We hear you have no time to read. With all this bookishness, we
are perhaps swimming upstream while others are going down river with
the currents. But salmon go upstream, too, to regenerate the
species. It is a pretty sight, even if horrible man-made
obstacles get in their way, threatening the very survival of these
lovely fish. We wonder if the human species will fall by the
wayside if book reading disappears.
We have collected here all the books that
are shown on the Global Province and even a few that are not.
Some of our contributors will be adding books to this section as well.
In most cases, if you find one you like pluck it down from the
shelf with a computer click which will lead you to Amazon.com.
- Literature - Art - Home & Garden - Reference
- Nature & Travel - Food, Wine, & Tea - Science & Technology - Education - History - Politics, Society, & Culture - Health - Miscellaneous
The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success , William N. Thorndike
Tuxedo Park, Jennet Conant
The Big Short, Michael Lewis
Stealth of Nations: The Global Rise of the Informal Economy, Robert Neuwirth
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business - Charles Duhigg - 2012
Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All - Jim Collins and Morton Hansen - 2011 (10-12-11)
Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism - Kevin Phillips - 2008 (10-28-09)
Home, America - William Greider (04-01-09)
China and India Right - Anil K. Gupta and Haiyan Wang
Cola: Marketing the Mystic East - Gita Mehta (03-18-09)
King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the Making of Modern
Advertising - Ken Roman (03-04-09)
Power of Irrational Explanations
“Economics and politics prevented the professor from
returning to more literary pursuits until 1990, when he published
A Tenured Professor—this still stands on its own merits as a
darkly funny campus novel, to my mind. The novel’s protagonist,
Professor Montgomery Marvin, is the inventor of the Index of Irrational
Expectations, or IRAT. IRAT , which allows him to profit from the
wrongheaded optimism of the market through comfortable statistical
means. Marvin and his wife use their well-gotten gains for
altruistic, liberal purposes, while Galbraith gets in his digs at
everyone from the Wall Street raiders to Ronald Reagan to Cambridge’s
intellectuals: ‘No one has ever been known to repeat what he or she has
heard at a party, only what he or she has said.’”
Needless to
say, it only a few years after Galbraith laid out this fantasy that
Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan came to look at the stock market as
filled with irrational exuberance. Fiction is eminently true,
just a bit early. (6/28/06)
Sweet Goes Low
As in many family companies, some of which we have
counseled, bad family management prevented Sweet and Low from growing
into a giant, but it did not kill it. Often a family astray will
turn a tiger into a sloth, but not kill it. Danile Akst does an
apt review of Rich Cohen’s Sweet
and Low in the Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2006, p.
W7. Cohen knows the whole warts-filled story, because he was the
Cohen son. The company got its start because the founders saw a
clunky sugar dispenser in a restaurant. They came up with a
mixture of cyclamate, saccharine and lactose—sweet, easy to use, but
not fattening. Because of poor management, competitors
Splenda and Equal pass it by. The next generation reportedly were
involved with the mob and they looted the company. In 1969, the
FDA issued a ban on cyclamate, and later saccharine itself got into the
doghouse. Later, science reversed itself, and neither sweetener
is now considered a carcinogen. The company continues, but it has
never been the same, since the government and family canker attacked
Akst says Cohen
has devised a few rules about family success:
Do not observe primogeniture: birth order has
no significance.
There is nothing immediate about immediate family.
Make the kid work for it.
In other words,
if you start a pretty good family company, look around before you
decide who should inherit your roost. Probably Junior should
not. (5/31/06)
The Pin Factory and the Invisible Hand
In his review of David
Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations, Paul Krugman tells of the
struggle between “the Pin Factory and the Invisible Hand,” a paradox
Warsh develops in his book. Through increasing scale and
specialization, enterprises increase productivity and drive out smaller
competitors, finally achieving monopoly. The problem, of course,
is that it is an assemblage of competitors that makes the market system
work, letting new ideas, best practices, and better values rise to the
surface. Both scale and the lack of it can present problems.
The trouble with big-scale companies is that they can influence
the economy all out of their proportion to their ability to deliver
real economic value to a country’s citizens. They can grow so
large that they are only capable of sending signals into the markets,
no longer sensitive enough to receive them. (5/10/06)
and the Senses
Lindstrom says branding is all about touch, taste, smell, sight, and
sound. In his
Brand Sense: Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight,
and Sound, this ad executive says we have to go beyond print
and TV where we work through the eyes, capturing consumers by
connecting with the 5 senses. “Mr. Lindstrom suggests that
brandbuilders can learn from organized religion, where sensory
experiences (the small of incense, the cry of the muezzin or the taste
of a sacramental wafer) have been blended for centuries to bind
consumers closer to the faith” (The Economist, April 23,
205, p. 80). (1/4/06)
The Decade’s
Best Seller
“Under Drucker’s tutelage, Warren’s own success as a
spiritual entrepreneur has been considerable. Saddleback has
grown to 15,000 members and has helped start another 60 churches
throughout the world. Warren’s 2001 book,
The Purpose-driven Life, is this decade’s best seller with 19.5
million copies sold so far and compiling at the rate of 500,000 per
month.” Rich Karlgard interviewed Peter Drucker “On Leadership”
for Forbes on November 19, 2004. He got two for one that
day, also conversing with Rick Warren, pastor of the immensely
successful Saddleback Church
in Orange County, California as part of the same dialogue. Warren
has put together a huge ministry—without TV—and, as evidenced by his
book, stays on message, dwelling on the essentials of a purpose-driven
life. Warren has been able to get churches throughout the country
to spread his message and sell his book, collaborating, if you like,
with other pastors and avoiding the cumbersome and expensive process of
developing the bricks and mortar which would go into his own
distribution network. His has been a cooperative or networking
enterprise. (1/4/06)
CEO.” The Economist (December 20, 2005), in an
irreverent mood, talks about how churches are having to model
themselves on businesses and, in particular, to learn the rules of
This emphasis on customer-service is producing
a predictable result: growth. John Vaughan, a consultant who
specialises in mega-churches, argues that 2005 has been a landmark
year. This was the first time an American church passed the
30,000-a-week attendance mark (it was Lakewood, which earlier this year
moved into its new home in Houston's Compaq Center). It was also
the first time that 1,000 churches counted as mega-churches (broadly,
you qualify if 2,000 or more people attend). …
Most successful churches are humming with
technology. Willow Creek sports four video-editing suites.
World Changers Ministries has a music studio and a record label.
The Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, employs a chief
technology officer (and spends 15% of its $30m annual budget on
Willow Creek has a consulting arm, the Willow
Creek Association, that has more than 11,500 member churches. It
puts on leadership events for more than 100,000 people a year (guest
speakers have included Jim Collins, a business guru, and Bill Clinton)
and earns almost $20m a year. Rick Warren likens his
“purpose-driven formula” to an Intel operating chip that can be
inserted into the motherboard of any church—and points out that there
are more than 30,000 “purpose-driven” churches. Mr. Warren has
also set up a website, pastors.com, that gives 100,000
pastors access to e-mail forums, prayer sites and pre-cooked sermons,
including over 20-years-worth of Mr. Warren’s own.
Obviously there
are some downsides for religion and faith as earthly showboating comes
to dominate, even obliterate spiritual focus. But it is part of a
wider shift that is occurring in non-profit institutions that cater to
large audiences—from churches to universities to museums. They
are having to retool themselves to deal with consumers who are terribly
busy and who often prefer to take entertainments and leisure at home,
eschewing mass environments. Undercapitalized institutions of any
type who have not re-invented and invested in their product are losing
audience share, particularly smaller institutions.
mega-churches have put entertainment tactics to work, even as many of
the principal organized religions continue to experience
attrition. “The number of Methodist lay member fell 0.7% from
2002 to 2003, to 8.2 million.” This has led both Methodists, as
well as Episcopalians, to reach out for members through
advertising. The Episcopal Church experienced a “1.6% membership
decline between 2002 and 2003” (Business Week, September 26,
2005, p. 14).
economists are getting into thinking about religion as a business,
theorizing about “how people ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ the goods and
services—material and spiritual—that religious organizations
provide.” See Business Week, December 6, 2004, pp.
136-38. Likewise, they are looking into religious terrorism.
Pre-eminent in this field is “Laurence R. Iannaccone … professor
at George Mason University” who studied under Gary Becker at Chicago,
who heads up the
Association for the Study of Religion, Economics & Culture.
In effect, economists who study such things suggest that consumers
exhibit the same rationality in buying religious goods as they do with
other economic choices. Timur Kuram at the University of Southern
California is looking at how religions affect economic growth, noting
the constraints Muslim belief have put on Islamic societies, which he
details in
Islam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism.
Of course, in
Europe and the West, religion has been a prod to the economy, an idea
documented by a host of economists. In this regard, see our
“Celebrating Tomorrow.” (1/11/06)
R. Buckminster Fuller
If we were to recommend a read for tired businesspersons or
wet-behind-the-ears MBAs, it would be R. Buckminster Fuller’s
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. That wonderful
futurist and spinner of geodesic domes wrote this short, accessible
book that says you have to be an intellectual pirate to win
globally. That’s about right. The shortest distance between
two points is not on the highways, sea lanes, or air passages plotted
by our bureaucrats, but on the pathways that never made it onto the
Lewis and Sports Management
Michael Lewis has
to be one of the more interesting chroniclers of our time, and he has
caught hold of some trends that we all seem to miss. We have not
really followed the in’s and out’s of his career, but we think his life
as author got started in
Liars Poker, where he recounted his own life before writing at
Salomon Brothers. In this witty book, he showed investment
banking to be a pissing game where the contestants go to all sorts of
pains to show who has the longest stream. The theme of
gamesmanship and competitive antics shows up a lot in his writing,
revealing, in
The New New Thing, Jim Clark of Silicon Valley to be first and
foremost a gambler in who very much understood the art of bluffing.
We’re taken as
well by his writings about big-time athletics. There, we think,
he depicts avant garde management processes that leave the
business world in the dust. On the one hand, he has shown how
general managers with limited resources can put together winning ball
clubs by combining statistical analysis with recruiting. We
discussed just this in
Michael Lewis’s
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game lays out how
General Manager Billy Beane has used statistics and intellect to put
together winning ball clubs at the Oakland Athletics. Similar
systems for measuring value have buttressed the Red Sox under the
guidance of GM Theo Epstein. They have proven that there’s a lot
to be had in the dregs of the wine bottle and the leftover players whom
nobody wants. This is all part of a tendency of the new breed of
managers to get very much more out of limited resources.
Increasingly, we will be using mathematics in several fields of
activity to marshal what we need in an environment where the options
are constantly changing.
Now Lewis has
moved from hardball recruitment practices to dynamic operations
principles. In a look at college football, he has shown how Coach
Mike Leach of Texas Tech has run rings around his peers with a whole
different view of how the game should be played. In a passing
game, he puts out more receivers and does more plays than ordinary
heavyweight teams. Huge emphasis is placed on running and
conditioning: the coach puts his players in better fettle than those of
the opposition. For the first two or even three quarters, Leach
uses diverse plays to probe how the opposing team defends against his
gamut of plays. His quarterbacks have great latitude to depart
from the playbook set before the game, so that they do not respond to
an evolving situation with setpiece tactics. In game after game,
this has led to rapidfire touchdowns towards the end of the game,
leading to scores that literally embarrass opposing coaches, who begin
the day with high confidence. Some of this is detailed in “Coach
Leach Goes Deep, Very Deep,” Sunday Times Magazine, December 4,
2005, pp. 58-65 and 109-114. “Synergy, in Leach’s view, doesn’t
come from mixing runs with passes but from throwing the ball everywhere
on the field, to every possible person allowed to catch a ball.”
Operations research—in football—has led to a different kind of air-war
dominated game. (1/25/06)
Not Learning at Harvard
Years ago, Mark McCormack put out
What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School. We
suspect they don’t teach the essence of branding there either—or even
at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, which is felt by some
to be the temple of marketing. The schools teach the science of
marketing, which is about how to slice and dice markets: branding is
about the art of engagement where we try to conquer the inherent
distance between a maker of a product and his ultimate customer.
Meeting of the East and West
It’s very, very hard for the Western mind to operate globally. We
have always had an eye for the particular, rather than the whole—both a
strength and a weakness. The East has tended to see the
whole. For more on this, see F.S.C. Northrop’s
Meeting of East and West. Right now our
near-sighted compulsions are hamstringing us in business and in
geopolitics. (2/25/06)
In “Fire and
Darkness,” we suggested that a leader could not grasp his times
unless he landed on the correct philosophical base. Those
adhering to constructs that posit a static world will not do well now:
better to be a Hegelian, or a Heraclitean existentialist. Those
trying to work out a strategy for an organization have much the same
dilemma: if they do not understand the dynamic nature of modern
systems, they will try to separate structure from process, when both
have become one and the same. The Economist got to this very
idea in “The New Organisation,” January 21, 2006, p. 18: “In the 1990s
engineering enjoyed a renaissance, in the guise of Business Process
Re-engineering (BPR), the dominant management idea of that
decade.” This, by the way, largely turned out to be an idea that
jibed with an era of restructuring and cost-cutting, but not with
substantial business transformation and revenue enlargement. “The
‘new organisation’ breaks free of this engineering heritage. In
Results, a recent book by two Booz Allen consultants … the
authors talk about ‘the DNA of living organisatons.” “McKinsey’s
Lowell Bryan also talks about ‘the personality of the firm.’” As The
Economist puts it, this is a corporate switch from “Lego to
DNA.” We would suggest that this paradigm shift mandates an
organic interpretation of the company and, more importantly, a complex
look at its interaction with its environment, something we used to call
‘markets.’ (5/10/06)
The Pin
Factory and the Invisible Hand
In his review of David Warsh’s
Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations, Paul Krugman tells of the
struggle between “the Pin Factory and the Invisible Hand,” a paradox
Warsh develops in his book. Through increasing scale and
specialization, enterprises increase productivity and drive out smaller
competitors, finally achieving monopoly. The problem, of course,
is that it is an assemblage of competitors that makes the market system
work, letting new ideas, best practices, and better values rise to the
surface. Both scale and the lack of it can present problems.
The trouble with big-scale companies is that they can influence
the economy all out of their proportion to their ability to deliver
real economic value to a country’s citizens. They can grow so
large that they are only capable of sending signals into the markets,
no longer sensitive enough to receive them.
of Doom
As much as anybody, Ernest
Sandberg at the University at Buffalo has cornered the academic
disaster market. In planning, he is doing considerable work on
terrorism and natural disasters. He has also ploughed a lot
of other ground as evidenced by his book
The Economy of Icons: How Business Manufactures Meaning in
which he claims that image not information is the driving force of our
economy. We find it interesting to discover how image conscious
Sternberg and his colleagues are: they positioned themselves well to
attract notice from Hurricane Katrina, and the press took
the bait. Probably more profound is Theodore
Steinberg’s book
Acts of God: The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America.
It documents how many natural disasters have been magnified through
grave human error. Hurricane Katrina was magnified by the huge
loss of wetlands in the Gulf area. Interestingly, we find the
theoretical work on disasters and disaster
recovery is really a bit thin. (11/2/05)
Slaves at
Work. In the November 28, 2005 issue of the New Yorker,
its one-page business columnist James Surowicki frets about “No Work
and No Play.” By and large, or so he claims, the Europeans
(particularly the Germans and French) work about 25 to 30% less than
Americans. Basically he attributes this to the strength of the
labor unions on the Continent. According to Surowicki, this has
led to higher rates of unemployment in Europe since the service trades
such as foodservice and domestic care have not flourished there as in
America. The Europeans don’t eat out as much or use as many
household helpers.
As near as we
can tell from all the surveys, job satisfaction has gone into the tank
for both Americans and Europeans. But at least the Europeans are
working less—or not at all, so they have less to be dissatisfied
about. We should note that mental anguish and depression are
rampant in all developed cultures, which we take to be a result, at
least in part, of the mindnumbing nature of modern work, work that has
no end.
aside, economists rave about rising productivity in the U.S.—but one
has to look carefully at all this. Some would say that the
productivity miracle in the U.S. is less than meets the eye. One
bright Wall Street analyst theorizes that Americans have not become
more productive, but are simply working longer hours. We find
that this is particularly true of middle managers, whose ranks have
been thinned out by corporate cost-cutting and who are taking up the
slack by putting in 14 to 16 hour days. Barry Lynn talks of
multinational corporations that have become far too lean in
End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation.
There is evidence, incidentally, that suggests that the much maligned
French are more productive than U.S. workers, but that their economic
output falls short of ours simply because they are cumulatively working
less hours.
This is the nicely deviant title of Professor Steven Levitt’s new book,
which has earned him all sorts of attention from the pundits.
Readers of the Global Province have previously encountered him in
“Chicago Has Got It,” in our Big Ideas
section. By double sifting economic data, he reaches a host of
conclusions about why things in our society are the way they are,
upsetting many of our complacent notions about what makes us tick.
John Tierney in
The New York Times (“The Miracle That Wasn’t,” April 16,
2005, p. A270) reported on a debate between Malcolm Gladwell and Levitt
where the Chicago professor’s idea that abortion lies behind falling
crime rates won the day. Longer prison terms, increased policing,
etc. do not seem half as important in crime’s decline when you follow
the Prof’s train of logic.
The thought,
oversimplified, is that fewer children of unwed mothers get out on the
street when free and easy abortion is at hand. They,
unfortunately, account for a lot of crime. Our hunch is that his
“abortion” theory holds water, but that it really is still only one of
a potpourri of factors that make for falling crime rates. Crime
maps and statistical analysis also have simply led to much more
effective policing. Broadly, of course, changing demographics
have a lot to do with crime attrition. Since abortions have
increased under the Bush administration, we can only assume that the
Republicans have become unwitting crimefighters, much to their chagrin.
Some, of course, will find the discovery of the abortion
factor equivalent to the Reverend Jonathan Swift’s “Modest
Proposal,” a satirical essay where the author proposes to eliminate
population and starvation problems in the Emerald Isle by getting the
Irish to eat their children.
More on
Everybody from Bono to Bill Gates is taking a whack at
world poverty, a field open to all comers since nobody has a good model
for getting at the problem. Pierre Omidyar, founder of eDay and
co-founder of Omidyar Network, has gotten into the act by taking up the
cudgels for microfinance. He is funneling $100 million to
microfinance institutions via The Omidyar-Tufts
Microfinance Fund. In fact, microfinance is very much the
enthusiasm of this decade, which one can read about in The
Economics of Microfinance and in the publication
Microfinance Matters. All this was set in motion by the
Peruvian Herman de Soto.
A good review
of progress in this sector is found in “The Hidden Wealth of the Poor,”
The Economist, November 5, 2005. “Local banking
giants that used to ignore the poor, such as Ecuador’s Bank Pichincha
and India’s ICICI, are now entering the market…. Some of the
world’s biggest and wealthiest banks, including Citigroup, Deutsche
Bank, Commerzbank, HSBC, ING and ABN Amro, are dipping their toes into
the water.” Everybody from Islamic fundamentalists to Maoists to
Afghan drug traders have plundered and murdered to prevent the spread
of microfinance which loosens the hold they have over the poor.
“The core of the industry today consists of some three dozen
multinational networks of microfinance providers....” “The
biggest networks include Opportunity International, FINCA, ACCION,
Pro-Credit, Women’s World Banking and arguably Grameen….”
With the entry of the big banks, microfinance is becoming
increasingly mainstream; now it will have to include its range of
financial service products for the poor, venturing, for instance, into
insurance. (6/14/06)
Goes Low
As in many family
companies, some of which we have counseled, bad family management
prevented Sweet and Low from growing into a giant, but it did not kill
it. Often a family astray will turn a tiger into a sloth, but not
kill it. Danile Akst does an apt review of Rich Cohen’s Sweet
and Low in the Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2006, p.
W7. Cohen knows the whole warts-filled story, because he was the
Cohen son. The company got its start because the founders saw a
clunky sugar dispenser in a restaurant. They came up with a
mixture of cyclamate, saccharine and lactose—sweet, easy to use, but
not fattening. Because of poor management, competitors
Splenda and Equal pass it by. The next generation reportedly were
involved with the mob and they looted the company. In 1969, the
FDA issued a ban on cyclamate, and later saccharine itself got into the
doghouse. Later, science reversed itself, and neither sweetener
is now considered a carcinogen. The company continues, but it has
never been the same, since the government and family canker attacked
Akst says Cohen
has devised a few rules about family success:
Do not observe primogeniture: birth order has
no significance.
There is nothing immediate about immediate family.
Make the kid work for it.
In other words,
if you start a pretty good family company, look around before you
decide who should inherit your roost. Probably Junior should
not. (5/31/06)
In “Fire and
Darkness,” we suggested that a leader could not grasp his times
unless he landed on the correct philosophical base. Those
adhering to constructs that posit a static world will not do well now:
better to be a Hegelian, or a Heraclitean existentialist. Those
trying to work out a strategy for an organization have much the same
dilemma: if they do not understand the dynamic nature of modern
systems, they will try to separate structure from process, when both
have become one and the same. The Economist got to this very
idea in “The New Organisation,” January 21, 2006, p. 18: “In the 1990s
engineering enjoyed a renaissance, in the guise of Business Process
Re-engineering (BPR), the dominant management idea of that
decade.” This, by the way, largely turned out to be an idea that
jibed with an era of restructuring and cost-cutting, but not with
substantial business transformation and revenue enlargement. “The
‘new organisation’ breaks free of this engineering heritage. In
Results, a recent book by two Booz Allen consultants … the
authors talk about ‘the DNA of living organisatons.” “McKinsey’s
Lowell Bryan also talks about ‘the personality of the firm.’” As The
Economist puts it, this is a corporate switch from “Lego to
DNA.” We would suggest that this paradigm shift mandates an
organic interpretation of the company and, more importantly, a complex
look at its interaction with its environment, something we used to call
‘markets.’ (5/10/06)
Oil, Oil Everywhere?
We have been very busy
telling you to buy yourself several pairs of winter underwear, because
the world is running out of fossil fuels, and it seems destined to make
a very uneasy transition to fusion energy and other
alternatives. See
“Electric Power and Staying Power,” as well as items 58, 86, 141,
and 180
on Big Ideas.
Nothing is as
simple as it seems, so we will now confuse you and ourselves yet
more. Take a peek at The
Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, The Virtue of Waste, And Why We
Will Never Run Out of Energy by Peter Huber and Mark
Mills. Or get the short version in “Oil, Oil, Everywhere…,” Wall
Street Journal, January 27, 2005, p. A13. “The price of oil
remains high only because the cost of oil remains so low. We
remain dependent on oil from the Mideast not because the planet is
running out of burled hydrocarbons, but because extracting oil from the
deserts of the Persian Gulf is so easy and cheap that it’s risky to
invest capital to extract somewhat more stubborn oil from far larger
deposits in Alberta.” “In sum, it costs under $5 per barrel to
pump oil out from under the sand in Iraq, and about $15 to melt it out
of the sand in Alberta.” “The $5 billion (U.S.) Athabasca Oil
Sands Project that Shell and ChevronTexaco opened in Alberta last year
is now pumping 155,000 barrels per day.” “And capital costs are
going to keep falling, because the cost of a tar-sand refinery depends
on technology, and technology costs always fall. Bacteria, for
example, have already been successfully bioengineered to crack heavy
oil molecules….” “U.S. oil policy should be to promote new
capital investment in the United States, Canada, and other
oil-producing countries that are politically stable, and promote stable
government in those that aren’t.” Is it possible that we won’t
have a fossil fuel crisis?
Please notice that we have rather
neglected the issue of tar-sands and will take it up in future notes.
Alberta, incidentally, because of its oil wealth, is able to sneer at
the fellows in Ottawa. Don’t be surprised if it separates from
Canada well before Quebec. (2/9/05)
Against the Gods
Bernstein, the author of Against the Gods,
a book about the history of financial risk, and thinker about many
facets of investment, explains well how the intelligent management of
risk really underlies the growth of capitalism as we know it. Of
course, risk management, whether we are dealing with terrorists,
disease, fractals, or financial bubbles, demands a rather dispassionate
ability to weigh the odds and estimate the probabilities. The
gods will strike us down if we cannot reckon with the many
simultaneous plots in which they have decided we will be
actors. For more on Bernstein, see “Getting the
Boardroom off Unemployment,” “Don't Worry About
the Copperheads; The Big Bear Will Get You First,” and
and Retail
Rob Walker, who now writes regular consumer marketing columns
for the New York Times Magazine, most recently has discussed
the link between museums and stores. (See “Museum Quality,” New
York Times Magazine, January 9, 2005, p. 25), telling how the
Museum of Modern Art has now created a store within its store featuring
goods from Muji, a company in Japan that is expanding in Europe and the
U.S. Apparently this is all remarked upon in James B. Twitchell’s
book Branded Nation.
The retail activities of museums seem to be yet another extension of
the idea of taking highly branded goods and offering them in a fine,
highly controlled retail environment. In much the same manner, in
years past, a Japanese manufacturer of high-end toilets offered them in
a well designed showroom that simultaneously served as a toney coffee
house for high-end consumers.
Poor for Wal-Mart
as it might, Wal-Mart cannot seem to get past the law suits and
allegations that alleges that it treats its employees unfairly
(terrible healthcare policies and failure to pay for overtime), pays
them too little, and discriminates against women when it comes to
promotions, etc. Barbara Ehrenreich, who even worked for the
company for a while to investigate its practices, just wrote a
satirical column with a huge amount of sting entitled “Wal-Mars Invades
Earth,” The New York Times, July 25, 2004, p. WK
11. She is the author of
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, which deals
with the struggles of the lowest wage earners, a growing segment of our
population, in trying to make ends meet. Both the chairman and
chief executive of Wal-Mart make reference to the social and
environmental concerns the company has aroused in its current annual
Sense: Mr. China
In the
July/August 2004 issue of Global Finance (pp. 17-19), Winter Wright
offers Westerners getting started in China sundry do’s and don’ts on
dealing with a climate that still does not really have an enforceable
business code. Above all, he suggests, you should not suspend the
commonsense you would display in any other country. Don’t place
blind trust in a local business partner. Understand that a
government bureaucrat, particularly one on the take, can put you in
business or out of business in a moment. Find a way to achieve
scale (perhaps, with alliances) even if you are small, since that is
paramount to getting traction with the locals who are the gatekeepers
of your success. Know that China does not really score that high
on the criteria put out by the International Finance Corporation in its
Doing Business in 2004, which you can now read about in
Agile Companies.
man in Hong Kong, Andrew Tanzer, reviews below with high praise
Mr. China, an almost tell all by a writer who actually knows a
lot. It gives you a sense of what you have to deal with in China.
But as Tanzer points out, with all the complications, there’s
still plenty of success to be had in an economy growing 8% a year:
say an aggressive journalist with a keen sense of smell sniffs an
undisclosed scandal or investment debacle in a corporation. He or
she approaches the company fortress and is greeted by obfuscating or
stonewalling executives, oily PR handlers, barking lawyers.
Hard-nosed and energetic, the reporter interrogates suppliers,
customers, ex-employees, ex-spouses, garbage handlers—anyone, to get
the scoop. Weeks later, the editor rings to say time is up: the
paper has deadlines; resources are finite. The paper trumpets an
investigative expose that is maybe half of the real story.
beauty of Mr. China, by Tim Clissold (Constable & Robinson,
London, 2004), is that the stories are all there. With rich,
delectable anecdotes, Mr. China illuminates scams in China, piles high
the dirt and etches heroes’ and villains’ portraits memorably.
The tales of foreign investment disaster, and conflict between the
Chinese and the foreign barbarians, oscillate between comedy and
of course, is no journalist. A Chinese-speaking Briton, he had a
front-row seat in the 1990s as second in command at a foreign
private-equity investor he doesn’t identify. Nor does he identify
“Pat,” the boss, a master of the universe from Wall Street who somehow
raised $418 million in the U.S. in the mid-1990s to invest in
China. We’ll make an educated guess: the firm is Asimco and the
Wall Streeter with the China dream is Jack Perkowski. Mr. China
is the story of vanishing dollars and the unraveling of that China
focused on two industries: motor-vehicle components and beer,
businesses where he figured he could buy Chinese factories and be the
great consolidator. A consummate salesman, he had no trouble
raising over $400 million in the U.S.; perhaps more surprisingly, he
invested the entire amount in just two years. Then the cultural
learning experiences commenced.
first deal, an ignition-coil factory in Changchun (the Detroit of
China), Northeast China, went like this: the foreign side invested cash
for 60% of the business; the Chinese put up land and buildings for a
40% stake. A few weeks after the deal closed, the Chinese factory
director called to say there was a slight problem: “Our factory’s land
… is not registered in our name so we can’t put it in. Does that
the foreigners invested in a gear-wheel factory for motorcycles in
Sichuan, the factory director flew to Beijing to seek approval for a
gearbox factory. The foreign investors rejected the
proposal. Next visit to Sichuan, Clissold was stunned to find a
new plant under construction, “‘Er, Mr. Su, what’s that?’” he
asked. “Mr. Su, beaming from ear to ear, announced proudly, ‘It’s
the new gearbox factory.’”
these lessons were mild compared to what was to come. Up at an
electrical components factory in Harbin, when the foreigners attempted
to sack the manager, he coerced suppliers to stop shipping parts to the
plant and told customers that the plant was going bust. Down in
Zhuhai, Guangdong, the factory director of a brake-pad factory stole
millions of dollars through issuing phony letters of credit that a
Chinese bank opened without proper authorization. Clissold
visited the Zhuhai Anti-Corruption Bureau to ask for an
investigation. The chap in charge of cases involving foreign
investors said he’d investigate, but “in order to do so we would have
to give him a ‘car and some working capital.’” When the
foreigners sought justice against the bank in a local court, the case
was thrown out even though the bank “lost” documents demanded by the
of the best factory directors in their universe, in Anhui, built a
second factory in direct competition. When the foreigners sought
legal action, the warlord-like factory director milked his relations
with local government and apparently fomented a factory strike.
Demonstrations turned so violent that the local government called out
the military.
at an electrical-motor factory in Hubei, the joint venture factory
director siphoned profits into the Chinese partner through sales
offices that operated in the partner’s name. When the foreigners
attempted to sack the director, violence erupted. Nor did the
hapless foreigners fare any better in beer. Shortly after
investing $58 million in a beer joint venture in Beijing, Clissold
discovered that the money had vanished: it went to repay an overdue
bank loan by the Chinese partner, which was owned by the Beijing
was dealing with a society that had no rules—or, more accurately,
plenty of rules that were seldom enforced,” writes Clissold.
“China seemed to be run by masterful showmen: appearances mattered more
than substance, rules were there to be distorted and success came
through outfacing an opponent … a core difference between Chinese and
Western business: for a Westerner, a contract is a contract, but in
China it’s a snapshot of a set of arrangements that happened to exist
at one time.” Clissold simultaneously felt squeezed by the
uncomprehending, impatient investors in the U.S. Somewhere along
the line, the young man had a heart attack while on vacation in
funny thing is, today China’s car market is booming and rapidly
integrating with the global car industry; Chinese breweries are rapidly
merging and the beer industry is consolidating. Reckless and
naïve, Pat may just have been a bit ahead of his time.
Technology Doesn’t Matter
In May 2002, Nicholar Carr, an editor at the Harvard Business Review,
came out with a shattering manifesto in HBR called “IT doesn’t
matter.” It so shook up CIOs that he has now come out with a book
of the same name. (See IT Doesn’t
Matter—Business Processes Do.) But he really doesn’t mean
it. “For commerce as a whole, Mr. Carr is insistent, IT matters
very much indeed.” His thought is that IT only becomes
“revolutionary for society only when it” ceases “to be a proprietary
technology, owned or used by one or two factories here and there, and
instead” “an infrastructure –ubiquitous, and shared by all.” See The
Economist, April 3, 2004, p. 70. “Since IT can no longer be a
source of strategic advantage, Mr. Carr urges CIOs to spend less on
their data-centres, to opt for cheaper commodity equipment
wherever possible, to follow their rivals rather than
trying to outdo them with fancy new systems, and to focus more on
IT’s vulnerabilities, from viruses to data theft, than on its
opportunities.” See his website,
in order to gauge the tempest he has stirred up with IT Doesn’t
Triumph of Narrative
Robert Fulford of Canada (see www.robertfulford.com)
has written and lectured about The Triumph of
Narrative: Storytelling in the Age of Mass Culture. He
reminds us that the story is central to every culture, lending
meaning to our lives by artfully connecting up the events that surround
us. We have previously alluded to the role of the story in our
lives in our 19 August 2002 Global Province letter,
“Stories R Us.”
new in 2004 is that the story today not only is at the heart of
culture but is also cropping up more and more in business practice as
enterprises try to build more authentic connections with their
employees, customers, and other constituencies. In part, this
seems to be a reaction to our digital world, where we are assaulted by
proliferating bits of information that never seem to add up to
anything. Somebody has to put all this stuff together.
End of the
Apparently the need for a far different global management
style is more than a matter of theoretical or academic interest.
Barry Lynn’s
End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global
Corporation puts forth a very provocative thesis. With
just-in-time inventory controls, outsourcing of production,
deregulation in Washington, a supply chain that stretches around the
world, and the elimination of redundant, back-up systems and supplies
within the corporation, our global corporations are stretched to the
limit and vulnerable to the slightest disturbances in their global
networks. In their quest to cut costs, companies have gone beyond
lean and become anorexic. With increasing frequency, deliveries
of oil, computer chips, and vital components suffer costly
interruptions. A collaborative spirit probably will become the
grease that keeps a creaky system from grinding to a halt. And we
will be measuring the value of companies by the resiliency they show in
the midst of breakdowns. See
www.newamerica.net/index.cfm?pg=Bio&contactID=430. Read
an excerpt at
Michael Lewis’s
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game lays out how
General Manager Billy Beane has used statistics and intellect to put
together winning ball clubs at the Oakland Athletics. Similar
systems for measuring value have buttressed the Red Sox under the
guidance of GM Theo Epstein. They have proven that there’s a lot
to be had in the dregs of the wine bottle. This is all part of a
tendency of the new breed of managers to get very much more out of
limited resources. Increasingly, we will be using mathematics in
several fields of activity to marshal what we need in an environment
where the options are constantly changing.
Numerous large companies are now using storytellers in a host of
ways. Hewlett-Packard, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and Pixar use
story consultants to reinforce corporate beliefs and to teach managers
the art of the story and its use in their work. See “Fabulists at
the Firm,” The Wall Street Journal, January 9, 2004, p.
W11. Stephen Denning writes about the use of storytelling in
knowledge transmission in The Springboard: How
Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations.
Britain,” says the Journal, “corporate storytelling is part of
a larger fashion for trying somehow to mesh the arts with
business. One prominent advocate is theater director Richard
Olivier, who has a second career going as the director of the Olivier
Mythodrama Associates Limited.” The Brits, we think, theorize
that storytelling and literary excursions do more than spread
knowledge: They see fiction, plays, even poetry as devices for
inspiring creativity. In this vein one should take a peek at
David H. Adams Ltd., whose founder has held poetry seminars with
businessmen on both sides of the Atlantic. See more about Adams
at Poetry and Business
#45 on Global Province.
are creeping into advertisements as well. Years ago an
advertising guru was heard to say, “Truth is what really sells.
Now if we could only package truth.” Short of that, company brand
managers now employ fiction to make a point.
instance, Ford of Great Britain has hired British “chick-lit” novelist
Carole Matthews to bring spice to its Ford Fiesta by weaving it into
her books, by doing monthly stories for its website, and by heading up
a Ford short story competition. It’s thought that this tactic
will hook 25-to-35 year-old women. (See The New York Times,
March 23, 2004, p.C2). We would submit that products such as cars
are becoming more and more prosaic; that said, multinationals need to
ignite the imaginations of their consumers. For a moment, Ford is
making every young Brit feel she is in the fast lane. See
We have probably had too much to say about stories and
their use in business. To get some of our thinking on this,
please look at our letter, “Stories R Us”
(August 19, 2002). Their application in business, speechmaking,
religion, and a skillion other areas of life is a little
overdone. The stories tend to run on. And sometimes the
bizstorytellers are mere propagandists. That is, they are only
telling stories to make a big point, not to simply tell a good
story. Art, first and foremost, whether a story or a painting, is
to celebrate beauty and life, not to tilt minds or lay out
propaganda. So corporate storytellers often simply bore us to
said, there is some merit in understanding the story-in-business
movement. For sure it can make data addicts put their data
together in a more communicative form. To this end, you can read
Stephen Denning, “Telling Tales,” The Harvard Business Review,
May 2004. In simple terms, he more or less says different kinds
of stories will get different results with your audiences.
Perhaps you will tell an uplifting story if you want to get a crowd
behind you, and then a somewhat negative tale if you actually want to
train or instruct someone. There’s a whole layer of complication
he adds to the article in order to turn it into business-school
fare. As we remember, he was a corporate development officer at
some company until he got into stories. Nobody pays attention to
planning and development guys, so they are frustrated and drift into
other fields. Denning got the point: planning exercises are
analytical and connect with nobody. To build a bridge with
people, you must be emotional and intuitive. Ah ha, he says—tell
a story.
