Its five funds have has consistently bet on Chinese
enterprises, especially those accustomed to operating in more than one
country surrounding the Pacific Rim.
1. Siemens (NYSE:SI; www.siemens.com/index.jsp).
The chairman recently said: "I'm especially pleased about China.
In the past fiscal year, we reached our goal of making China our
third-largest market, after the U.S. and Germany, with sales of some
$3.5 billion."
54. Traveling to
Cambodia and Thailand
Gross, who has traveled Asia for telecommunications companies for 10 or
15 years, responded to our recent pleas on the hows and whys of
traveling through Cambodia and Thailand. We trust his comments
will help you through Angkor Wat, Bangkok, and other fascinating,
difficult places that never do completely recover from the tremors of
several wars. Click
53. Cabs from London
to Bejiing
China (NYSE:CBA, www.brillianceauto.com)
will start making the British black cabs in China under a license from
Manganese Bronze (OTC BB:BNZE.OB,
www.manganese.com), the UK manufacturer in Coventry. Already
China's biggest minibus maker, Brilliance has just inked a deal with MG
Rover to turn out cars and engines by 2005. See the Financial
Times, January 8, 2002, p. 23.
52. The Sushi World
Here you can learn where to get sushi outside Japan, in practically
every country on earth. At last count, the site listed just short
of 3,000 restaurants. In our own area, it captures about half the
restaurants, but does miss the secret best. Indeed, through food
we learn how successful a nation is in exporting its culture.
Like our bar guide, this sushi collection is created by a couple of
German fellows. We can only assume the Germans are the ultimate
list makers.
51. Hinterlands
The very
able Nicholas Lardy, frequent spokesman on China and Asia at the
Brookings Institution, has a raft of books out telling us what makes
Asia tick and what makes it explode. One study,
China's Unfinished Economic Revolution, says the tough stuff is
yet to begin. The combination of bankrupt state banks and
effectively bankrupt state companies (SOEs) to which banks lent their
dough amounts to an economic time bomb. Interesting. But we
don't think that's where the trouble really lies. We think the
government will set the banks and companies to rights. Watch the
country, not the cities. The people in the outback are
bust. Even rural governments are broke. (See Economist,
December 15, 2001, p. 36.) The real dilemma is not the industrial
economy, but agrarian devastation. For more Lardy books and
wisdom, see:
in the World Economy
Trade and Economic Reform in China, 1978-1990
Growth and Distribution in China
in China's Modern Economic Development
China into the Global Economy
50. Best
Way to Introduce Haiku to a Child
One of the most charming gifts under our Christmas tree
this year was Cool Melons—Turn to Frogs! , a children’s book
about the life and poems of Kobayashi Yataro, known in Japan as the
poet Issa (1763-1827). This delightful volume intersperses 33 of
Issa’s haiku with a simple retelling of the major events of his life.
Kazuko Stone, a New York illustrator born in Japan, read more
than 2,500 of Issa’s poems and visited his farmhouse before embarking
on this project with author Matthew Golub. Her illustrations are
often sweetly humorous, as a dragon roof tile snaps at a crescent moon,
or a family of monkeys relax in a steaming hot spring. Some
drawings—a crimson peony, a bejeweled dragonfly—are exquisitely
detailed. The book is published in English, but each poem is also
rendered in flowing cursive calligraphy down the side of the page.
For a child, we can think of no more appealing introduction to
haiku than this gentle book. See: Cool
Melons—Turn to Frogs!, by Matthew Golub, Kazuko G. Stone, and
Keiko Smith (New York: Lee and Low Books, 1998.)
49. China's 100
Richest People
Forbes has
expanded its list from 50 to 100 in recognition of the obvious (see
http://www.forbes.com/global/2001/1112/032.html.) China is burgeoning, and
it is creating all sorts of new money. At Forbes, you can read much more
about China unbound, particularly articles such as "Sleeping Dragon
Joins the Club" (at http://www.forbes.com/2001/10/31/1101chinawto.html) or "Shanghai: China's New
Gotham" (at
48. Beating-Heart
China's Wan
Feng has seized the lead. He is performing as many or more
beating-heart operations than anybody in the West, moving easily from
hospital to hospital to turn in the most successes and earn a superior
income. Even in the health section, skilled practitioners,
returned from America, are showing entrepreneurial energy. See The
Wall Street Journal, December 5, 2001, pp. B1 and B4.
