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Celebrating Tomorrow (December 17, 2003)
he locus of growth and power of the Christian religions is shifting to the southern hemisphere, and probably it is religion with its charismatic appeal to its followers, rather than government, that will most help those nations achieve economic development and a truly national community."  To read more, click here.

Adventures in the Wine Trade: Chez Noir (December 10, 2003)
Berlin Walls on our state borders that prevent the free interchange of ideas and bar better cost structures, higher quality products, or a more perfect union do harm to us in the global marketplace."  To read more, click here.

Turkey Restoration; Green Renewal (December 3, 2003)
Until Americans can better grasp the perils posed by a weakened environment and see the upside of real alternatives, there’s not much hope of slaking their thirst for SUVs, oversized homes, and maintenance-free (read: no trees) landscapes."  To read more, click here.

The Sun Maybe Rises (November 19, 2003)
Even if it wanted to stand still, Japan is driven to change because the volcanic Chinese dragon is breathing such fire, making the Japanese look lifeless.  The nation’s competitive vigor depends on its ability to remake itself politically."  To read more, click here.

Hollywood Parables; Distributed Intelligence (November 12, 2003)
The only economic and creative way to deal with a world of threats is to cultivate organic systems where increasingly knowledgeable individuals spread about the globe are each motivated to interact with others to protect and strengthen the whole."  To read more, click here.

The King of Spices, The Week Magazine, & Street Smarts (November 5, 2003)
[T]he economy is inflicting pain no amount of Excedrin from the Fed will relieve.  You can expect lots of rebound headaches."  To read more, click here.

Powerful Eating (October 22, 2003)
Again and again, we have discovered that food excursions with interesting people lead to good bites and tell us volumes about the companions who are along for the adventure."  To read more, click here.

If It's Not Simple, It's Not Creative (October 15, 2003)
Opportunity lies in finding places where the flock of average business people never bother to tread."  To read more, click here.

America's Biggest Export: Jobs (October 8, 2003)
We need a 180-degree turn in our economy and politics, because our next jobs will come from rebuilding America."  To read more, click here.

Big Beliefs Make Big Men (September 24, 2003)
We suspect executive education should convince its pupils to find something they really want to change. "  To read more, click here.

Wayfarers Along the Santa Fe Trail (September 17, 2003)
Could this state free itself of the web of government ... and the predations of restless visitors to help travelers encounter metaphysical truths beyond those posed by the scientists at Los Alamos and the complexity theory crowd at the Santa Fe Institute?"  To read more, click here.

Investment Outlook: Infrastructure (September 10, 2003)
Picking correct infrastructure investments is the biggest challenge facing America and Americans today."  To read more, click here.

Happy in Oaxaca (August 27, 2003)
Perhaps magic and the artistic personality go hand in hand, but we suspect that people who can marvel may have a greater shot at happiness."  To read more, click here.

Courtly Congressman:  Amory Houghton, Jr. (August 20, 2003)
he restoration of our infrastructure is dependent on the revival of centrist politics that would apparently be closer to the will of the majority of our citizens in any event."  To read more, click here.

Rounding the World Then and Now (August 13, 2003)
Global convergence ... is now occurring in market after market, all about the globe.  All this seems to have come to a head as we moved into the 21st century, although we do not hear the thinks tanks and futurists talking about it."  To read more, click here.

How to Beat Walmart, Home Depot, and Other Powerhouses; Heard It on the Grapevine (July 23, 2003)
21st century corporations have to do more than create shareholder value.  They must and will broadly create value for the society of which they are a part."  To read more, click here.

Kicking the Tires (July 16, 2003)
he world is not what the experts say it is.  Their preconceptions and methodology (epistemology if you a philosopher) always seem to confirm old truths and prejudices that they swear by, rather than the new realities that none of us have thought about. "  To read more, click here.

Unbranding Next?  The Rise of the Unlikely (July 9, 2003)
The bucks come out of the product, and, it can be said, the product is being hollowed out."  To read more, click here.

Bloom—In Praise of Divorce (June 25, 2003)
nyone who wants to get beyond a small place must leave it, at least in part.  Any institution ties an Atlas-intellect down, causing one to look inward, equipping one’s tongue with a limited vernacular that does not ever reach a global audience."  To read more, click here.

You Can Make Me Wobble, But You Can't Knock Me Down (June 18, 2003)
If there were ever a strategic paradox, this is it.  Just when service has become the critical value-added in our economy, corporate technocrats have taken true service off the table."  To read more, click here.

Headhunting:  Searching for the Globally Homeless (June 11, 2003)
We think that globally adept leaders clearly perceive the difference between the architecture of the world that was and the world that is becoming."  To read more, click here.

Mob Wisdom:  Managing the Moment in a World at Risk (May 28, 2003)
Ordinary enterprises lack that deep connection to the locales where they are situated.  We must ask of any business, then, how well its owners know the local geography."  To read more, click here.

Good News for a Change (May 21, 2003)
If you can get away from the crowd, no matter what you do, you may discover some nice things are happening that are obscured by the calamities in the mainstream media"  To read more, click here.

Hockey from Canada; Winning with Wild Things (May 14, 2003)
Sports and everything else now are on a global playing field where knowledge and agility count for as much as money, where fast change is the only constant, and where a spirited contender with a sense of mission can topple the most powerful players on the turf by locating their Achilles’ heels."  To read more, click here.

The Stories You're Not Seeing Or Hearing (April 30, 2003)
The networks and the national newspapers derive their strength from breadth and depth, not faddish coverage of the Saddam of the moment."  To read more, click here.

Richmond, Washington, and Warm Rooms (April 23, 2003)
“Like Philadelphia, Richmond has the air of a city that missed its moment.” To read more, click here

Keeping Up with Friends in April (April 16, 2003)
“Maybe the real purpose of the Internet is to meet good new minds.” To read more, click here

Wal-Mart Investing; Shopping Elsewhere (April 2, 2003)
“Big investors now have to be junkyard dogs.  But smaller money managers and individuals can look at the companies that are ignored and find their way safely through volatile markets.” To read more, click here

Citizens on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown (March 26, 2003)
“If we had doubted that our several states of emergency have let loose panic throughout the nation, we only had to visit our health club last Friday evening to see citizens on the edge of a nervous breakdown.” To read more, click here

Cuba Libre? (March 19, 2003)
“With the de facto loosening of trade and tourist regulations, one step at a time more Americans and more American goods are drifting down to Cuba.” To read more, click here. 

My Favorite Year (March 3, 2003)
“A good year is when you launch something new and send history in another direction.” To read more, click here. 

The Australian Attraction (February 19, 2003)
“Being continents away from everything, the Australians, more than most, have mastered space.” To read more, click here. 

Coach (February 5, 2003)
Who would have thought it? In country after country, we find the world's largest organizations are coming seriously unglued. The bigger they are, the faster and harder they're falling.” To read more, click here. 

How to Stay Up When Everybody's Down (January 29, 2003)
“With such terrible weather all around you, how do you keep your head up in the storm, forge ahead, and look for the bright golden sky Rogers and Hammerstein told us was in the offing?” To read more, click here. 

Once Again, Less Is More: Tylenol (January 22, 2003)
Every drug, no matter how useful, has lots of “contra-indications.”  Each is marvelous but with a hitch.  Mother Nature did not intend for us to put chemicals, the stuff of drugs, in our bodies, when she created the human design.” To read more, click here. 

CHIFF (January 8, 2003)
“CHIFF stands for "clever, high quality, innovative, friendly, and fun" which about sums up where we think business has to go in the post-industrial age.” To read more, click here.