Mr. Denning is prolific and wordy, so you can
read more in his The
Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge Era
Organizations and Squirrel
Inc.: A Fable of Leadership through Storytelling. And, if
that is not enough, write him at
Bolts out of the Blue
Creativity, claims
Ronard S. Burt, a sociologist at the University of Chicago, is all
about casting a line for ideas outside your immediate network, finding
the askew insight or remapping of your world in somebody else’s
backyard. As quoted in the Times, Burt claims, “The usual
image of creativity is that it’s some sort of genetic gift, some heroic
act…. But creativity is an import-export game. It’s not a
creation game.” “As Mr. Burt’s research has repeatedly
shown, people who reach outside their social network not only are often
the first to learn about new and useful information, but they are also
able to see how different kinds of groups solve similar problems.”
(See The New York Times, May 22, 2004, p.
A17.) His book on the subject is called
Structural Holes, and it prods us to look into all the corners
where we are not networked. He has used a Web-based tool (www.humaxnetworks.com) to
evaluate thousands of personal networks, probing their insularity and
openness amongst other things. For a bibliography on Burt, see
His own ideas about creativity square with our
own. In the world city in which we abide, it is hard to truly get
outside the network in which we live. For that reason, we have
repeatedly urged our readers to reach into the small countries that
have fallen off the map (Iceland, Finland, maybe the Eastern European
countries) to find commonplaces that would be unusual here in America.
The Genetic
Our correspondent Andrew Tanzer reviews As The Future
Catches You, an accessible, convincing book that essentially
says we have entered The Genetic Century. While Enriquez has a
clear political tilt, he is very thought provoking. Apparently he
has two more books in the works, and heads up his own genetics firm
besides. The technology gap between countries is, for him, the
dividing line today between the rich and poor nations:
“We are beginning to acquire direct and
deliberate control over the evolution of all life forms on the planet …
including ourselves,” writes Juan Enriquez in As The Future
Catches You (Crown Business, 2001). In an almost lyrical
writing style, Enriquez, formerly a life sciences professor at Harvard
Business School, makes a spirited case for genetics becoming the
dominant language of this century. The unraveling of DNA
sequences and genetic coding will shake up industries from
pharmaceuticals and medical care to food, animal husbandry and
cosmetics, argues Enriquez in this important, admirably concise and
accessible book.
The Mexican-bred author demonstrates through
startling statistics and examples how digital-genomics convergence,
science and technology literacy and the knowledge economy are creating
enormous gaps between nations (and within America). “Science and
technology allow people to multiply their productivity much faster than
those who do not have the same knowledge or instruments.” In
1750, before the Industrial Revolution, the income gap between the
richest and poorest nations was 5:1; today it is 390:1, and will soon
expand to 1,000:1, due to the IT and genetics revolutions.
Enriquez is particularly devastating when
comparing economic development in Latin America with that in East
Asia. Real factory wages in Mexico, which lags in education,
skills and knowledge-acquisition, have been stagnant for 25 years;
whereas incomes have multiplied 10-20 fold in tech-savvy Taiwan, South
Korea and Singapore. Taiwanese and South Koreans register 100
times more patents per capita than Brazilians or Mexicans. “Many
governments have yet to understand the logic of a knowledge-driven
economy. They still do not realize that in the age of
information, hard work, by itself, is not enough.” Even Chile
faces a bleak future because it generates and sells little new
knowledge, leaving its economy naked to volatile commodity- price
Enriquez warns that the yawning gap in the
Americas is a recipe for instability: “As the hemisphere falls
further and further behind the U.S. in the knowledge economy, it gets
harder to reduce income disparity, defend open markets, promote
democracy, control immigration, fight guerillas, limit drugs.”
Some of the
The advertising that catches our fancy on TV, perhaps
in a newspaper, maybe even on the Internet, usually turns out to be
less than meets the eye. It turns our head, but more often than
not, does not generate a lot of sales or provide enduring vitality for
a brand to create some real staying power. Even when we turn to
the list of campaigns that have excited insiders in the advert
community over the decades, only a very few seem resilient. The Advertising Age 100
quickly becomes 5 or 6 lone morsels when we pour through the
list. The following ads tickle us, not because they are funny,
but because they are so simple and direct that they lodge permanently
in our memory:
- Avis, “We try harder,” Doyle Dane
Bernbach Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1963
- Ivory Soap, “99 and 44/100% Pure,”
Proctor & Gamble Co 1882
- Hathaway Shirts, “The man in the Hathaway
shirt,” Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, 1951
- Reagan for President, “It’s morning again
in America,” Tuesday Team, 1984
- Wendy’s, “Where's the beef?,”
Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample, 1984
- AT&T, “Reach out and touch someone,”
N.W. Ayer, 1979
All of them
drive home a simple point that the companies—and, of course, the Reagan
Campaign—needed to make so that the world could say, “Why, they’re
something special!”
Of the lot, we
think the Avis proposition is the best. In fact, the company
should go back to this “Try Harder” motto. Avis, at its smartest,
played the giant killer, a small but agile opponent to the giant Hertz,
somebody who had to strive harder because he’s number two. It’s
nice to buy a service—in this case a car rental—from somebody who says
he is working overtime for you. Of course, we should mention that
we rented from Avis just the other day, and the cocky counter man gave
us driving instructions that cost us time and money. Yet, at its
best, Avis still has a little of the feisty spirit of Robert
Townsend. He once headed it and went on to write
Up the Organization, a simple truth little business book.
For half a century, American business has been spending a
carload of money on executive education, but nobody quite knows what
the outcome should be. In our own eyes, FDR got it right.
At least in our management practice, executive development is designed
to build each executive’s self confidence as well as his belief in his
appointed mission on earth.
as Mark McCormack would have said, is not “what they teach you at the
Harvard Business School.” (See What They Don’t
Teach You at Harvard Business School). Business schools,
after all, are simply overpriced vocational schools for future business
bureaucrats that acquaint teacher and student alike with arcane
technique but not with the metaphors to handle uncertain
The wacky, outré, gay wit Quentin Crisp said that we
call young actors adventurous and experimental because they try on all
sorts of roles that are largely ill suited to their own personas.
Finally, later in life, they discover their one true role which they
play brilliantly, no matter the part in which they are cast. Then
we call them accomplished. It is the same in life he
thought: each of us spends decades discovering our one true
the other main educational task for senior executives. They must
comprehend the role they really should be playing.
of our clients spent his whole life as an accomplished engineer at one
of America’s largest corporations. We worked with him and watched
his slow transformation as he worked his way towards retirement.
What happened is that he became an outplacement counselor for senior
Fortune 500 executives, a 180-degree career switch where he performed
had always been evident to us that Ed was intended for other
things. A French TV producer, now a New York restaurateur, had
done a feature on him for French TV. It was evident to the
talented Parisian and his audience that this absolutely charming,
mannerly, totally kind man should be dealing with people and not
equations. If we are truly to pursue our destiny, such dramatic
changes are in store for us. The writer Arthur Koestler
dramatically threw over successful careers two or three times, which
not only brought out his talent but saved him from being a victim of
the Holocaust. One can read about this in his marvelous
two-volume autobiography Arrow in the Blue
and Invisible Writing.
All our lives, said Crisp, we are discovering what our true role
Ray DeVoe
Easily the best writer out of Wall Street is Jesup and
Lamont’s Ray DeVoe. His DeVoe Report not only colorfully
talks about all the national and global events that drive our financial
markets but it nicely strays into all-time great movies, the need for
very gloomy New England tropistic men to find sunlight in the Caribbean
during the winter months, the progressive tendency of our government,
our economists, and our think tanks to fudge the numbers on everything
from inflation to productivity, and a host of other illuminating
There are two
types of seer in Wall Street. The feelgoods tell you about the
latest BMW that will put fizz in your life or the concept stock you
have to own because it is going through the roof. Then there are
the band of careful thinkers who warn us about potholes in the
road. They flash caution lights. Our friend Mr. DeVoe is
part of the stop, look, and listen brigade. He helps you see
what’s awry.
For August he
has taken time out for his summer reading program, about which he
reports on August 17, 2005. This year his twoweek reading course
included Michael Crichton’s
State of Fear,
Twilight in the Desert by Mathew R. Simmons,
Freakanomics by the two Stephens (Steven D. Levitt and Stephen
J. Dubner), Robert Schiller’s
Irrational Exuberance, Thomas Friedman’s
The World Is Flat, and finally J. Maarten Troost’s
Sex Lives of Cannibals. They are not what the
psychiatrists, who go out to the end of Long Island just before Labor
Day, would be perusing, but then he hangs out at the Jersey shore.
His is hardly
the light fare we understand Americans want (read about the essence of
light and fluffy with Leslie Mooves of CBS in Lynn Hirschberg’s “Giving
Them What They Want,” The New York Times Magazine, September 4,
2005, pp30ff). DeVoe gives us a repast that will leave you
morose, rather inert. Nor, you will notice, is it challenging
literature that both ennobles and captures the tragedy of
mankind. It is the flat stuff dreamed up by journalists that
largely says we are dying of a 1,000 banalities. It is the curse
of our fourth estate to inflate our sense of futility and to close the
book on tomorrow. This despite the fact that DeVoe is a hail
fellow well met, wryly comic, and of diverse interests that escape the
workaday world. In fact, we owe him a bottle of wine.
The Furtive
One of our
readers, inspired by our recent Global Province letter that mused about
how the Mafia is able to survive and thrive in an unstable, chaotic
world, wrote to remind us of the Peruvian economist Hernando DeSoto who
has shown that the lack of sensible property laws in Latin America has
terribly held back the members of the peasantry, making it hard
for them to even get micro loans because they do not hold clear title
to their land. They have to scheme in an underground economy
because the legal framework does not permit them to advance in a
straightforward and efficient way in the visible economic system.
A website deals with his ideas and the whole movement dedicated to
creating the political and legal structure under which real
development can occur: www.ild.org.pe.
You can read selections there, incidentally, from DeSoto’s book
The Mystery of
Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere
Else. If the poor in developing countries cannot
raise capital in a reasonably efficient manner, then both they and the
nations they live in are bound to slog along. So it’s not just
the mob that has had to devise tactics for dealing with a chaotic,
senseless world.
Adventure Capitalist, Jim Rogers recounts his visit to
Siberia. In Chita, for a short while, he fell in with a local
mafia boss who wondered how Rogers and Paige had avoided laying out
bribes to assorted Russian officials. “I know you haven’t paid
anybody off, because I checked.”
safe to say that Alexi, the Boss, got the complete scoop on any
foreigner who ambled into his domain. He made it his business to
get every last detail about anything he cared about. His
tentacles reached deep enough to give him the skinny. His
efficacy as a local ruler depended on his ability to trace how the
levers were pulled throughout Russian officialdom.
Junkyard Dogs.
The New York Times kicked off the baseball season last Sunday,
running an article on the money mechanics, which are now at the heart
of pro ball. Michael Lewis, who knows too much about
Wall Street, titles his vivid account of Billy Beane, the General
Manager of the Oakland Athletics, scrounging for players, The
Trading Desk, an apt pun since trading activities now dominate
investment bankers such as Goldman Sachs as well as every other aspect
of our economy, including professional sports. (See New York
Times Magazine, March 30, 2003, pp. 34ff.) Beane and his
sidekicks have put a value on every player who counts in the major and
even minor leagues and have calculated the value of various trading
strategies. That has allowed them to put together a serious
pennant contender with a very low payroll (less than 1/3 of the Yankees
$133.4 million tab), although it can’t quite grab them a pennant or
World Series. They have achieved success of a sort by
understanding the value of the walking wounded, picking up players in
their 30s on a downhill slope, who still have a few serious innings
left in them. They recycle the scraps in the junkyard, always
buying cheap. The article is adapted from Lewis’s forthcoming
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game.
Needless to say, Billy Beane is a far cry from Connie Mack and the
glorious days of the Philadelphia Athletics.
If rising interest rates and declining housing fortunes are
not enough to make you nervous about your investments, then take a read
of David F. Swensen’s new book
Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal Investment.
He’s the wizard at Yale who has generated 16.1 percent long term
returns, a record other institutional money managers can only dream
about. This has been instrumental in giving the university an
endowment in excess of $15 billion as well as a $500 million-plus
annual contribution to its operating budget. He’s an interesting
fellow who beefed up the portion of Yale’s portfolio in equity and
alternative investments. We have had calls from more than one
chief executive asking how to copy the Swensen approach.
He had set out
in his book to show the individual investor how to copy his approach.
But he has since realized that Joe Doaks simply can’t do
it. Poor Joe does not have Yale’s research. He can’t access
great hedge managers. All the mutual funds skewer him,
overcharging for mediocre or worse performance. So dour Swensen
would basically have us invest in a mix of index funds where one can at
least avoid excess transaction charges.
Don’t take
Swensen too seriously. But take him seriously. Like all
experts, he has fallen into the trap of believing in experts and expert
methodology. Be assured, for instance, that we and our
associates, without benefit of inside information, superior research
expertise, or Street wizardry, have long exceeded the averages.
So you can, maybe, do better than Swensen thinks you can.
But his book,
coming out now, has great symbolic value at this very time. It’s
a warning to us. We are now in financial quicksand where it will
be easy to lose your shirt, for the world financial markets are truly a
mess: they’re in much worse shape than when we published our last
report in early 2004. Things are so bad that you truly can expect
horrendous returns, if you are looking for short term results (i.e.,
less than 7 years). Don’t buy for tomorrow or the day after
tomorrow; even the hedge funds are now having trouble investing for 2-,
3-, or 5-year cycles. Look out a decade. Read about his
book at
www.nytimes.com/2005/08/13/business/13nocera.html and see Swensen
Our friend Tom Davenport just piped us a copy of The
Attention Economy, his must read for anybody who wonders how
you communicate in a 21st- century electronic democracy. The title is a
misnomer: he really is dealing with the inattention that is one
of the side effects of the Digital Age. He tells us what we
already know but choose to ignore. Modern technology is pouring a
garbled, gigantic stream of undigested information into our lives,
making it increasingly difficult to select and focus on the important,
making it very tricky to communicate deeply with one’s fellow
man. If obesity threatens the health and physique of 70% of
Americans, attention deficit is the disease of the intellect that has
100% of the populace in its thrall. Our information machines are
no different from the dragons in Spenser’s
Faerie Queen, disgorging a stew of meaningless printouts and
treatises that have made babble the new currency of discourse.
The breakdown of communication brought on by the panoply of new
communication technologies is at the essence of our own consulting
practice where we strive to create meaning and continuity. We
tilt with a world where the irrelevant has crowded out the important,
and flashing signs have dimmed the luster of eternal truths.
My Losing Season
Who should
you pick to put on your team if it will take a few years for the good
times to roll again? We heard the answer on National Public Radio last
week when a somewhat fatuous interviewer queried Pat Conroy about his
new book
My Losing Season. Conroy’s book has already been panned by a
few reviewers (we bought it on discount), and we must own up that it’s
a little long. In fact, he got to the heart of the matter more
decisively and wittily over the radio. What he needed was a good editor
for his book.
Two men, it seems,
had a chance of ruining Conroy’s life. His tyrannical father was
memorialized in
The Great Santini, a novel later made into a very entertaining
movie. And then there was Coach Mel Thompson of the Citadel. This coach
broke the spirit of the 1966-1967 basketball team, relentlessly using
negatives and scorn to enable good players to play very badly. Oddly
enough, Conroy--judged to be almost the least talented of the team’s
twelve players--was voted the most sportsmanlike and most valuable
player. Because he stopped listening to Coach Mel.
This all came to a
head in New Orleans, inherently America’s most hopeless city and yet
its second most fascinating metropolis. After all, its other name is
Bon Temps Rouler. At halftime against Loyola, Thompson lambasted the
team again. Then and there, Conroy escaped into manhood:
“As we took to the court for the second
half, I made a secret vow to myself that I would never listen to a
single thing Mel Thompson said to me again.”
“With this strange and disloyal insight in a
gym in New Orleans, I think I was born to myself in the world. That
night in New Orleans a voice was born inside me, and had never heard it
before in my entire life.”
That’s what we’re
looking for in our next employees. Those who have discovered their own
voice in the face of adversity. In business today and for the
foreseeable future, employees will get knocked off their feet by
imploding markets, unstable bosses, and incredible inertia throughout
the political realm. If you’re hiring, you’re looking for men and women
who can roll with the punches and who are sustained by an inner voice
that keeps them going, keeps them aimed at some distant goal selected
by their own powerful intuition.
Bernstein Index
Peter L. Bernstein is a marvelously literate investment
advisor and one-time OSS operative, Air Force captain, college teacher,
and researcher at the New York Fed (www.peterlbernsteininc.com).
For the individual investor, he’s a more important read than Swensen
because he has a wider compass. In 1996, he came out with
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk just as we were
entering a world where risk management skills became more critical in
running the nation, the economy, and one’s portfolio. Risk
assessment surely would have kept more of us out of some of those
Internet stocks that crashed and burned, and would contain some
of the awesome hubris that still afflicts us in this new century.
In 2000 came his
Power of Gold, just as it became more and more profitable to
plough a bit of your lucre into all sorts of commodities.
Now, equally
timely, is his
Wedding of the Waters: The Erie Canal and the Making of a Great Nation.
By implication, it tells us and the nation where to invest now.
This is the story of the building of the Erie Canal—linking the Midwest
and the East to Europe and the world through New York State. Its
300-plus miles made New York the Empire State, and New York City the
capital of the world. Interestingly, it was New York politics and
finance that put the canal together, just as it will be developments
initiated at the state, instead of federal level, which will account
for America’s future greatness in the world. New York State is
sorely in need of another De Witt Clinton—a man who had enough push and
vision to realize New York’s Manifest Destiny at the Canal’s opening in
October 1825.
In past weeks, we have theorized that obsolescence is no
longer a valid economic strategy. As Yogi Berra might say, “Breakdowns
don’t work.” Then we were talking about products, systems, and the
things we build. But it applies as well to human beings. Societies that
marginalize large segments of their populations, even for the most
charitable of reasons, must become extraneous themselves. An ethic that
salutes lethargy will surely lead to a nation that becomes comatose. If
John Kennedy were re-writing
Why England Slept these days, he would call it Why the West
Away the Cobwebs
Lord Peter
Bauer passed away last week on 2 May, just before he was leaving London
for Washington to pick up $500,000 in prize money (Milton Friedman
prize from the Cato Institute) for his pathfinding free-market
development economics. Obviously a conservative, he apparently
was the sanest voice in the development field, with a healthy
skepticism about most of the government-backed schemes for priming the
economies of poor nations. Since they have largely been failures,
we do have to listen to him. A Hungarian, he was another of those
bright fellows who escaped Central Europe before World War II got
steamy and who brought fresh thinking into British intellectual
circles. His close studies of the rubber industry in Malaya and
of the West African trade gave him some detailed views of how things
really worked and improved in the Third World. In his view,
development comes from trade and the free exchange of ideas with richer
nations. The best things governments can do are to enforce
property rights and keep out of the way. And he did not favor
many of the idee fixes of development, such as population control and
income-equalization plans. See the Economist, May 4, 2002,
p. 76. Also Ft.com, 6 May 2002, obituary by Lord
Ralph Harris. And finally look for a book review on the Web by
Amartya Sen, a Nobel prize winner and student of Bauer, whose economic
views are more in line with the conventional economic development
books include
Reality and Rhetoric;
The Development Frontier; and Equality,
the Third World and Economic Delusion.
Richard Reis,
a science and engineering administrator out at Stanford, gives sensible
advice (http://nextwave.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2002/01/30/9)
to any careerist who wants to get his head out of the weeds and be
truly useful. “If I could pass on one piece of advice to
beginning scientists it would be this: Don't be afraid to take on
tasks that are not part of your official job description even if, at
least initially, it appears you won’t get credit for the effort … if
you don’t develop peripheral vision you may miss important
opportunities....” Despite what all the textbooks say to us about
focus, you need to get distracted now and then. Reis has written
a book on how academia works and how to function in it called Tomorrow's
Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science And
Don't Worry
about the Copperheads: The Big Bear Will Get You First
Friend Bill of Madison County taught us about the copperheads. As
poisonous snakes go, they're not that venomous. But the black or
brown bear. Now that's serious business. It will leave you
feeling the worse for wear.
In everyday
commerce, it seems to be our destiny to pay attention to a few snakes
slithering through the weeds. Meanwhile, we miss the big hazard
or the big opportunity, more often than not, because we fall in love
with the sideshow. For leaders, the main issue, perhaps the only
issue, is to discover the big one and to get the troops totally focused
For some 10 years
the overwhelming problem for major businesses in this country has been
flat or declining markets. Supply-side economics have produced
too much product and too few customers. Every time you turn
around another market hits the skids, even if just yesterday it was
growing like topsy turvy. Most dramatic over the last year has
been the dead-end hit by telecommunication carriers and equipment
companies. Suppliers who had been in the fast lane for years
suddenly started showing red ink. This devastation and lack of
demand has hit all markets as we sail into the new millennium.
Peter Drucker has
noted that in the face of business calamity we have been replacing
chief executives at a mad rate, and most of the replacements do as
badly as their predecessors. We have not seen such a high
management failure rate since the Civil War, when Lincoln had to fire a
host of field commanders until he could find one who would fight.
Drucker thinks our business structures are outdated, and chief
executives are still caught up in an old model that isn't working.
That may be
true. But we attribute the failure rate to a tried agenda.
For 20 years, CEOs and their consultants have been hacking away at
costs. That played pretty well until the mid 1990s. But
then it was time for CEOs to get back to revenues, selling things, new
markets. Even so, today you find CEOs cutting and chopping,
paring their now-virtual companies down to nothing. It's time to
do business again. Having missed the big one (finding new
markets) in 1990, a host of major companies risk extinction
today. They are at risk because they did not turn to the main
opportunity circa 1990.
We can ask why
principal leaders didn't see and pursue the big one. Often it's a
lack of imagination. One of our partners talks about former
Governor Edwards of Louisiana, who was once matched against a car
dealer. He damned the man with faint praise. He said,
"Well, if I were going to buy a Ford, I'll surely buy it from him,
because he's a good man. But if I were going to buy 2 Fords, now
that's another matter." The dealer could measure up to little
league baseball, but not to the major leagues.
Much the same can be
said for one of our United States that was once the bright star of its
region. It has now slid a long ways, currently experiencing
negative growth. The politicians and business potentates have all
sorts of excuses and all sorts of forces to blame. But the truth
is that a business oligarchy of very small men coupled with diminished
political leadership has left the state in the hole. Artificial
monopolies and restrictive legislation have driven costs too
high. Anemic leadership has not filled empty plants and barren
fields with new enterprise. A venture capitalist in this state
has said to use, "We always do two baggers, never a home run."
Nobody has had their eye on the big one, and now the whole state is at
incidentally, is the enemy of focus, of effectiveness, of strategic
grandeur. The planning documents of more than one corporation are
so infernally complicated that they never get enacted and fail to unify
the employees behind a compelling idea. Years ago Norman
Augustine, once of the Defense Department and later head of Martin
Merietta, authored
Augustine's Laws, the key one being that as more and more
electronics were added to a plane, costs grew exponentially and
breakdowns mounted at a worse rate. Six ideas are equivalent to
having no idea: complexity brings us to a standstill, not only with
airplanes but with whole enterprises.
A few years ago Tony
L. White took over PerkinElmer Inc., a flagging instruments
company. Somewhere along the line he said, in effect, "Let's get
rid of the old instruments and get in the genome business which our
instruments help explore." This was big and daring and
clear. Now he heads Applera Corporation, the PerkinElmer name and
all its instruments long-since gone. What he did was seize the
obvious, using the technology from its Applied BioSystems subsidiary to
spring into the world of the genome, and now into drugs. He has
moved from copperheads and to bears.
Which is to say:
Become a big bear, so no bear will get you. You will get there,
if you are looking for something big, and you can say where you are
headed on the back of a napkin at lunch with a felt marker.
commentators far and wide are catching up with China's last economic
decade, when the leaders out of Shanghai (who are today's national
leaders) remade China's industrial economy, with the banks and
agriculture yet to come. Clifford's and Panitchpakdi's
China and the WTO highlights some of the meaning of
China's accession to the WTO. Obviously they dwell heavily on the
integration of China into the world economy; perhaps as important is
the fact that now China's own economy, propelled by WTO, will achieve
integration and raise productivity. On February 5, 2002, the Conference Board came out
with its first real study of China, "Reconstructing Chinese
Enterprises," which shows how private capital and/or local control
generates vastly more productive enterprises, the SOEs (state-owned
enterprises) still being the millstones around the Chinese
economy. Shortly we will have a volume on Zhu Rongji, the author
of many of these changes. Humorously enough, major private equity
investors, who have been burnt earlier in China, are now sitting on the
sidelines, with a solid chance of missing the good times ahead.
We had the pleasure of a very long dinner with Mr.
Marcus at the old, reliable Adolphus Hotel in Dallas a month or so ago,
just a short walk away from the old flagship Neiman Marcus downtown,
which we much preferred to the mall affairs. Accused by us of putting
Dallas on the map, he simply said it wasn't true. At 96, as he sighed,
his body had deserted him, but the mind was as resilient as ever. We
both contemplated some new projects together, all infirmities cast to
the side. We learned in the recent New York Times obituary that
he was voted the ugliest boy in his high school class, which seems odd
to us. Cerebral, fast, capable of telling observations, he was so
kinetic that one just did not pay attention to his looks. As a kindness
to us he wrote an essay for the Zindart 1999 Annual Report (see www.zindart.com)
called "About the Man Who Collected Everything," which was very
appropriate for a Chinese collectibles producer. I gave that title to
the words he penned he simply did collect everything and everybody.
Amongst Stanley
Marcus's works are
Minding the Store;
Quest for the Best;
The Viewpoints of Stanley Marcus;
Stanley Marcus from A to Z;
Henry Dreyfus;
American Greats; and
His and Hers.
Elegance Is Dead
Stanley Marcus, a giant of retailing who gave provincial
Dallas a touch of panache, reminds us all that quality is an
uphill, Don-Quixote battle against the economics of the 21st century,
where fineness is not on the minds of purveyors or customers. In
Quest for the Best, he elegizes "The best, in many instances,
may not be as good as it used to be, but once manufacturers and
retailers realize the size of the market for the best, they will get
smart enough to make best better -- not elegant, for elegance is dead."
The very
able Nicholas Lardy, frequent spokesman on China and Asia at the
Brookings Institution, has a raft of books out telling us what makes
Asia tick and what makes it explode. One study,
China's Unfinished Economic Revolution, says the tough stuff is
yet to begin. The combination of bankrupt state banks and
effectively bankrupt state companies (SOEs) to which banks lent their
dough amounts to an economic time bomb. Interesting. But we
don't think that's where the trouble really lies. We think the
government will set the banks and companies to rights. Watch the
country, not the cities. The people in the outback are
bust. Even rural governments are broke. (See Economist,
December 15, 2001, p. 36.) The real dilemma is not the industrial
economy, but agrarian devastation. For more Lardy books and
wisdom, see:
in the World Economy
Trade and Economic Reform in China, 1978-1990
Growth and Distribution in China
in China's Modern Economic Development
China into the Global Economy
Global to Metanational
This book sets forth anew what is really a rather old, shopworn
idea. To be simplistic, what the book tells you to do, whatever
your business, is to make sure that you put some listening posts in
those parts of the world where all the real talent is. Go where
the action is -- to tap into the people who make great music or listen
to what's hot, for instance. As we've said before, it's as
important to recognize that certain locales have generated bests in
certain disciplines for decades, and that's where you really have to
be: on the Russian-Polish border for pianists, in Milan for
advanced styling, in London for trendiness. See the New York
Times, December 23, 2001, Business, p. 6.
Understanding the Job
It is not clear that most members of
boards of directors generally understand what risk is or how to come to
terms with it. As good a starting point as any is Peter L.
Bernstein's Against
the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, which threads the
upside and downside of risk. Bernstein claims that the basis of modern
business and our fecund economic system is the understanding of risk
and risk-taking. By this standard, directors should even be
urging more rational risk-taking, while containing unconscious
risky behavior that will sink the enterprise.
Jim Clark's Failures
Now it is the right time to read Michael Lewis's The
New New Thing, which seems to be an amusing epigraph on Jim
Clark's failures. His Silicon Graphics, Netscape, and Healtheon
ventures plus a few other ventures have really all turned out to be
failures that nonetheless lined his pockets. The most calamitous
was his computer-controlled Hyperion, a white whale of a boat that got
the better of Ahab Clark. One must conclude that Clark, and
several other Valley boys, were actually much, much better at hype than
Hyperion: they were relentlessly adroit at tulipmania, getting
transient enterprises insanely valued by manipulation of compliant
investment banking and media communities. Clark is not an
engineer but a promoter of virtual Florida real estate. Where, we
must ask, is the beef?
Better Code
"Extreme Programming," or "XP," has become the latest attempt to
promote better, faster-built software programs. A leader is Kent
Beck, who has written a book about it called Extreme
Programming Explained. At its core, extreme programming
emphasizes extreme collaboration among software writers, contrary to
traditional practice. See Forbes, July 9, 2001, p. 142.
Also see http://ootips.org/xp.html.
"China on My Mind"
This is the
title of this year's baccalaureate address by Richard C. Levin, Yale's
president. See Yale Alumni Magazine, Summer
2001. Its main importance was that it documented Yale's
historically deep connection with China, dating back to 1854 when Yung
Wing, a Chinese student, graduated from Yale. Yale-in-China dates
back to the turn of the century (1901). A long article elsewhere
in the magazine, "Sticking with China," provides some of Yale's current
Chinese involvements. The most interesting footnote is that the
Dean of the School of Management, Jeffrey Garten, has put China very
much on center stage, calling it "the second most important country in
the world" and placing it at the top of the list in his book, The
Big Ten: The Big Energy Markets and How They Will Change Our Lives.
of the Corporation
Drucker did this book when he was still working his way
into the pantheon of geniuses. We wish now he'd do the book
over. At this moment, when "stock-holder capitalism" sits on top
of the whole world, persons of good will are questioning the limited
view of capitalism and limited view of the corporation it
entails. It is forgotten now that the "corporation" was
originally a creation of the state, granted special privileges and
immunities, because the state and the nation expected the commonwealth,
in turn, to reap a host of benefits. In the second-quarter 2001
issues of Strategy and Business, pp. 119-26, Booz-Allen and
Hamilton's tomb-like magazine, editor Randall Rothenberg interviews
Arie de Geus, management thinker and retired planning director at
Shell. In The
Living Company and elsewhere, de Geus argues that the very
purposeful corporation gains major competitive advantage from its sense
of purpose and, in consequence, survives longer. "Success depends
on the ability of its people to learn together and produce new
ideas." In this view, corporate success comes from nurturing
human capital, not catering to financial capital. This is, we
think, just one of the ways in which corporations in it for the long
term need a sense of themselves that is larger than the 24-hour frame
of the financial markets.
David Whyte
Heidi Schuessler has a long article about him in The
New York Times, June 20, 2001, p. C2. He gives readings of
the good guys, writes some himself, and makes a living preaching poetry
to corporate managers on the lecture circuit. Ms. Schuessler
thinks his pitch is to tap into disillusioned managers, but, it seems
to us, he merely says that life and death are bigger than the
office. He has a couple of books, admittedly with long-winded
How about Work and Play, Mr. Whyte?
and Strategic Alliances
On May 21, Forbes did a strategic alliance
special issue which is not profound but does contain some provocative
tidbits. For instance, in rating the 2000 alliance heavyweights
(number of alliances), we find that six of the top ten companies
worldwide are Japanese (the trading companies and the tech companies)
while four are American. Finally, in 2000, alliance-building
became as frantic an activity as mergers and acquisitions. Peter
Pekar and John Harbison have co-authored a book, Smart
Alliances, that apparently recognizes that alliances have
become a favored tool for accelerated corporate growth. Forbes
claims old-line industries--financial services, forest products, metals
and retailing--don't get it, with companies in these sections proudly
going their own separate ways.
Me and Thou
The Asian Foundation in San Francisco has published this
year two volumes on America's role in Asia. They are compendiums
by experts on America in Asia--from both Asian
and American
perspectives. The Asians' last recommendation--that American
universities "strengthen their Asian studies programs" is probably the
most interesting comment from across the ocean. Surprisingly, the
American experts are well down their list--to recommendation 10--before
they get to their two economic recommendations, even though economics
are the crux of both stability and progress not only for Asia but for
the world.
China's Century
Century: The Awakening of the Next Economic Powerhouse by
Laurence Brahm, a lawyer and consultant in Beijing, flags the obvious
for us--but is an obvious fact that many Westerners are ignoring.
With admittance to WTO, China is on track to become the world's number
two economy. The book's roster of contributors includes everybody
under the sun, from Zhu Rongji, Premier of the People's Republic of
China, and a raft of Chinese government officials, to sundry
ambassadors to China, heads of multinationals with substantial
operations there, consultants, journalists, lawyers, etc.
Included are the financiers who are the major enablers of Western entry
into China, such as Peter Sutherland of Goldman
Sachs, Robert Theleen of ChinaVest,
and Alexander Rinnooy Kan of ING
Group. "Today China is driving forward its policy of guided
market economy, making what is ironically fast becoming one of the most
laissez-faire economies in the world today."
Free Trade and Economic
Virginia Postrel reviews the work of Stephen L. Parente and Edward C.
Prescott, whose Barriers
to Riches (MIT Press, 2000) argues that poor countries stay
poor because "some groups are benefiting by the status quo." The
authors suggest it is not knowledge but narrow self-interest that keeps
nations from advancing their productivity. It's not savings or
education that makes the difference, but encrusted interest groups and
outdated business practices. Without free trade, local barons can
block new practices, since better competitors can't invade their
protected markets. What would be as interesting is an examination
of our own United States. Clearly economic development has been
retarded in several areas--notably the South--because of
anti-competitive practices, embedded in the law, which permit
high-priced monopoly conditions to prevail. See The New York Times, May 17,
2001, p. C2.
Porter on Japan
Michael Porter, Harvard's apostle of competitive
strategy, is out with a book--Can
Japan Compete? (Perseus, 2000)--which largely sums up what we
already know. Japan's stagnation did not just arise from
financial excesses but came largely from structural economic problems,
he argues. This is rehashed in CFO Magazine, May 2001,
pp. 60-66. Somewhat more interesting is his notion that "Japanese
companies are weak at strategy. In fact, most companies don't have
strategies. Essentially, they are competing on best
practice." Of course, this happens to be true of most
nations. If the nation has a good economic strategy, then a
company often doesn't need one. But if national policy is awry,
the corporate managers suddenly have to become wily strategists.
The Attention Economy
This book, co-authored by Tom Davenport, a thoughtful consultant with Accenture, is due out in hardback
June 1. Of course, a more accurate nomenclature might be the
Inattention Economy. Essentially Davenport says we are all being mowed
down by messages and hyperactivity--a result of the digital economy. We
are so busy that we can't pay real attention to anything, much less
focus on what's important. We've posted one or two of Tom's other books
below so you can get acquainted with him.
Prakash Shimpi's Risk
Public since 1993, United
Grain Growers (Toronto Exchange: UGG) has had to identify all its
corporate risks as a result of recommendations in the 1994 Dey
Report from the Toronto Stock Exchange. It uncovered 47 in
all, from fluctuations in grain volume to environmental hazards.
Working with broker Willis Corroon
and Swiss Re, it developed a
risk-management package to deal with all of them. By dealing with
all of them at once, it reduced its insurance costs, no longer insuring
piecemeal. More importantly, it hedged against variable volumes
in the grain markets. And, by smoothing earnings, it has been
able to take on more debt.
Some of the thinking that lies
behind this approach is summed up by Swiss Re's Prakash Shimpi in Integrating
Corporate Risk Management. Remarkably, or so Shimpi
claims, only a small percentage of major U.S. companies looks at risk
comprehensively and relates it successfully to containing the cost of
No Time for Renewal
Risk has become too important a topic to leave to the insurance
carriers, especially as the capital and insurance markets
converge. Risk will be, we predict, the primary obsession of
business in 2001. We will be dealing with more than brown-outs in
California and earthquakes in India. Not the least of the risks
is human breakdown. In his new book, The
Future of Success, Robert Reich suggests that the Internet is
a boom to consumers, but it's wreaking havoc in the life of the nation,
with all the populace caught on a treadmill where there is no time for
personal renewal.
If Y2K was never really a threat, the deterioration of
our infrastructure has been a growing, gnawing risk. It presents
massive business opportunity, because we have far more to rebuild than
our electric plants. But there will be lots of risk, as we begin
to tackle some of our constitutional arrangements as well as a host of
other governing compacts that have outlived their useful life. We say
“rebuilding” the infrastructure, but not “restoring” it. Our
plant is not only worn out: it’s the wrong structure for the
global age we have entered. Global economics, for instance,
favors lots of small generators, not just the few big ones of the
monopoly era. Global trade as a percentage of GDP has doubled in
the 90’s. Like it or not, this is the Global Age for the
U.S. and we have to hitch our wagon to the Global Economy.
That’s what Thomas Friedman of The New York
Times has written about in his long, repetitive, meandering
bestseller, The
Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization.