47. China Kills Drug
population is paying up for drugs, and China's government does not like
the cost. It plans to cap drug prices. "Under the plan, a
maker of a patented drug could sell it for no more than 30% to 40% more
than what it would cost a generic Chinese manufacturer to
produce." See The Wall Street Journal, December 3, 2001,
p. A16.
46. Dollar Radio
media, as we promised, draws closer in China. Last week, the
state set up China Radio, Film, and Television Group as part of this
effort. "State-owned media have grown increasingly commercialized
in the last few years." See The Wall Street Journal,
December 7, 2001, P. A16.
45. Tiger Woods at
Mission Hills Golf Club
It was a
draw, folks. Zhang Liawei, China's top gun, pulled off a
coup. And Mission Hills is in China -- Shenzhen -- not Southern
California. See The South China Morning Post, November 4,
2001, Sport, p. 17.
44. U.S.
Restructuring for Japanese and Chinese Monoliths
from the U.S. (or Europe) who can wield an ax are being brought into
unwieldy enterprises in Japan and China to set them on the road to
profitability. Tim Collins of Ripplewood Holding, LLC has made a
$25 billion bet on Japan and has lined up "killer executives," often
from the U.S., to run operations there, ranging from auto parts to
audio equipment. For Shinsei Bank he
brought in Japanese handlers who had trained at Citibank's U.S.
operations. Carlos Ghosn of Renault now runs Nissan Motors, which was
headed for the rock pile but has now turned nicely profitable.
Likewise, China has begun to bring in Westerners to turn around some of
its SOEs (state-owned enterprises), which are largely moribund.
See Business Week, December 10, 2001, pp. 42-46.
43. Museum of World
Religions in Tai Pei
Who would
have thought it? Designed by Ralph Appelbaum, who did the
Holocaust Museum in Washington, it celebrates all the major religions,
as well as several specialized faiths. Ten years in the making,
the museum opened November 9th. It was spearheaded by the
Venerable Dharma Master Hsin Tao, a Buddhist monk, and funded by
100,000 members of the World Religions Foundation. The Museum of
World Religions. 236, Section 1, Jungshan Road, Youngho City,
Taipei. Telephone: 8862-8923-3088. Website: www.mwr.org.tw. See the South
China Morning Post, November 10, 2001, Features, pp. 1 and 3.
42. Suzhou Solution
Shanghai's prices rise, some of its business is moving west to
Suzhou. Foreign contracts signed have soared to $6.6 billion this
year, the first time Shanghai has not been in the top spot. The
move there includes lots of electronics, including several of the chip
facilities now being built in China by every group in Europe, the U.S.,
and Taiwan in order to get a toe hold in the burgeoning tech
industry. See The Wall Street Journal, November 30, 2001,
p. A13.
41. Indian Pills
Based on a
1971 law which decided to ignore patent restrictions, India is becoming
dispensary to the world, or at least to the Third World. Based on
reverse engineering, very low marketing costs, and Western
price-fixing, it is selling knock-offs of Western pills at 1/50 of the
U.S. price. We just met a chap from Hong Kong who buys his
allergy pills in India. He claims the quality is actually better
than those produced in the West. A stand-out is Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.
(NYSE: RDY), this year's high-performance ADR. India's pharma
industry is just one of the many forces that will eventually
rationalize U.S. drug prices. See Forbes, December 10,
2001, pp. 70-72.
40. Confederate China
Clearly one
of the hopes of China's leadership is that entry into the WTO will
promote more integration inside China in order to overcome the severe
barriers to internal trade that exist today. Sandra Poncet of the
Centre for International Research and Alwyn Young of the University of
Chicago have both published studies on the economic disparities created
by the Balkanization of China. See Far Eastern Review,
November 7, 2001, P. 44. Andrew Tanzen (Forbes, November
12, 2001, p. 74ff) speaks to the same subject, demonstrating the
excessive supply chain costs arising from local barriers and poor
interior distribution networks throughout China. As we have said,
we do not think China will overcome these barriers unless it moves from
a producer culture to a culture with a marketing mentality.