While you don’t have to read the book, you do have to accept that we
are in the global swim, and we have to get ourselves deeper into the
sport. Friedman, perhaps wrongly, thinks we are leading the
global charge, but we suspect it is Singapore, Finland, Sweden, etc.
that are most globalized and are most setting the global agenda.
Fingleton In Japan
Journalist Eamon Fingleton did an odd little tome with
me years ago on shareholder freebies (still a great idea) and then took
off for Japan. His view from the other shore should not cause us
to gloat over our "new" economy. First, he did Blindside:
Why Japan Is Still on Track to Overtake the U. S. by the Year 2000
(1995). Now he's just out with In
Praise of Hard Industries: Why Manufacturing, Not the Information
Economy, Is the Key to Future Prosperity (1999).
Probably his economics are not too profound, but his common sense
should wake us up about virtual reality. I know of at least one
Internet CEO who wants to be on a "hard-industry" board, because he
knows what he's doing is not quite real.
Collect Early and Pay
Richard Levin, professor emeritus at University of North Carolina's
business school, wrote a finance text, Buy
Low, Sell High, Collect Early, and Pay Late, for Prentice Hall
back in 1983. He figured a witty title might sell a few extra
copies. We think "Collect Early and Pay Late" would have done the
trick even better. In any event, if you understand the title, you
can pretty much skip the finance course. You usually "buy low" by
paying early. By stealing this dictum from Levin, we, of course,
will "pay never," which is yet another way to go.
Turning Industries
Upside Down
Clayton M. Christensen, associate professor at Harvard,
has written the season's most important business book--The
Innovator's Dilemma (Harvard Business School
Press). He thinks there are a lot of technologies begging to be
put to work, that big companies won't sponsor, because it will destroy
their current franchises. So entrepreneurs have to get the deed
done. Joseph Schumpter called this "creative destruction."
For a quick look at how this will revolutionize some industries, see Business
Week, July 26, 1999, p. 6.
A Catalog of Bests
America's most renowned merchant--Stanley Marcus--no
longer directs the famous Nieman-Marcus catalog. So now he's
jointly authored a book on all the little things and little inventions
that got America to the millennium. See Robert B. Wilson and
Stanley Marcus, American
Greats (Public Affairs, 1999).
Best Professional
Brochure Ever
A long time ago, when less complicated minds ran
consulting firms, CEOs knew how to sell their wares in simple
ways. Arthur D. Little, Inc. in Cambridge, for instance, proved
that it could solve technical problems for you by doing a booklet on
turning a sow's ear into a silk purse. It then proceeded to do
just that. Literally. See On the Making of Silk
Purses from Sow's Ears: A Contribution to Philosophy (Arthur
D. Little, Inc., 1921; reprinted 1966).
Frankfurt, the
Financial Capital
Today, maybe the most innovative financial exchange in
Europe -- perhaps in the world -- is located in Frankfurt. This
should not surprise us, because its history as a financial center dates
back to the Middle Ages. Today it is the home of the European
Central Bank. If you read German, learn more about Frankfurt as a
rising star in Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich's Frankfurt as a Financial
Centre (Munich: C.H. Beck Verlag, 1999). Also see The
Economist, March 18, 2000, p. 9.
Business Philosophers
The late Paul Tillich carefully distinguished between psychological and
existential problems. After years of
dealing with dysfunction, businessmen are using philosophers to deal
with purposeful functionality. The
capitalist Socratics have had an association since April called The
American Philosophical Practitioners Association, now 175 strong. It includes Lou Marinoff, author of Plato
Not Prozac: Applying Philosophy to Everyday Problems (Harper
Collins, 1999). Working along the same
lines but more focused on businesses exclusively is Tom Morris, author
of If
Aristotle Ran General Motors: The New Soul of Business (Henry
Holt & Company, 1997). Naturally, Dr. Morris has an
institute, the Morris Institute for Human Values. See
"If Plato Ran His In-laws Insurance Company," The New York Times, January
5, 2000, p. C6. All in all, this
philosophical bent can get business and businesspeople to clarify their
goals, half the battle in achieving more nimbleness.
Quick Thinking
Nobel-prize winner Herbert Simon believes human
intuition is really "pattern recognition." For sure, this can be
learned--and maybe even taught--but it's still hard work. To be a
world-class pattern-recognizer, you must put in "at least ten years of
hard work--say, 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year." (See "Flash
of Genius," by Phillip E. Ross, Forbes, November 16, 1998,
pp. 98-104). Or better yet, see Simon's books, wich include:
King of the Knowledge-Makers
In 1997, Ikujiro Nonaka returned to University of
California at Berkeley as the Business School's first ever professor of
knowledge. Co-author of The
Knowledge Creating Company (Oxford University Press, 1995) and
dean of a knowledge science department at Japan's Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, he's a bit different from the knowledge
captains who coach large corporations. He puts less emphasis on
databases and the MIS paraphernalia these people over-espouse.
And he puts emphasis on creativity and learning atmosphere as the means
by which companies can foster big ideas. See The Economist,
May 31, 1997, p. 63.
Entrepreneurs Abroad: Heinecke
Andrew Tanzer, our colleague in Hong Kong, waxes poetic
about the considerable effect American entrepreneurs have had in the
Asian business scene:
There’s no
shortage of transplanted Asians who have enriched the U.S. economy
through importing entrepreneurial skills. In the computer
industry, for instance, Jerry Yang co-founded Yahoo, Charles Wang
started Computer Associates, and let’s not forget Wang Laboratories’
founder An Wang. What’s less understood is that the trade in
entrepreneurism is two-way: many American entrepreneurs have built huge
businesses across the Pacific. In Hong Kong, for instance, Robert
Miller and Charles Feeney founded Duty Free Shoppers, an industry giant
now controlled by LMVH; Nebraskan Merle Hinrichs started NASDAQ-listed
Global Sources, a highly profitable and leading electronic marketplace;
William E. Connor II has quietly constructed an impressive supply-chain
management/buying agency for a list of blue-chip clients including
Nordstrom, Williams-Sonoma and Land’s End.
in Thailand, William Heinecke has made his fortune in fast foods,
hotels and branded-goods agencies. Heinecke, the son of a U.S.
military journalist who worked overseas for the Marine Corps’ Leatherneck
magazine, paid his adopted country the ultimate compliment: he
abandoned his U.S. citizenship and became a Thai. His
The Entrepreneur: 25 Golden Rules for the Global Business Manager,
told with Jonathan Marsh (John Wiley & Sons, 2003), is an
accessible, practical blend of memoirs and primer for the aspiring
arcane, academic tome, The Entrepreneur offers simple,
commonsensical and humorous advice on topics such as crisis management,
hiring and firing, and time management. One of the most
attractive aspects of the book is that, unlike so many self-important
and narcissistic American CEOs, Heinecke relishes poking fun at his own
blunders, which adds credibility to his story. For example,
Heinecke admits that a Thai businessman beat him hands down in
supermarkets in Bangkok. His competitor’s Villa chain had fresher
produce and superior inventory control. “I knew we were in
trouble when my wife told me her friends preferred to shop at
Villa…. We got out as soon as we could, poorer but wiser….
Never confuse qualities of determination with those of stubbornness and
humility and high emotional intelligence are clearly two of Heinecke’s
strong suits. A high school graduate, Heinecke obviously listens
well, learns constantly and makes an art of “OPB”—working with other
peoples’ brains. He knows his weaknesses and hires the best
people he can find to compensate. “Too many business people waste
time on tasks to which they’re ill-suited…. Half of being smart
is knowing what you are dumb at…. If you keep hiring people who
are smarter than you in important areas, you will build an organization
that is very strong.”
a good manager of people, Heinecke stresses that a leader must cut
loose the underperformers. Firing “involves coming to terms with
your own failings. You have to admit that you made a mistake by
hiring the person in the first place. But if you don’t fire
mediocre performers, you are doomed to failure as an
entrepreneur. Just as excellence breeds excellence, mediocrity
breeds mediocrity.”
many successful entrepreneurs, crisis and adversity seem to bring out
the best in Heinecke. He bounces back with the resilience of a
Thai kick-boxer who keeps scraping himself off the mat. For
instance, he weathered the Asian Crisis of 1997-98, whose epicenter was
in Thailand; he survived a bruising battle with Goldman Sachs over
control of a Bangkok luxury hotel and picked himself up after losing
the Pizza Hut franchise following a vicious battle with YUM, the U.S.
parent company.
like many entrepreneurs, Heinecke succeeds by thinking
differently. He introduced pizza to Thailand, a nation of spicy
cuisine and no tradition of eating cheese. “Eating pizza in an
air-conditioned, American-style restaurant became a perfect symbol of
increasing purchasing power and changing consumer attitudes,” he
explains. He brought traditional Thai architecture to hotels and
condos in Thailand when local developers were looking overseas for bad
architectural ideas. “Developers looked at concrete blocks in
Hawaii and then built carbon copies in Thailand. Sometimes it
takes an outsider to point out something that is staring everyone in
the face—Thai architecture is breathtakingly beautiful.”
Like Richard
Branson, Heinecke is an adventurer who flies his own planes and
helicopters and competes in car races. He makes no apologies for
disappearing sometimes for weeks. Indeed, he sees a management
lesson here: “This is good for me as well as my executives, who have to
operate without my presence.”
Philosopher's Holiday , Irwin Edman (11-11-15)
Shadow Box , Michael Cristofer (11-11-15)
Travels with Charley in Search of America, John Steinbeck (6-17-15)
A Fine Romance, Candice Bergen (4-22-15)
A Death in Summer, Benjamin Black (9-25-13)
Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to A More Meaningful Life, Massimo Pigliucci (9-25-13)
The Luck of the Bodkins , P.G. Wodehouse
The Moviegoer - Walker Percy
Understanding Poetry. Cleanth Brooks. (10-12-11)
The Principles of Uncertainty. Maira Kalman. 2007. (06-08-11)
Lord Dunsany – Dean Spanley – 2008 Also see this write-up. (3-16-11)
John Lawton - Little White Death – 2007 (02-09-11)
Ross Macdonald - Black Money - 1996
Angela Thrikell - Cheerfulness Breaks In – 1996
The delightful Angela Thirkell, a manneristic and prolific writer about small-town England throughout the first half of the 20th century, wrote one novel that speaks to the dilemma we are considering here. In Cheerfulness Breaks In her ensemble of characters deal with the coming of World War II (“of course, it will never happen”) and the comings and goings in a village as young men are carried off to London and the fields of war. What’s key is that everybody shoulders the burden well, goes on with life, and even has parties and sprinkles of light amidst the storm. There are constant spots of cheer to include several engagements and marriages. Dastardly people and no-gooders such as the Gissings eventually disappear and never really manage to soil the community. That is, the heart of the people is in the right place. (11-10-10)
Herman Melville - The Confidence Man - 1857
Melville, who had a trying career and who often harbored gloomy thoughts, owned up to the need for faith and belief in his last and best novel—The Confidence Man. Therein is a widely quoted passage where a traveler advises the skeptical how to get along in life:
"You are an eaves-dropper."
"Well. Be it so."
"Confess yourself an eaves-dropper?"
"I confess that when you were muttering here I, passing by, caught a word or two, and, by like chance, something previous of your chat with the Intelligence-office man; -- a rather sensible fellow, by the way; much of my style of thinking; would, for his own sake, he were of my style of dress. Grief to good minds, to see a man of superior sense forced to hide his light under the bushel of an inferior coat.
Note: [24.6] -- Well, from what little I heard, I said to myself, Here now is one with the unprofitable philosophy of disesteem for man. Which disease, in the main, I have observed -- excuse me -- to spring from a certain lowness, if not sourness, of spirits inseparable from sequestration. Trust me, one had better mix in, and do like others. Sad business, this holding out against having a good time. Life is a pic-nic en costume; one must take a part, assume a character, stand ready in a sensible way to play the fool. To come in plain clothes, with a long face, as a wiseacre, only makes one a discomfort to himself, and a blot upon the scene.
Note: [24.7] Like your jug of cold water among the wine-flasks, it leaves you unelated among the elated ones. No, no. This austerity won't do. Let me tell you too -- en confiance -- that while revelry may not always merge into ebriety, soberness, in too deep potations, may become a sort of sottishness. Which sober sottishness, in my way of thinking, is only to be cured by beginning at the other end of the horn, to tipple a little." (11-10-10)
Yoko Ogawa –The Housekeeper and the Professor – 2009 (09-01-10)
Angela Thirkell – Private Enterprise – 1947 (02-24-10)
Michael Murphy – Golf in the Kingdom – 1972 (02-10-10)
Living Well is the Best Revenge - Calvin Tompkins - 1998 (11-11-09)
Moby Dick – Herman Melville– 2008 (1851) (08-26-09)
A Life Of Flannery O’Connor – Brad Gooch --
2009 (04-15-09)
General Batiste’s Aggressive Retreat
“On June 19, the day before the change-of command ceremony,
he filled out a retirement form on his computer and faxed it to his
four-star commander in Germany…. The next day, Gen. Batiste,
speaking at the ceremony, began his protest…” See “The Two-Star
Rebel,” Wall Street Journal, May 13-14, 2006, pp. A1-A5, where
you can read a long and arresting account of how John Batiste, a
general on the way to the top, turned down his next star and the 2d
most important Army post in Iraq, to follow his conscience.
Unlike other protesting generals who have howled about Donald
Rumsfeld’s misdeeds from the comfort of their easy chairs in
retirement, this soldier gave up the career chase because he could no
longer bear Rummy’s gross mismanagement of the war. Again and
again, men and women of superior talent and keen intelligence are
facing the same dilemma—how does one act with honor and conviction when
caught up in a world that’s lost its head.
The Bard William Shakespeake touched on this
very question in several of his later works, but in none more tellingly
Troilus and Cressida. There, at Troy, we slither through
a war where nobody—Hector, Ajax, Achilles, Troilus, Cressida—emerges
heroic, and to quote a famous line, “all the argument is a whore and a
cuckold.” All become but buffoons, and the times make a mockery
of love, honor, and loyalty. (5/24/06)
Two Years before the Mast
In Richard Henry Dana Jr.’s
Two Years before the Mast, we read a high-born ship-hand’s
account of his journey on the Pilgrim around South America, to the West
Coast, and back to Boston. Despite his successful career
thereafter as lawyer and in government, this journey is said by some to
have been the high point of his life. There’s an insistent need
in men and women, no matter how repressed, to break out of their
cubicles in order to discover the destiny that is hidden from them by
the shroud of society. We know a chap who did a career of forty
years in New York City but who feels life only really began when at
mid-life he worked in Kazahkastan and other points in Central
Asia. (5/22/06)
except maybe a jealous poet, knows that you don’t run down your
industry, for fear you will spoil the business for everybody. In
2002, Garrison Keillor came out with an anthology called
Good Poems. It sold well, and most in the field said it
was an okay effort—except for August Kleinzahler who gave it a vicious
review in the April 2004 issue of Poetry. Now Keillor’s
out with
Good Poems for Hard Times, and we are uncertain what furies
Kleinzahler will loose. See his diatribe in Poetry, April
2004, “No Antonin Artaud with the Flapjacks, Please.” All the
poems in both books have been read on Keillor’s PBS show. We must
all be grateful that Keillor and others are taking poetry out of the
academy and putting it on the airwaves. (1/4/06)
Scotch Is
Garrison Keillor’s
Good Poems for Hard Times claims “the meaning of poetry is to
give courage.” In his critique of the book, David Orr say it’s
not so: “That is not the meaning of poetry; that is the meaning
of Scotch.” (12/21/05)
Flannel Poet
Reece, assistant manager of Brooks Brothers in Palm Beach Gardens,
Florida, is finally reaping success and renown from his writings.
His The Clerk’s Tale,
a collection of his poems, has been published and is winner of the
Bakeless Prize. The title poem is set in the Mall of America
store where he first started with Brooks. See The New York
Times, May 9, 2004, Styles, pp.1-2.
Man’s Fate
Andre Malraux
was quite a fellow. An adventurer, he careened about the globe
and was threatened with quite a bit of hard time for stealing artifacts
in Indochina. Lurching from Left to Right in politics, he
trafficked a bit with Mao, Chaing Kai Chek, and other creators of
Greater China and the Asia we know today. Later he served in the
French Resistance. After World War II, he did a few stints with
DeGaulle as Minister of Information and Minister of Cultural Affairs
when he cleaned up French monuments and hobnobbed with the likes of
Jackie Kennedy. His career is all the more remarkable since
Tourette’s Syndrome took hold of him in childhood and had him in its
grasp for life.
Along the
way, he did a string of novels to include the renowned
Man’s Fate, as well as
The Royal Way and
The Conquerors. He is a fast, fun, easy read; no wonder
so many were swept up by him, even if his tales added too much
embroidery to his life and deeds. Here one discovers that he thought
action in the face of death lent nobility and vitality to life, but
that nothing justifies that final act of the gods in which death
finally snatches a person from life’s battles. “Art,” he thought,
“is a revolt against fate.” The threat of death sharpens our
spirits and our intellect, but nothing can really justify the death
sentence that is the handmaiden of mortality. Death was his
consuming theme. For him, “Death made man a man. Man does not
make death. Death is a mask man wears.”
The Limbo
The Limbo is not only a state of
exile in the land of nowhere. It is also a dance from Trinidad
where lithe dancers make their way under a stick that is moved closer
and closer to the ground. It’s hard to do, and is only for those
with the most limber of bodies, which is not one of our
complaints. As well, the dance symbolizes how hard it is to get
out of Limbo—in spirit, in politics, in business.
The French
existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre wrote about his conception of hell in
his play No Exit.
The players discover slowly that there is no getting away from each
other as the dialogue unfolds. This, for Sartre, is what hell is
all about—when there is no getting on with our future, as we get caught
in a celluloid frame where the movie never advances.
Limbo is not that way. There’s a way out. If we will give
up the gnashing of teeth that a media-driven age has fostered. If
we will stop repeating the moment we are in and decide instead to
explore the uncertain world ahead.
Tristram Shandy
Often enough, people say “life imitates art.” But what we are
learning about, and where the Italians excel, is the merger of life and
art. It’s a seamless act where we do not know where one ends and
the other begins. Such is the case with the immensely funny
British comedy Tristram
Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story, a 2006 release incorporating a
farce about the making of Tristram but, as well, a retelling of
the actual
Sterne novel. It is this interpenetration of art and life in
Italy that puts that country in the vanguard of the West.
Anthony Trollope
Perhaps it is this cultivated atmosphere that moved one of
our number on a recent Nippon evening to bring Trollope
into our discussions. Many of us had not given him a great deal
of thought, but we realized, as we talked, that this post office
surveyor turned novelist, son of a failed barrister and writer mother,
enjoys great currency even in the present day. We thought of
Trollope presentations on public TV and remembered that they were a
great deal easier to take than say Jane Austen, also a writer about
domestic intrigue. Trollope is the right kind of culture: very,
very accessible but not without insight. The Trollope Society, very
active on both sides of the Great Atlantic, is just one sign of his
ongoing appeal. Several of our readers write to tell us they are
I went on a
terrific jag of Trollope reading about 3 years ago, before
retirement. The voice of the narrator amused me greatly. In
Flaubert, it is restrained, acting with an invisible hand, not
foreshadowing what comes next. But Trollope will even tell you
that the mini-crisis of the moment is to be overcome, and things will
turn out right for the lady in question. –French professor
The nearest I
ever came to reading him back then was when I learned my
expense account tabulation at a MAJOR NATIONAL PUBLICATION, after my
first month’s effort, was rejected—because it was too low! I was
told to take people to lunch every day, whether I had a receipt or not;
whether they were real or not. I went for long, literary solo
lunches. By the end of my first year writing there I had exhausted all
the characters in Dickens and started on Hardy. Trollope would
have been next, but I moved on to Merrill Lynch. –Journalist and now a
Trollope reader.
Trollope and
Dickens used to be my favourite reading for train journeys. Both
were nice and long. Trollope was not too demanding, so you
could pause, look at the scenery, and then return anew to the story.
His are stories with a little social commentary. –
Management consultant who has even put in some time in Ireland, like
So what makes Trollope so accessible?
An Escape into the Ordinary. In the
18th-century novel, the workings of society unfolded, and we saw how it
got in and out of its scrapes. But the 19th is more about the
development of character and about those misfirings of the brain
circuits that lead, temporarily, to plot complication. The
ambivalence and copious emotional repression we find there surely set
the stage for Freud and the Age of Anxiety.
For some creatives, art is an escape from
the ordinary; for others, it is an intensification of it. We are
fond of saying that art should be a way of dealing with life for those
who do not want to accept it as it is. Trollope had it both
ways. He was so smitten with his characters and the very act of
writing that he distanced himself from the rest of us. But, oddly
enough, whether talking about the upper classes (“the Upper Ten
Thousand”) or the middling classes, he grappled in detail with
commonplace affairs. He had, as James said, a fine “appreciation
of the usual.”
You Forgive Her? Written after the Barsetshire
novels, just at the beginning of the Pallisers series, it is a rather
finely constructed work, done at the midpoint of his career. It
turns on Alice’s jilt of Grey and their subsequent coming together:
I shall never
cease to reproach myself. I have done that which no woman can do
and honour herself afterwards. I have been—a jilt.
But after much complication, Grey is able to
press his love on her:
Of course, she
had no choice but to yield. He, possessed of power and force
infinitely greater than hers, had left her no alternative but to be
In the end it is a love story laced with
that dialectical perverseness of the human spirit that keeps us apart
and finally brings us together. Not at all a monumental matter,
but terribly important to the individual and to the race. It’s a
love story, once fondly reviewed by John
Bayley, who, as we have said, is no slouch at true love himself.
Yes, we can forgive Alice for her ricochet relationship with
Grey, because forgiveness and comity are the stuff of existence when we
are at our best. Trollope finds a richness in small matters.
The Big Sleep
Shakespeare has more or less cornered the fitful sleep
market, but a few fellas have given him a run for the money in this the
Age of Freud and Nuclear Fission. Certainly a mid-20th-century
hallmark in this regard is Raymond Chandler’s
Big Sleep, transformed into a 1946 Howard Hawks cinema noir movie that
was riddled with talent (Hawks, Bogart, novelist William Faulkner) and
toughguy (and gal) repartee.
‘Sleep’ here means death and conjures up the
corruption, perversion, and murder that is woven through plot and
subplot as we puzzle our way through the movie. But, really, the
narrative moves through a nether world halfway between death and life,
sleep and insomnia, that General Sternwood describes to Marlowe, the
private eye:
“You are
looking, sir, at a very dull survival of a very gaudy life—crippled,
paralyzed in both legs, very little I can eat, and my sleep is so near
waking that it’s hardly worth the name. I seem to exist largely
on heat, like a newborn spider. The orchids are an excuse for the
heat. Do you like orchids?”
So Much Laughter, So Many Tears
Philip and Julius Epstein were
a wonderful Hollywood writing team who wrote Casablanca,
The Man Who Came to
Dinner, and Arsenic and Old Lace. The
latter two are simply hilarious movies, particularly The Man Who
Came and stayed and stayed. We saw it yet again two nights
ago on the television, and once again it left us in stitches.
It’s amazing because the dialog is fast-paced, one comic dart chasing
another. We vowed to add it to the permanent collection of family
movies to be viewed by all for a lift of the spirits. If you see
it, then you’ll wonder, as you watch today’s TV fare, whatever happened
to family entertainment.
the Epstein family itself experienced so many tears as compensation
for all this laughter. The brothers, during the Red Scare, got
the attention of the House Un-American Committee. And there was
ample neurosis to go around in this talented but disturbed
family. One can feel the pain in the latest novel of Philip’s son
Leslie, who has just penned San Remo
Drive: A Novel from Memory, which captures some of
the ache of those times yet conveys that life always goes on, even in
the burlesque, bizarre atmosphere of the West Coast. You can
squeeze so many tears out of its sunshine and laughter.
in Botswana
Alexander McCall Smith is a professor of medical law at Edinburgh
University. Born in Zimbabwe, one-time teacher of law in
Botswana, he has written 50 books about everything under the sun.
But surely he is best known now for his three mysteries (mostly humor
and not very mysterious) featuring Precious Ramotswe, owner of the No.
1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. We have just finished Tears of the Giraffe,
and will shortly be going on to The No. 1 Ladies’
Detective Agency and Morality
for Beautiful Girls, all 3 of which have been nominated for
sundry prizes and have found their way on to various bestseller
lists. Picture, for instance, the competition at the office
between Mma Makutsi, the secretary, and some roving chickens: “By
rights, this tiny building with its two small windows and its creaky
door should be a henhouse, not a detective agency. If they
outstared her, perhaps, she would go, and they would be left to perch
on the chairs and make their nests in the filing cabinets.
That is what the chickens wanted.” Too much seriousness is not to
be allowed into this part of Africa. We gather from these books
that this is ultimately a matriarchal society where the women are a lot
smarter and, one way or another, are really running the place.
And, as of April 2003, a fourth volume is out, The
Kalahari Typing School for Men: More from the No. 1 Ladies’
Detective Agency.
Big, Unpopular Ideas.
What we’ve said here is that the way to keep your spirits up in hard
times when everybody else is taking Prozac is to swim upstream, while
others let the current carry them down into the abyss.
Ultimately, this may lead you to propagate a big, unpopular idea on
which the powers that be heap a load of scorn. In one of his
plays, probably
Enemy of the People, Ibsen talked of the importance of the
compact minority, knowing full well that received opinion is often
very, very wrong. We’re at a transition point now where unpopular
ideas are very important. Some of these are found on our website
under “Big Ideas.”
Best Italian
Mystery Writer
We’re partial to Inspectors of all varieties—English
(Morse or Dagliesh), Irish (McGarr), and now Sicilian (Inspector
Montalbano). The Montalbano series is by a great fellow,
Andrea Camilleri, but you will have to forgive the English translation
of The Shape
of Water, which we
have just completed. It’s a quick read without the usual mushy
philosophical overwash that runs through much Italian prose, and it’s a
great laugh. Nobody is really very guilty, but everybody,
including the Inspector, is up to Italian shenanigans, which is the
only way really of dealing with a hopelessly contorted political system
that can easily send rather innocent people to prison and let the
Mafiosi go free. The first duty, then, of an ethical Inspector is
to destroy evidence in order to protect the innocent. Camilleri
is a big hit in Europe, but he is only gradually seeping into North
America. Try also The
Terra-Cotta Dog: An Inspector Montalbano Mystery.
Rumpole on
Legal Reformers
“Our present masters seem to have an irresistible
urge, whenever they find something that works moderately well, to
tinker with it, tear it apart and construct something worse, usually on
the grounds that it may offer more ‘consumer choice.’” Yes, “more
choices for consumers” has been the rallying cry of educators,
politicians, business innovators, and fiddlers of all sorts who busily
add new, expensive options to our lives that we never asked for.
Meddlers all.
These lines comes from Rumpole
of the Bailey in “Rumpole and the Summer of Discontent.” Rumpole,
barrister and ever comedic defense lawyer, is the creation of John
Mortimer. He is resolved not to change things in his own life,
never wanting to try civil cases (even if the money is so much better),
never desiring to act the prosecutor and never to have his clients
plead guilty, for the prisons are much too over-crowded already.
Rumpole knows his role in life.
We are not sure that John
Mortimer or Leo McKern do. Mortimer does try other bits of
writing, but nothing provides the guffaws on every page that Rumpole’s
antics and barbs do evoke. McKern, who tried a variety of parts
in the English theater, played Rumpole in the long-running series on
public TV. Both were clearly meant to serve life sentences solely
in thrall to Rumpole.
Probably Quentin Crisp, the
English wit and netherworld figure, monologist and author of the
Naked Civil Servant,
had it right when he said everybody had one role to play in life and we
all spend our lives discovering that one part we are meant to do.
Pick up any Rumpole—each is
wonderful. Some titles in the series include:
Bookstore Devoted to a Southern Author
Hidden away in
Pirates Alley, just steps off Jackson Square, Faulkner House Books is
no secret to the waves of bibliophiles that ebb and flow through
its cramped aisles. The pale green walls are hung with photographs of
Southern authors and their friends—in addition to Faulkner, we spied
Hemingway and Walker Percy—and the handsome library shelves are
packed with a very select collection of desirable books, classic and
new. As a young man, William Faulkner rented rooms in this
house when penning his first novel,
Soldier's Pay; and there is a glass-fronted case in an
alcove filled with first editions of all his novels. In the open
stacks, we greedily pounced on a good reading copy of Walker Percy’s
1960 New Orleans novel,
The Moviegoer. We were also thrilled to discover Louisiana
Cookery, written in 1954 by Mary Land who, as Owen Brennan says in
the introduction, “makes such a case for a Creole way of life that ...
she could convince the most die-hard Yankee that he’d been missing
something until now.” If only the tiny store were big enough for
an easy chair or two, we could have spent the rest of the day
unearthing more treasures. Faulkner House, 624 Pirate’s Alley,
New Orleans. Telephone: 50-/524-2940.
Leopold Senghor
Left earth. On his way to heaven, we are
sure. Poet, philosopher, diplomat, first and longtime president
of Senegal. It is extraordinary how many interesting political
leaders are poets as well. In 1984 he became the first black
member of the French Academy. See the New York Times,
December 21, 2001, p. A25. Senghor's books include:
Collected Poetry
Poems of Leopold Sedar Senghor
Best Way to Introduce
Haiku to a Child
One of the most charming gifts under our Christmas tree
this year was Cool Melons—Turn to Frogs! , a children’s book
about the life and poems of Kobayashi Yataro, known in Japan as the
poet Issa (1763-1827). This delightful volume intersperses 33 of
Issa’s haiku with a simple retelling of the major events of his life.
Kazuko Stone, a New York illustrator born in Japan, read more
than 2,500 of Issa’s poems and visited his farmhouse before embarking
on this project with author Matthew Golub. Her illustrations are
often sweetly humorous, as a dragon roof tile snaps at a crescent moon,
or a family of monkeys relax in a steaming hot spring. Some
drawings—a crimson peony, a bejeweled dragonfly—are exquisitely
detailed. The book is published in English, but each poem is also
rendered in flowing cursive calligraphy down the side of the page.
For a child, we can think of no more appealing introduction to
haiku than this gentle book. See: Cool
Melons—Turn to Frogs!, by Matthew Golub, Kazuko G. Stone, and
Keiko Smith (New York: Lee and Low Books, 1998.)
Andrew Delbanco, now writing a book entitled Melville’s World,
in The New York Times Book Review, October 28, 2001, pp. l3-14,
portrays for us what it took to make Moby
Dick happen. Melville had dozens of writing projects on his
mind, but Ahab slowly pushed all others aside. Melville became as
possessed by Captain Ahab, as Ahab was by Moby Dick, the white whale.
Herman was driven to elbow everything out of the way, especially his
family, to get Ahab and the whale down on paper.
The book, incidentally, was a
commercial failure, and Melville never recovered real popularity during
his lifetime. At a certain point, the Melvilles turn out ambrosia and
nector too rich for the palates of their countrymen.
To their annoyance, such pests of quality often are at
odds with the populace whose acclaim they think they are seeking. In
truth, they really want to be immortals. They are tiresome
perfectionists often bound to die broke, bequeathing a fortune to all.
Work Is Highly Overrated
It’s summer in America now, time to read books, put one’s toe
in the water, escape mortal pursuits. Certainly Ava had this
right: “I don’t understand people who like to work and talk about it
like it was some sort of goddamn duty. Doing nothing feels like
floating on warm water to me. Delightful, perfect.”
Spark, who churned out 22 novels and was
more of a drone, had intimations that the good life did not consist of
relentless production. In our favorite passage from Curriculum
Vitae, she talks of her first real job:
Soon after this
I got a job at 106 Princes Street in the west end, in the office of the
elderly owner of an exclusive women’s department store, William Small
& Sons…. My sweet employer was William Small himself.
His office was really an enormous drawing-room with a grand piano, a
luxurious carpet and lots of flowers…. His son, Gordon, a tall,
handsome and agreeable man of thirty who now ran the business, would
occasionally come in, play the piano for a while, and go out
Spark and her career were, however,
As we said in “UnCanny
Tom Canning,” Spark, at her best, knew that we may busy ourselves
with trivia, but the truths of life and death will not be
denied. What we take to be her finest novel,
Memento Mori, is an ancient phrase instructing us to “remember
you are a mortal.” This sentiment, when deeply felt, can make
mortals into leaders.
Living Treasures
Borrowing from Japanese tradition, the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of
Hawaii has taken to anointing locals who’ve made a mark in science
and culture
‘Living Treasures.’ While our other states manage to honor a
poet or two, Hawaii has found a way to salute an array of figures
distinguished by breadth and wisdom.
In some cases, it goes a bit overboard,
celebrating people whose time has not come. Surely this is the
case with the rather young author Maxine
Hong Kingston, who has written so well of Chinese-Americans in
The Woman Warrior and
China Men. Like many newcomers, she never really
intended to stay in Hawaii, but stay she has, and now feels part of
it. As a recent ‘Living Treasure,’ she has fused with its
tolerant spirit and acknowledges that it has special traditions that
are like no other:
“Hawaii has all
kinds of traditions and ceremonies that are not immediately apparent,”
Mrs. Kingston says. “I didn’t know about this one until I was
made a part of it. This tradition comes from ancient China via
modern Japan. In the same way that we designate paintings and
monuments and mountains as treasures, they designate certain people as
Living Treasures.”
James Belknap of Raleigh, who teaches at St. Mary’s School
in Raleigh, probably has the best obsession of anyone in the
Triangle. He’s got the “list disease” and put it to good use both
in his doctoral thesis and now in a book entitled
The List: The Uses and Pleasures of Cataloguing.
None other than Yale professor Harold Bloom is fascinated by Belknap
and his mania. (Read about Bloom in “Bloom—In Praise of
Divorce.”) The book is mostly about “literary lists found in
the 19th century” works of notables such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and
Walt Whitman. To learn what he has wrought in his book, we
recommend a review of his thesis in The Chronicle of Higher
Education (http://chronicle.com/free/v48/i05/05a02801.htm,
September 28, 2001). Lists are everywhere in literature, he
notes, and the best ones are conceived in a way that furthers the
viewpoint or theme of the works in which they are found. Belknap
refers to an earlier work, Francis Spufford’s
Chatto Book of Cabbages and Kings: Literary Lists (1989), as
one source of inspiration.
and his wife Nadia, a French instructor, are quite the catch for St.
Mary’s. He got his B.A. from Michigan, and then his M.A.,
M. Phil, and Ph.D. from Yale, which also published his book
Both Duke and UNC, where the English departments need some
recharging, would do well to make him an occasional lecturer. We
wonder if, in another life, Belknap was Martin Luther who pinned his
list of theses on a door in Germany and set off one of the storms of
the Protestant Reformation.
Best Escapist
Reading for Troubled Times
What to read is a genuine dilemma. Books which absorbed us a
month ago now seem irrelevant. Recently, though, we returned to
an old favorite by Angela Thirkell and found it pitch perfect. Northbridge
Rectory, set in Trollope’s imaginary Barsetshire, chronicles
English country life of a bygone era with a hilarious blend of wit and
compassion. But this tale was published in 1942, when a maiden
lady might carry a gas mask to a dinner party and a literary reading
might be interrupted by the drone of a German warplane.
And that is what makes the book relevant to our own times.
In a stream of delightful
stories written during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, Thirkell, who was a
cousin of Rudyard Kipling and granddaughter of the pre-Raphaelite
painter Edward Burne-Jones, captured every amusing nuance of rapidly
changing English village life. What makes
her inconsequential characters heroic is the cheerful and determined
way they soldier on in times of vast uncertainty. In
Northbridge Rectory,there is the penurious and
curmudgeonly Miss Pemberton, fiercely nurturing the literary career of
her gentleman lodger, Mr. Downing -- yet acknowledging that if England
were to fall to Germany, there would not be much demand for his book on
12th-century Provencal lyrics. Father
Fewling, or “Tubby,” a naval man turned cleric, builds a cozy air-raid
warden shelter complete with ship-shape bunks, a Union Jack, and “one
of those very small bottles of rum just in case.” And
there is Mrs. Villars, the rector’s wife and most fortunate of women --
with sons assigned to desk jobs and money of her own for a cook and
maids to clean the handsome rectory -- feeling guilty because she “so
often woke up happy, so often had sudden absurd causeless attacks of
happiness during the day.” Faced with our
own uncertainties, this tale of Barsetshire follies is just what the
doctor ordered.
Other Thirkell novels in
this series include Love
at All Ages, Close
Quarters, Peace
Breaks Out, Never
Too Late, Growing
Up, County
Chronicle, The
Demon in the House, and Enter
Sir Robert. For a complete listing, click here.
We first learned about vacilando from John Steinbeck in his
Travels with Charley.
We are so rapturous about the term that we have even come up
with our own spelling: “vacillando.” Roughly it means that you
set out on a journey with a destination in mind but the whole point is
never to get there. Your goal is to have a great trip—with lots
of interests and stopovers along the way—and the end of the road is
almost something to be feared, rather than something to be achieved.
For more on vacilando, see
Muriel Spark
On April 13, 2006 the British novelist Muriel Spark, a convert to
Catholicism like a whole clutch of British intellectuals, passed
away. One of her most famous works was
Memento Mori, which deals with the intrigues and deceptions
that were buried in the lives of aging Brits, but, in the end, shows
that death will not be denied. Memento Mori, “remember you
are mortal,” has been an enduring theme in literature. Her last
years were spent in Italy, nearer to the Holy See. Tom Canning
has his own “Memento” version: “With that far country looming every
nearer / The earth-bound seems shallow, not important / The
transcendental you see much clearer.” (4/26/06)
Well Adjusted Poet
fine review of the poet Richard Wilbur called “The Well-Adjusted Poet (New
York Times Book Review, May 29, 2005, p. 13), suggests that poetry
may be the life-giving medium for those who will hang around a
while. “While his contemporaries donned leather jackets or
publicly fell to pieces, Richard Wilbur maintained his reticence.
… Wilbur is living, white, male and, from all appearances,
neither despondent nor mad. … These poems form an argument,
about how one goal of a well-lived life might be composure, rather than
the mad flowering of a personal signature.” His Collected Poems,
1943-2004, makes an excellent Memorial Day Gift for
some friend. Ironically, says Stephen Metcalf, the reviewer, it
was near the heat of fire as an infantryman—Wilbur having touched down
at Anzio, Cassino, and the Siegfried Line in World War II—where the
poet seriously took up his poetry of composure.
Kunitz Has Got It Right
For us, Stanley Kunitz, the poet who will cross over the
century mark on July 29, has worked his way from the periphery right
into the center of our field of vision. For years we thought of
him as one of those poets celebrated by the tribe of neoliteraries
surrounding the New York Review of Books, an incestuous culture
that doesn’t quite have anything to do with America, peopled by
complexly neurotic sorts who winter in Manhattan and summer in the
precincts of Wellfleet. But as some of the critics have said, he
has gotten better with age, having weathered in his lifetime a few
wars, and moved his verse from clever intellectual turns to a more
“confessional,” emotional tone. Now, you will find in his poetry an
injunction that says, “Life must go on, so, by all means, live.”
Perhaps 50 years ago in New York we visited
a relatively high-ranking woman executive in a Fortune 100 company and
had occasion to ask her, “Cybil [our made up name for her] you have
really gotten to the top of the heap here. How did you do
it?” “Well, hell, I just outlasted the bastards.” Women had
to be awfully tough in her day to get to be number one.
Stanley Kunitz, as well, has outlasted the
bastards. The professionally depressed and psychotic poets from
McLean and Rockland we idolized at the end of the last century are in
their graves, but he’s still here to tell the tale. He asks for
no sympathy in old age, because he knows it will do him no good.
“If I could cry, I'd cry, / but I'm too old to be / anybody’s
And he’s done it rather nicely. His
children look in on him. He divides his time between Greenwich
Village and Provincetown, aided by a 24-hour nurse and literary
assistant Genine Lentine, a poet in her own right, who obviously
provides the right counterpoint. (See
They’re out with a book, The Wild Braid: A
Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden, invoking
the 2,000 square foot terraced garden facing the Bay in Massachusetts
and the inspiration the garden has provided to his verse. Kunitz,
we understand, was much taken with the poems of Robert Herrick, who
also instructed us to make the most of this life with metaphors taken
from the garden:
Gather ye
rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying;
And the same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.
Writers Are a Troubled Lot
A bevy of writers know themselves to be troubled and
understand the role of expression in relieving theirs cares. Kurt
Vonnegut says, “Writers can treat their mental illnesses every
day.” Art Buchwald and William Styron have talked very openly
about their considerable periods of depression, humorously
encapsulating the relationship between creativity and mental sloughs.
Buchwald says he thought about committing suicide, but was afraid
the New York Times would have no room for his obituary.
He was sure General DeGaulle would die the same day and crowd him out
of the funereal columns. (See
Laughs aside, this is no small matter, given
the epidemic rates of depression in developed societies. Styron,
incidentally, turned his depression to profit, laying out his turmoil
in Darkness Visible
(see also
www.enotes.com/darkness-visible). There are ample enough
studies around about the health benefits of writing, not only for
abolishing one’s ghosts but also for capturing one’s Eden, going beyond
pain perhaps even to pleasure (www.psych.utoronto.ca/~peterson/Benefits%20of%20Writing.doc).
The drug companies are, of course, churning out miracle pills that
don’t work. Most likely, the afflicted will have to use
creativity to blast themselves out of their hellholes.
Prayers for Peace
Probably any prayer that gives you comfort and that takes you
away from the human condition is worthy of consideration. Why not
pray for peace? You do not have to be an ideologue to want peace
on earth. We have previously recommended
Prayers for Peace, a wonderful little volume that looks like a
missal, published by B. Martin Pedersen’s Graphis Press (see “Best
Gift for All Seasons”). Today we were struck by the “Shinto
Prayer for Peace”:
Although the
people living across the ocean
Surrounding us, I believe, are all our brothers and sisters,
Why are there constant troubles in the world?
Why do winds and waves rise in the oceans surrounding us?
I only earnestly wish that the wind will
Soon puff away all the clouds which are
Hanging over the tops of the mountains.
Best Heroic Books
for Boys
recently observed two middle school boys avidly poring over a table of
used books at a library sale. "There's one!" they exclaimed,
pouncing on a worn paperback with sword-wielding rabbits on the cover.
It was The
Long Patrol, one of fourteen books in the very popular series
about Redwall Abbey and the lovable animals that live there.
At first
glance, a series about a medieval abbey inhabited by talking mice,
moles, squirrels and badgers wouldn't seem like a sure thing. But
in the world conjured up by author Brian Jacques, these small, mostly
gentle forest creatures must do battle with the forces of evil—in the
form of sniveling weasels, villainous foxes (Marlfox,1998)
and cruel wildcats (Lord
Brocktree, 2000). The great clashing battles that ensue
are filled with the sort of old-fashioned daring-do and feats of valor
that most boys (and girls) love. But underneath, these stories
are also meditations on the virtues of goodness and kindness, loyalty
to one's friends, and most especially, courage in the face of
overwhelming odds.
Jacques, a
former milkman and stand-up comedian, began spinning tales of the
kingdom of Mossflower for children at The Royal School for the Blind in
Liverpool. He received a modest $4,000 for his first novel, Redwall (1986),
which was written on 800 sheets of recycled paper kept in a grocery
bag; today the fourteen books in the series have over 3.5 million
copies in print, and the official website, www.redwall.org, receives 3.9
million hits annually from visitors in 126 countries. It has
spawned an animated TV series carried by about 200 PBS stations in the
U.S. (www.redwalltv.com). Two
more books are due out this fall: The Taggerung and A
Redwall Winter's Tale.
twelve-year old we know explains the series' appeal: "I like
reading about the feasts and the adventures that lead to fights, like
the one between the hares and the sea rats." Fights, yes. But feasts?
How about "thick porridge flavored with cut fruit and honey ...
hot cheese flans and mugs of rosehip 'n' apple cider"? Or
"watershrimp an' 'otroot soup, full 'o dried watershrimps, bulrush
tips, ransoms, watercress and special spices." Why, it's
mouthwatering enough to tempt even the most dedicated non-vegetable
Creative Partnership
We can’t wait to dip into John Bayley’s new book, Widower’s
House, which takes up his life after the death of his wife,
Iris Murdoch, the awesomely talented, mind-providing English novelist.
Previously we had hailed here his Elegy
for Iris, an account of his marriage to and deep bonds with his
wife (see #2 below). He has, in the meanwhile, followed up with Iris
and Her Friends, which we will also have to read. His new book
deals with his ongoing grief and, finally, his passage into a new life.
Best Excuse for
just run across an intriguing mention of Jahiz, a ninth century Arabic
man of letters and bibliomaniac. So ardent was his passion for
books that he bribed the booksellers of Basra for the privilege of
spending the night in their shops, reading each volume from cover to
cover. His seven-part masterpiece, Kitab al-Hayawan, was
written to demonstrate the "usefulness of every created thing," a
self-imposed mandate which permitted him to extol the virtues of dogs
and the charms of singing girls, as well as the ever-ready friendship
provided by books.
"I know no
companion more prompt to hand, more rewarding, more helpful or less
burdensome, and no tree that lives longer, bears more abundantly or
yields more delicious fruit that is handier, easier to pick or more
perfectly ripened at all times of the year, than a book," wrote Jahiz.
You can read these and other delightful excuses for bibliomania
in Night
and Horses and the Desert: An Anthology of Classical Arabic
Literature, edited by Robert Irwin (Woodstock and New York:
The Overlook Press, 2000). Like other addictions, it seems
that bibliomania can kill: Jahiz died when a stack of books fell
upon him.
Paradise Lost
(Part II): Cuban Elegance
Another view of paradise lost may be found in Michael
Connor’s new book,
Cuban Elegance, which depicts the luxurious palaces and
townhouses built by Cuba’s wealthy elite during four centuries of
colonial rule. Leafing through its pages, we were reminded of the
vanished life of privilege enjoyed by a friend whose father once headed
the island’s power and light company. Her stories, of a pet
monkey who dined at the family table and the butler who greeted
shipwreck survivors with coffee poured from a silver urn, were always
enthralling. All this came to an end after the revolution.
The family, who was on a shooting trip in Spain, eventually
dispersed to friendlier climes. But one elderly aunt stayed in
Cuba in a house by the sea. She spent the rest of her days in
bed, applying false eyelashes and reading movie magazines smuggled in
care packages from the U.S.
The images that unfold within Cuban Elegance are astonishing.
The opulent rooms in the Palacio de la Condesa de Revilla de
Camargo—imagine elaborately inlaid marble floors, ornately carved and
gilded wood paneling, and a collection of 18th-century French
furniture—could easily be found in a small European palace. The
dining room in the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales is lit by two
magnificent crystal chandeliers and has an 18th-century Dutch tapestry
on the wall. On every page there is exquisite carved and gilded
furniture, some imported from Europe, much of it indigenous. But
our favorite houses remind us that we are, after all, on a Caribbean
island. One lovely blue and white dining room features gaily
patterned stained glass fanlights above louvered doors that open to a
patio; in other homes we glimpse tiled floors and walls, lush plantings
and windows that open to the sea.
Many of the beautiful homes photographed for this book are not
identified, and the mystery to the casual reader is that they have
survived decades of communist rule, apparently in private hands.
There is very little of the peeling plaster and cast-off
furnishings that we might expect to see. This is a tale that Mr.
Connors has chosen, perhaps wisely, not to tell. Well-versed in
the architecture and furnishings of the Caribbean, he writes as
knowledgably about 16th-century Plateresque colonial architecture (the
name derived from plateria, or delicate filigreed silverwork)
as about 19th-century muebles de medallon, the often riotously carved
mahogany and cane furniture made by local craftsmen. Mr. Connors
has already produced two lines of West Indies-style furniture for
Baker; can a Cuban line be far behind?
Cuban Elegance, Michael Connors (author) and Bruce Buck
(photographer), published by Harry N. Abrams, 2004.
Finest Garden Retreat
The great landscape designer Beatrix Farrand made her last
retreat in Mount Desert, Maine. When she could not find an
institution to turn her previous home at Reef Point into a school of
horticulture, she dismantled it and moved six miles to Garland Farm,
spending her remaining days with her gardeners (the Garlands) and her
maid. In her lifetime she had designed some 200 gardens to
include the terraces at Dumbarton Oaks, the rose gazebo at New York’s
Botanical Garden, and the Princeton University campus.
Many of the
plants at Reef Point were taken by Charles Savage for the Asticou
Azalea Garden and Thuya Garden in Northeast Harbor. UC Berkeley got her
library, but her favorite plants went to Garland. The Beatrix
Farrand Society has been formed to preserve and enhance this, her last
garden. See
www.members.aol.com/SaveGarlandFarm. Also see The New
York Times, November 27, 2003, pp. D1 and D8, in which Anne Raver
does a stunning review of Farrand’s accomplishment and of this garden.
To see the range of her work, look at Diane Balmori’s
Beatrix Farrand’s American Landscapes: Her Gardens and Campuses.
Asian Shopping in Santa Fe: Four Winds Antiques and Shibui
In curious
ways, Santa Fe reflects the collective unconscious of a certain cut of
the American population. This old Spanish city has become in,
recent years, a cultural crossroads between east and west.
Sushi bars, zen gardens and yoga studios coexist, quite happily,
with indigenous chile-spiked cuisine, brambly chamisa, and historic
Catholic churches. The city is becoming an exemplar of the fusion of
old and new, between its Spanish and native American heritage, and new
age yearnings. The fusion is not always seamless, but it is
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the design world. Although
“Southwestern style” still rules, vendors of Asian-inspired furnishings
are mushrooming. Canyon Road, long the city’s art mecca, has its
own Tibetan shop with silver ceremonial cups and carvings of Ganesh,
the Hindu elephant god. Stone Forest sells Japanese granite
fountains and lanterns, while Tropic of Capricorn, specializing in
desert-happy plants, also hosts seminars on zen gardening
Asian furniture—say, a sculptural hand hewn table from the
Philippines, or an antique stepped tansu chest—fits perfectly into the
mellow adobe architecture that so characterizes the city.
Perhaps the most enthralling of these shops is Four Winds Antiques,
which displays handmade furniture and objects from all over Southeast
Asia. Intrepid traveler Robbie Williams ventures into the
Indonesian archipelago and the Philippines with an eye to bringing back
exotic colonial-era objects and furniture, as well as tribal arts from
China and Africa. Her Canyon Road gallery, in an historic adobe
house, is filled with goods that would fit easily into almost any
decorative scheme. We were particularly taken by a serene, late
17th-century Burmese Buddha, of gold leaf and red brown lacquer on
wood, seated in the lotus position. An elegant Chinese elmwood
stool, circa 1860, with gracefully splayed feet would be lovely in a
minimalist loft and could lighten up a traditional drawing room.
Many of Williams’ smaller objects are unique: we lusted after a
carved tortoise shell comb from the Philippines and an antique
Indonesian document box emblazoned with the owner’s name. Not to
be missed are stunning handwoven textiles from Northern Thailand,
including a bronze silk throw with intricate geometric designs in red,
black and green.
Four Winds has become a magnet for American designers, and much of
Williams’ stock winds up with collectors on the East and West coasts.
Contact: Four Winds Antiques, 901 Canyon Road, Santa Fe,
New Mexico 87501. Telephone: 505-982-1494. Website: www.fourwindsantiques.com.
Not far from the downtown plaza, one finds Shibui, a repository
of magnificent Japanese antiques, many of museum quality. Founded
by Dane Owen, who began buying and selling Eastern antiques when he was
studying at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, this 5,200 square foot
gallery is a collector’s dream. Tansu chests are a specialty and
we particularly admired a double-sided Kaidan step chest from the late
Edo or early Meijii era. Made of three Japanese woods—hinoki
(cypress), keyaki (elm) and sugi (cedar)—its lineage can be traced to
the farmhouse in the Niagata region where it was originally made.
Textile enthusiasts will find many tempting items here, such as
an indigo-dyed fireman’s coat, made of wool and silk, with a rabbit
crest on the back, and many lovely ceremonial kimonos, most from the
Edo period. On a smaller scale, Shibui has an appealing
collection of handtinted Meijii-era photographs of Japanese scenes
which would make a wonderful pictorial group on a large empty wall.
Owner Dane Owen and David Jackson have written a scholarly, beautifully
illustrated book,
Japanese Cabinetry: The Art and Craft of Tansu, which can be
purchased at the gallery. Contact: Shibui, 215 East Palace
Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. Telephone: 505-986-1117.
Website: www.shibui.com.
Best Triad (and
Triangle) Hotel
The O. Henry Hotel is
probably the best hotel from the Coastal Plain to the Piedmont of North
Carolina. It's still a secret, incidentally; most denizens of
Greensboro and Winston Salem simply don't know about it. It is
the reincarnation of an earlier version torn down in 1979. It's
named for O. Henry, a.k.a. William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), the
storyteller who started life here but then made his way to Texas, Ohio,
and other parts, finally dying in penury in New York Citydespite his
prolific writing career. Like O. Henry, the hotel is a gem
waiting to be rediscovered by history. O. Henry Hotel. 624
Green Valley Rd., Greensboro, North Carolina 27429.
We found an O. Henry volume
by our bedside and would recommend the hotel make the writer the
centerpiece of more visible promotion. Here are some O. Henry
books available:
Visiting The Spider's House
Built in 1879 by the Grand Vizir to Sultan Moulay Hassan I, the famed
Palais Jamais has been favored by discerning travelers since it became
a hotel in the 1930s. The Moorish-style palace and its lovely
Andalusian gardens were the setting for Paul Bowles' novel, The
Spider's House, which chronicled the fall of the French
Protectorate in Fez in the 1950s. (See Best
of Class, entry #147 for more on Palais Jamais.)
Best Intimate Creative Writing Program
This is not a big program, but it has a star-studded cast of poets,
novelists, and playwrights as faculty, and its students win endless
accolades, including the National Book Award, Pulitzers, etc.
Director Leslie Epstein has led the program for more than twenty years;
his eight books of fiction include the well-known King
of the Jews. Poet Robert Pinsky was U.S. Poet Laureate
from l997-2000, poetry editor for Slate, and a regular on
PBS. Given the small number of faculty and students, it is
something of an intimate salon. See www.bu.edu/writing/.
Christopher Fry
Fry was an elegant poet/playwright but in an age where
Thespians have been given over to prose. He had a long life,
appropriate for someone of a comic sensibility. In declining
England, it was other angry young, bleak playwrights who took over the
stage and pushed him out of the limelight halfway through his
career. His verse dramas only gave him a brief moment of fame,
but we can see poesy plays coming back, for the best days of Greek
drama were the early ones where rhythmic choruses ruled the
roost. About poetry Fry said, “Poetry has the
virtue of being able to say twice as much as prose in half the time,
and the drawback, if you do not give it your full attention, of seeming
to say half as much in twice the time.”
And he knew what the moon was for: “The moon is
nothing but a circumambulating aphrodisiac divinely subsidized to
provoke the world into a rising birth-rate.” We have always been
taken by the title of his The
Lady's Not for Burning, a play that
much later came to be linked in jest to Margaret Thatcher. We
would have given our eyeteeth to see the John Gielgud West End
production, which also featured a young Richard Burton and Claire Bloom
and who were reputed to be electric together. We’re sure any one
of the players could have said: “I shall be loath to forego one day of
you.” Read about its opening in 1948, its move over to the Globe
in the West End in 1949, and its vast success at the Brooks Atkinson in
New York. Everything Fry did was thick with language, and you can
hear the words even if you are merely reading him. See
He died June 30 in Chichester.
Bulgakov's Devil His Due
To paraphrase Mark Twain in Pudd'nhead
Wilson, a classic is a book everyone talks about but no one
reads. While we get the feeling that Mikhail Bulgakov may have
learned a thing or two from Mr. Clemens, we must twist the saying a bit
to fit Bulgakov's stunning book, The
Master and Margarita: some classics no one talks about and no
one reads. Bulgakov's novel, almost unilaterally declared a
masterpiece continuously since its publication in Moscow in 1966 (it
was written in the late 30s, and when you read it you'll see why it
didn't see the light of the Soviet day for decades), is a literary
sleeping giant. Those who have read it never forget the experience;
those who haven't read it have in store an experience on par with their
first encounters with Beethoven's Ninth,
Melville's Moby-Dick
... you get the picture. We'd summarize the plot for you, but,
put simply, we would do injustice to Bulgakov's Pontius Pilate, his
Satan, his Master, and his Margarita. You just have to read this one
for yourself.
From Babe to Poesy
Rachel DeWoskin is a major poetic talent, according to Robert
Pinsky, one-time Poet Laureate of the United States, who had her under
his wing at Boston University after her return from China. In
China she had starred in a radio soap called “Foreign Babes in Bejing,”
the title also of a
book she has authored about her post-college experience in
China. Her poetry as well feasts on the China adventure:
McDonald’s downtown
in Beijing, I board a bus bound
for mountains with Xiao Dai
who carries equipment, asks why
I have to be so headstrong.
I say nothing. We belong
to a climbing club. Sheer rocks
more on her poetry, see Ploughshares at
Even investment bankers for public utilities such as John W. Barr can
be poets-in-hiding. His fifth book of
poetry is called Grace:
An Epic Poem (Story Line Press). (See
The New York Times, December 19, 1999, Business
the Babes of Divorced Parents
See Michael Holroyd's Basil
Street Blues. He mouths Hugh Kingsmill's aphorism:
"Friends are God's apology for families."
Nicaragua’s Best Poet
And probably Latin America’s. Possibly the
most important modernist poet in the Spanish-speaking world.
Ruben Dario (1867-1916), born in Metapa, spent his creative life in
Santiago, Chile, Buenos Aires, Madrid, and Paris. Harvard
recently uncovered a couple of his poems, which were gathering dust,
unheralded, on the shelves of the Widener Library. (See “Harvard
Finds Two Poems, and a Latin Romance Reignites,” New York
Times, September 19, 2000, p. 2. He is celebrated by both
the greats and the critics. See, for instance, a 1933 dialogue
between Pablo Neruda and Garcia Lorca at www.dariana.com/tribute.html.
Some works are available such as Azul,
Completos, and Poemas
Escogidos, with more due to be published. On the
website, there are six dramatic poems including “To Roosevelt.”
Love Story of 1999
Iris Murdoch, one of the band of fine women English
novelists that academic England nurtured after the war, died February
8, 1999. Her husband's love affair with her and their time
together are beautifully remembered in Elegy
for Iris (John Bayley, Picador, 1999). One is not quite
certain how well Bayley understood what Murdoch was about. In
some respects, they are strangers to each other and to the
planet. But love they did. With their mutual passion for
their water and for swimming, they cavorted together as water babies,
well into old age, even in the buff. Bayley, about whom we are
just learning, has written some fiction (The
Red Hat), a host of criticism, and has also edited a number of
classic novels by Leo Tolstoy (War
and Peace, Anna
Karenina), Boris Pasternak (Doctor
Zhivago), Henry James (The
Wings of the Dove), and Anthony Trollope (Can
You Forgive Her?), among others.
Best Irish Mystery
Bartholomew Gill, who spends a goodly amount of time in
America, knows the old sod very well. And that's the charm of his
mysteries. You can learn about Irish politics and fishing by
reading him. And he will also lead you through literary
Dublin. His Inspector McGarr is one of the few mystery
protagonists you might actually be willing to hoist a pint with.
Some of Gill's winners are:
In Praise of Shadows, Juni'ichiro Tanizaki (1-14-15)
I Am a Beautiful Monster: Poetry, Prose, and Provocation , Francis Picabia
Roselyne De Ayala, Jean-Pierre Gueno - Illustrated Letters: Artists and Writers Correspond (11-23-11)
Richard Haw - Art of the Brooklyn Bridge: A Visual History (11-09-11)
Esther McCoy – Five California Architects (10-12-11)
Tricks of the Trade
We have always thought that at least half the great art in history has
been produced by creatives with terribly bad eyes, the distortions in
their vision producing the effects we so cherish. My eye doctor,
of course, says this is all balderdash. However, in like manner,
we find slightly loony people becoming psychiatrists and psychologists,
struggling to right their brains. And we know, of course, that
all time management people, to a man and woman, are horribly
disorganized and are terrible wastes of time. By this definition,
talent is a person recovering from some malady or another.
Be that as it may, we do learn in David Hockney's
Secret Knowledge that much art has been produced by optical
devices. The optical lens was used in much 15th-century art; it
permitted artists to reflect images onto flat surfaces and, seemingly,
led to increasing realism in paintings. At any rate, optics and
prevailing light have a huge amount to do with the look of paintings.
The Shape of
Years ago, the charming American artist Ben Shahn
authored a little gem called The
Shape of Content. A friend from Victoria tells me that
the Japanese converted this title so perfectly and so imperfectly to
"The Outside of the Inside." Of course, that book was written
when there was still content to be shaped.
A Rich Spot of Earth: Thomas Jefferson's Revolutionary Garden at Monticello, Peter J. Hatch
Founding Gardeners, Andrea Wulf
Polly Adler – A House Is Not a Home – 1953 (02-24-10)
Caribbean Houses – Michael Connors – 2009 (11-25-09)
Novella Carpenter -- Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer – 2009 (09-30-09)
Finest Garden Retreat
The great landscape designer Beatrix Farrand made her last
retreat in Mount Desert, Maine. When she could not find an
institution to turn her previous home at Reef Point into a school of
horticulture, she dismantled it and moved six miles to Garland Farm,
spending her remaining days with her gardeners (the Garlands) and her
maid. In her lifetime she had designed some 200 gardens to
include the terraces at Dumbarton Oaks, the rose gazebo at New York’s
Botanical Garden, and the Princeton University campus.
Many of the
plants at Reef Point were taken by Charles Savage for the Asticou
Azalea Garden and Thuya Garden in Northeast Harbor. UC Berkeley got her
library, but her favorite plants went to Garland. The Beatrix
Farrand Society has been formed to preserve and enhance this, her last
garden. See
www.members.aol.com/SaveGarlandFarm. Also see The New
York Times, November 27, 2003, pp. D1 and D8, in which Anne Raver
does a stunning review of Farrand’s accomplishment and of this garden.
To see the range of her work, look at Diane Balmori’s Beatrix Farrand’s
American Landscapes: Her Gardens and Campuses.
Tulip World's
Secret Weapon
1999 some exiles from Andersen Consulting in Amsterdam put together
an online tulip company which has done enough clever things since to
make a dent in the market. One of the ways it has made headway in
America, which really takes half of Holland’s exports, is to form
partnerships with charity organizations (to include an anti-drug group
and a Parkinson organization) whereby it moves some product and,
importantly, gains names to add to its circulation base. But the
key magic ingredient in our eyes is that they captured as an advisor a
top tulip expert, one Jacqueline van der Kloet, author of Magic
with Bulbs. Against Walmart and the like, TulipWorld can only
prevail on quality, not price. That’s where ven der Kloet’s eye
and experience come into play. See www.tulipworld.com.
Also look at Fast Company, May 2003, pp. 107-110.
Furnishings Man
Better than a decade
ago, when he was still affiliated with Lord & Taylor, we secured
from Michael Connors the doors to the theater out of a Spanish castle
and a large tile assemblage from Portugal that recalls the trading
culture and great navigators that once graced that nation. To
wit, he had and has an eye for the unusual piece that adds a little
romance to the hygienic offerings decorators usually put in houses
these days. So he is quite a bit more than “the nation’s foremost
dealer in West Indian antiques of the Colonial era,” though he
has certainly made this look part of our vernacular now. He
helped design a line of West Indies reproductions for Baker
Furniture. And he has a book out called
Caribbean Elegance, where he speaks of this style and its use
in historic homes. Much of this is recounted in “A Breeze Blows
through the Drawing Room,” an article about him and the look in the New
York Times, March 27, 2003, pp. D1 and D6. We very much like
the accidental way he got started in the West Indies. On a ship
that stopped at St. Croix “I fell in love with a gal there . . . and
the ship left without me.”
Best Way to Connect the
Indoors to the Outdoors
Maybe it's the President's admission that global warming
is here (and that there's nothing we can do about it), or maybe it's
just the soaring mercury, but lately we've been intrigued with the
notion of easy-flow houses that are open to the outdoors.
Homes where the barriers between inside and out are nearly
invisible, where one can drift from a living room with plush,
linen slip-covered sofas, say, through French doors to an enclosed
patio with trickling water and from thence to a flower-filled garden.
Asian Style: Contemporary Tropical Living in Singapore,
by Jane Doughty Marsden (Periplus Editions Ltd, Singapore: 2002), is a
seductive guide to living in houses of endless summer. The book
resonates with ideas for floor-to-ceiling windows with enormous
louvered shutters, shimmering tile pools that come to the edge of or
even into the house, and open air bathrooms where bamboo is neatly
planted next to a shower with teak decking. Marsden, a former Vogue
copy editor, writes intelligently about Singapore's tropical
architecture, which ranges from stark, all-white, minimalist abodes to
converted colonial shophouses arrayed in vibrant silks and adorned with
wondrous collections of handicrafts and antiques.
Ample proof that such
architecture isn't limited to the tropics can be found, incidentally,
in a recent New York Times article by Raul A. Barraneche,
"Metal Warm as Brandy," (May 16, 2002, D1, D10.). Architects
Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe designed a seemingly open air house
for an investment executive and his family in Toronto, of all places.
Using a Canadian "palette" of "golden Douglas Fir ... and a steel
facade that has weathered to ... a soft nubuck chocolate," the design
duo created a very modern home with huge glass windows that wrap around
a rectangular lily pond that is shrouded in vapor during the frigid
winter and, in summer, is filled with blooming water hyacinths. When
the weather is hot, the windows slide open, letting butterflies and
lady bugs inside. In all seasons, the water casts rippling reflections
on the interior ceilings and rain drips down a "large steel scupper"
into the pond, making the residents intimately aware of the world
Best Book about Man's
Passion for Plants
Michael Pollan is a clever fellow. Magazine editor,
original thinker and passionate amateur garderner, he deals with big
themes, world-changing ideas about man and nature. In his
first book, Second
Nature: A Gardener's Education (New York: The Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1991), he acknowledged the uneasy relationship
Americans have with the wilderness, then offered a philosophy allowing
for a more constructive give-and-take in the garden. Now, in
Botany of Desire (New York: Random House, 2001), Pollan
tackles evolution in the plant world, showing how four domesticated
plants have survived and flourished over the centuries by evolving in
ways that gratify mankind's deepest desires. We've been seduced,
he says, by apples that satisfy our craving for sweetness, by the tulip
which offers beauty, by cannabis which provides intoxication, and
by the potato which—well,
that's a more complicated story.
The most original aspect of
the book is that Pollan examines all this from the viewpoint of the
plant. He speculates, for instance, that man is hardwired to love
flowers because a bloom can be the precursor to edible fruit. Now
that we no longer forage, certain flowers have evolved ever more
beautiful forms to ensnare us. Viewed from this perspective, the
tulip's occasional "color breaks"—virus-caused
streaks and flames that drove stolid Dutch burgers to insane
speculative frenzy—were
the simple Turkish flower's way of encouraging the almost obsessive
development of spectacular new varieties, thus ensuring its entree into
the world's gardens.
Pollan has an equally
refreshing take on the apple and its chief American apostle, Johnny
Appleseed: Instead of the sanitized folk hero of legend, his
research leads him to a wild, shadowy backwoodsman who had more in
common with the pagan god Pan, "a satyr without sex" able to glide back
and forth between wilderness and civilization, than with the saintly
figure sold to millions of school children. (One reason
settlers welcomed John Chapman into their homes was the prospect of
being able to grow fruit to make hard cider—an
acceptable alcoholic beverage.)
But what of the humble
potato? In Pollan's view, the McDonalds of the world, fired by
our appetite for an unending source of perfect French fries, have led
us down the road to ever more destructive and expensive
pesticides and fertilizers in the vain attempt to produce limitless
quantities of the Burbank Russet potato. But the land is
exhausted and even the deadliest poisons are losing the insect war.
Monsanto's NewLeaf potato, created in a petri dish with the
Bacilllus thuringensis gene (a naturally occurring insecticide)
would appear to answer man's desire for control through artificial
selection. In fact, it raises a whole slew of new concerns,
ranging from who owns the "rights" to a naturally occurring substance
to the spectre of new famines caused by diminishing genetic variety.
Most alarming is the fact that the FDA has never ruled on whether the
NewLeaf is fit for human consumption because it doesn't regard this
potato as a food, but as a pesticide. Now that potato salad
season is upon us, we may have to grow our own.
True Grit
"Our view ... is best expressed by the noted
plantman, Sir Peter Smithers, 'I consider every plant hardy until I
have killed it myself.'" From Kim E. Tripp and J.C. Raulston, The
Year in Trees: Superb Woody Plants for Four-Season Gardens, p.
12. You have to read Raulston, incidentally, if you are gardening
in North Carolina, which has its own special challenges, best
surmounted by an indomitable attitude.
Best Full Spectrum
Donald Kaufman, a color field painter whose works hang in The Museum of
Modern Art, and his wife, Taffy Dahl, a ceramist, may be America's
premier color consultants. Working with architects and designers such
as Philip Johnson and Philippe Starck, they've created subtle, very
sophisticated hues for museums, hotels and the homes of the rich
and famous. But for ordinary mortals, they have also formulated
the Donald Kaufman Color Collection, a line of fifty full spectrum
paints that have the same rich, luminosity as the colors they've
created for, say, the Getty Museum or the Delano Hotel. The
secret is the use of transparent pigments which reflect rather
than absorb light, as ordinary paints do. Kaufman uses all the
pigments in the color spectrum when blending his colors, often in
minute amounts, compared with the three or four that most standard
paint companies use. Although he never uses black, many of his
hues have a neutral undertone, which makes them extraordinarily easy to
live with.
The beauty of Kaufman's
paints is that often, one can't quite identify the color. DKC-29,
for instance, a mysterious watery blue, has turned a windowless hallway
we know into a luminous passage that at times looks misty gray and,
at others, like the soft blue of an early spring sky.
More pronounced colors, such as DKC-11, a spring green with
a neutral edge, have a rich enveloping glow that is far from dull, yet
avoid the nerve-jangling intensity of hues form other paint
manufacturers. Kaufman's color theory is expounded in his beautifully
photographed books, Color:
Natural Palettes for Painted Rooms and Color
and Light: Luminous Atmospheres for Painted Rooms, and in Color
Palettes by Suzanne Butterfield, a partner in the paint
business. Paints, which are mixed using a Pratt and
Lambert base, are available only from Kaufman's paint company, The
Color Factory, as are over-sized paint chips and small sample-size
cans of paint. Contact: The Color Factory, 114 West Palisade
Avenue, Englewood NJ, 07631-2692. Telephone: 201-568-2226.
Encyclopedia of Hardy Trees and Shrubs
who has tried to find the right tree for the right spot—and has been
frustrated by the standard offerings and lack of knowledge in local
garden centers—would do well to consult Dirr’s
Hardy Trees and Shrubs: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
(Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 1997). Here one will discover a
wealth of possibilities for gardens in zones 3 through 6 and, by
extension, zones 7 and 8. Dr. Michael A. Dirr, renowned Professor
of Horticulture at the University of Georgia, has compiled a stellar
collection of 500 species of trees and shrubs, describing their growth
habits and needs for soil, sun, water, and other necessities of life.
Dirr’s color photos, as clear as they are beautiful, show full
grown frees as well as close-up details of bark, leaves and flowers.
Add to the mix his own pithy, highly knowledgeable comments, and
you have a genuinely useful book that can open up new vistas in the
Southern Apples
1600 varieties of antique apples are covered in Calhoun's monumental
volume, Old
Southern Apples (Blacksburg: McDonald & Woodward, 1995) a
superb resource for any apple grower living below the Mason Dixon
line. Each entry not only describes the apple in great detail,
but provides historical information about its origins, often citing old
agricultural journals and nursery catalogues. The illustrations
are magnificent, particularly the watercolors commissioned by the
USDA's Division of Pomology in the late 19th century.
Best Book on
Moroccan Design
Yesterday's mail brought the new Dooney & Bourke catalogue.
Photographed in and around Marrakesh, it offers striking views of
leather goods in the desert and in rooms featuring the intricately
inlaid zellig tiles that are such a distinctive element of
Moroccan design. All of which serves to remind us that Morocco is
currently enjoying a moment in the sun.
Interiors (Taschen, Germany, 1995), by Lisa Lovat-Smith,
a former Vogue editor who lives in Paris, is that rare
anomaly: an intelligently written design book. Lovat-Smith
travelled all over the country, poking her nose into Berber tents and 18th-century
palaces, cave dwellings and the mansions of the aristocracy. She
traces the development of different architectural styles, then embarks
on an enthralling tour of magnificent abodes, many restored by
Europeans. The dazzling color photographs capture the innate
richness of Moroccan decor and the high level of craftmanship that is
necessary to achieve it. It's enough to make one dream of a
vacation home in the medina. Moroccan Interiors, by Lisa
Lovat-Smith .
Lancaster Lives!
Clay Lancaster passed away in December. (See New York Times,
February 9, 2001.) He was influential in Brooklyn Heights'
preservation, the restoration heart of America's most 19th-century
city. But he was an important commentator on other architectural
worlds as well. Some of his books include:
Brooklyn Heights: New York's First Suburb
Architecture of Kentucky
Japanese Influence in America
in the Nineteenth Century
American Bungalow, 1880-1930
Lancaster is also
remembered for a witty conversation about the gardens at Versailles at
the time of Louis XVI. Over a dinner, he and a lady friend spoke
in the present tense, as though they were with Louis.
If, in his mind, Lancaster lived in the 18th century, surely he can't
really have passed away in the 20th. Maybe he's in Argentina.
Book on Domestic Improvement
It’s Christopher Alexander’s A
Pattern Language. See also “Home Design’s Zen Master of
Perfect Imperfection,” New York Times, November 25,
2000, p. Bl8. Alexander lives in Berkeley, which is only fitting
because it was home to America’s most significant domestic architect in
the early 20th century--Bernard Maybeck, whose quaint houses
just happened to be very charming and very livable. Mr.