39. China's Productivity
essential to economic growth will be the breaking off of the involution
(growth of product without increase of productivity for man-hour of
labor) that has for centuries checked the rise of mass living
standards." (See John King Fairbank's China: A New History,
p. 431). This is the chicken-and-the-egg principle in Chinese
economics: labor abundance has not bred labor productivity. (For
more on Fairbank's study, see entry 38 below.)
38. High Song and the Barbarian
In his study,
A New History, John King Fairbank writes that "A curious
anomaly haunts the three centuries of the Song in China. On the
one hand it was a great creative age that put China ahead of the rest
of the world.... On the other hand, during just this time of
Chinese efflorescence, tribal invaders from inner Asia gradually got
military and state control over the Chinese state and public" (p. 88).
Is, may we ask, China ready for its new Song dynasty, and is
re-engagement with all the globe through WTO a necessary catalyst?
37. Starbucks in China
We have
already highlighted the vast success of Starbucks in Japan (see Agile
Companies #130).
It's off to a good start in China as well, having extended to more than
35 stores since its opening in January 1999, led by David Sun,
president of Mei Da Coffee Company, which owns the Starbuck's franchise
in northern China. (See The Economist, October 6th,
2001, p. 62). The only fly in the Starbuck's coffee cup is some
diminution of quality as it expands, ranging from a bitter taste to its
coffee to the addition of lots of miscellaneous kitsch to its original
clean store design. Andrea Illy, president of Italy's Illy
Expresso (see Best of Class #191),
thinks Starbucks over-roasts its coffee and depends too much on
take-out trade. We suspect regional variations in water quality
also diminish the product.
36. Vietnam Opens
The U.S. has
now signed a trade accord with Vietnam, and it will probably light a
fire under Vietnam's trade and commerce. Several companies based
there -- Ikea, American Standard, Nike, and others -- will be pumping
products into the U.S., as tariffs fall dramatically. (See The
Wall Street Journal, October 25, 2001, p. A14.)
35. Time Warner Was First in China
AOL-Time Warner has become the "first foreign
broadcaster given direct access to Chinese audiences." In turn,
Chinese state television will be carried to audiences in New York, Los
Angeles, and Houston. The Time Warner Channel will first reach
audiences in Guangdong province, next to Hong Kong. (From the
Associated Press, October 22, 2001)
34. China Institute
New York's China Institute was founded
in 1926 by John Dewey of Columbia University and Hu Shih, who later
became ambassador to the U.S. It focuses on cultural exchanges,
lectures, and the like. And now it has layered on trade and
investment discussions, yet more evidence of the intersection between
commerce and culture. Recent events include a talk on a
world-class porcelain collection and a lecture on "China's Technology
Capital Markets -- 2002 Forecast."
33. China, the Global Engine
With the U.S.
stalled out, China is now potentially the back-up engine for world
development, if the Chinese leaders accept their new
responsibility. The Russian Far East is yet one more example of
China's new dynamism, as seen right at the intersection of Russia,
Mongolia, and China. See "Chinese Creating a New Vigor in Russian
Far East," The New York Times, September 23, 2001, p. A3:
"From Vladivostok to Zabaikalsk, Russians are coming to depend on the
Chinese for everything from buildings to bananas to boomboxes.
And that is unsettling even to the architects of the Sino-Russian
32. IMF Praises Chinese Currency
Management and Just About Everything Else
The International Monetary Fund's
release 01/91
issued August 24, 2001 summarizes its review with Chinese leaders in
all aspects of the Chinese economy, noting that "China's exchange rate
policy had served both China and the region well in recent
years." Obviously, it looks to more progress in reforming
state-owned enterprises and the banks, both of which are a considerable
drain on China's economy. With China's robust growth and prudent
macro-economic management, the IMF continues to paint a glowing picture
for 2002 and beyond.
31. Buddhism in America
On August
18th, the largest Buddhist temple outside Asia was dedicated in Red
Feather Lakes, Colorado, two hours outside of Denver. It
commemorates a Tibetan Buddhist master named Rinpoche, father of the
Shambhala branch, who died in 1987. This branch is heavily
focused on meditation. The Economist (August 18, 2001,
p. 24) speculates there may be 1,000,000 non-Asian converts in America,
with Tricycle, a Buddhist quarterly, now selling 50,000
copies. For more on Shambhala, see http://www.rmsc.shambhala.org.
For more on Tricycle, see www.tricycle.com.
30. Profits in China
The not-true
truism is that China is a black hole from which profits never
emerge. Business Week (June 18, 2001, p. 26) notes that
U.S. subs rose from 45 to 335 from 1990 to 1998 and that foreign
affiliate earnings from China topped $7 billion in 1998.
Earnings of private Chinese companies, under $130 billion for many
years, climbed sharply in 2000 and are now in the $200 billion
range. (See Business Week, July 9, 2001, p. 28).
29. "China on My Mind"
This is the
title of this year's baccalaureate address by Richard C. Levin, Yale's
president. See Yale Alumni Magazine, Summer
2001. Its main importance was that it documented Yale's
historically deep connection with China, dating back to 1854 when Yung
Wing, a Chinese student, graduated from Yale. Yale-in-China dates
back to the turn of the century (1901). A long article elsewhere
in the magazine, "Sticking with China," provides some of Yale's current
Chinese involvements. The most interesting footnote is that the
Dean of the School of Management, Jeffrey Garten, has put China very
much on center stage, calling it "the second most important country in
the world" and placing it at the top of the list in his book, The
Big Ten: The Big Emerging Markets and How They Will Change Our Lives.
28. Mutual Funds in China
The truism,
up to now, is that the private equity markets in China have been
working, and the public markets have been a little bit of a bust, even
with frenzied purchases of individual stocks by China's citizens.
A new trust law, passed in April, will now permit mutual funds.
China's first open-end mutual is due out some time this summer.
Soon insurers will be stock-purchasers as well--all meaning that
institutionalization and deeper markets are on the way. In a
parallel move, there are hints that China may begin to begin to create
a real re-insurance market, making for broader, more efficient
insurance markets. See The Economist, June 30, 2001,
pp. 65-66.
27. Lesser Estates
In 1997, Wong
Kwan paid $70 million for Genesis, the world's most expensive house,
located in Hong Kong atop Victoria Peak. Its 28,000 square feet
have practically everything, and Kwan turned down $110 million for it
along the way. Its value, however, is now down 50-90%. "As
many as 200,000 households in Hong Kong are burdened with negative
equity." See The Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2001, p.
A15. Still to come: the bust in California, Fairfield County,
and Florida enclave prices!
26. Lingua Franca
One of the
new requirements of global management is to achieve a global mindset.
Certainly this is very evident in U.S. executive ranks, where
almost all managers have global responsibilities yet think primarily
about Middletown and focus on the intersection of Main Street and Wall
Street. Now up and comers at Matsushita, Toyota, NEC,
Hitachi, Komatsu, and others have to learn
English before they can get ahead. "A 1999 government report
entitled 'Japan in the 21st Century' argues for making English the
country's official second language." The hope is that the shock
of learning English will lead to global thinking, and, of course, it
will be vital as Japan achieves more of a marketing culture and becomes
less of a just-in-time manufacturer. See The Wall Street
Journal, June 11, 2001, P.B6A.
25. End of the Line?
The anomaly
of Asian business, in country after country, is that so many of the
major enterprises are family affairs grown big under the sway of a
powerful leader and the loyalties of a close-knit clan. But with
the Asian economic crisis and the eventual conversion of Asia to a
global marketing style, the inbred (read opaque) machinations of family
executives (read nepotism and average talents) is impeding economic
progress in virtually every Asian nation. Most interesting, in
this regard, is Dhanin Chearavanont of Thailand, head of Charoen Pokphand (CP), taken by
some to be one of the better run companies in Asia. He has
customarily been ahead of the pack; "he was the first outside investor
in China when Deng Xiaoping reopened the country in 1978, and he is one
of the biggest and best-connected investors there today." Now he
is planning to make all family members shareholders in a transparent
company. "'We cannot keep the business in the family
forever.... So if you know that, why not prepare?'" See The
Economist, March 24, 2001, p. 78.