Alexander’s house does not have a doorbell so you have to give him a
shout to raise him. You will also find his website (www.Patternlanguage.com)
hard to navigate--all part of the trappings of artfully designed
eccentricity. For sure he is an antidote to sterile architects,
Home Depots, and new housing developments that lack any memory of
Sources of Creativity
By far the best part of Akiko Busch's Geography
of Home: Writings About Where We Live (Princeton
Architectural Press, 1999) is the chapter on the "home office," the
topic she may know best. The snippet here (pp. 85-86) deals in
part with the dilemma of the home writer--how do you get charged up
enough to get going? Busch's answer:
"Ackerman points out
that Katherine Mansfield gardened and Dame Edith Sitwell used to lie in
an open coffin before they sat down to write. And Friedrich
Schiller kept rotten apples in a bureau; often, when searching for a
word, the poet would open the drawer, finding that the pungent bouquet
released a new reserve of creative energy. It is said that George
Sand went to her desk directly from lovemaking, while Colette found
that picking the fleas off her cat was the appropriate prelude to
work. More orderly and contained, Stendhal read sections of
French civic code each morning 'to acquire the correct tone.'"
The other parts of
the book may have too much the smell of rote learning.
with Old Houses
Carolina lacks the gracious plantation architecture that is a hallmark
of its more prosperous neighbors to the north and south.
But just down the road from Montrose is a Federal-era
house of the most appealing sort. Commissioned
in 1814 by a Scottish merchant, Ayr Mount was occupied by his
descendents for the next 170 years, until noted preservationist and
former Chairman of The Equitable, Richard Jenrette, rescued it from
slow decline. Now a museum, the handsomely
restored, vaguely Palladian brick house invites the visitor to linger
in its well-proportioned, high-ceilinged rooms. Many
feature fine architectural woodwork; all are filled with antiques, some
original to the home and some from Mr. Jenerette’s own collection of
Duncan Phyfe pieces. The romantic grounds
offer lovely vistas down to the Eno River and to the hills beyond;
nature trails are open for hiking. For
more about Ayrmont, see Mr. Jenrette’s new book, Adventures
with Old Houses (Wyrick and Company). To
visit, contact: Ayr Mount, 376 St. mary’s Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278. Telephone: 919-732-6886.
Best Comedic
English Gardening Book of the 1950s
There comes a moment in late summer when the
desire to tend the garden wilts before clouds of hot steam issuing from
the earth and airborne armies of ravenous mosquitoes. The cure,
for a day or two at least, is to abandon all pretense of horticulture
and curl up on a sofa in the air conditioning-- preferably near a
window where you can glimpse the white Seafoam roses, but not the weeds
springing up about their base--with a glass of tropical iced tea and a
book. The book, if it is even about gardening, should be purely
frivolous, not at all instructive, and certainly not
guilt-producing. It should, in short, be Merry Hall by
Beverly Nichols.
Decades before Peter Mayle
ever thought of renovating a house in Provence, Beverly Nichols, a
prolific English writer, bought a horribly run-down Georgian manor
house with a derelict garden and proceeded to resuscitate them
both. His adventures at Merry Hall are chronicled in this
supremely light, frothy book. Very much a post-World War II
period piece, peopled with wonderful characters who probably no longer
exist, even in rural England, it will teach you little about
gardening--Nichols wasn't much of a horticulturist--except perhaps the
fun of having acres of white lilies to drive your friends and enemies
insane with jealousy. But it will make you laugh at the antics of
Miss Emily and Our Rose, neighborhood viragos who try every angle to
trap Nichols into sharing the bounty of his exquisitely maintained
vegetable garden, when they are not at each other's throats to see who
can best decorate the local church for a visit from "the
Princesses." And it will make you long for an Oldfield, who does
all the actual work for Nichols, whose own principal contribution, at
least in the early pages, is to burn down an offending holly hedge
after drinking too much champagne. See Merry
Hall, by Beverly Nichols, originally published by Jonathan
Cape, 1951; reissued by Timber Press, 1998.
Best Comeback Kid
No, we don't mean Clinton's comback in New Hampshire after da-Flowers
episode, which was ludicrous. We are talking about Sir Terence Conran
who, as much as anybody, and more than Martha, brought style into the
lives of the middle classes in the United Kingdom and the United
States. This includes home furnishings, restaurants, and a host
of other ventures. Virtually belly up at one point, he has been a
marvelous Phoenix, getting back on our screen when we visited his
London restaurant Bibendum in its early days. Conran is a revival
or a Lazarus worth talking about. His new Guastavino's, under the
Queensboro Bridge in New York, is a giant, magnificent affair.
Read more about him at his extensive
website or in his several books:
Medicinal Herb and Spice Reference Books
James A. Duke has spent his entire professional life in the world of
plants-- first, as curator at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, then
economic botanist at the US Department of Agriculture, now explorer of
the Amazonian rain forest and teacher of botanical healing. Throughout,
he has devoted himself to the study of plants as medicine. The
culmination of this lifelong passion are two worthy books so packed
with scientific data that we were tempted at first to recommend them
for professional use. Indeed, dipping into the Handbook
of Medicinal Herbs and the CRC
Handbook of Medicinal Spices is
like opening the door to a world where an alien language is spoken, a
world of alpha-terpineols, bornyl-acetates and the like
(chemical factors which contribute to the antibacterial powers of
certain herbs).
And yet there is much for the layman’s delectation. In his
discussion of the herb myrtle, Duke tells us that ancient Jews
viewed the plant as a “symbol of divine generosity,” an emblem of peace
and joy. “Arabs say that myrtle is one of three plants taken from
the garden of Eden, because of its fragrance.” We learned that
its oil is used in perfumes and that in Sardinia whole pigs are roasted
over aromatic myrtle wood fires. In other cultures, various parts
of the plant are used to cure everything from boils and headache to
asthma and uterine fibroid tumors. Duke’s underlying thesis is
that with a better understanding of the healing properties of herbs and
spices, modern medicine could dispense with many drugs that have
adverse side effects. Medicinal Spices cites an alarming
report in The Journal of the American Medical Association (May
1, 2002) that Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are America’s biggest
killer. Priced like vintage wine, neither book is a casual
purchase, but either could be a valuable addition to the home reference
shelf. Contact: CRC Press, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton,
Florida 33431. Telephone: (800) 272-7737. Fax:
800/374-3401. Website: www.crcpress.com.
The Conservatory of the U.S. Botanic Garden, 245 First Street SW,
Washington, DC 20024. (The main entrance is on The National Mall
on Maryland Avenue SW.) Telephone: (202) 225-8333.
Fax: (202) 225-1561. Website: www.usbg.gov.
Adverse Drug
He’s just out with two definitive books—Handbook
of Medicinal Herbs and the CRC
Handbook of Medicinal Spices—published by CRC Press in Boca
Raton, Florida. We will have a lot more to say about the spice
book on Global Province since we are delving into spices in our Best of
Class section. In his acknowledgements, he provides a whopper of
a reason to include medicinal plants in your bag of tricks: “And
to you, the reader, and your health, may the spices of life prolong and
enhance the quality of your lives, saving you from what is believed to
be America’s biggest killer, Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR’s), according
to the Journal of the American Medical Association, May 1, 2002.”
And, oh, by the way, garlic is apparently the number one spice
medicine, according to Duke.
Best Website
for Out-of-Print Books
www.abe.com bills itself as
"The World's Largest Network of Independent Booksellers," and, indeed,
it may be. Searches even for fairly obscure books have turned up
dozens of copies offered by a host of dealers. Through the
website, we've obtained a mint first edition of Joe Eck's slim,
hard-to-find volume, Elements
of Garden Design. While looking for a good reading copy
of Walker Percy's The
Moviegoer, we discovered that a treatise he
wrote on Bourbon, which we bought in the 1980s, has quintupled
in value. We're now trying to decide which of the thirty-six
available copies of Bertram Thomas' 1932 travel classic, Arabia
Felix: Across the Empty Quarter of Arabia, to add to our
collection. Possibilities range from a "fine" first American
edition with "slight chipping to the upper edge" ($215) to a "clean"
$15 copy with no dust jacket and "stains on the end papers."
Two more things we
like about this website: Most dealers meticulously describe the
condition of the volumes they have on offer, a must for
collectors and a great help to anyone who buys old or rare books.
Best of all, the site gives one the option of purchasing
directly from the bookseller, an excellent practice which has led us
into more fascinating conversations than we could ever have with
one-click providers.
For other on-line
portals to independent booksellers, see entry 32 in
Global Sites.
Yogi Berra's Slim
Apparently, Bartlett's
Book of Anecdotes has been re-issued with 700+ new
entries. According to the Times
(Week-End Section, March 11, 2001, p. 7), Yogi Berra still comes out on
top: "Having ordered a pizza, Berra was asked whether he would like it
cut into four or eight pieces. 'Better make it four,' said
Yogi. 'I don't think I can eat eight.'"
Best Atlas of the
Ancient World
Published in October, Dr. Richard Talbert's The
Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World is the best
thing going on the way things were way back when. Or so says John
Wilford of The New York Times, the author of a very
fine book on map-making himself, The
Mapmakers. Dr. Talbert is at UNC-Chapel Hill, which is
supporting the establishment of an Ancient World Mapping Center.
See "An Atlas Unveils the Intricacies of Ancient Worlds," The
New York Times, December 12, 2000, p. D5.
Best Book on Charts
Edward R. Tufte, professor emeritus at Yale, is author
of The
Visual Display of Quantitative Information, still the modern
classic on how to build a chart that says something Often he
argues for charts that are a bit too complex, but he is a wonderful
advocate for clean, accurate graphics. His other books include:
On Writing Clearly
It's short, too. See William Zinsser, On
Writing Well (HarperReference, 6th ed., 1998).
Journalist, educator, and general good fellow, he's a close friend.
So we're prejudiced. But somebody must agree, since this
remarkable little tome is frequently in reprinting. He explains
that one way to help lost souls write better is to have them explain in
detail how something works. We wonder if this would put an end to
all the horrible documentation spewed forth by computerdom.
Rome<:iframe>">, Robert Hughes (05-23-13)
Mani, Patrick Leigh Fermor
The Man Who Planted Trees
- Jim Robbins
Deborah Fallows. Dreaming in Chinese, Mandarin Lessons in Life, Love, and Language - 2010 (09-29-10)
Captain Joshua Slocum - Sailing Alone Around the World – 2008 [1900] (09-01-10)
William Dalyrmple - Nine Lives: In Search of the Sacred in Modern India – 2010 (07-14-10)
Jack Beckham Combs – The Cubans – 2010 (06-16-10)
Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb – Violet Isle – 2009 (06-16-10)
Carlos Eire – Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy – 2004 (06-16-10
Simon Winchester – The Man Who Loved China – 2009 (01-20-10)
David Sibley - Sibley’s Guide to Trees - 2009 (11-25-09)
William Least Heat-Moon – Blue Highways – 1982
William Least Heat-Moon – River-Horse – 2001
Vanished Gardens: Finding Nature in Philadelphia – 2008 – Sharon White
Bees in
Those who would
hearken back to a time when man had a more collegial relationship with
nature might consult Tammy Horn's
In America: How the Honey Bee Shaped a Nation which investigates the
place of the bee in our culture from its earliest days. It is not
only that colonials and those
who came later so depended on the bee both for their agriculture and
for their
larder. But the bee and the hive
became metaphors in our culture—emblems of how our society should be
shaped and governed. The bee was
regarded so highly that its skep (straw hive) even appeared on the
continental currency. “Americans
continued to use the term bee
describe joyoys occasions for fellowship and work..." Might we not rekindle our
relationship with the bee?
Mark Bittner’s
website, which he has located on the home of Pelican Media, is as
pretty a bird viewing as you are going to find. He’s recorded his
doings with a flock of wild parrots that hang about San Francisco, and
provides a little history of parrots there. This has all led to a
book, The Wild Parrots of
Telegraph Hill. As with all budding authors, all has been
pushed aside while he does a countrywide book tour. Like Verlang,
this is one of those offbeat, wonderful websites that illuminates the
best parts of San Francisco that you are likely to miss. See
http://pelicanmedia.org/wildparrots.html. (5/4/05)
A Promoter’s Paradise
That New Mexico attracts so many visitors despite the neglect is
testimony not only to the good weather but to the ceaseless flogging of
an image of the place by promoters over the years. Santa Fe,
America’s second-oldest town, is today mostly a distant suburb of Texas
and southern California. Not unlike many other pleasure spots in
the United States, it is a rather new creation in its present form as
conjured up by real estate men and other trumpeters for railroads and
the diverse interests that peopled the West. In this vein, one
should read about C.F. Lummis in American
Character: The Curious Life of Charles Fletcher Lummis and the
Rediscovery of the Southwest. A journalist out
of Ohio, he pumped Santa Fe and more before moving on to Otis’s Los
Angeles Times and a very colorful life that included the creation
of The Southwest Museum (www.southwestmuseum.org/history.htm)
in Los Angeles. Modern, museumed, romanticized Santa Fe, centered
today on its agora, is the creation of Lummis and others like him who
made it into a destination, instead of a stop on the trail, for
Americans seeking something different.
Lightning Does Strike
It happened to us twice in
2002, the two jolts within 25 feet of one another, all during the month
of July. That kindled an interest in lightning, which has not led
to anything practical but we hope it does. We would like to
better learn how to protect limb and property. We asked the
chap whose company did the repairs on our maimed buildings what you do
to avert such problems. All we learned from our chat is
that he suffered as devastating a strike not longer after our little
incident. Perhaps we should all drink white lightning to forget
that we ever had to deal with the real thing. Nonetheless, there
are a clutch of websites and other sources that give us a little
insight into lightning.
writes from New Haven that the text to pay attention to is R. H.
Golde’s Lightning Protection,
which unfortunately is out of print and sells for a king’s
ransom. It came into the world in 1975 (1973 according to other
sources) from the Chemical Publishing Company in New York City.
It sets forth in some detail everything you never wanted to know about
lightning rods and the several things you should know about deadhead
wires to establish a proper ground. Everybody says this is the
classic book in the trade, but we really wonder how many have read
minor thoughts for you, if your buildings take a hit. Plan on it
knocking out most of your minor appliances including your phones, a TV
or two, etc. Surge arresters will help computers, TVs, answering
machines, and the like, if you have not been lucky enough to unplug
things in advance. It’s good to do so, incidentally, when you go
away on summer vacations. Make sure you not only run your current
but your phone lines for these gadgets through the arresters:
Quite often you will lose your computer because of the modem hook-up,
and not because of the electric line. Major electrical motors can
go out even a year after you are struck, so make sure you have some
recourse with your insurance company in case things breakdown much
later. Buried cables and other lines belonging to the power
company can deteriorate over a two month period after the strike, so
have them checked if you experience an outage after you think all is
have not checked to find out whether lightning is on the increase, but
anecdotally we hear of more problems nationwide over the last 2
years. The University of Florida maintains a Lightning Research
www.lightning.ece.ufl.edu/ which indicates the high degree of
interest the utility industry has in the whys and wherefores of
lightning. Other centers of research can be found at
http://ae.atmos.uah.edu/. New Mexico, incidentally, has
the highest rate of lightning fatalities in the nation. Florida,
Arkansas, and Wyoming are the other states where you may easily get hit
by a bolt from the blue. While there appears to have been a
decline in the number of lightning deaths since the 1950s, lightning
does account for more deaths than other natural disasters such as
tornados and the like. Given that lightning is associated with
the 100,000 or so thunderstorms we experience each year, it’s an
anomaly that we still do not know how to deal with it well.
you want to take in a little tame lightning, go to Quemado, New Mexico
where you can hope to see the best and the worse, as you survey the 400
stainless steel lightning rods stuck in the desert to attract vagrant
electricity. For more on this, see
www.lightningfield.org. Or see the Van de Graaff generator at
the Boston Museum of Science, which can product some pretty heavy
sparks. See www.mos.org.
And particularly see
www.mos.org/sln/toe/history.html. More about lightning,
Franklin, etc. appears in Forbes, July 7, 2003, pp.
Trout Around the World
Prosek, who had done a lovely series of books about trout and fishing,
is out with another gem, Fly-Fishing the
41st: Around the World. Beginning in 1998, he
worked his way around the world in the 41st parallel, fishing as he
went. Turkey, Spain, Kyrgystan, and Japan all figure in his
tale. Be sure to see his other books as well such as: Trout: An
Illustrated History, Go Fish: Fishing
Journal, Early Love and Brook
Trout, and several others.
A Half Century Behind.
Pico Iyer, our favorite travel writer, goes back to Cuba
frequently. In his writings, we can get a good idea of
where the country’s at and what’s not going to happen next. “The
other great achievement of the Castro government, of course, is that
its overnight arrest of history has left the island furnished with all
the musty relics of the time when it was America’s dream playground,
and many parts of Cuba still look and feel like museum pieces of the
American empire…. The most aromatic of the culture’s features
are, in many respects, the backward-looking ones: the savor of
rum in bars that Hemingway once haunted…..” (See Iyer, Falling off the Map,
“An Elegiac Carnival,” p. 58) Our own suspicion, however, is that
Cuba’s museum quality is inherent in the blood of the place, a clinging
to the past that’s bigger than Castro. As in so much Latin
American poetry and painting, where you hear and see motifs popular in
America 50 or even 100 years ago, Cuba has a purchase on the
past. But for the vast improvements in both health and education,
and the suicidal murder of its economy, the core of Cuba holds to the
ways of yore.
Great Tree
Tom Pakenham,
The Earl of Longford, writes about the great ones. His first
book, Meetings
with Remarkable Trees, was about wonderful old Irish and
English trees, and it has sold 200,000 copies, way more than any of the
histories or photography books he has authored. Now he is out
Remarkable Trees of the World, where he does the same job for
the rest of the globe, not only working up the text but taking all the
photographs as well. See The New York Times, November 12,
2002, p.D3. The fun here is that he is just a passionate tree
lover, less the scientist. In fact, he feels he is a “tree
Falling Off
the Map
Perhaps the best and certainly the most original
travel writer of our day is Pico Iyer. Published in 1993, his
Falling off the Map: Some Lonely Places of the World took us to
such out-of-the-way spots as North Korea, Bhutan, and Paraguay, not the
usual fare of even the more adventurous denizens of our planet.
“Lonely Places, then, are the places that are not on international
wavelengths, do not know how to carry themselves, are lost when it
comes to visitors.” We think Iyer is not only a fine writer, but
also a prophetic traveler who sees tomorrow in unseen
places. It’s in some of these spots, which run-of-the-mill
mortals conspicuously ignore, that we occasionally discover local
pioneers who are inventing the future.
Cabinet of Natural
On Tuesday Albertus Seba’s Cabinet
of Natural Curiosities crossed our doorstep. Published by
Taschen, this marvelous, over-sized coffee-table book beautifully
illustrates the fauna and flora collection of a wealthy 17th-century
Dutchman who prized all the natural oddities he collected. This
handsome volume is a reproduction of the original commissioned by Seba,
which now resides in the Hague. It sells for $150, and we understand
another printing is on the way. You will learn more about Seba and
Taschen on Best of Class in future weeks.
Some Great Fishing Books
We will be adding to this list. It is about both
fish and fishing. To our embarrassment, we don’t know where we
got some of these names; they have been hanging out in our files for a
long time, so somebody is due a lot of credit:
11. Fly Fishing Through
the Midlife Crisis. Howell Raines. William Morrow,
1993. We bought a bunch of these books on remainder and sent them
to friends. Howell Raines has been at the New York Times
an awfully long time, spent a good spell as head of the editorial
pages, and now resides in the top job as executive editor at the behest
of the publisher. Raines demonstrates what he is about in this
fun book and shows as well why he made it to the top of the Times,
why he is pretty good as head of the paper, and why he was not as good
as the head of the opinion slot. This is a pretty conventional
fellow, good at telling a story or two, who knows how to play with
people rather than think deep thoughts. The book has a lot about
crappies and trout, but it has more on the social mix of fishing,
whether chatting about Hoover, fishing with George Bush, or going on
about Richard Blacock, out of the State Department, who becomes sort of
fishing mentor to our hero. This is an easy read by a guy who
shows up at fishing holes and knows all the right trappings,
expressions, people. We know (because we have read elsewhere)
that he is passionate about fishing but here we feel like we have met
the guy who perfectly plays the role of the perfect fisherman. As
executive editor, Raines is a populizer who brings in a common man
story to exemplify big events and who includes more popular culture on
the Times pages than we found there heretofore. He has a
nose for the hot story, not necessarily the important idea.
Hence, his midlife crisis that never is resolved. He’s good at
fish stories.
10. Red Smith on Fishing.
Doubleday, 1963. He was the great civilized sports writer, and we
have not found another like him. (Out of print. Try
locating a used copy at www.abe.com.)
9. The Fly Fisher’s
Reader. Leonard M. Wright. Jr. Simon and Schuster,
1990. Short stories.
8. The Compleat Angler.
Izaak Walton (and Charles Cotton). Stackpole Books, 1653, 1998,
with innumerable editions inbetween. This, of course, is the high
literature of fishing texts, famous not only for its illustrations but
also for its witty and eloquent depiction of a gentleman’s five-day
fishing excursion. Absolutely a must-read.
7. Fisherman’s Fall.
Roderick Haig-Brown. William Morrow, 1964. Advice guy.
6. The Orvis
Fly-Fishing Guide. Tom Rosenbauer. Lyons Press,
1988. New York.
5. Fishing Came First.
John N. Coal. Lyons Press, 1997.
4. Trout Bum.
John Gierach and Gary LaFontaine. Fireside Books, 1988.
3. Trout Madness.
Robert Tarver. Fireside, 1979. Judge, writer, and great
Michigan fisherman.
2. A River Never Sleeps.
Robert Hague-Brown. Nick Lyons, 1946. (Out of print.
Try locating a used copy at www.abe.com.)
1. Early Love and Brook
Trout. James Prosek. The Lyons Press, 2000.
Prosek does love and trout here. Also, though, he has done a few
beautiful books which we will have to list later, including his
illustrated history of trout. This guy has a way of making life
seem idyllic, just right for summertime.
A Very Modern Man
The hotelier,
Mohan Singh Oberoi, just died at 103, “but he said he was born in 1900
because he did not want to be seen as dating from the 19th
century.” The avant garde Oberoi introduced chambermaids into his
hotels, banishing some of the male servants who had been there
before—to the chagrin of turn-of-the-century Indian keepers of
propriety when he was starting out. Some of this is detailed in
Bachi Karkaria’s Dare to Dream:
A Life of Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi. See the New
York Times, May 4, 2002, p. A13.
Follow Fallows
Right now, insanely, our air traffic goes slowly in and out of a few
major airports. But as James Fallows has portrayed for us in The
Atlantic (see #65 in Big Ideas), soon enough we will be aboard
new type mini-jets running in and out of the 9500 air facilities around
the country. This is where the airlines gotta go, and American is
sort of trying this with the add-on of some new small jet service
hither and thither from small cities to big cities. See Mr.
Fallows’ new book, incidentally: Free
Flight: From Airline Hell to a New Age of Travel.
Best Travel Bookstore in the Triangle
We were infected with the travel bug at an early
age--probably the result of reading Richard Halliburton's 1925 classic,
Royal Road to Romance, about 50 times--and the pulse always
beats a little faster when an exotic trip is in the offing. Here
in the Triangle, a first stop before any journey, whether to Juneau or
Jaipur, might be World Traveler Books and Maps in Chapel Hill.
This pleasant, well-organized bookstore has a winning way of combining
the usual guidebooks with other destination reading material.
Recently, guides to Egypt and Cairo shared a table with A
Cafe on the Nile, Bartle Bull's novel of World War II
intrigue, and a handsome volume of David Roberts' 19th-century
lithographs of Egyptian pyramids and temples. A full wall of maps
will help you find your way to Fayetteville or Florence, while Replogie
globes offer the armchair traveler the world. If you can bear to
sit through slide shows of other people's trips, the store has weekly
talks by customers in the fall and spring. Contact: World
Traveler Books and Maps, 400 S. Elliott Rd., Chapel Hill, NC
27514. Telephone: 919-933-5111.
Audubon Inc.
We had always thought Audubon to be America’s soaring
wildlife artist, recorder of its natural life, particularly of its
handsome birds, but took him to be a mediocre businessman who scraped
the ground for a living, always ten feet from the pauper’s grave.
Richard Rhodes, author of
John James Audubon: The Making of an American, sees him in
quite a different light: “These facts should lay to rest once and for
all the enduring canard that John James Audubon was ‘not a good
businessman.’ His retail business failed in Henderson in 1819,
like nearly every other business in the trans-Appalachian West….”
But the creation of his folios was not just an artistic
triumph: it was a monumental financial achievement.
“By Audubon’s
own estimate, the actual cost of producing The Birds of America …was
$115,640—in today’s dollars, about $2,141,000. Unsupported
by gifts, grants or legacies, he raised almost every penny of that
immense sum himself from painting, exhibiting and selling subscriptions
and skins.” He carefully controlled the flow of funds and
drawings to his production man as well as the expeditions to collect
specimens. In general, he personally brought in most of his
subscribers. To wit, he was a successful naturalist, artist,
production manager, and marketing impresario.
Best Falconer
Philip Glasier, the world's best modern falconer, died on September
11. See New York Times, September 23, 2000,
B27. Among his books were Falconry
and Hawking, As The Falcon Her Bells, and A
Hawk in the Hand. The National Bird of Prey Center in
England, started by him in 1967, has spread way beyond eagles to
include 300 plus birds and 80 species.
Around the World
Heather Halstead and buddies just completed a 2-year
round-the-world trip that she's been beaming into classrooms through
the internet and other devices (see www.reachtheworld.org).
While this does not measure up to Captain Joshua Slocum's Sailing
Alone Around the World, it's a better way of perpetuating
school than hanging around campus as a graduate student.
The Year in Trees
Raulston, the late, well-loved curator of the arboretum at North
Carolina State University, had friends all over the world, and
sometimes when strolling among the 9,000 woody plants on the eight-acre
grounds, it seems that they all sent him their favorite cuttings. There is no better place in North Carolina to
see in-depth collections of particular types of trees.
Magnolia-lovers will delight in the cluster of 165
specimens, many of which are in glorious bloom in late February and
march. There are equally extensive
collections of redbuds and conifers, as well as many exquisite native
species. This is a collection designed
for study, and trees sometimes seem to have plunked down without regard
for the vistas they create. For artistry,
see the White Garden, modeled on Vita Sackville-West’s famed garden at
Sissinghurst, and the 450-foot, award winning perennial border. Just prior to his death in an auto accident,
Raulston and Dr. Kim Tripp wrote, The
Year in Trees (Timber Press, 1995), which describes the 150
vest trees and shrubs for our area. Contact:
The J.C. Raulston Arboretum at NCSU, 4301 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC. Telephone: 919-515-3125. Website:
Best New Bird Watchers Book
David Allen Sibley of Concord, Massachusetts has
turned out The
Sibley Guide to Birds, which even seems to have displaced
Roger Tory Peterson. It weighs more than 2 ½ pounds, so
you will not be carrying it around in your knapsack. The whole
Sibley family is into birds—the kind of passion that creates
greatness. Concord is home to all sorts of interesting people,
many of whom are not really part of the academic/industrial complex
Boston has become.
Chuck Leavell
unlikely! Chuck Leavell, who has played for rock groups such as
the Allmans, George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and the Rolling Stones,
also just happens to be a premier conservationist and treeman. In
Dry Branch, Georgia, he and his wife have covered his family’s
2,000-acre plantation, Charlane, with loblolly and slash pine, turning
it “into a nature preserve that draws corporate hunting parties and
budding foresters from Yale.” See the New York Times, May
19, 2005, pp.D1 and D4.
authored two books, one on forestry called Forever Green: The
History and Hope of the American Forest, and a memoir, Between Rock and a
Home Place. Though he has testified before Congress on
behalf of trees, “‘Chuck is not a celebrity spokesman who needs to look
elsewhere for his message and inspiration,’ said Larry Wiseman,
president of the American Forest Foundation, which represents 51,000
independent tree growers.” Leavell, incidentally, serves on the
board of this Foundation (www.forest
Lord God Bird
“The ivory-billed woodpecker,” long thought to be extinct,
“has been sighted in the cypress and tupelo swamp of the Cache River
National Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas…” (New York Times,
April 29, 2005). It is “a creature called the Lord God
bird, apparently because that is what people exclaimed when they saw
it. ... With its 30-inch wingspan and formidable bill … the
ivory bill was the largest of American woodpeckers, described … by
Audubon as ‘the great chieftain of the woodpecker tribe.’ ... The
last documented sighting was in Louisiana in 1944.” On
February 11, 2004, Gene M. Sparling III, out on a kayak trip,
sighted the bird, which he noted on a website, eventually leading to
confirmation by leading ornithologists (www.ivorybill.org/video.html).
See excellent Birder Blog, one of the best blogs we have seen,
which tells of a forthcoming book about this discovery by Tim
Gallagher called
The Grail Bird. Also see www.
bridgerlandaudubon.org/ivorybill%20News%20Release.htm. Ms.
Laura Erickson, author of Birder Blog, does a moving essay on
how the Lord God Bird helps us believe in things unseen (www.lauraerickson.com/BirderBlog/FTBTranscripts/2005-April/Ivory-billedWoodpecker.html).
If you are just starting to take a look at birds, as we, we
recommend you take a look at our “Birding
in North Carolina” note in Best of Triangle. (5/11/05)
Best Book on
Glacier Bay, Alaska
One of the world's great natural wonders is
revealed in all its grandeur in Glacier
Bay National Park, Alaska, a privately printed book by
photographer Mark Kelly. Crystalline blue glaciers, sleek pods
of orcas, gorgeous sweeps of wildflowers--all this and more can be
viewed in the pages of this photographic voyage through a magnificent,
unspoiled wilderness. Pictures of sea kayakers in the rain
brought back vivid memories of our own expedition in these icy
waters--but Kelly's photos are a lot better than ours. This would
be a fine gift for anyone who's been to Alaska, or who is contemplating
a trip to this remarkable place. To purchase the book directly
from the photographer, contact: Mark Kelly, P.O. Box 20470, Juneau, AK,
99802. Telephone: 888-933-1993.
Best Old Book
About Alaska
The Scottish naturalist John Muir first saw
Glacier Bay in 1879, just 12 years after the United States bought
Alaska from Russia. Climbing a thousand feet up a mountain in the
rain, the clouds parted as Muir reached a vantage point: "...sunshine
streamed through the luminous fringes of the clouds and fell on the
green waters of the fjord, the glittering bergs, the crystal bluffs of
the vast glacier, the intensely white, far-spreading fields of ice, and
the ineffably chaste and spiritual heights of the Fairweather Range,
which were now hidden, now partly revealed, the whole making a picture
of icy wilderness unspeakably pure and sublime." Though some now
regard Muir as a egotistical arriviste, as adept at claiming credit for
his "discovery" as any 21st-century publicity hound, his collected
Alaska journals are mesmerizing. We read excerpts of his
extraordinary, almost off-hand explorations (preparation consisted of
tossing "some tea and bread in an old sack and jump[ing] over the back
fence") as we sailed through Glacier Bay. Miraculously, it seems
not to have changed enormously in the last century. See: John
Muir, Travels
in Alaska (Houghton Mifflin, 1998).
Best New Book
About Alaska
Just before leaving for Alaska, we were given
Johnathan Raban's best-selling Passage
to Juneau: A Sea and Its Meanings (Pantheon,
1999). This too is a fine companion piece for a cruise up the
Inside Passage. The British-born Raban uses his lonely, often
perilous thousand-mile voyage from Puget Sound to Alaska to reflect on
his own life, the death of his father, his relationship with his young
daughter and his troubled marriage. Interspersed with Raban's
account are often lugubrious excerpts from the log of George Vancouver
who, as captain of the ship Discovery, explored the same
turbulent waters and wild, mountainous coastline in 1792-1794.
Neither man had an entirely successful voyage: Raban survived thick
fogs, dangerous whirlpools and submerged tree trunks only to face
heartbreak in Juneau. The middle-class Vancouver, clearly Raban's
alter ego, never achieved recognition or respect from his aristocratic,
fashionably Romantic ship's officers. But the book is a superb
piece of modern travel writing, the sort that uses terra incognita
as a mirror for the soul.
Best of the
He just died. Dr. Roger A. Morse of Ithaca, New York was the
beekeeper’s beekeeper. If you’re in doubt,
purchase his The
New Complete Guide to Beekeeping or A
Year in the Beeyard, much sweeter territory than A
Year in Provence. Apparently,
according to his obituary, he died with a sting on his eye, as will
happen to those smitten by the bees. (See New
York Times, May 21, 2000, p. 23.)
The Sweep of Nature
We now have a resurgence of a literature that flourished
under the Victorians, dramatic histories of the power of nature, the
forces of the solar system, and the littleness of man. In
Edwardian eyes, we only amount to a brief bubble on earth, soon to be
extinguished. For a good summer read on the supernatural power of
nature, Simon Winchester comes to mind. He’s a journalist who
educates and entertains about everything from the Oxford English
Dictionary to the history of topographical maps. For high nature
drama, however, one would look at his Krakatoa: The Day
the World Exploded: August 27, 1883, about a humdinger of a
volcanic blowout that took place in Indonesia.
Or you can look at another work that probes
Asia. It was well inside China, where Westerners did not go, that
friends of ours met Winchester and family coming down river several
years ago. We guess this resulted in The River at the
Center of the World, the story of the Yangtze, the river that
made China what it is. Of course, according to Winchester, it
would not have been the river that set the civilized world in motion
except for the fact that tectonics created a sudden diversion of the
river at Shigu, a Great Bend that kept the waters inside China.
To paraphrase The New Yorker’s Malcolm Gladwell, here was a
real tipping point, orchestrated by the sly hand of Mother Nature.
Remaking America
It’s another less flashy work, however, that we find more
spellbinding, provocative, even amazing. The Earth Moved: On
the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms
by Northern California garden writer Amy Stewart. It’s much too
fertile a book for us to capture even half of what she has to say.
In it we discover the profound effect worms have had on us, and
learn of new roles they may play in the 21st century. A flock of
reviewers has sung its praises, and we like best what Baltimore Sun
bookman Michael Pakenham, who is a new discovery for us and a very
incisive critic, has to say about it: “Stewart writes clearly, and
sometimes poetically. Her fondness for Darwin is unbridled and
her enthusiasm for worms approaches adoration.” We recommend the
whole of his analysis to you; see www.amystewart.com/
If you need a second opinion about
this marvelous book, read Anne Raver, who is the gardening poobah at
the New York Times. Raver, incidentally, is great on well
wrought gardens (www.amystewart.com/em_reviews_long.
European Culture in America. We
make a great deal out of the divergent nationalities that make up
America, and the polyglot culture they have created here. But the
greatest migration is less talked about, as Ms. Stewart reveals.
“As familiar as … [a] nightcrawler may seem, it is not indigenous to
North America. In fact, many of the works commonly found in
American garden soil are not native.” Many of our native worms
probably got wiped out by the Ice Age 10,000 to 50,000 years ago.
It is the Europeans—underground Europeans—that have created the
basis for American agriculture, since these wormy processors have
vastly enriched the lands that have made our farms awesomely
productive. Surely it can be claimed that Lumbricus terrestis
(the nightcrawler) and other European relatives have had more impact on
North America than the people, the habits, or, indeed, the flock of
diseases that flowed in from the Old World. Charles Darwin
estimated that there could be as many as 50,000 worms at work in an
acre, but modern scientists have found that some land harbors a
1,000,000 or more. That’s a lot of wormpower. For a quick
overview of the world of worms, see
After all his work on Origin of Species,
we learn that Darwin settled down to his real avocation/vocation.
Of course, he had a fling with orchids which we must investigate: he
chronicled this in 1862 in On the Various
Contrivances by Which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by
Insects. But he saved the best for last, coming out with
Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms in
1881. He could not get enough of worms, working hard to establish
their intelligence and their other sentient capacities:
The billiard
room at
Down House was now devoted to worm experiments which included
Darwin shining different colours of lights at them at night, his sons
playing different musical instruments to them, different scents and
kinds of food. Other stimuli were ignored, but a bright white
light or a touch of breath would make them bolt “like rabbits” into
their burrows. They appeared to “enjoy the pleasure of eating”
showing “eagerness for certain kinds of food”, sexual passion was
“strong enough to overcome ... their dread of light”, and he saw “a
trace of social feeling” in their way of “crawling over each other's
bodies”. Experiments showed that they dragged leaves into their burrows
narrow end first, having somehow got a “notion, however rude, of the
shape of an object”, maybe by “touching it in many places” with a sense
like “a man ... born blind and deaf” and a rudimentary
intelligence. (From
Ms. Stewart discusses efforts to reclaim
burnt-out lands with the aid of earthworms. Equally striking are
advanced experimental attempts to use earthworms as a means of
dealing with both animal and human wastes. Scott Subler, a
scientist out of Ohio State University, has founded his own worm
compost company. “We can process 250 to 350 tones of manure per
year,” said Subler, and the worm castings can be used widely in
gardening. See Living Soil at www.livingsoil.com.