24. Valuing Asian Stocks
Stock markets
outside of Japan have not functioned extremely well, and this is bound
up with the unreliable disclosure and lack of transparency on the part
of Asian companies. So how do you put a price on an Asian
stock? "The winning strategy has been to buy shares in those
companies that achieved the highest returns on equity in the previous
accounting periods irrespective of their current value." After
that, one focuses on indicators peculiar to each country--current
ratios in China and the Philippines or research and development rates
in Taiwan. Dividends turn out to be universally important, since
capital gains may be long in coming. See The Economist,
May 26, 2001, p. 74.
23. An Unlikely Partnership to
Rescue Shangri-La
An unlikely
alliance between the U.S.-based Nature
Conservancy and the government of Yunnan province may help to save
a pristine mountain hamlet from the ravages of grinding proverty and
unchecked tourism. Yubeng, an isolated Tibetan village in one of
China's last old-growth forests, is renowned amongst biologists as a
"hot spot" for biodiversity. More than 10,000 plant species,
including 162 species of rhododendron and 120 species of primrose, as
well as snow leopards and golden eagles, all flourish in this remote
area of upper Yunnan province, which has remained a stronghold of
Tibetan Buddhism.
Yet Yubeng is
a four-hour walk from the nearest dirt road, and its 133 inhabitants
suffer from a lack of modern medical care, poor sanitation, inadequate
nutrition and desperate poverty. Now the villagers have begun to
explore ways of improving their lives without destroying the
extraordinary world in which they live. Aiding them in their
quest is the Nature Conservancy, which hopes to preserve the area's
biodiversity, and the Yunnan government, which has permitted the
rebuilding of Tibetan temples as a way to increase tourism. Also
involved are Ed Norton, former Washington environmental lawyer, and his
wife, Ann McBride, former president of Common Cause, who abandoned the
Beltway in 1999 and came to live in Yunnan where they have founded the
Yunnan Great Rivers Project, which advises on responsible development
in the region. All parties are currently exploring eco-tourism as a
means of gently linking Yubeng to the modern world, without destroying
its remarkable spiritual and biological assets. See "A Holy Place
in China Fights for Its Life, Body and Soul," The New York Times,
June 10, 2001, p. 16.
22. Inequality in China
Every blessing is curse. A market economy has
brought untold riches to China, but also a growing gap between rich and
poor--with the possibility for social unrest. Even officialdom
admits that the Gini coefficient is near 0.39, which, translated, means
that inequality is possibly destabilizing. "The Gini coefficient
is a commonly used statistical gauge where naught represents perfect
equality and one would mean that a single person received all the
income." See The Economist, June 2, 2001, p. 39.
Clearly the leadership is concerned about this trend.
21. Taiwan and China Merging
Business Week has caught up with the simmering
big story. With the prospective entrance of Taiwan and China into
the WTO, their economies are already merging. This said, it will
be hard to keep them separate politically. See Business Week,
June 11, 2001, pp. 56-58. Taiwan's moguls are pouring money into
China, particularly into Shanghai.
20. China Logistics
We're embarrassed to say that we don't know where we
drummed up this provocative article that's billed as an update of one
that last appeared in the Mercer Management Journal.
Two Mercer consultants, Laurence
Alberts and Hugh Randall, plus Guy Ashby of Inchcape China Logistics,
laid out "China Logistics: Obstacle and Opportunity" a few years
back. "The Hong Kong Investment Bank Peregrine (now history, as
they say) estimates that China will need to invest more than $230
billion in its infrastructure to sustain continued economic growth
through the next five years." "While China's production is now
only 45 percent controlled by state enterprise ... 90 percent of
transport and warehousing remains in the hands of state
entities...." Both domestic and multinational companies need, as
a next step, to broaden their distribution in China.
19. Hong Kong and Singapore Too
"Charles de
Trenck, an analyst at Schroder Salomon Smith Barney, reckons that it
costs twice as much to handle a container in Hong Kong as in a port on
America's west coast. ... [P]orts have profit margins as
high as 40%...." Maersk,
Singapore's largest customer, has moved next door to Malaysia.
Some Hong Kong traffic is moving to "two new ports in Shenzhen," and
the Chinese government seems to be putting the blocks to Hutchison Whampoa, Hong
Kong's monopoly operator. Singapore, of course, is a
transshipment port for Asian commerce, while Hong Kong is moving goods
in and out of China. See Economist, April 24, 2000, pp.
18. Chinese Brands Arrive
In everything
from shampoo to laundry soap, homegrown Chinese products are stealing
shelf space from Coke and P&G, which had established commanding
positions in the Chinese marketplace. With lower prices and
relentless advertising, Chongqing Toothpaste and Bee and Flower Shampoo
have become national brands. As remarkable is the growth of
Chinese advertising. "Local brands have displaced global names as
the country's 10 biggest advertising spenders." See the Wall
Street Journal, May 24, 2001, p. A17.
17. Fremont Kowloon
California, a few miles away from California in Eastbay and for years a
nondescript backwater, has transformed itself into one of the nation's
most Asian towns. (See the New York Times, May 26,
2001, pp. A1 and A8.) Hillside Drive is now called Gurdwara Road,
named after Gurdwa Sahib Temple, the Sikh temple there. The
Chinese residents have learned not to leave their shoes on the front
porch when they go out, since thieves pillaged houses advertising their
vacancy. The Asian population, having doubled since 1990, now
comprises 37 percent.
16. Me and Thou
The Asian Foundation in San Francisco has published this
year two volumes on America's role in Asia. They are compendiums
by experts on America in Asia--from both Asian
and American
perspectives. The Asians' last recommendation--that American
universities "strengthen their Asian studies programs" is probably the
most interesting comment from across the ocean. Surprisingly, the
American experts are well down their list--to recommendation 10--before
they get to their two economic recommendations, even though economics
are the crux of both stability and progress not only for Asia but for
the world. The Asian Foundation offers a host of publications
helpful to serious students of development in Asia, growing out of its
half century of activity along the Pacific Rim (see www.asiafoundation.org).
15. China's Century
Century: The Awakening of the Next Economic Powerhouse by
Laurence Brahm, a lawyer and consultant in Beijing, flags the obvious
for us--but is an obvious fact that many Westerners are ignoring.
With admittance to WTO, China is on track to become the world's number
two economy. The book's roster of contributors includes everybody
under the sun, from Zhu Rongji, Premier of the People's Republic of
China, and a raft of Chinese government officials, to sundry
ambassadors to China, heads of multinationals with substantial
operations there, consultants, journalists, lawyers, etc.
Included are the financiers who are the major enablers of Western entry
into China, such as Peter Sutherland of Goldman
Sachs, Robert Theleen of ChinaVest,
and Alexander Rinnooy Kan of ING
Group. "Today China is driving forward its policy of guided
market economy, making what is ironically fast becoming one of the most
laissez-faire economies in the world today."
14. "The Essence of Indianness"
"I have often wondered what it is like to be entirely
One. Not Two. One." "I speak like an American.
I look like an Indian. / I am Two. I am not
One." From a poem by Bhavya Mohan, age 15 of Danville,
California. This was a winner in the contest "Growing Up Asian in
America," sponsored by the Asian
Pacific Fund. See the San Francisco Chronicle, May
25, 2001, p. A27.
13. Will Business Suffer in a
China Stalemate?
Well, the Times
article never answers the question. See The New York Times, April 8,
2001, p. 4. Querying Nicholas R. Lardy, China expert at
Brookings and author of China's
Unfinished Economic Revolution, the interviewer never finds
out what's going to happen economically. But he does discover
that China became one of the top ten U.S. export markets in the
90s. The U.S., nonetheless, runs a trade deficit with China,
because things we used to buy in Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong we
now purchase in China. The economic relationship is huge and not
12. Beyond the Outer Banks
The North Carolina Museum of Art's
two current significant exhibits both look for inspiration to the
Orient, a further sign perhaps of the swelling importance of the Asian
population in the Research Triangle.