In Orange County, Florida and Pacifica,
California, engineers have devised recycling plants to deal with human
waste. Her uncle David Sands is involved with the Calera Creek
Wate Recycling Plant, off Highway 1 in Pacifica. There’s just one
problem. The marvelous plant produces 95% water, useful for
irrigation. But 5% of the output consists of smelly
biosolids. That’s where the worms come in. Processing the
solid residue, they take some smell out and puts some enrichment
in. Then the solids are useful for gardening and don’t have to be
taken away to some sinkhole disposal site.
As you can see, worms are a vital part of
our agricultural infrastructure. In this century, they may become
part of system for getting rid of wastes, a giant size problem. They
only remind us to pay attention to the unseen processes that make our
lives possible.
Infrastructure, as we have said, is
America’s biggest problem and biggest opportunity. It is broken,
outmoded, and vastly undercapitalized. There is not a piece of
it—our electric grid, education, government, public transportation,
computer and telephonic networks—that is not in trouble. Every
bit of it has wormholes in it. As we have said in “Courtly Congressman
Amory Houghton, Jr.,” the Eastern United States should make the
infrastructure industry fundamental to its future economic
development. There’s a nickel to be made there.
Infrastructure probably will be where the real money will be made for
the next 25 years, and the wise investor will put many long-term
dollars into this sector.
Beinhorn's Mesquite Cookery. Courtenay Beinhorn (10-09-13)
Corkscrewed. Robert Camuto (07-10-13)
Palmento: A Sicilian Wine Odyssey, Robert V. Camuto (05-23-13)
Harry's Bar: 1911-2011, Isabelle MacElhone
Ottolenghi: The Cookbook - 2010 (04-07-10)
Benjamin Wallace – The Billionaire’s Vinegar – 2009 (01-06-10)
Fergus Henderson - The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating – 2004 (09-30-09)
The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite – 2009 -- Dr. David A. Kessler
A Broth of a Man
We were there to meet up with Ian Williams, a journalist
and jolly troublemaker from Liverpool, who’s now part of Manhattan and
a scribbler who can ramble on most any subject. We were to talk
about rum, an import which, as we said in “Rum at Its
Best,” we are beginning to investigate. Williams is out with
Rum: A Social and Sociable History of the Real Spirit of 1776,
a tale we are avid to read. Since we sampled a few rums with him,
accompanied by Guinness, and since we talked about everything under the
sun, we hardly got to the subject at hand.
His first book was
The Alms Trade: Charity, Past, Present, and Future. But
he’s evolved. There had always been a little fondness for rum in
his family, and this was rekindled when he was in Martinique.
There he discovered that there were a raft of very well-wrought
Caribbean rums that none of us know much about, since the big spirits
companies have sewed up the global booze trade with their commodity
brands that pretend to have taste. Bacardi, in particular, has
become the Wal-Mart of the rum business. What Williams teaches us
in his book is that rum was a catalyst for our own Revolution, as the
Brits tried to mess about with the rum trade, enacting noxious little
laws such as the Molasses Act, the Sugar Act, and the like.
How very appropriate that America once
celebrated the Fourth of July with Fish
House Punch, since rum is what gives it its wallop. Herein
the Crown learned not to come between a colonial and his drink.
The British have a passion for playing on addictions: their
opium trade, sourced in India, led to the opium wars and the end of
China’s empire.
Williams is a big and hearty man, a jolly
companion as well as a good read. Throw in a rum that has some
art to it and you have quite an evening. That’s what eating and
drinking are all about—friendship and craft.
Getting to Indonesia
In 1982 James Oseland invited Tanya Alwi for coffee in North
Beach (maybe Caffe Trieste).
And that’s how he got to Indonesia. A college student from the
suburbs and a son of a copier salesman, he’d only been as far as
Mexico. But she said, “Why don’t you come to Indonesia after the
summer is over…. You can stay at our house in Jakarta over the
summer vacation.” That’s how a film student began to learn about
Indonesia and, as an adult, to make his way into food as editor of Saveur.
It also gave birth to
Cradle of Flavor: Home Cooking from the Spice Islands of Indonesia,
Malaysia, and Singapore. In this part of the world, at
the origins of spice, we discover what separates the bland from the
beautiful today, be it pepper, or nutmeg, or cinnamon, or fresh ginger.
This is what brings back taste to a long, hot summer which would
otherwise drain the soul.
Weapons-Grade Whiskey
On February 27, the Times of London wrote
about a whiskey so powerful that it could knock your socks off.
And that’s what happened to the Times. Although
this news item was one of the day’s top stories, the concoction was so
powerful that it knocked the Times Online computers for
a loop, and you will find an error message when you try to dial into
the story. In fact, official at the Times and elsewhere
in the Murdoch empire have still not been able to find the story.
It had a great headline: “Try the 92 per cent weapons-grade
whisky that will take your breath away. Literally.” Fortunately
we have been able to recapture David Lister’s masterpiece
A single drop of
the ancient drink of ‘usquebaugh-baul’ was described by the travel
writer Martin Martin in 1695 as powerful enough to affect “all members
of the body.” He added: “Two spoonfuls of this last liquor is a
sufficient dose; if any man should exceed this, it would presently stop
his breath, and endanger his life.”
Twelve barrels of the world’s most alcoholic whisky, or enough to wipe
out a medium-size army, will be produced when the Bruichladdich
distillery revives the ancient tradition of quadruple-distilling today.
With an alcohol content of 92 per cent, the drink may not be the
most delicate single malt ever produced but it is by far and away the
world’s strongest. Malt whisky usually has an alcohol content of
between 40 per cent and 63.5 per cent.”
Jim McEwan,
Bruichladdich’s master distiller, said that the quadruple-distilled
whisky would be very similar to the spirit sampled by Martin on Islay
in 1695, which he later described in
A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, published in
1703. Most whisky is distilled just twice.
He said: “It will be very floral, but most importantly it will take
your breath away.” “Bruichladdich has a reputation among Scotland’s
distilleries for being one of the more eccentric and outspoken.
After the American drinks maker Jim Beam halted production in
1994, the distillery was bought for £6.5 million in 2000 by a
group led by Mr Reynier. It is seeking to establish itself as one
of a small number of privately run distilleries.”
have tried to be in touch with Bruichladdich about their quadruple, but
the distillers have been singularly unresponsive. We presume they
have been drinking their own brew, which is equivalent to believing
one’s own propaganda. We hope both the Bruich people and the
staff at the Times will soon be resuscitated. But
newspapermen no longer hold their drink very well: they mostly like to
talk about it. See
“The Whiskey with 92% Alcohol,” which even has an Islay map in case
you choose to rush off to the distillery. (4/26/06)
We can’t even
tell you for sure that this is a great place; we have never been
there. But it has a mythic quality about it, and we understand
that people from far and near will buy product off the shelves here,
sometimes at prices well above the market, simply because it comes from
Zingerman’s. For sure it’s a
stop when you are in Ann Arbor. As you can see on its website, the
Zingermeisters have mastered the art of line extension, and in truth we
probably should have put this entry in our Agile
Companies section. Though it dates back to 1982, the two
founders have already built such a reputation that they have been able
to create 6 businesses and become instant authorities, having authored
Zingerman’s Guide to Good Eating. Apparently they put
together a business plan that mattered in 1994, and it’s been smooth
sailing since. Read about how this deli came to be in
Reveries Magazine. “By 2009, Zingerman's hopes to have 12 to
15 enterprises, with a chocolatier and coffee roaster vying to be
according to USA Today. Incidentally, Zingermann’s
has made all sorts of hoopla out of being customer friendly and dares
to train employees for other firms, yet it does not supply decent
contact information on its site, and you have to hire private
detectives to find its phone number. Its number and address are:
Zingerman’s Deli. 422 Detroit Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan
48104. 734-663-3354. (3/29/06)
Rick's Pickles
Well, Rick’s Place used to be in Casablanca, the
centerpiece of the black and white world of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid
Bergman set against Claude Rains, Peter Lorre, and Sidney Greenstreet,
back in 1942 when all Europe wrestled with World War II. (For
those of you who are into trivia, incidentally, the original title of
the movie was “Everybody Comes to Rick’s.”) But now we are
talking about one Rick Field, who has dropped out of the TV production
world and settled down on the Lower East Side in New York’s
once-upon-a-time Pickle District. You can find Rick’s Picks at 195 Chrystie
Street, closeted in 602E. Telephone: 212-358-0428.
There’s more than a little romanticism
involved in this Ivy League enterprise that has chosen to make its home
among the few remaining pickle folken. Rick, 42, is a Yalie, and
his partner, Lauren McGrath, is out of Princeton. He hawks his
wares at the Union Square
Market. Over-endowed with the gift of gab, he has been able
to put together a network of relationships that has landed the business
on the map. At least a sample of his products has reached
specialty stores in 17 states across America. And he has
excelled, above all else, at peddling his story to the press. On
his website, you can find articles from the New
York Times, The Oprah Magazine, Food and Wine, etc.
He bills his picks as artisinal
pickles. In short, they are pretty darn good, even if, as the
French are wont to say, they are tres cher, out on the shelves
at $10 in one specialty food store. Right now he produces them in
Poughkeepsie at a packer, so his production costs are high, and he even
has to pay quite a price to farmers for the cukes, dill, and other
makings that lead to top-dog pickles. Eventually, he will have to
work his costs and his prices down if he is to secure strong, repeat
We’re very much for Spears of Influence,
which are Kirby cucumbers in a cumin-scented brine. First off,
they’re just plain delicious. But the witty product name tells us
why Field has been such a hit with the press. Should he acquaint
himself further with the range of spices that can make penultimate
pickles, we think he may go down in pickle history.
a bit of buzz surrounding America’s Pickle Revival, all very much worth
exploring. The itinerant New York Food Museum is very much
wrapped up in its pickle wing and the International Pickle Day
having become an annual event. You can find out more about the
Pickle District at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum
in an interview with Lucy Norris,
author of
Pickled, and in a
Boston Globe tour of pickledom,
which highlights Guss Pickles, the one major survivor in the
area. Once a year, too, one can go to the Woodstock of the pickle
world, the next
Rosendale Pickle Festival, scheduled for November 19, 2006.
To get a wider view of pickles across America, read Denise Purcell’s
“The Comeback of the Pickle.” We asked Mr. Field what he read
to stay abreast of the field. He mentioned Janet Greene’s
Putting Food By, Linda Ziedrich’s
Joy of Pickling, and Chris Schlesinger’s (of East Coast Grill
Quick Pickles. (12/21/05)
East Coast Grill
We forget about
this wonderful restaurant in Cambridge, just a hop and a skip away from
Boston, a restaurant we frequented quite a bit after its opening in
1985 (or was it 1987, as the Boston Globe suggests?). Now
it has become quite an old chestnut, and every bit as fun. We
arrived a bit early recently and bumped into owner Chris Schlesinger,
who explained why he could not give us a drink (it would attract a
horde of customers before his crew could handle them) but who, nicely,
gave us a comfortable seat at the bar where we chatted with his very
nice fellow there. He and the staff universally have a warmness
about them and, to boot, they actually know the food pretty well. It’s
probably more relaxed than the other good eateries around Cambridge,
peopled as they are by undercover PhDs. Schlesinger lives in
Westport: we understand that he fishes a lot and drinks Pabst’s Blue
Ribbon, a paradoxical beer with a following that springs from its lack
of advertising. (See our “Bloom—In Praise of Divorce.”)
He seems to be lead a more civilized life that most
restaurateurs. Our guest had a big chop, while we put down the
shrimp and scallops—both were outstanding. He has six or so
cookbooks: we picked up
Let the Flames Begin
that night, after we pressed him for a recommendation. But The
Thrill of the Grill, or
License to Grill, or
any of the others will do just as well. As is obvious from these
titles, he thinks he is quite a flamethrower, a stealth
pyromaniac. We cooked salmon his way recently and washed it with
his sauce—what a treat! East Coast Grill.1271 Cambridge Street,
Cambridge, MA 02139. Tel: 617-491-6568. Website: www.eastcoastgrill.net.
on French Bread
it turns out, it’s taken a Cornell professor of history who hails from
Brooklyn to write the definitive history of French bread. Steven
Kaplan is author of The Best Bread in the World: The Bakers of
Paris in the 18th Century (Fayard, 1996). “In his
2002 book, ‘The Return of Good Bread,’ Mr. Kaplan tells how a new
generation of bakers took up the slow-fermentation cause in the
90’s....” “He is finishing work on a guidebook devoted to sifting
out the finest Paris bakeries (there are 1,273 to choose from).”
See The New York Times, November 29, 2003, pp.A15 and A31.
Adriana’s Caravan. “I’ll be in my office
all day,” said Rozelle Zabarkes, when we asked for a chat. Her
office turns out to be a tiny desk and chair wedged behind the counter
of Adriana’s Caravan in
Grand Central Market. Most out-of-town visitors still do not
know about the delights of this food court on the lower level of the
nation’s most famous railroad terminal. Here you can find the
ingredients for a magnificent repast: Malpeque oysters, white asparagus
or salsify, a prime rib roast, cheeses from Murrays (say, abbaye de
citeaux montbellard, a cow’s milk cheese made by monks in a
Burgundian buttery), and dark bittersweet Lil-lac chocolate, plus wines
from a shop around the corner. And all the spices you’ll need to
pull it together.
Zabarkes turned failure into
success through sheer force of will and a passion for cooking and
spices. She dumped a business in corporate film production to
open her dream: Adriana’s Bazaar, an Upper Westside shop where
customers could sit around a table and leaf through ethnic recipe
notebooks, then buy the spices they needed. (Adriana is her
adored daughter.) “I had $300,000 in loans, but I really needed
$400,000. It was a great idea, but I couldn’t sell enough spices
to pay the rent.” She retreated to a mail order business, then
was invited to open a store in Grand Central Market.
Today her thriving business
bears the brash motto: “Every ingredient for every recipe you’ve ever
read.” She stocks 1,500 products, of which roughly 400 are
spices. This is the sort of place where you can pick up real
Japanese wasabi, Moroccan preserved lemons, and Tuscan chestnut blossom
honey. While we were there, a couple from Virginia stopped by for
two bottles of Jamaican Pickapeppa Sauce. (“We just drove in and
you’re our first stop!”) If you want to taste the difference
between Ceylon cinnamon and three varieties of cassia, this is the
place to come. (Click here to
read about cinnamon and cassia in the new issue of SpiceLines.)
If you’re interested in pepper, there are 21 possibilities; vanilla
fiends can sample beans from Mexico, Tahiti and Madagascar.
Though the familiar spices
sell well, Zabarkes is always on the hunt for something new and
different. Asafetida, for instance. “It smells like
something died on the spice rack, but it is wonderful in food, sort of
garlicky tasting,” she laughs. “It’s great on fish and it’s used
in Indian cooking.” Unusual ingredients not only fit her product
philosophy, but garner the kind of publicity a small business
needs. A short piece on Indian black salt in the New York
Times led to a run on the item. “We sold out the same
day.” If you want to learn more about either of these
ingredients, check out Zabarkes’s cookbook,
Adriana’s Spice Caravan. The entry on asafetida begins,
“How does one wax poetic about a seasoning whose aliases are devil’s
dung and stinking gum? Quite simply, one does not….”
All About
Sea Salt
Ms. Marlene Parrish of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette authored an
excellent sea salt primer called “Sea Salt Adds Wave of Extra Zip and
Crunch” at
Her husband is Robert L. Wolke, author of What Einstein Told
His Cook, who provided her with background on the differences
between land-mined and sea salt. Kosher salt, for instance, seems
best used in sauces, while the different sea salts do best as
toppings. She then goes on to provide a rundown on some of the
finer sea salts—Fleur de sel, Naruma Sea Salt, Peruvian Pink Sea Salt,
Australian Murray River Salt Flakes, Hawaiian Black Lava Salt, Hawaiian
Red Aloe Salt, South African Sea Salt, Mexican Benequenes, and Maldon
Sea Salt.
The Science of Food
The New York Times reports growing interest in molecular gastronomy
or, as it paraphrases it, “food science.” See “The Food Geek,”
September 19, 2003, pp. W1 and W18. Mentioned in this regard is
Harold McGee, author of On Food and Cooking:
The Science and Lore of the Kitchen and Shirley Corriher,
a chemist and cook(see her Cookwise: The
Secrets of Cooking Revealed). The American Chemical
Society has done a “Cooks with Chemistry” series, and “Good Eats”
apparently is the Food Network’s entry in the science arena.
Several impressive articles have appeared in regional newspapers
detailing how the ingredients of food come together and how they impart
their flavor. In theory at least, some think we may have more
interesting eats, if not more healthy food, by studying the chemical
make-up and transformation of all that we throw in the pot.
Doc's Secret Cookbook List
Doc Holladay, by day, is a stock broker par excellence
in the state of Arkansas. But his real passions are traveling
(he's been everywhere) and cooking, the ideas for which stem from his
very extensive cookbook collection. The following he thinks are
some bests you may not have heard of, and he tells you why:
Italian by Robert Helstrom. America’s
favorite restaurant cuisine adapted for the home kitchen.
Uncomplicated but detailed instructions. Great risotto
tips. A true gem.
Mesquite Cookery by Courtenay Beinhorn.
Mesquite is more available and the season is here. This book is
from a gal raised in mesquite country. Not your same old
brisket/rib recipes but grilling with a flair. For example, try
the chicken livers with morels. Delicious.
Good Egg by Marie Simmons. Yeah, yeah, I know.
Eggs are supposed to be bad for you, but this is a must-have when you
indulge yourself. Everything you ever wanted to know, etc.
Quick Recipe from Cooks Illustrated. A brand
new one from one of my favorite food magazines. Real recipes that
really work for real people in a real hurry. The stir fry section
alone is worth the cost.
Treasury of Great Recipes by Vincent and Mary Price.
You probably have heard of this one but it must be included in
any cookbook list. A beautiful collection of menus from the
world’s most famous restaurants. Nostalgia at it's best.
Cookbook of the Moment: Delights
from the Garden of Eden
A recent segment on PBS' The News Hour with Jim Lehrer
dealt with a curious phenomenon: the sudden, though not
completely unexpected, fascination of Americans with Iraq. The
war and ensuing occupation have etched the names of cities like Basra
and Mosul into our consciousness. The fate of the Mesopotamian
antiquities looted from Baghdad's museums haunts many in the West.
Amazon.com offers 1,427 books explaining the past, present and
future of Iraq. In short, we are getting a fast, furious
education about the politics and culture of the blighted land that was
once the cradle of civilization.
Now comes
Delights from the Garden of Eden, an extraordinary cookbook
that traces the ancient roots of Iraqi cuisine. Nawal Nasrallah,
a former professor of English literature at Baghdad University, fled
Iraq in 1990 just after the invasion of Kuwait, eventually settling
with her family in Bloomington, Indiana where her husband was working
on his doctorate. For six years, she poured her heart, soul and
memories into this 646-page volume, after suffering breast cancer
and the death of her 13-year old son Bilal from a brain hemorrhage.
When 20 publishers turned down the book, she published it
herself for $1,000. (See "Taking Comfort from an Unexpected
Source," The New York Times, April 2, 2003, page D5.)
This is a wonderful book, both
for reading and cooking. In a chatty, unassuming way,
Nasrallah communicates her enthusiasm for a cuisine that at its peak
was both sumptuous and sensuous. She writes of her childhood in
Baghdad, where she picnicked on the site of the ancient wall of
Nineveh, on ground strewn with shards of clay tablets inscribed with
cuneiform characters. She draws from recipes that were written
thousands of years ago, creating a vibrant portrait of a civilization
that celebrated food in astonishing variety. Mesopotamian tablets
from 1700 BC record recipes for 300 types of bread, 100 kinds of soup
and 20 cheeses. Medieval cookbooks from the 13th century AD
included elaborate stews flavored with rosewater and ambergris.
There are 400 recipes in the
cookbook, many based on centuries-old culinary traditions. The
medieval-style Fish baked in Pomegranate Sauce (p. 396) was a
revelation: We substituted catfish fillets for the carp that
might have been plucked from the cold waters of the Tigris, dipped them
in salt, pepper and cumin, than sautéed them in olive oil until
golden brown. A luscious sweet-tart sauce of pomegranate syrup,
coriander and ground toasted walnuts was poured over the fish, which
was briefly baked. Rich, delicate and exotic, it transformed the
lowly bottom-feeder into a dish fit for a caliph.
Contact: 1st Books
Library of Bloomington. Website: www.1stbooks.com.
Telephone: (888) 280-7715. See also Mrs. Nasrallah's
website: www.iraqicookbook.com.
Best Book
About Tea
week, an unexpected twist led to a delightful conversation with James
Norwood Pratt, America’s foremost authority on tea. A native of
Winston Salem, North Carolina and resident of San Francisco, Pratt is
the author of The Tea Lover’s Treasury, a classic reference
guide for nearly any lover of the leaf. (Currently, that
would include the 30 percent of all Americans who drink tea everyday;
annual adult per capita consumption is about seven gallons. Such
brisk consumption, Pierce Hollingsworth writes in Food
Technology, makes tea a $4.75 billion industry that has grown a
spritely 125 percent over the last decade.)
Since The Tea Lover’s Treasury was first published in 1982, we
have consulted it often, dipping into its pages as much for Pratt’s
engaging tales of the origins of the brew as for his vivid observations
of different types of teas. His writing is witty, occasionally
poetic, always acute. Here he is on Gyokuro Green Tea: “If
you imagine that a pale Green Tea has to be weak and flavorless,
Gyokuro will surprise you. It’s mouthfilling and rich, with a
very complex herbaceous quality.... If the Chinese lean toward
flavors somehow reminiscent of root vegetables in Green Tea, the
Japanese just as surely prefer theirs to suggest brewed yard grass.
It’s a cleaner taste, you might say, but a thinner one, sometimes
evanescent almost.” The book is filled with many irresistible
gems of information, such as the German ritual of parachuting in an
early consignment of first flush, high grown Darjeeling tea, “a gesture
that rather dwarfs the annual French enthusiasm for the Beajolais
Inexplicably, this valuable resource appears to be out of print, but
a few copies of both the first and second editions can be found
at www.abe.com.
In June, Pratt’s latest endeavor will make its appearance: Tea
Room Guide and Digest, a magazine that will embrace the entire
world of tea, ranging from history and industry trends to antique
teapot collecting, tea room reviews and tea travel tales. With
Pratt at the helm, it is likely to be a most pleasurable read.
Website: www.tearoomguide.com.
Telephone: 800/578-0591.
Even Better
Mexican Chocolate
Some things really do get better. Not too long ago we
extolled the virtues of Ibarra chocolate, a widely available,
commercially manufactured Mexican chocolate. Now, we are
delighted to report that we are one step closer to being able to buy
true Mexican chocolate, just as it is made in Oaxaca. Susanna
Trilling, author of Seasons of My Heart
and owner of a cooking school outside Oaxaca, makes chocolate
using traditional Mayan methods. She buys her own cacao
beans, roasts them, and grinds them until they are the texture of
coarse sand. She adds sugar and grinds in sticks of soft Ceylon
cinnamon favored by Mexican cooks, and forms the mixture into rough
handmade bars. The result is a grainy, bittersweet chocolate bar,
redolent of cinnamon, as delicious eaten out of hand as it is frothed
in hot milk. Either way, it will bring a touch of sweetness to a
bitter season. Contact: Zingerman’s, 422 Detroit Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Telephone: 888-636-8162. Fax:
734-477-6988. (Not available on website, www.zingermans.com.)
Also see our thoughts on the formerly "Best
Mexican Chocolate."
Wine Buyer's Guide
Wine Buyer's Guide (sixth edition) is just over 1600 pages,
but it is the 40-page introduction that we find most compelling.
There you can learn that Australian and California vintners pump a lot
of extra acidity into their concoctions. And a careful reading
suggests that just as wine criticism is reaching new heights (due to
stalwarts such as Hugh Johnson, Robert Parker, and Jancis Robinson),
wine itself may be on a downward course. This is frequently the
plight of the critic: we remember New York theater of the 1960s
onward where some of the critics were at their brightest, but they had
to make a lot out of nothing, because theatrical fare was in rapid
In his introduction, Parker bemoans the practices of several
high-volume producers. Over-fertilizing, they are going for
excessive crop yields while harvesting too early: their grapes
lack taste. Then centrifuging, fining, and filtration produce
stable, standard, very average wines that Parker characterizes as
lifeless. Mass manufacturing and mass marketing are putting
increasing amounts of expensive wines on the shelf that are much less
than they should be. Parker, whose massive influence was
celebrated in "The Million-Dollar Nose," an article very much worth
reading that appeared in the December 2000 Atlantic Monthly, seems to
know he cannot staunch the flood of quantity (annual wine production
exceeds demand by some 25%, according to the article) that is sweeping
away quality.
Best Guide for Pepper
Our kitchen table peregrinations through the lands of
pepper were helped immeasurably by Salt and Pepper, a wonderful
book by Michele Anna Jordan that was recommended by Corby Kummer in
The Atlantic Monthly: Jordan is funny, smart and probably has
a very keen palate. We were charmed by her visit to the Malaysian
Pepper Marketing Board, where the aroma of bushels of fresh black
pepper nearly drove her mad with hunger, and to a nearby farm where she
downed potent rice wine and nibbled fresh green pepper berries off the
vine. There is good, solid information about the different
varieties of pepper and salt and many useful addresses in the glossary.
Our only frustration is that we have been unable to find the very
fine Malaysian pepper, sold under the label Naturally Clean Black
Pepper, but it is always good to have a grail to search for. The
book has 135 recipes, including one for black pepper ice cream, which
we made with Penzeys' Sarawak Black peppercorns: imagine a good
vanilla ice cream with a luscious afterburn. Salt and Pepper (New
York: Broadway Books, 1999) is out of print, but you may find a used
copy at www.abe.com.
All About Oysters
We learn from
Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, his bestselling account
of his doings in the food trade, about a seminal event on a trip to
Europe with his parents back when he was in the fourth grade.
There, in the Gironde, he proudly had his first oyster, boldly stepping
out and eating the offering of an oysterman, while his parents and
brother timidly held back from the raw morsel. We were surprised
that his family were reluctant seafood eaters, since he styled them to
be “foodies.” Again and again, we find, so-called “foodies” are
not really food people, having an eye, but not a taste, for rare
The oyster he found set him on course for a
life as a cook and for experimentation in the delicacies of this world.
Since then the world has almost become his oyster, but it remains
slightly out of reach. Indeed, the oyster has been associated
with a lust for life since time immemorial, apparently a prod even to
Bourdain’s listless generation. None of us can forget the
licentious oyster scene in the classic 1963 film version of
Tom Jones. And all of us have heard that Casanova lined
his belly with oysters aplenty as prelude to his amatory exploits (www.rakemag.com/stories/section_detail.aspx?itemID=4270&catID=151&SelectCatID=151).
French Seasalt
Salt, as all
dedicated foodies know, is riding the crest of a wave of culinary chic.
Recently we tasted a French fleur de sel, “a premium
first harvest sea salt from Brittany” made by M. Gilles Hervy, an “artisan
paludier du pays Guerandais.” According to Corti
Brothers, the Sacramento grocer from whom we obtained this salt,
a recent hurricane nearly destroyed the salt operations on the Guerande
Peninsula and the Hervys are one of the few remaining families of paludiers,
or salt-marsh workers, who continue to harvest sea salt in the
traditional manner. It is an ancient, time-consuming process in
which sea water is captured in reservoirs at high tide and then
directed into a maze of channels ending in shallow pools. Along
the way, the water slowly evaporates and at the end, the salt crust
that remains is raked into piles of grey sea salt, in itself a superb
seasoning full of trace minerals that give it a wonderful flavor.
As Patricia Wells explains in
The Paris Cookbook, the finest, whitest crystals appear at the
rim of the ponds only when a dry wind blows from the east; these fluffy
crystals are skimmed and left to dry in wicker baskets. The
resulting fleur de sel is, she says, the “caviar of salt,” four
times as expensive as the coarser variety and coveted by chefs the
world over.
But how does it
taste? Upon opening the pale sea green bottle, we discovered a
slightly moist, creamy white salt composed of irregularly shaped
crystals ranging from very fine to fairly large. We couldn’t detect the
scent of violets often mentioned in connection with fleur de sel,
but found its delicate flavor elusive, almost teasing, the mellow
saltiness waxing and waning until it dissolved on the tongue, leaving
behind a lingering hint of sweetness. This is a salt we’d use
very sparingingly to finish the simplest dishes made with the most
pristine ingredients. We can recommend Wells’ recipe for
Noirmoutier Potates with Fleur de Sel (pp. 100-101). Tiny baby
potatoes grown on the island of Noirmoutier—Americans can substitute
almost any fingerling potato—are gently cooked in butter with unpeeled
garlic and coarse seasalt, then finished with a sprinkling of fleur
de sel. Contact: Corti Brothers, 5810 Folsom Blvd.,
Sacramento, CA 95819. Telephone: 800-509-FOOD. Fax:
Japanese Salt
Steingarten, Vogue’s very funny, very Rabelasian food columnist
and author of
The Man Who Ate Everything, must have the best job in the
world. When he was researching “Salt Chic,” (Vogue, March
2001) he first bought up all the exotic salts he could lay his hands
on, then commissioned minute chemical analysis reports, and finally
hopped on a plane for Scicily where he asked scientists attending a
conference on molecular gastronomy to serve as salt tasters, in order
to determine whether expensive premium seasalts are at all
distinguishable from table salt like Mortons. Along the way he
raved about Oshima Island Blue Label Salt, a very rare Japanese salt
“evaporated from the primordial seawater around Oshima Island in the
middle of the vast and empty ocean, forty five minutes by plane from
Tokyo” and available only to Japanese members of the very exclusive
Salt Road Club and, of course, to Jeffrey Steingarten.
Actually, you
and I can buy Oshima Island Blue Label and its lesser twin, Red Label,
through Corti Brothers. To the unscientific eye, Blue Label is
almost indistinguishable from fleur de sel. It too is
moist, pale and creamy in color, and composed of irregular large and
small crystals, but there the similarities end. Oshima Island
Blue Label has a much more straightforward, full-throttle salty flavor
that builds then fades as the crystals dissolve, leaving behind a
tingle and the slightest taste of briny seawater. Like fleur
de sel, we’d use Blue Label to finish very high quality, simply
prepared ingredients, perhaps halibut steamed over rice wine with a few
tender vegetables. Oshima Island Red Label is intensely salty and
were it not for its high price, we’d probably use it to prepare fish
baked in a salt crust. Contact: Corti Brothers, 5801 Folsom
Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95819. Telephone: 800-509-FOOD. Fax:
Best Book
About the History of Chocolate
True History of Chocolate (New York: Thames and
Hudson, 1996) is a meticulously researched investigation into the
misty origins of Theobroma cacao, the tropical tree that produces one
of the Western world's most addictive pleasures. Wrtitten by the
late anthropologist and food historian Sophie D. Coe and her husband
and Yale anthropology professor emeritus, Michael D. Coe, the book
traces chocolate’s beginnings in the ancient Maya and Aztec cultures
where it was a beverage imbued with deep religious symbolism, quaffed
mainly by royalty, through its introduction to the conquering Spaniards
and hence to all of Europe.
According to her husband,
Mrs. Coe was never happier than when she was perusing musty pages of
400-year-old volumes in the Biblioteca Angelica in Rome. The
book shines as she weaves together original sources as varied as
Maya hieroglyphs, laboratory analysis of burial vessels and early
Spanish manuscripts. Though she may not convince you that the
Aztecs were less bloodthirsty than history recalls (only a few thousand
a year sacrificed as opposed to tens of thousands), it impossible not
to be fascinated with her well-documented linguistic research into the
derivation of the word “chocolate,” or the ways in which cacao seeds
were used in place of money in early Meso-American civilization.
Most intriguing for us were the ancient recipes in which the cold
bitter brew was flavored with everything from chilli peppers to
aphrodisiacal flowers.
Best Coffee
Table Book About Spices
The most seductive volume we’ve run across lately
is Alain Stella’s
The Book of Spices (Paris: Flammariion, 1998). Beautiful
photographs of the twelve “sovereign” spices—cloves, nutmeg, pepper and
so forth—are interspersed with ancient maps and historical paintings,
creating an intoxicating visual essay that hints at why these precious
commodities so captured the world’s imagination over the centuries.
Brilliant fields of purple saffron crocus in Spain, and a glimpse
of Maison Israel in Paris, a spice lover’s paradise if ever there was
one, are the stuff of a traveler’s dreams.
On a bleak afternoon,
snuggling under a mohair throw, with a steaming pot of cinnamon tea
nearby, we nearly lost ourselves in Stella’s occasionally
Franco-centric tales of the spice trade. One of the more
fascinating figures from the past was Pierre Poivre, an
eighteenth-century Frenchman who singlemindly devoted his entire
life—losing an arm in the process—to stealing nutmeg and clove plants
so that France could break the Dutch stranglehold. The chapters
on each spice are a pleasure to peruse; the connoisseur's guide in the
back offers intriguing information about spices used in perfumes and
chocolate, as well as a list of the author’s favorite spice shops in
the U.S., England and France.
Tastes of Paradise
For anyone who is interested in the history of spices, The Epicentre
has reprinted a superb article from The Economist, “The Spice
Trade: A Taste of Adventure” (December 1998, pp. 51-56),
and a chapter from
Tastes of Paradise, by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, which debunks the
common perception that spices were used so heavily in the Middle Ages
to disguise rotting food. Instead, he argues that they were
tangible gifts form an exotic world, an imaginary paradise far superior
to the muddy, cold, disease-ridden realities of medieval Europe.
Just like our BMWs and Hermes Kelly Bags, they were meant to
advertise the possessor's wealth and status to the rest of the world.
Quirkiest Spice Website.
blood, spikenard, grains of paradise. Virtually unknown today, these
are all spices that were used in ancient and medieval times. They can
still be had from the website (www.silk.net/sirene)
of Francesco Sirene, Spicer, a 15th-century Venetian trader
invented by David Dendy and Jane Hanna, two members of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Members of this offbeat group tend to be obsessed with times
past: they try to live as one might have in 13th-century
England or 17th-century Russia (for example), and regularly
stage complicated feasts which recreate outlandish dishes from old
cookery books.
proprietors’ aim is to provide all the paraphernalia one might need for
historical cookery. Hence, Sirene sells old cookbooks, such as Curye
on Inglysch: English Culinary Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century,
as well as exotic, hard to find spices--including the aforementioned
dragon’s blood (actually a red resin used in incense and various
pigments) and spikenard (a bitter, aromatic root used in ancient Rome
and in medieval spiced wine). One of the most intriguing sections
is Spice Chests, which discusses in some detail all the spices one
might need in order to cook as did the ancient Romans or Norwegians of
the 12th century. (In case you were wondering, grains of paradise are a
type of pepper, wildly sought after in the Middle Ages, now mainly used
in African cooking.)
Most Exotic Spice
Website in the Southern Hemisphere
Most of the spices in our cupboard are grown within a narrow band
around the equator and it occurred to us that a spice purveyor not too
distant from the black pepper groves of Malabar or the cinnamon forests
of Sri Lanka might have a slight edge in obtaining high quality, very
fresh spices. One can almost smell these exotic fragrances
while perusing the Australian site,
www.herbies.com.au. Ian Hemphill, a.k.a. Herbie, spent 30
years in the spice trade before opening a shop near Sydney which offers
an enormous range of the world’s herbs and spices.
The website vividly
communicates Hemphill’s lifelong love of spices. Click on any one
of the 22 newsletters, for example, and you’ll discover a report on a
trip to India to see the pepper harvest or a lively discussion of the
complex fragrances of the Moroccan seasoning mix, ras al hanout. Tantalizing
recipes, many with an Asian slant, are scattered throughout the site.
The global product list includes all the usual herbs and spices,
but also more off-beat offerings such as dried Australian
wattleseed, said to lend a coffee-like aroma to ice cream. Our
only quibble is that each product description is accompanied by a
generic picture of some spice packages. (We’d actually like to
see those wattleseeds.)
Currently in search of pepper
to upgrade the larder, we ordered a variety of peppercorns including
the hard to find long pepper (spiky peppers with a musky odor widely
used in medieval recipes) and inky “extrablack” supergrade whole
peppercorns from India. Our faxed order was acknowledged hours
later by e-mail, with a query: Did we wish to purchase green
peppercorns that could be ground in a peppermill or freeze dried
peppercorns that could simply be crumbled? (We took both.)
The package arrived within 10 days, each variety individually
packed in a heavy vacuum-sealed plastic bag. (The peppercorns will be
reviewed in a forthcoming segment of Best of Class).
Note: Hemphill’s
Spice Notes may be ordered directly from the website,
or in the U.S. in March 2002 under the title,
The Spice and Herb Bible: A Cook's Guide (Amazon).
The book recently made the Saveur 100 list
(see the Jan./Feb., 2002 issue, p. 63).
The Time of Tea
rare exceptions, most books about tea are really about the scones, the
clotted cream and a nostalgic longing for a leisurely afternoon ritual
that no longer pertains to modern life, even in England. (James
Norwood Pratt’s A
Tea Lover's Treasury is a notable exception.) This is one
reason why discovering The
Time of Tea was such a pleasure. First published in
Paris, the book is actually a pair of volumes: one of
photographs of the tea ritual in Japan, China, Sikkim, France,
amongst the Tuaregs in the Sahara, and yes, in England; and the other
of short, provocative “thoughts” about the true nature of tea and the
places it comes from.
As authors
Bruno Suet and Dominique Pasqualini see it, the story of tea in the
West is inextricably bound up with colonialism and the
exploitation of the East. (The black China teas we drink are said
to have been invented by a merchant who smoked rotting leaves to sell
to foreigners.) This political interpretation may not go down
well with your Earl Grey, but the book can be read simply for its
wealth of information about this ancient beverage. For instance,
there is the tale of the “legendary Wulong tea, 'Red Robe'," the
product of “a few centenarian tea plants” grown in a secret
mountain location in China. In 1998 in Fujian province, one kilo
was auctioned for $900,000. We always knew we weren’t getting the
best. To order the book, contact www.inpursuitoftea.com,
which also sells superb teas. (See Best
of Class #58.)
The Great One (of
Craig Claiborne, the great New York Times food
critic and its only substantial cookbook writer, died recently at
79. The obituary in the Times, while amusing, missed
the essence of Claiborne. Like Wayne Gretzky, who forever changed
the game of hockey, he was in a league of his own. Pre-Claiborne,
food in America was pedestrian. After Craig (ACC), we began to
eat. He put dining on a new course. And, arguably, he is
the most important journalist the Times spawned, at least
from the 1960s forward. All the rest have mixed records.
Today, of course, there simply are no titans at the Times,
though there are a few middling journalists of quality. Below are
a few of his titles (all of which are worthwhile), including his last:
Barbecue and Grilling Book
You'll have to do a search through Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, or
your rare book dealer. But this is a gem. Beinhorn's
Mesquite Cookery (Texas Monthly Press, 1986). Every
recipe is tested, mostly in Connecticut. I know because it was my
weekend fare for about 30 weeks. Designed by Mike Hicks of Hixo,
certainly Austin's most original designer.
Andrea Wulf, The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World
Andrea Wulf, Chasing Venus: The Race to Measure the Heavens
Mindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind
Imagine: How Creativity Works - Jonah Lehrer
Oliver Sacks - Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain 2007
Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman – 2006
Deborah Heiligman - Charles and Emma – 2009
From a review of Deborah Heiligman’s Charles and Emma we learn that “In today’s climate of division between religion and science, it’s instructive to read about a marriage in which the two cultures improved each for exposure to the other.” Emma’s strong religious belief and his devotion to science happily co-existed under the umbrella of their marriage. Modern life, from the Renaissance forward, has presented us with a choice between lots of contradictory notions. The happy man must live with the ambiguity, enthusiastically giving some credence to opposed ideas. (11-10-10)
and Science
A step at a time, we are fashioning analytical tools that
will help us identify and control terrorist networks. We have
previously discussed “Syndromic
Surveillance Networks” which show promise in dealing with
everything from pollution to terrorists. As well, “honeypot”
theory, out of Israel, devised to deal with computer viruses, may
be deployed against a variety of other threats. We have, in fact,
a greater need to look at Israeli thinking, particularly as relates to
skyjacking, since that nation has been dealing with hit and run tactics
since its founding.
quantitative analysis (“Science Journal,” Wall Street Journal,
Februrary 17, 2006, p. B1) may be able to look into “terrorism
cycles.” “One promising technique, called spectral analysis, is
typically applied to cyclical events such as sunspots. A new
application of it is … [for] terrorism, which, data show, waxes and
wanes in regular, wavelike cycles.” Analysis also reveals that
efforts to shore up defenses against one kind of threat merely deflects
terrorists into other activities. “The only way of thwart this
substitution effect is to disrupt terrorists’ funding and recruitment.
Professors Todd Sandler and Walter Enders have looked at some of
these patterns in
The Political Economy of Terrorism. (5/31/06)
Dousing TVs
For those of
you who go to restaurants that have a TV going in the corner or go in
an airline club to find a gigantic tube pouring sound into the lounge,
help is on the way. For $14.95, you can buy TV-B-Gone, the fast
selling gadget devised by Mitch Altman, inventor years ago of
simulation games and training software for the military. This is
a keychain device which will generally shut down the TVs one encounters
in public spaces, with nobody the wiser. It really amounts to a
universal remote. Clearly Orwell never dreamed, when he wrote
1984, that citizens could ever be able shut down the useless
messages spewed from the maw of media empires. Orwell’s Big
Brother reaches you wherever you go.
Nobel Feynman
Now for a funny guy. We all have to regret that we, or
most of us, never met Richard Feynman. He was a consummately
brilliant physicist prankster wag who, for instance, entitled a talk
about nanotechnology, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (www.zyvex.com/nanotech/feynman.html).
Countrymen, we ask you, are you going to read about “plenty of room at
the bottom” or would you prefer to wade through thick esoteric stuff
called “nanotechnology”? You can learn about his last prank on
the Global Province at “Feyman’s Last
Caper.” We even took place in this last boondoggle.
Feynman, incidentally, won the Nobel Prize in 1965, and he solved the
riddle of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. You will love
his books, including
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Fenyman. His daughter, Michelle
Feynman, is out with a volume of his letters called
Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track.
That title is perfectly descriptive of the amazing Feynman.
Tilting at Windmills
A couple of young saber wielders (Michael Shellenberger
and Ted Nordhaus) have rattled the chieftains of the environmental
community because they gave a speech at Middlebury College—much
overstated—entitled “The Death of Environmentalism.”
Accredited environmentalists like to write a lot, so you
can find all sorts of moanings and groanings about this speech on the
Internet. The speech itself is a bit turgid, but read it if you
must, by going to
www.thebreakthrough.org, where you will find a link to it.
Of course, the title is a bit silly, since
the movement is very far from dead, even if the current New Mobile
classes do not care for trees and all the other kinds of things we
associate with “environment.” Environmentalism is out of step and
needs to be brought up to date. The two authors rant about
American values and the need for the marginalized environmental
movement to connect up with them. We suspect that the kinds of
things environmentalists need to do to regain their perch are a little
less lofty.
You will remember that a historian, a few
years back, entitled his book The End
of History and the Last Man in order to get a little
attention. Last we looked, history is still with us.
Likewise, we’re still encountering greens everywhere we go, and we see
recyclying baskets in front of very Republican houses in fancy
subdivisions every week. This movement is far from dead.
That it needs a shake up is self evident,
even to the more thoughtful leaders trashed by the kids in their
speechmaking. For more on the quest for renewal, read “Turkey
Restoration: Green Renewal.” To get real traction, the Greens
will have to figure out how to cut a global swathe in the future,
acting them much less like a series of national movements. That
is, they will have to catch up with history, which has become so global
that it would give the dialectical German philosopher Hegel infinite
pleasure. The Greens need to clarify their agenda and to clean up
their tactics.
One insight of the authors is well worth
repeating. American support for the environmental movement is
very broad, but very shallow. The passion for it is only “skin
deep,” and is easily displaced by other concerns. In an age of
downsizing, where many are just trying to survive and get by, causes
that are just perceived as nice-to-do get put on the back burner.
Similarly, public broadcasting has lost a lot of its committed support,
even though it still owns a wide franchise throughout the country.
Part of the deterioration arises from
division within the ranks of environmentalists because enthusiasts will
only fight for one narrow goal rather than the broad idea of
environmental preservation. In this vein, read Bill Mckibben, now
a visiting scholar at Middlebury College and author of “Tilting at
Windmills,” New York Times, February 16, 2005, p. A27.
Windmills for energy, which have taken hold more in Europe than
America, are now spreading faster in the United States, notably in New
Mexico where the Governor is touting the state as the home of alternate
energy. In the East, the Greens and the well heeled are resisting
the spread of windmill farms off of Cape Cod, in the Adirondacks, and
in other places. Because of global warming, McKibben welcomes
them as a way to stave off the burning of more fossil fuels. This
is just one of many splits in environmental thinking: it’s hard for
America to get behind such a fuzzy, conflicting agenda.
In spite of themselves, the Greens are just
beginning to receive help from an independent cultural trend that is
picking up momentum. There’s now a move towards less consumption,
a simpler life, and more contemplative activities. See our “The
Post Consumptive Society.” (3/30/05)
Read transcripts from an online chat with The Forgetting
author David Shenk, etc. This is a PBS production with links to
other resources. See
www.pbs.org/theforgetting. The show itself is a comprehensive
guide to “the forgetting” disease for the layman. We find the
update of news clips on Alzheimer’s quite useful. We also
compliment Twin Cities Public TV for including actual transcripts
instead of the meager audio clips put out my less generous stations.
R. Fortney’s Visual Garden
We gather L. R. Fortney was a Duke University physics
teacher in the late 1990s. But we like what he did out of
school. His Visual Garden site will overwhelm you: it is
saturated with beautiful shots
of flowers to include many varieties of clematis and iris.
But you are also well served to follow him on his travels and fishing
trips which you can find on his homepage.
If we understand correctly, he is author of a textbook,
Principles of Electronics: Analog and Digital.
Sadly we learn on the same site that the Big C got him, and you will
find some detailed commentary
about his prostate cancer:
On March 7,
1999, Lloyd Fortney died. He had noticed bruising the week
before, and it was determined that he had Disseminated Intravascular
Coagulation (DIC) caused by the metastatic cancer. He was
hospitalized on March 3 and treated for DIC, but the treatment was not
effective. His health declined rapidly in the two days before he
died; a brain hemorrhage was the final cause of death. (11/16/05)
Janet Frame
It is not only neurologists and scientists who are helped by
putting pen to paper. Janet Frame, of New Zealand, just died on
January 29, 2004, after a trying lifetime of mental illness.
Institutionalized at 21 and subject to all the dreadful treatments such
as electro-shock that have been attempted with very troubled patients,
she was only saved from lobotomy because her fine writing surfaced and
her surgeon was moved to let well enough alone. Later she was to
write Faces in the Water,
clearly an autobiographical novel, at the urging of a London
psychiatrist. Fortunately, her writing not only saved her from
the knife, but it was also therapeutic in a way that neither analysis
nor drugs could ever be. We probably never will fully understand
why soulful expression plays such a part in the relief of all sorts of
illness, mental and otherwise. But there are plenty of Frames
around to prove that it works. See The Economist,
February 14, 2004, p. 81.
A Site for Sore Eyes
We can think of a number of reasons for visiting the
website of Oliver Sacks. See
http://www.oliversacks.com. As a neurologist, he has dealt
with a host of brain diseases firsthand, and here you will find an
extensive bibliography, audios, etc. that will lead you through an
extensive literature on the afflictions he has treated. As well,
this is just about as good a website as you find for any author:
It not only has plentiful detail, but it is beautifully designed, right
down to the typefaces. Such aesthetic care is almost
universally lacking in all the sites we encounter, even those with
heavy financial backing. Only the homepage, which is pretty but
not intuitive, is awkward, but once you get past it, the site is a
thing of beauty. This is all to say that Sacks clearly
understands the link between science and art.
We are learning
in all fields, from business to medicine, that understanding flows not
only from quantitative data but from narratives that capture every
stray fact. Stories or histories will tell us as much or more
than bits of data. Again and again, it seems, those lucky enough
to be fine writers often make better investigators than their
colleagues. Sacks can look at neurons, but he also tells the
story of patients that may reveal aspects of how a disease works.
As well, he probes his own history to understand memory and other
aspects of the psyche. Interestingly, his autobiographical Uncle Tungsten
in draft apparently ran to some 2,000,000 words, as he dredged up every
fleeting memory, although he only used 5 or 10% of all this material in
the published edition. Even books about fern collecting
expeditions, such as his Oaxaca Journal,
occasionally delve back into his childhood, which is never far from his
Adam Zerman’s
Consciousness: A User’s Guide has now been brought out by
Yale University Press. Zerman, a neurologist at the University of
Edinborough, writes now and again for the London Times
and, according to reviewer William Galvin—who himself has written a
book or two such, as
A Brain for All Seasons —“his treatment of the disorders of
knowledge is superb.” (See New York Times Book Review,
September 28, 2003, p. 24.) Galvin notes that the brain, or
consciousness if you like, instinctively runs ahead of the evidence,
searching and finding meanings (quite often wrong) in the fragmented
perceptions offered for its inspection. “We are always seeking
after meaning.” Galvin also thinks two other works, Daniel
Consciousness Explained and Antonio Damasio’s
The Feeling of What Happens, also are quite enlightening about
aspects of consciousness.
By the way, do take a peek at Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink, a
much more important book for our times than his renowned The Tipping
Point. In effect, he celebrates one form of intuition in
the new book, something much needed for us to overcome our inertial
mental estate. Gladwell is turning into a sort of pop
epistemologist. Of course, in their debate together, Levitt
clearly stared him down. Probably the only way out of our current
economic quandary is a rampage of innovation which will take a whole
lot of “blink” as well as other types of intuitive activity leading to
counter-intuitive observations with a Levittine flavor. (See
Dire Straits.
Dire Straits has long been one of our favorite pop musical
groups. Its name captures perfectly the present mood in our
land. Bad news about war, pestilence, floods, and economic
hardship have shell-shocked Americans and brought insecurity into every
home. The New York Times Book Review of May 18 flags for
Our Final Hour, a book by British scientist Martin Rees that
says, according to the Times, that “the world has a 50-50
chance of surviving the 21st century.” Denise Rich,
who had an inglorious moment in the sun during the Clinton
administration, reportedly feels compelled these days to take her yoga
guru along on vacation in order to ward off the ills of the
world. And Andrew Weill, the healing doctor, prescribes newsless
days to help you screen out negative thoughts. During a vacation
at one of the old Adirondack camps of yesteryear, we ourselves noticed
that everyone in our party put aside TV and newspapers to shut out the
pain of the world.
But this is only to say that good news has been elbowed aside by media
that tends to thrive on negatives. There are plenty of changes
afoot that are quite promising.
Nature’s Plough
If you are reading the newspapers too much during these dog
days of August, you will learn that a whole covey of our politicians
are making silly asses of themselves over so-called “intelligent
design,” hoping, for no good reason, to set aside 150 years of
evolutionary thought and lay waste to Charles Darwin’s
Origin of Species. Frankly, we are rather hoping that you
are neither paying attention to them nor to evolution. After his
initial work on all species, Darwin settled down to earthworms about
whom he told all in an elegant little monograph called
Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms
(1881). This down-to-earth treatise is a much more
comforting work, calming amidst both the 90-plus-degree days we are
having and the onslaught of world news that shows us to be going
sideways rather than forward, as all hints of both design and
evolution are shunted aside by societal chaos.
It is not until you read Darwin that you
realize just how august a spirit lurks in the lowly, subterranean
The plough is
one of the most ancient and most valuable of man’s inventions; but long
before he existed the land was in fact regularly ploughed, and still
continues to be ploughed by earth-worms. It may be doubted
whether there are many other animals which have played so important a
part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized
As we mentioned in “And the
Earth Moved,” earthworms, which can number in the thousands and
hundreds of thousands per acre, work their way through tons of earth
over the course of a year, leaving your backyard richer and ready to
host the new varietals you choose to set in the ground.
The Emperor
of Scent
Bjorn Lomborg, professor of statistics at the
University of Aarhus in Denmark, has been reviled the world over by
scientists in ad hominem attacks for his book
The Skeptical Environmentalist, which contends that the
environment is not half as bad off as the high priests of science would
have us believe (See “Bjorn the Pincushion,” Big Ideas #103).
Luca Turin, now chief scientist at a Virginia company called Flexitral
(www.flexitral.com), has come up with a unified theory of smell that
threatens to turn the perfume and flavoring industries on their
ears. His struggles to put his ideas across are chronicled in a
new book called
The Emperor of Scent. Dr. Atkins, author of the diet that
businessmen most like, has been steadily attacked by the heart and
nutritionist establishment for his diet theories, yet he is now coming
into the mainstream as we learn that bread and carbohydrates have a lot
more to do with our obesity epidemic that we previously understood
(see Letters from the Global Province, 8 July 2002, “Red-Blooded
Americans Again?” ). Pushing unpopular theories gives their
proponents a sense of divine purpose, and it is, by the way, the only
way we can get rid of the intellectual baggage of the past that is now
weighing us down.
Though his teachings about agriculture probably have affected
only 1% of Japan’s farms, Masanobu Fukuoka, who started as scientist
but has given his life over to alternative farming, is probably as good
a preacher as the world knows about the spiritual and infrastructure
aspects of gardening/farming. Above all, his system has been a
spiritual mandate that teaches “the ultimate goal of farming is not the
growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings”
One Straw Revolution: The Natural Way of Farming [1978]).
According to “Alternative Agriculture in Thailand and Japan” (www.solutions-site.org/artman/publish/article_15.shtml):
Following a
philosophy of “do nothing farming” Mr. Masanobu Fukuoka first began
natural farming in 1938, in Japan his homeland. He was educated
as a microbiologist and soil scientist but gave up his career to
practice simple agriculture as a spiritual undertaking.
… The practice
of Fukuoka farming is based around the concept of minimal interference
with nature, namely no ploughing, no weeding, no chemical pesticides,
no chemical fertilizers and no pruning. He also pioneered the use
of ‘seed balls’ which consist of the seeds of many different crop
species being combined into a clay mixture and formed into a small
ball. These are then scattered over the farm creating many
different micro-ecosystems.
In general Fukuoka and other alternative
farming leaders believe conventional farming techniques, to include the
standard array of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, have severely
depleted soils throughout Europe, the United States, Japan, and other
developed societies. In this context, the gardener today stands
on dying land that needs to be brought back to life.
The Flexible
We used to think that specific parts of the brain controlled
very specific human functions. If a part went, then the function
was no more: if the speech area was damaged, speech ceased.
But we are now learning that the brain can adapt and rewire itself to
accommodate functions in new sections of the brain when old ones give
out. This has led to new therapies for everything from stroke to
dyslexia. See the Wall Street Journal, October 11, 2002,
pp. B1 and B4. Also consult Jeffrey M. Schwartz’s and Sharon
Begley’s forthcoming book, The Mind and the
Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force,
which was the source of their WSJ article on this topic.
& Society
The world of broken systems is also a world of broken
communication where citizens will have to be ingenious beyond belief to
fight entropy. Broken systems turn ordinary citizens into guerilla
fighters. As Norbert Weiner would have said, entropy “subverts the
exchange of messages.” So you'll just have to learn to beat on your
Bjorn the Pincushion
Bjorn Lomborg of Denmark's University of Aarhus has been attacked by
every politically correct scientist around the world. Author of
The Skeptical Environmentalist, he says that many of the
alarmist scientific claims put out by Green enthusiasts around the
world just don't hold water. Some of us know that many of the
Green arguments -- such as the supposed relationship between pollution
and global warming -- are not very airtight, and so deserve a lot of
scrutiny. But the main importance of Lomborg is that he
symbolizes the breakdown of academic discourse. Even Nobel Prize
winners have attacked his arguments with epithets instead of
evidence. Strangely, he should become a martyr in the perpetual
battle for academic freedom -- a principle cast aside by lazy scholars
and scientists. For more on this see The Economist,
February 2, 2002, pp. 75-76. See also www.lomborg.org and
www.economist.com/science/lomborg. Nature and Scientific
American have devoted a host of pages to his attackers. Also
see Grist (www.gristmagazine.com/grist/books/lomborg121201.asp).
Also, look around; Grist has lots of incidental jabs at Lomborg
that will equip you to dismiss him out of hand, if that's what you want
to do.
The Merely
Personal: Observations on Science and Scientists
"John Nash ... a Nobel laureate in economic science in 1994, had a
habit of leaving a 'negative tip' for bad service; he would pocket the
gratuity left by fellow diners." Taken from a book review of
Jeremy Bernstein's The
Merely Personal: Observations on Science and Scientists.
See New York Times
Book Review, April 22, 2001, p. 28.
Tiny Is Big
Nanotechnology. This means maneuvering things atom by atom to
achieve unusual things. See “Downsizing,” by Nicholas Thompson, The
Washington Monthly, October l7, 2000. Apparently Eric
Drexler first laid out the potential of the micro/micro/micro world for
the layman in his book Engines
of Creation. Although Thompson warns us on the perils
inherent in this field, suggesting that there is a need for thoughtful
regulation, clearly the economic potential is as big as he
implies. We are about to see a host of new materials with amazing
properties and potential. See “It’s A Nano World," Business
Week, November 27, 2000, pp. 76-82. Material Science, it
seems, is about to have its Golden Age. Incidentally, a nanometer
is one-billionth of a meter.
Do You Know What
Drop-‘n-Drag Is?
You think it is something to do with the
computer, and you are right. But it is also a “military term for
ordering a soldier to do push ups in a woman’s clothing.” Or
that’s the definition in The
GIGAWIT Dictionary of the E-nglish Language, a reworking of
all the terms geeks use on the Internet. It is written by the
immensely funny Tony Hendra, who has simultaneously started a Web
publishing firm at www.gigawit.com.
Time Out
Gerald Withrow, a mathematician, philosopher about time,
and author of The
Nature of Time and Time
in History, died June 2 at 87. See "Gerald J. Withrow,
87, Author of Philosophic Tomes on Time," New York Times,
June 27, 2000, p. 23:
"He was fond of
telling a story about the Russian poet Samuel Marshak visiting London
before 1914. His English was imperfect, and he asked a man in the
street, 'Please, what is time?'
The passer-by
answered: 'That's a big question. Why ask me?'"
1000 Words on Mars
"One famous astronomer of the day is said to have
received a message from William Randolph Hearst: 'Is there life on
Mars? Please cable one thousand words.' The astronomer's
reply to the publisher was 'Nobody Knows'--repeated five hundred
times." From The
Mapmakers, by John Noble Wilford, Vintage, 1982.
Alien Technology
Thinking men in all walks of life are trembling about
the technology in our midst: Jeremy Rifkin about biotechnology (see Scientific
American's profile; his books The
Biotech Century, and The
End of Work; and the Biotech
Century website) Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems about the computer,
Steven Talbott about all of it (see his
website and our
Best of Class item on his newsletter). Just like all the
atomic scientists who bonded together against military uses of the
atom, they show how familiarity with technology has bred fear,
contempt, and loathing. Technologists all, they sense how we are
becoming slaves, not masters, of technology.
But it takes an artist, not a techie, to paint
the outlines of what's next: Godfrey Reggio, former monk and now
bleeding edge filmmaker (see Ty Burr's article "'Qatsi,' Part III:
Technology Triumphs," The New York Times, March 19, 2000,
Arts & Leisure, p.13). He says:
"More important than empires and wars and
other breakthroughs...technology is now an environment, the host of
human habitation. We don't live with the natural
environment. There's so much interest in aliens because we are
the aliens. We are off-planet."
Murphy's Law by
This is a big idea if not terribly original.
Charles Perrow, in his 1984 book, Normal
Accidents: Living With High-Risk Technologies, re-issued by
Princeton University Press, essentially says that when systems
interact, funny, unpredictable things happen. On a good day, the
proximity of several very complex systems leads to disasters. As
a friend of mine once said to a lady at a party, having sprayed her
with champagne, "That kind of equine elimination is just gonna happen."
What's interesting about this is that we are taking away much of
the flexibility, and many of the redundancies in many systems that
prevent "normal accidents." See Lawrence Zuckerman, "Is
Complexity Interlinked with Disaster?: Ask on January 1" The New
York Times, December 11, 1999, p. A26.
Best Primer
for Budding Scientists
If you have had a chance to look at science textbooks
for primary school children or adolescents, you know they don’t work. In fact, they turn kids off, discouraging
their natural curiosity and nipping our future scientists in the bud. But take a look at Marshall Brain’s “How Stuff
Works” (see www.howstuffworks.com). Brain used to teach in the Computer Science
Department at North Carolina State University. But
this evocation got the best of him, and now he is explaining
everything--from “How car engines work” to “How Christmas works.” We like the fact that his top ten articles
include “How toilets work.” Brain has also
written a fair number of books in this vein:
Best Introduction to the
World of Websites
You may want to get hard copies of Philip Greenspun's
books, or you may just want to work your way through his website at
Greenspun.com. One book is Philip
and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing. Greenspun is a rebel
with a brain, providing endless insights about the rights and wrongs of
websites, and particularly why so many are wrong. See http://www.greenspun.com.
How Big Ideas Seize the Stage
My friend Howard Austin put me onto Bruno Latour's The
Pasteurization of France. With Malcolm Gladwell (see our
item in Big Ideas) we explored how fads become faddish -- turning
into this season's hit on Broadway or 7th Avenue. Latour deals
with a wider landscape -- how the big ideas become the stuff of
everyman's life. In this book we see how Pasteur's talent and
ideas joined with the social mosaic of his century to infiltrate lives
throughout the Western World. Since we need more titanic
innovations in business, church, and especially government, it is to
Latour and company to whom we must look for a perspective on how to get
big things done. Other Latour books are:
Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus - Higher Education? – 2010 (09-29-10)
Doesn’t Have It
The Yale Wits ran circles around the boobs from Harvard University at
the November 20, 2004 Yale-Harvard game. Disguised as the
“Harvard Pep Squad,” complete with red-painted faces and fake Harvard
IDs, Yale students passed out cards for credulous Crimson fans to hold
up at a predetermined moment. The cards spelled out—“We
Suck.” (See Yale Alumni Magazine, January 2005, p. 15 and
That Harvard won the game was only an anticlimax, and it barely helped
it to save face. To read about this in much more delicious detail
that includes word on other pranks, see The Yale Daily News
www.yaledailynews.com/article.asp?AID=27506. MIT pranksters,
engineers all, had gotten Harvard students to hold up placards saying
“MIT” at the 1982 Yale-Harvard game. The great tech schools, MIT
and Cal-Tech, have a noble tradition of dreaming up complex pranks,
though they tend to be less theatrical in their execution. You
can find some of them at “Hijinks at
Cal-Tech.” We would also suggest a look at T. F Peterson’s
book Nightwork: A History
of Hacks and Pranks at MIT.
The Giant of
Liberal Education
Yale's last great president was A. Whitney Griswold
(1906-1963), an English professor turned historian. He doubled
Yale's endowment and added twenty-six new buildings. Yale, like
Harvard, was just another English knock-off until he started his
building program, using all the greats, such as Kahn, Rudolph,
etc. We suspect he believed that architecture itself mattered in
a proper education. He wrote widely on foreign policy and
education, our own favorite being Liberal
Education and the Democratic Ideal.
During his tenure, at least,
Yale still believed in teaching, and an undergraduate would learn at
the feet of real masters. This was different from most other
brandname schools where professors were off doing research, knowing
that not to publish would mean they would perish. Yale in the
1950s was an exciting place to see and to learn, and it was the moment
when the university had its most profound impact on the nation.
Griswold worked the business
end of things in the mornings, thought and researched in the
afternoons, and seemed to raise money and give good dinners in the
evenings. All in all, he turned out to be terribly quotable--more
than we even knew. Memorable examples include: "Books won't stay
banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail."
Or, "We ... spend so much time justifying what we are doing that we
don't have time to do what we are justifying."
When told of student
shenanigans occassioned by candidate Adlai Stevenson speaking at Yale,
he called his undergraduates a bunch of bores and a few other choice
things. That was a time when free speech was the right of any
worthy individual whatever political stripe. Ungentlemanly
conduct was simply dé classé.
Writing Teacher
We first visited with Bill Zinsser in the 1970s. This
was long after his days on New York’s Herald Tribune, the
spritely paper that once entertained and informed Gothamites—an example
today’s New York Times would do well to emulate (http://en.wiki
He had come back to
town from a teaching stint in New Haven, where he was also Master of
Branford College, re-launching himself as an editor for Book of the
Month Club. We lured him to the Algonquin for lunch, knowing it
might please him, since that hotel dining room had been the setting for
many a liquid lunch of the writing greats (a.k.a. The Round Table) from
The New Yorker when that magazine was at the top of its
form. We ate modestly, had one aperitif, but talked long.
Since then we have been through a score of
his books, including Mitchell and Ruff,
his account of jazz musicians re-opening up China, American Places
(good for the summertime vacation traveler), and On Writing Well,
his simple and comfortable essay on how to get one’s writing in
shape. A fine writer, he’s probably a better teacher.
Certainly his is the only text on writing that we could ever endure,
since most are didactic, complex, and put together like manuals from
the Department of Motor Vehicles. He’s got other writing books
you should pay attention to, instructing us on how to frame a memoir,
do a biography, or write on the computer (see How to Write a Memoir,
Inventing the Truth:
The Art and Craft of Memoir, Extraordinary Lives,
Writing with a Word
Processor, etc.). For some Zinsser aphorisms on writing
see the very eclectic Dey Alexander at
(Oddly enough, Dey Alexander’s a “usability specialist” at Australia’s
Monash University whose main job is complexly lecturing the rest of us
on how to write simply for the Internet). We are so fond of Zinsser’s
writing that we even had him compose an essay for us on the beauty of a
finely wrought book (see
When we wrote about his On Writing Well
in Best of Class,
we remembered a key lesson he taught us. If you want to teach
yourself or anybody else to write, one good trick is to try to write
clear directions: on how something works, on how to get somewhere, on
the many cautions involved in a good recipe. It’s hard to put
things in the right order, and it’s a miracle if you don’t leave out a
key detail. So a well-constructed how-to perfects one’s
Now in his eighties, he’s still at it,
teaching at the New School in New York and authoring his own
autobiography, Writing About Your
Life: A Journey into the Past, which, true
to form, is laden with more advice on doing memoirs. Mr. Zinsser
tells us it is now out in paperback. (See
From Yale to Columbia to the New School, a very little college that
speaks better than the other two leviathans to urban concerns and
street-smarts creativity.
After you have read and discussed Zinsser,
there is really nothing more to say about writing. There you have
it. Why it’s important? How to do it beautifully?
Need we say more? Unfortunately we lack his gift for spareness,
so we will ramble on.
Why Johnny Can’t Write
We have never been concerned about
Why Johnny Can't Read. (See Rudolph Flesch at
Sooner or later he learns to read—through comic books or Harry
Potter or something like that. But even when he has become a John
instead of a Johnny, perhaps as a freshman at college, he often does
not master writing. Johnny has a right to be depressed, because,
unlike Art Buchwald, he has gotten a lousy education. He can’t
add and he can’t write. Even college does not help. With
grade inflation, students often get through freshman writing courses
safely insulated from sentence structure and commonsense.
Neil Milton Postman
On October 5, 2003, Neil Postman passed away before his work
was done, taken by lung cancer. He was the best thing that ever
happened to New York University, and, despite a
thoughtful obituary in the New York Times by Wolfgang
Saxon, it’s clear that neither the mourning nor the monuments did
justice to the man. He was a most prolific writer about culture,
education, and technology, the leader of a field he called “media
Early on, in 1961, he came out with Television
and the Teaching of English, then launched a fusillade of articles
and books that culminated in 1985 with
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business,
certainly his most popular work. It inspired Pink Floyd’s Roger
Waters to devise an album called
Amused to Death. In general he theorized that our
pervasive media, particularly TV, had gutted our culture. We
think one could argue as well that it has wounded our democracy.
Postman understand above all that only the printed word could express
complex thoughts, a task beyond the power of TV and other
multimedia. Who would better understand the pitfalls of
broadcasting’s effulgences than this consummate New Yorker?
This good fellow had a tremendous personal
impact on a host of people, starting with his family. One need
only read son Andrew
Postman’s eulogy to and for his father given in Queens, October 8,
2003: “My father had greatness, and I don’t know of anyone who
was more widely admired. But even better, my father had goodness,
and I don’t know of anyone who was more genuinely loved.”
Kindlmann, an electrical design professor at Yale of breadth
and depth, also cherishes Postman and has read widely in his
works. In talking about how student grading is a relatively new
invention and a mixed blessing hatched up by one William Farish in
1792, he recalls none other than Postman, who wrote about the subject
Technopoly. Both Postman and Kindlmann find it peculiar,
and occasionally harmful, that we have attempted to assign quantitative
grades to qualitative matters. Something is lost in this
Unfortunately we never met the man. We
suspect that we ambled past him on one of our jogs around
Washington Square, the only common for campusless NYU. But he
had the bad grace to die before we could bump into him.
a Bridge to the 18th Century: How the Past Can Improve Our
Future. It was near the end of his game (1999),
however, that Postman delivered the volume that interests us
most. If we are going to step back, why stop with the nineteenth
century? We can really go somewhere if we travel back to the
What I am
driving at is that in order to have an agreeable encounter with the
twenty-first century, we will have to take into it some good
ideas. And in order to do that, we need to look back to take
stock of the good ideas available to us. I am suspicious of
people who want us to be forward- looking…. If looking ahead
means anything, it must mean finding in our past useful and humane
ideas with which to fill our future.
With this in
mind, I suggest that we turn our attention to the eighteenth
century. It is there, I think, that we may find ideas that offer
a humane direction to the future….
His is an argument for history in these
a-historical times, when we rarely remember the lessons of yesterday,
much less the eighteenth century. Certainly we have tinkered with
the clock for less important reasons. Every year we drift into
Daylight Savings Time so that some mythical farmer will have an hour
more of brightness to do his work, cheating the rest of us out of an
hour in the evening. Let’s save something worth saving—that
century of independent thinking that gave birth to our country.
Living with
Neil Postman suggests we regard education as a cure for
stupidity, not a process for developing intelligence. After all, he
says, "Doctors do not concern themselves with health, and give all
their attention to relieving us of sickness.... Lawyers do not
trouble themselves with justice or good citizenship...Doctors and
lawyers, in other words, are painkillers." (see Neil Postman, "The
Educationist as Painkiller," Conscientious
Objections, NY: Vintage Books, 1992). Postman is a truly
witty, convincing writer about the incompatibility of education and
technology--in particular, education and TV. He writes
wonderfully about the dumbing-down abilities of TV. And now, of
course, we are in the Internet Age where we will become interactively
mediocre. For more of Postman's social commentary, see:
Harry Potter Beats Teachers
Out of England comes the very best-selling Harry Potter,
with four volumes so far--Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry
Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry
Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry
Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Passionately read by
youngsters and found in the briefcases of businessmen in the first
class cabins of airplanes, Harry Potter speaks to how a lad can
overcome the terrors and confusions of a mythic world (which is just a
metaphor for the tensions, anxieties, and anti-child strains of our
developed world at the millennium). J. K. Rowling, the author,
who has emerged from down-and-out times with the revenues from these
books, says that she has written here the kind of book she would like
to have read at age 10. Several schools have banned the books on
the grounds that they encourage a belief in witchcraft. But
children, in the hundreds of thousands, read on--in literate revolt
against some schools and adults whose teachings are not answering their
educational or emotional needs.
Charles King - Midnight at the Pera Palace: The Birth of Modern Istanbul (03-18-15)
Catherine Legrand - Indigo: The Color That Changed the World
Donald Keene, Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan
Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken
Victoria Schofield, Witness to
Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The Colonial Experience
Bring Up the Bodies - Hilary Mantel
Robert Hughes - Rome: A Cultural, Visual, and Personal History (12-07-11)
The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris - David McCullough – 2011 (10-26-11)
Founding Gardeners, Andrea Wulf (06-22-11)
Jack Weatherford - Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World - 2005 (06-02-10)
Simon Winchester – The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom – 2008 (04-21-10)
Neil Postman – Building a Bridge to the 18th Century– 2000 (06-13-12)
Frederick Jackson Turner – The Significance of the Frontier in American History – 1920
What Is Mexico?
First of all, it is terribly fascinating and utterly strategic to the
United States, more interesting than our very respectable, wonderful
neighbor to the north. Its formal designation
is Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States). It is
the world’s largest nation of Spanish speakers. It is the
12th-largest economy in the world, and it has often had a very high
growth rate, but not high enough to support its burgeoning population.
Importantly, as one can discover in FSC Northrop’s
Meeting of East and West, the Mexican Roman Catholic
Church is a different kind of faith, very grounded in the Virgin Mary,
hovering close to the earth, perhaps more like some of the
pre-Christian religions in Crete. North America and Europe are
very disconnected from Mexican consciousness.
Mexico is named after its capital city, a
metropolis out of control, which exerts too controlling a hand over the
affairs of the nation:
Mexico is named
after its capital city, whose name comes from the Aztec city
Mexico-Tenochtitlan that preceded it. The Mexi part of the name
is from Mexitli, the war god, whose name was derived from metztli (the
moon) and xictli (navel) and thus meant “navel (probably implying
‘child’) of the moon.” So, Mexico is the home of the people of
Mexitli (the Mexicas), co-meaning “place” and ca meaning “people”
On a recent flight over
Mexico City, we struck a grey-brown haze that stretched as far as the
eye could survey. Below were an endless string of hapless
structures, and beside us a noxiousness that would kill us in our seats
if it could penetrate through the skin of our airplane. Surely
this place is just west of Dante’s
Inferno. The whole country, in fact, has become a pressure
cooker, the United States having become a safety valve where it lets
off steam and smoke. Either we will help it safely decompress, or
it will explode in our face, Mexitli striking out at us in ways
We can recommend to you a review of J.H. Elliott’s
Empires of the Atlantic World by Imperial historian Niall Ferguson, an
Englishman who also hangs his hat in Boston (see the Wall Street
Journal, June 3-4, 2006, p. P8). Here you get a far more
cosmic explanation of the historical dilemma of Mexico than we provided
in “Lament
for Mexico: Destiny Thwarted.” According to Ferguson, Sir
John demonstrates:
That when
independence came to (some of) the North American colonies, it was the
reaction of a self-consciously libertarian society of merchants and
farmers against an assertion of imperial authority. When it came
to South America a couple of decades later, it was a chaotic response
to the sudden vacuum of power that followed Napoleon’s assault on
Bourbon authority in 1808.