Born in
Charlottesville, Virginia in 1890, Stanton Macdonald-Wright had a long
run in New York, Paris, and California as the father of Synchromism, a
painting movement not widely known, though it and Macdonald influenced
a slew of other artists. Raised in California, he attempted to
blend more and more of the Orient into his work. This show will
move on to the Los Angeles County
Museum of Art and then to the Museum of Fine Arts in
Houston. See www.stantonmacdonald-wright.com.
Xu Bing, who
divides his time between the U.S. and China and who perfectly
symbolizes the cross-cultural figure establishing the real links
between the two nations, has mounted museum installations all about the
globe. His "Reading Landscape" at the North Carolina Museum is a
minor affair but intriguing, nonetheless. It links to the
landscape (which needs to be significantly redone) outside the museum
windows, while using the language of calligraphy to create a landscape
in the room devoted to his work. Read more about Bing at www.virtualchina.org/archive/leisure/art/xubing.html.
nonprofits are having to demonstrate global imagination in order to
enlarge their franchise. The smarter ones now are looking to the
Pacific, instead of the Mediterranean, for a worldly vision.
11. Best Museum Catalogue of a
Japanese Renaissance Master
One of the
most elegantly restrained Asian art exhibitions of recent years floated
into the Philadelphia Museum of Art late last summer. “The Arts
of Hon’Ami Koetsu, Japanese Renaissance Master” put on display 70
works of an extraordinary late 16th-century Kyoto artist who, like
Leonardo da Vinci, excelled in many disciplines. Born into a
family of sword connoisseurs, Koetsu became an expert draftsman,
renowned for his exquisite calligraphy. and also for his beautiful
laquer designs and raku tea bowls. In a review for The New York Times (“A
Many-Splendored Minimalist,” August 4, 2000), Roberta Smith wrote about
the “ethereal ambience” of the show, noting that the seemingly
effortless simplicity of Koetsu’s art reflects the same aesthetic
principles of “directness and abstraction” that animate great
“modernist” works throughout the centuries.
For those of
us who missed the exhibition, the Philadelphia Museum of Art has
fortunately published a remarkable catalogue, written by an
international group of scholars and with color photos of each work of
art. The focal point of both the exhibition and the catalogue
are the poem cards on which Koetsu collaborated with the painter
Tawaraya Sotatsu. “Moon and Pine Trees,” for example, depicts
gold branches and pine needles against a luminous aquamarine sky,
overlaid with flowing calligraphic characters in rich black ink.
Other highlights include nine of Koetsu’s raku tea bowls,
among them “Shichiri,” on which a lustrous black glaze contrasts with
rough clay underneath. This is a book to peruse slowly, perhaps over a
period of months or even years. Contact: The Philadelphia
Museum of Art, Benjamin Franklin Parkway and 26th Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19130. Telephone: 800-329-4856.
Website: www.philamuseum.org.
10. Drop Outs in Japan
Just as the governance of Japan is finally changing, so
are the governed. No longer is everybody obsessive-compulsive,
and some are breaking away from the mores and psychology of prior
eras. The Economist talks of "freesters," now 1.5
million strong, who have either eschewed or missed the track of the
educated--safe jobs in big companies with a house in the suburbs.
These "freesters" drift from job to job as permanent part-timers, live
with their parents, and perhaps even get spending money from their
family. Of course, Japan's lifetime employment system is falling
apart, so many of these drop outs are merely accepting the
inevitable. See "Poor Little Rich Kids," The Economist, April
21, 2001, pp. 34-35.
9. Inside Out
In 1998-99, the Asia Society and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
presented this exhibition of the "new art being produced by artists in
mainland China, Taiwan, [and] Hong Kong," as well as by some Chinese
artists now in the West. It is at this level that we see the most
interesting joining of East and West. Fortunately, the Asia
Society captured the show on its website at www.asiasociety.org/arts/insideout/introduction.html.
Notice the link to Beijing's on-line magazine--Chinese Type
Contemporary Art at www.chinese-art.com.
8. Japan's Shrinking Surplus
See The
Economist, March 31, 2001, p. 69. "In January ...
exports rose by 2.9%, compared with the previous year. Imports,
on the other hand, were up by 24.8%." Consumers are spending yet
demanding cheaper prices, so dollar consumption figures are flat.
But Japan is shifting lots of production abroad, particularly into
7. WTO Story
Business Week
is over its head in this story, even though it has good journalists on
the case. See "China: Coping With Its New Power," April 16, 2001,
p. 28-34. Basically, the article shows that the U.S. and China
are locked at the hip economically, while they're eyeball to eyeball
diplomatically, like angry Siamese twins. Buried in this average
article, however, is some serious copy about China's forthcoming WTO
entry. This is an earthshaking event, even more so than the
article comprehends.
6. Big Bourse
We remember spending an evening, years ago, with a
Chinese lawyer who wanted to understand arcane details of our stock
market, such as the meaning of "par value." He was working on the
underpinnings for China's stock markets.
Things have come a long way.
"China's A-share market is now Asia's third largest behind Tokyo and
Hong Kong," according to The Economist. But the
public markets still do not operate terribly well in China: private
equity is the place to be now.
Nonetheless, The Economist
notes, if "China could merge its various stock markets, the result
would be one of the world's biggest." See "Piecing China's
Markets Together," The
Economist, March 3, 2001, pp. 67-68. Should the B, A,
and H markets get together, China would be number four--behind America,
Japan, and Britain.
The Economist thinks this is
still years or decades off, since complete integration would be linked
to yuan convertibility. Of course, the Chinese may fool us, since
their economy is now at a stage where all sorts of integration--often
invisible to Westerners--is taking place. Everything from
physical-highway links to more horizontal-communication links between
businesses of various sorts are supplanting the old command-and-control
SOE (Stock-Owned Enterprise) model with a more intricate business
5. Discount Counts in Japan
Costco and Carrefour have come to Japan
successfully. We are constantly told that the rigid Japanese
economy is not really changing, but there are surely tremors beneath
the surface. Cheap thrills (i.e. foreign discounters) have come
to Japanese shoppers--and they like them. With the traditional
department stores and the cost-laden retail distribution chain under
assault, the retail system is breaking down. Formidable as it is,
the retail system is having a hard time withstanding the permanent
recession. See "Thinking Big in Aisle 1, Thinking Cheap in Aisle
31," New York Times,
March 16, 2001, p. A4.
4. North by Northeast
"Asia's Investment Spotlight Sweeps North ... China,
Japan, and Korea Supplant the Southeast As Sites of Opportunity" reads
the headline in The Wall Street
Journal, February 28, 2001, p. A17. Foreign
investment is dropping in the Southeast and mounting in the North.
3. China's Economic Power
From 1995-2000, China's economy outpaced all the
developing countries that mattered, coming in over 8%. Last year
it did 7 or 8%, depending on whom you read. Foreign Direct
Investment is mounting at $40 billion a year. From no
inter-provincial highways a decade ago, it now has 7,500 miles worth,
underlining the growth of both the transportation and distribution
sections of the economy. China's imports grew by $55 billion last
year. Upwards of 50,000 Chinese study in America's
universities. And that's just the half of it. See "Enter
the Dragon," The Economist,
March 10, 2001, pp. 23-25.
2. Tian's Second Goldmine
Edward Tian, who got his Ph.D. at Texas Tech University and earned some
spurs in Dallas, has hit it big twice in China's technology
scene. His Asia-Info--consultant and integrator--was China's
first technology IPO on America's NASDAQ and was a startling
success. Now he is off and running with China Netcom.
Though backed by the State, his company is run in high gear by Tian,
who has 8,500-kilometer fiber-optic web already strung across
China. When we visited with him, his go-to spirit surpassed what
we have seen in Silicon Alleys around the globe. See "China
Netcom Sets Out to Ride Reforms," Wall
Street Journal, February 27, 2001, B13A.
1. Treason
by the Book
Jonathan Spence's book is about a scholarly revolt
against the Manchu dynasty. Perhaps inherently this historian
and storyteller is telling us that revolt in China often comes from
unlikely sources. He may also be telling us that China is always about
dynasties--even today, although the Beijing court tries to drape itself
in Communist clothing.
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