Mexico never really has recovered from the
circumstances of its founding. Nor has the U.S. helped it
complete its liberation.
For Great National Holidays
We learn from George Washington Parke Curtis that this punch
is, in fact, the only way to celebrate great national holidays.
The Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, Benson J.
Lossing, ed. (New York, 1859), 129-30:
On the great
national days of the fourth of July and twenty-second of February, the
salute from the then head of Market street (Eighth street) announced
the opening of the levee. Then was seen the venerable corps of the
Cincinnati marching to pay their respects to their president-general,
who received them at headquarters and in the uniform of the
commander-in-chief.... [Each veteran] gave in no name—he required
no ceremony of introduction—but, making his way to the family parlor,
opened the general gratulation by the first welcome of Robert
A fine volunteer
corps, called the light-infantry, from the famed light-infantry of the
Revolutionary army, commanded by Lafayette, mounted a guard of honor on
the national days. When it was about to close, the soldiers,
headed by their sergeants, marched with trailed arms and noiseless step
through the hall to a spot where huge bowls of punch had been prepared
for their refreshment, when, after quaffing a deep carouse, with three
hearty cheers to the health of the president, they countermarched to
the street, the bands struck up the favorite air, “forward” was the
word, and the levee was ended.
The Iceman Cometh
This summer, as the thermometer does 100-degree dances here
and in Europe, we are reminded of Frederic Tudor, a specialty pioneer
who is celebrated in
The Ice King: Frederic Tudor and His Circle. Tudor not
only fed ice to the locals in New England, but sent it out to the wide,
wide world, packed in sawdust, aboard ships that visited many ports of
call, to include the Caribbean. His handiwork made artisan rums
just that much better. He created the ice business and dominated
it, having several times skirted bankruptcy until he finally seized
Since his return
to Boston in the spring of 1823, his ice business had gone well,
expanded, and become organized to the point that by March 1827 he had
finished harvesting ice for that season. His ice trade was two
decades old now. Frederic calculated the total shipments of goods
from the port of Boston in 1826-1827 at three thousand tons, of which
he had shipped two-thirds. His strongholds—New Orleans,
Charleston, and Havana—took most of that stock. Competitors, who
had sprung up once he had established the trade, shipped to such places
as Wilmington, Delaware; Norfolk, Virginia; and Martinique. One
even dared to ship to Charleston; Frederic met him with a price war.
Never Give Up
In the 3-way election of 1912, Teddy Roosevelt and his
Progressive Party took a pounding, coming in well-ahead of the moribund
Republicans under Taft, but a couple of million votes behind Woodrow
Wilson. We thought he had spent the rest of his life tasting the
bitterness of this defeat. Not so, we learn in Candice Millard’s
The River of Doubt: as usual, he just took on another humongous
challenge. This marvelously written book captures again his
journey on the Amazon, and then down the ‘River of Doubt,’ later also
known as Rio Teodoro and, officially, Rio Roosevelt, til then an
unknown 1,000 tributary of the Amazon. Once again, he conquered
all in his path:
On the afternoon
of May 19, 1914 … Roosevelt triumphantly entered New York Harbor on the
steamship Aidan, all flags flying…. Every watercraft in the
harbor that had a whistle blew three long, joyful blasts.
Roosevelt, laid low, always got up: it is
this resilience that still makes him so interesting to us.
History at Its Best
You do not have
to be a liberal to think that Richard Hofstadter of Columbia was a
giant who brought American history to life through deft portraits of
America’s heroes, be they Calhoun (“the Marx of the Master Class”),
Jackson, or whomever. If you want biography, intellectual
history, and inventive insight all rolled into one, go back and get his
American Political Tradition. We say this because David
Brown is now out with
Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography. Boy, we
bet he stayed up nights working out that brilliant title. It is
published by the ponderous University of Chicago. Wilfred McClay
of the University of Tennessee just did a revisionist appreciation of
the biography and of Hofstadter in The Wall Street Journal, May
13-14, 2006, sort of a putdown from Chattanooga. “… Mr. Brown’s
book makes it hard to evade the fact that Hofstadter was a historian
who, for all the charm of his work, was nearly always wrong in his most
important assertions.” That is, to say, McClay finds him too hard
on the New Right: a careful reading will also show that Hofstadter also
had it in for the Old Left. A reading of his Columbia
Commencement Address of 1968 probably demonstrates that he was a
shameful middle-of-the-roader, in the end, with no particular liking
for extremism run amok from any wing. (6/28/06)
Empires of the Atlantic World
We can recommend to you a review of J.H. Elliott’s
Empires of the Atlantic World by Imperial historian Niall Ferguson, an
Englishman who also hangs his hat in Boston (see the Wall Street
Journal, June 3-4, 2006, p. P8). Here you get a far more
cosmic explanation of the historical dilemma of Mexico than we provided
in “Lament
for Mexico: Destiny Thwarted.” According to Ferguson, Sir
John demonstrates:
That when
independence came to (some of) the North American colonies, it was the
reaction of a self-consciously libertarian society of merchants and
farmers against an assertion of imperial authority. When it came
to South America a couple of decades later, it was a chaotic response
to the sudden vacuum of power that followed Napoleon’s assault on
Bourbon authority in 1808.
Mexico never really has recovered from the
circumstances of its founding. Nor has the U.S. helped it
complete its liberation.
CLR James
We had never heard of CLR James until
Cedric the Englishman brought him up in connection with cricket.
James was a Marxist theorist from the West Indies whose fame
outside revolutionary circles arises from
Beyond a Boundary, his book on cricket, a game perhaps even
more fascinating internationally than soccer. He traces its
impact on the development of a united West Indian liberation
consciousness, as these islands sought to separate themselves from the
British. In time Frank Worrell became the first black cricketer
to captain the islands, an honor that had been denied to previous great
black players, the whites always having headed up the Windies
team. James gave us the famous expression: “What do they know of
cricket who only cricket know?”
Surely that’s the best and briefest
commentary on specialists anywhere. To know one thing, no matter
how well, is not to know very much. The educated individual
capable of playing on global playing fields does not just master a
bunch of skills, or accumulate 1,000,000 bits of information. Of
course, he needs all that, but he must be more than the sum of his
parts. He needs a consciousness that is much broader than the
playing field, region, nation, or ideology in which he finds himself,
so that he does not become its slave. (5/17/06)
River of Doubt
A new book,
The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey has
turned our head. We had thought that TR, vanquished at the polls
by Wilson and Taft in 1912, had slunk off in bitterness, a much
shrunken figure for the rest of his life. Not at all. He
went off on a grand adventure, first for a speaking tour in Brazil, and
then a rather perilous 1913-1914 Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition
down the River of Doubt in the Amazon. He chronicled this in
Through the Brazilian Wilderness. At times his survival
was in doubt.
We owe it to ourselves to get a handle on
Brazil, which promises to become quite a colossus in the next 20 years.
President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva has surprised everybody by
bringing economic stability to the country. And, internationally,
he is proving the most interesting statesman in the world, trying to
get fractious leaders talking to one another, since the fallout from
their disputes is hurting all of South America. (5/22/06)
The late historian
Stephen Ambrose never knew Thomas A. Canning, but you can bet
he wish he did. On June 7, 1944, Tom and the 413th Anti-Aircraft
Battalion landed on Normandy Beach and worked their way through the
storied battles of World War II into Germany, right up to the
surrender. Tom did time around the Battle of the Bulge, the very
stuff Ambrose wrote about in
Band of Brothers. Perhaps now that they have both gone
over to the other side—Tom left us on March 9, 2003—they will meet up
somewhere for lunch.
It got grim
along the way. The Germans did not go down easily. Inland,
Tom writes of “the night of 16th, after one of the hardest days I can
remember, we set up as tank destroyers, but by midnight the Germans
were about to overrun our position, so we headed north to Monschau in
support of the Ninth Division.”
But, more
importantly, Tom was a pal who could have figured in Ambrose’s lesser
known, brief, best book:
Comrades, Brothers, Fathers, Heroes, Sons, Pals.
Here the historian painted all the hues of male friendship, the real
theme of all his work. Kinship was something Tom had, as all his
1,000 friends and extended family would attest. Tom was a
pal. He will account for at least 2 chapters in the Book of
Unsung Heroes, an elegy yet to be written. He was the real McCoy.
Perhaps it
was the Irish in him. The Irish are the best politicians in the
world, because they have the gift of friendship, a warmth that can draw
them close to any man. Of course, tragically, they are often, as
well, their own worst enemies, as the cumulative violence in Northern
Island too amply recites. But this bile that pits countrymen
against each other never took hold of the Canning family.
My Dear President
Gerald Gawalt, a curator at the Library of Congress, is out with a
charming volume called
My Dear President: Letters between Presidents and their Wives.
Clearly a favorite of his is a note from Teddy Roosevelt to his wife,
written from the hospital after an assassin put a bullet in him.
Teddy avows it is nothing serious and, never missing a beat, promises
to go on with his hell-bent schedule. Despite the bullet in him,
Roosevelt had already given his address in Milwaukee where he said, “I
am all right—I am a little sore. Anybody has a right to be sore
with a bullet in him. You would find that if I was in battle now
I would be leading my men just the same. Just the same way I am
going to make this speech.” Roosevelt had more lives than any of
predecessors and all the presidents that followed. (4/19/06)
One member of the Ross Thomas
fan club claims that Mr. Thomas would be chortling at all the goings-on
if he were alive today. The very prolific California novelist
apparently got to the essence of corruption, amply foreshadowing our
current national predicament. Another one of those one-of-a-kind
talents tucked away in Malibu, he perished of lung cancer, long before
he could see the small-town corruption he pictured corrode the national
character. A read of Roger Simon
serves as a good introduction to this man of many parts. For a
more sentimental, considered appreciation of Thomas, see Tony Hiss’s
“Remembering Ross Thomas,” The Atlantic Monthly, November
1996. An early classic worth a read is
The Fools in Town Are on Our Side. More timely, perhaps,
The Cold War Swap in which an American intelligence agency
slides into criminal behavior. (5/15/06)
Wedding of the Waters
By the way, we find that Peter Bernstein, the
wise man of Wall Street and prolific author, usually writes the right
book at the right time. In 1998, he wrote
Against the Gods, the story of risk: that’s when we
should have most been paying attention to risk management. But in
2005, he came out with
Wedding of the Waters, a history of the Erie Canal. This
canal transformed our nation in the 19th century, readying our economy
for takeoff and preparing us to command the heights throughout the
world. It made New York City dominant in the country, a position
it has not completely lost today. Infrastructure that connected
us to the globe was the pre-condition of America’s greatness.
Right now the safest thing is to find the right big infrastructure
risks to underwrite.
Souls on Ice and on Fire
Eldredge Cleaver, author of
Soul on Ice and
Soul on Fire, was clearly a troubled man. Revolutionary
and jailbird, he did prison time, dope, and everything else. A
member of the Black Panthers,
he fell out with his comrades, who eventually were content to work on
incremental improvements in the Black condition in America. In
time the Panthers disintegrated, pummeled by law enforcement and bad
publicity, riven by internal arguments. Cleaver, to the end, stuck to
revolution and went his own, very separate way.
From his lips came, “You’re either part of
the solution or part of the problem.” While his call for
revolution and violence was irrelevant then and irrelevant now, his war
cry takes on quite a different meaning today. One can hold to a
world of walls and boundaries as do the consolidators, or work on
collaboration and shared interests. It’s not entirely clear that
there’s a middle ground between these two visions of the world.
In our own view, our self interest lies in nakedly pursuing the
common interest. In economic terms, one could say that we can no
longer afford the friction costs that arise from unmitigated
individualism, so we need a commons where everybody can graze. As
Frost said, “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, / That wants
it down!”
Hotels of
the Jazz Age
For the ’20s, all the hotspot cities in America created grand hotels,
too grand, that tried to invoke Europe in Florida, New York, and
California. These are commemorated in Grand
Hotels of the Jazz Age. Nobody built more of these than
Schultze & Weaver, a socially connected New York architecture firm
that put up the Waldorf-Astoria, the Sherry-Netherland, The Pierre, The
Breakers, the Los Angeles Biltmore, the Park Lane, etc.
Moreover, the
Wolfsonian in Miami has assembled a collection of the firm’s work,
an interesting addition to that institution’s focus on the gilded life
and decorative arts. The public rooms SW created did carry one
off to other lands and other eras, an escapism entirely missing from
today’s more anonymous convention hotels. (5/10/06)
Painfully, the
U.S. Army is learning something about guerilla warfare. Emerging
from Vietnam, it blamed our losses there on politicians who did not
allow it free rein to bring its full firepower to bear on the North
Vietnamese. But its braver theorists have since realized that it
only knew how to fight conventional wars, when anti-guerilla tactics
were called for, both in Vietnam and in Iraq. See “As Iraq War
Rages, Army Re-Examines Lessons of Vietnam,” The Wall Street Journal,
March 20, 2006, pp. A1 and A13. Now it learned what the British
achieved during their victory over the Communists in Malaysia: massive,
conventional forces cannot win. Their strikes alienate the
citizenry who have to be won over and who have to lead the fight
against guerillas—if the war is to be won. And, guerilla forces
eventually wear out the resources and willpower of a conventional
enemy, given enough time.
The Army and Vietnam by Andrew Krepinevich and
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife by John Nagl, both authors
being Army officers, are slowly changing Army doctrine, equipping it to
deal with the wars of attrition where the enemy melts into the
crowd. (4/19/06)
Déjà Vu
Now we learn that Columbus did not discover
America. We are continuously learning that all the things we
invented in the Western World were done in China first. Our man
in Hong Kong, Andrew Tanzer, reviews a fascinating and controversial
book that claims that the Chinese uncovered the New World well before
Western European explorers thought they were charting a new passage to
Asia, going West to go East. At any rate, it's a good read:
Menzies’ quest began when he stumbled upon some startling 15th-century
maps and charts, cartography that he argues conclusively demonstrates
that some mariners discovered and mapped the Americas, Australia,
Greenland and Antarctica long before the great European explorers
arrived. His answer: “There was only one nation at that time with
the material resources, the scientific knowledge, the ships and the
seafaring experience to mount such an epic voyage of discovery.
That nation was China.” So writes the retired British submarine
commander and amateur historian in 1421: The Year China
Discovered America, William Morrow, 2003 (tellingly entitled 1421:
The Year China Discovered the World in the UK edition).
spent 14 years and visited 900 museums around the world in conducting
research. His yarn goes like this: from 1421-23 China conducted
global voyages of exploration under the command of the famed Admiral
Zheng He, Grand Eunuch in the Court of early-Ming Emperor Zhu Di.
Menzies maintains that the Chinese explored and discovered the Americas
70 years before Columbus; rounded the Cape of Good Hope over 60 years
earlier than Dias and da Gama; circumnavigated the globe a century
prior to Magellan’s vessel (Magellan himself was butchered by the
natives on the Philippine island of Cebu); and explored Australia three
centuries before Captain Cook. Then, in a fit of xenophobia in
the mid-15th century, the Chinese court burned all records of these
historic expeditions. Menzies says the legendary European
“explorers” all carried maps recreated from Chinese cartography.
Menzies sticks to facts the book is fascinating. The first
purpose of Zheng He’s armada was to return tribute-bearing envoys to
their homes in Southeast Asia, India and East Africa. These had
visited Beijing for the 1421 inauguration of the exquisite Forbidden
City, built by five million laborers at a time when Europe was crude
and rather barbaric. Zheng He could call on treasure ships that
were 480 feet long, 180 feet wide, each with the capacity to transport
2,000 tons of cargo (Europe’s best of that era were Venetian galleys:
150 feet long, 20 feet wide, a cargo capacity of 50 tons). Beside
superior naval architecture and the invention of the magnetic compass,
Chinese sailors were able to calculate longitude centuries before
Europeans; they measured latitude more accurately, possessed superior
astro-navigation skills and water-desalinization
technology. The Chinese seafarers even ate and slept
better: soybeans were grown on ships to prevent scurvy; otters were
trained to catch fish; well-qualified concubines were on board for
every pleasure.
sees Chinese fingerprints wherever he goes: shipwrecks, artifacts,
mysterious stone structures, DNA and linguistic legacies. He
points to evidence such as the early appearance of Asiatic chickens and
pigs in Latin America, the introduction of rice to the Americas and the
movement of corn from South America to China.
The trouble
with the book is that it reads like a novel. Most of the evidence
is circumstantial; many of the conclusions are highly
speculative. Menzies’ approach reminds one of a journalist who
writes his story before commencing reporting. Yet the book does
serve the useful purpose of reminding Westerners of the glory of
China’s ancient culture, the tradition of innovation in science and
technology—and points to the vast potential of the ingenious Chinese
Water: The Universal Solvent
John Augustus Roebling, wire rope manufacturer of Trenton, New Jersey
and famous builder of suspension bridges, is surely best known for
bringing us the Brooklyn Bridge. But few know just how intimately
his life revolved around water:
“John Roebling
was a believer in hydropathy, the therapeutic use of water. Come
headaches, constipation, the ague, he would sit in a scalding-hot tub
for hours at a time, then jump out and wrap up in ice-cold,
slopping-wet bed sheets and stay that way for another hour or
two. He took Turkish baths, mineral baths. He drank vile
concoctions of raw egg, charcoal, warm water, and turpentine, and there
were dozens of people along Canal Street who had seen him come striding
through his front gate, cross the canal bridge, and drink water
‘copiously’—gallons it seemed—from the old fountain beside the state
prison. (‘This water I relish much…’ he would write in a
notebook.) ‘A wet bandage around the neck every night, for years,
will prevent colds…’ he preached to his family. ‘A full cold bath
every day is indispensable….’” (See David McCullough, The Great Bridge,
pp. 38-39).
What is Destiny?
We have said that the goal of executive education is to teach future
leaders that they and those that they inspire have a Rendezvous with
But what is destiny? It’s
a culmination beyond the ordinary and the pedestrian. The very
concept of destiny argues that there is a god or gods, because it is an
outcome and magic event ordained somewhere in the heavens.
Destiny is the handiwork of the gods.
Several of the more
fundamentalist religious sects around the world would say that Western
societies have trivialized life, falling totally under the domination
of the passions of man, avoiding the dominion of the gods. If
this is true, it presents a monumental problem for countries that are
overwhelmingly secular. Is he who is not pointed at metaphysical
truths a slave to mediocrity? Probably there is no rendezvous
with destiny for those whose feet are stuck in mortal clay. Is
this why the postwar generation of leaders in politics and business has
never quite achieved greatness?
We are not saying, of course,
that conventional religion lies at the heart of greatness. Rather
we would assert that people of destiny sense that most awesome events
in the universe only regard mankind as a footnote. John Roebling,
tireless worker and creator of the Brooklyn Bridge, only allowed
himself one diversion--the study of the philosopher Hegel, who had been
a mentor in his youth. We would venture to say that his
appreciation of Hegel’s dialectic equipped him to tackle monumental
projects about which the rest of us can only dream. Hegel,
incidentally, had encouraged him to come to America. Some of this
unfolds in the historian David McCullough’s best work, The Great Bridge,
which depicts the breadth of Roebling’s undertaking. It remade
New York City, just as Tip O’Neill’s Big Dig (www.bigdig.com)
is redoing Boston.
Curiously enough, Tony Blair of
Great Britain and Juichiro Koizumi of Japan, who have shifted
government away from faction towards some of the broader concerns of
their societies, may have reclaimed that higher ground where destiny
can come out of hiding. Ironically enough, they were perceived as
standard political hacks by the pundits when they first came on the
scene, all proving we never know who will be destiny’s children.
Our acquaintance Eugene Schlanger has forwarded us a few
comments on Richard Brookhiser's new book about which he is quite
passionate. We don't know a lot about Brookhiser or Morris, for
that matter, but we approve of Gentleman Revolutionaries in any form,
especially if they show some dash and love of woman. After all,
one of our favorite movies is one version or another of The
Scarlet Pimpernel. The thing that amazes us about Morris,
Franklin, Jefferson, and other Revolutionary figures is that they were
effective on so many fronts and had such a range of interests.
Morris lends truth to the adage, "If you want to get something done,
give the task to an impossibly busy man."
We need a few of them to
trample on the specialists of our age.
Here is Schlanger's comment:
The size of certain books
belies their complexity. Richard Brookhiser, in his latest slim
history of the American revolutionaries, Gentleman
Revolutionary: Gouverneur Morris, the Rake Who Wrote the
Constitution (Free Press 2003), continues his chronicle of the
heroes of the colonial and Federal periods. Demonstrating a
breadth of historical and associative learning that one would expect of
a senior editor at the National Review and a New York
Observer columnist, Brookhiser employs the same analytical
technique he first perfected in his history of the elusive George
Washington. However, unlike Brookhiser’s previous
subjects—Washington, Hamilton and the Adamses (John through
Henry)—Morris is virtually unknown. Who was this gentleman and
revolutionary, and what does the flourish “rake” convey?
The answer
comes quickly and in abundance: Morris was wealthy, worldly, a
lover of many women (including the wives and lovers of others, such as
Talleyrand), a linguist, a diplomat, and a successful landowner (of
much of the Bronx). As a businessman, Morris stabilized the
finances of the new nation and later recognized the limitless potential
of the Erie Canal for the growing nation and his home state and city of
New York. Most impressively, it was his editorial pen that
polished the preamble to the Constitution: “We the
People....” Morris drew the street grid that would become midtown
Manhattan and contribute to the city’s commercial success. He
witnessed the American and French Revolutions and the Terror and then
watched the first transition of our government from one political party
to another in 1800. Although some of his ideas appear silly, or
offensive, to contemporary eyes, Morris never lacked courage and
courtesy. If the character of a nation is the sum of its
citizens’ traits, some of our national success and strength must be
attributed to this resolute and fair-minded man. In a time of
corporate disgrace, Richard Brookhiser reaffirms our historical good
fortune. One hopes Mr. Brookhiser continues to fill a library
shelf with these early American lives. One is hard-pressed to
find a better writer sensitive to our needs and to the role of an
Continental Enterprise
Stephen Ambrose is a wonderful yarn teller and he does a
good job of stretching the railroad across the country. “Next to
winning the Civil War and abolishing slavery, building the first
transcontinental railroad from Omaha, Nebraska, to Sacramento,
California , was the greatest achievement of the American people in the
nineteenth century.” So read his Nothing Like It in
the World: The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad
1863-1869. We also [always?] have one or more of his
books going in our household. The truth is—whether he is writing
about railroads barons, Lewis and Clark, or American fighting men in
World War II—his subject is always the same: the sheer endurance
of men in unending struggle to get the job done. In this book you
feel you have done some of the work on every mile. Ambrose has
been a wonderfully successful historian, exciting the jealousy of
fellow historians, a few of whom have caught him up in a little
plagiarism which he has acknowledged and apologized for. Since he
is better at the struggle and process than telling of results or coming
to an end, his books don’t rise to profundity: he is, we repeat,
a proud yarn teller.
That said, we probably would
have liked another book that told us more about Lincoln’s involvement
with the railroad (somehow we had never known much about this) and some
wide-angle thinking about the meaning of the railroad and the Civil War
for the economy. It’s fair to say that the two put together set
the U.S. on the path to becoming the world’s largest economy. The
war, the railroad, and their interaction equipped a generation of
leaders to deal with truly large-scale national enterprise, the like of
which had not been seen before. Ambrose’s book is wonderful, but
it does not equip us to capture the total achievement it represents.
Big and Agile
Our fate in
enterprise is to sacrifice both quality and speed as we strive for
scale and low cost. The incredible thing about America’s creation
of the transcontinental railroad is that it captured, almost for the
first time, gigantic scale mixed with get-it-done agility. This
is well chronicled in Stephen Ambrose’s Nothing Like It in
the World, which shows how a nation spliced its continent
together with swashbuckling finance, daring engineering, singularity of
purpose, imported labor, and President Lincoln’s support.
Lincoln, in fact, backed and more or less headed the two great
enterprises of the third quarter of the nineteenth century—the Civil
War and the Pacific Railroad. They made the nation, for sure, one
nation, and they together created the basis for its vast industrial
strength which was the capacity to direct large enterprise.
Quoting the great Western historian Hubert Howe Bancroft, Ambrose
captures the global meaning of all this: it was “the most
stupendous work that men had ever conceived, and one of the most
far-reaching in its results” (p. 248). Ambrose would have penned
an even stronger book if he had simultaneously discussed the war
enterprise and how the two together remade America and the
world. Nonetheless, he clearly understands the contribution that
generals and soldiers alike made directly and indirectly to the
railroad. Simultaneously, we had a war that knitted together
North and South, and a railroad that bridged East and West.
Remember, too, the part railroads played in the Wars of unification
that created one Germany circa 1870.
Book About the History of Salt
single-minded histories appear to have captivated the publishing world.
In just the last year we’ve run across Tobacco ,
The Stone of Heaven: Unearthing the Secret History of Imperial
Green Jade, and,
most notably, Salt: A World History
(New York: Walker and Company, 2002). Mark Kurlansky, who
won the James Beard Award for Excellence in Food Writing for Cod: A
Biography of the Fish that Changed the World, demonstrates
convincingly that the quest for salt has shaped the political, military
and cultural history of the world from the time of the ancient
Egyptians to the present day. Without salt to preserve fish, for
instance, the Age of Exploration might never have happened—nor the
discovery of America. The defeat of the South in our own Civil War was
surely hastened by the Union army’s relentless destruction of salt
works. In France, the hated gabelle, or tax on salt,
became a symbol of royal injustice and contributed to the Revolution of
The great
strength of Salt—intensely focused, well-documented research—is
also its flaw. The average reader could easily be overwhelmed by the
torrent of facts gushing from every page of the book. And yet,
every time we thought we might just give up and take Kurlansky’s word
for it, he trots out a tantalizing new bit of information.
We didn’t know, for instance, that the ancient Chinese
discovered natural gas when they drilled the first brine wells in
Sichuan province in 252 B.C., using elaborately engineered drilling
equipment made of hollow bamboo tubes. Or that Avery Island
in Louisiana, where the McIlhenny family still makes Tabasco sauce, is
in reality a giant salt dome where a mine produces 19 tons of salt per
minute. Or that a 1305 English recipe used one pound of salt as a
preservative for every 10 pounds of butter. Or (shades of
The X-Files) that a salt mine is being prepared in Carlsbad, New
Mexico for storage of plutonium-contaminated nuclear waste that will
remain toxic for the next 240,000 years. (Salt will supposedly seal and
close any fractures in the mine.) You get the picture: You
will never think of salt in a purely culinary fashion again.
History of Salt in India
The Great Hedge of
India (New York:
Carroll and Graf Publishers, 2001) could only have been written by an
eccentric Englishman. Roy Moxham, a former tea planter and
gallery owner, now book conservator and author, fits the bill. In
1995 he was browsing in a Charing Cross Road bookshop when he stumbled
upon the memoirs of a nineteenth century British civil servant, Major
General Sir W. H. Sleeman KCB. In a footnote the Major mentioned
a 2,300-mile long hedge planted by the East India Company as part of a
Customs line stretching across India. The thorny, 40-foot wide
barrier was guarded by 12,000 inspectors whose job it was to collect
the British tax on salt.
Of course Moxham had to go
to India to find this long-vanished hedge—and he had to keep going
back, armed mainly with copies of old maps he acquired from the India
Office Library and the Royal Geographic Society, and later with a
global positioning satellite navigator which he didn’t completely know
how to operate. He cajoled Indian friends into accompanying
him into crocodile- and bandit-infested territory, where they skirted
the occasional armed military conflict and talked with elderly
villagers who vaguely remembered the hedge. Sandwiched in between
episodes of his quixotic journey is a well-researched history of the
infamous British salt tax and the horrors that were inflicted upon the
Indian people in its name. No wonder that Ghandi first confronted
the British in 1930 over the issue of this tax, which had caused
hundreds of thousands of Indians to die of salt starvation. Like
so many other relics of the colonial era, its legacy unfortunately
lives on.
Beautiful Jade Is Jaded
A new history of jade,
The Stone of Heaven: Unearthing the Secret History of Imperial
Green Jade, reveals the underside of the jade trade and man's
fascination with this beautiful stone in Imperial China and into the
present day. The authors begin "with the 18th-century Chinese
emperor Qialong, who was so besotted with jade that he wrote more than
800 (apparently insipid) verses about the stone, many of them carved
upon pieces in his collection" (New York Times Sunday Book Review,
March 24, 2002). Sort of reminds you of the "Diamonds are
forever" advertisements spun out by the South Africans.
Chinese Discovered America?
John Noble Wilford in the New York Times this
week (March 17, 2002, p. 14YNE) offers up a Brit's theory that the
Chinese may have discovered the New World before Columbus. Gavin
Menzies, retired Royal Navy submarine commander and navigation expert
has put together a somewhat convincing assemblage of maps and
conjecture to suggest that Zeng He may have gotten here first.
Menzies has tried to reconstruct Zeng He's long voyage from March 1421
to October 1423 as admiral of a huge fleet. Naturally the
doubters are many, even though Menzies has been given a most respectful
hearing in Great Britain. Wilford, incidentally, is a long-time
science writer at the Times as well as author of a history of
High Song and the Barbarian
In his study,
A New History, John King Fairbank writes that "A curious
anomaly haunts the three centuries of the Song in China. On the
one hand it was a great creative age that put China ahead of the rest
of the world.... On the other hand, during just this time of
Chinese efflorescence, tribal invaders from inner Asia gradually got
military and state control over the Chinese state and public" (p. 88).
Is, may we ask, China ready for its new Song dynasty, and is
re-engagement with all the globe through WTO a necessary catalyst?
The Ace Of Spies
A good, easy read for insomniacs is Reilly:
Ace of Spies by Robin Bruce Lockhart. Reilly, it suggests, was
a swashbuckler, scoundrel, chameleon, big idea man, super charmer, and
a man from many nations who was simply the best spy of all time. He
saved the Persian oil fields for the British -- leading to today's BP
-- sent photographs of the plans of Germany's warships to British
pre-World War I intelligence, loved a million women, and made and lost
a few fortunes. He had a devil of a run in the first quarter of the
20th century. For those of you who don't like to read, Reilly's
adventures were acted out by Sam Neill for Thames Films, in a widely
available series. Reilly, anyway, got the scoop and moved mountains.
Essence of Democracy
What a contradiction! Again and again, spies have saved democracy. For
sure we don't breed the best war strategists and tacticians the
autocrats and dictators nurture people better at war games. Usually,
however, we create great supply lines and can prevail with a little
luck and a lot of dope gleaned from reading our enemy's mail. In World
War II, our penetration of both German and Japanese codes helped us at
Midway, Normandy, and several other places. Most recently, Joseph E.
Persico's Roosevelt's
Secret War FDR and World War II Espionage confirms this view.
Once again, we must live with the uncomfortable truth that we need men
in the closet to guard the openness of democracy.
We learn that Elizabeth Anne Fenn, accomplished
car mechanic at Clayton's Cross Creek BP and Service Center in Durham,
North Carolina has a secret life. Closeted alone, she has
authored the forthcoming Pox
Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82 and
-- worse yet -- has gone into full-time teaching at George
Washington University. Where is her sense of vocation? See
"She Can Fix Your Engine, Too," The New York Times, September
8, 2001, pp. A15-17.
John Adams
"They talk very loudly, very fast, and
altogether." "If they ask a question, before you can utter three
words of your answer, they will break out upon you again--and talk
away." Observed by John Adams in David McCullough's John
Adams, p. 25.
The Great Hedge
This is another instance where history has become invisible. Read
Hedge of India to learn about the pernicious tax policy of the
colonial British in India, which lasted two centuries, until Ghandi's
protests secured repeal in 1947. This was a burdensome salt tax,
exploitive of India's huge poor population, and which was enforced by a
great hedge and fortresses across India, as significant as the Berlin
Wall in its own way. The only salt tax that was as devastating
was imposed by the French Crown on its own population. Apparently this
is another British-French distinction the British squeeze others, while
the French apparently are a bit more masochistic.
What a horse! His saga is more than ably recounted in a
bestseller, Seabiscuit:
The True Story of How Three Men and a Great Racehorse Captivated the
World. Laura Hillenbrand, Kenyon graduate and writer for
Equus magazine, spins a devil of a yarn; she's even
great when she strays off course, which she tends to do. She has
a website, apparently--www.seabiscuitonline.com--and
she is helping Universal make a movie of the book. Now when was
the last time a bestseller was actually worth reading?
Seabiscuit was an Eastern
horse that Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons, a top trainer, let get away, much to
his regret. In the hands of owner Charles Howard, a Western car
magnate, Tom Smith, one fine trainer, and jockeys Red Pollard and
George Woolf, he became the bestus horse of the 30s, maybe the best
horse ever.
At Pimlico, in 1938,
Seabiscuit finally beat War Admiral, then thought to be the best horse
going. This may have been the contest of all time. All of
America, including Franklin Roosevelt, were at their radios focused on
the most important event in the nation. Great sports writer
Grantland Rice wrote of the tension: all the spectators were "too full
of tension, the type of tension that locks the human throat."
Woolf the jockey, as he pulled away from jockey Charles Woolf, aboard
War Admiral, said, "So long, Charley" now a famous line.
Here it was, for sure, that
the West finally subdued the Eastern establishment, much before Barry
Goldwater and Ronald Reagan took over the Republican Party. The
East petered out, and the West began.
But it was in 1940 that
Seabiscuit actually became a hero. So lame that he had been put
out to pasture, never to return according to the vetenarians (horse
doctors aren't much better than human doctors), he recovered to triumph
at the Santa Anita Handicap, getting the big victory that had always
alluded him. Half-crippled Red Pollard, the jockey always closest
to him, was aboard for the win.
Josiah Royce
The American philosopher Royce had it right. In looking at gold
rush California, he shows how self-interest propels people into
community. And then how a sense of community makes a number of
good things happen. See his California
from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San
Francisco (1856). Collective self-interest eventually
gives birth to global altruism, a tendency we now have to graft onto
the free-market economics now sweeping the world.
"See the U.S.A. in a ... Hyundai?"
This chart headline appears in Jerry Flint's column in Forbe's
magazine, June 11, 2001, p. 84. In April, the American car
industry surrendered to foreign brands, only accounting for 49.4% of
U.S. sales. In twenty-five years, it seems, we have given up 30%
of the marketplace. What was the name of Churchill's book--While
England Slept? Flint can call his "While America Snored."
Meeting of East and West
In 2001, it is Shanghai that is fast becoming the
capital of all of Asia. This is not to say that the philosophical
story--the intermingling of ideas--that is foreshadowed in F.S.C.
Northrop's Meeting
of East and West is not just as important. But, like most
people on this side of the Pacific, we take on issues piecemeal, never
quite managing to capture the whole picture.
Best Flack Job 2001
don't know who did the publicity work, but they deserve high
honors. Seabiscuit:
An American Legend, by Lauren Hillenbrand has gotten every
review that matters, including high marks from Michiko Kakutani, surely
one of the better critics at the Times.
Of course, Seabiscuit was one of the most successful race horses in
history and got more coverage in his racing days than several world
figures of the late 1930s. We promise to take a look at the book
(see entry 12 above)and will be waiting for a
remake of the Seabiscuit story without Shirley Temple.
by the Book
Jonathan Spence's book is about a scholarly revolt
against the Manchu dynasty. Perhaps inherently this historian
and storyteller is telling us that revolt in China often comes from
unlikely sources. He may also be telling us that China is always
about dynasties--even today, although the Beijing court tries to drape
itself in Communist clothing.
Piano Island
When The New York Times is at its best it brings
us offbeat cultural stories from around the country and across the
globe that enlighten us in ways that its ordinary political and
economic coverage never does. Such was the case with “The Piano
Triumphant (With No Bourgeois Taint),” a Friday story that appeared on
September 26, 2003.
Apparently the Yins, a wealthy
banking family, arrived in Gulangyu in the 1920s, a one-mile square
island that already housed a dozen foreign consulates, all an outgrowth
of foreign dominance in China. With European style architecture,
it was a wonderful retreat for the well to do. Many residents
were Christians, and this led to a plentitude of churches, each with a
piano, that were soon bursting with music. This led to a string
of musical Yins, to include a baritone who settled in Los Angeles in
the 1980s, Yin Chengdian, a music teacher who founded the Xiamen Music
School in the early 1990s, and Yin Chengzong, a terribly talented
pianist, born here in 1941.
Of course, the Cultural
Revolution (1966-1976) was devastating for him and the island.
But in 1967, he smartly brought his piano to Tiananmen Square and
played revolutionary odes to Mao. Richard Kraus at the University
of Oregon, author of
Pianos and Politics in China, calls him a hero who saved the
piano from destruction in those atavistic years. By this and
other means, Yin separated himself and the piano from Western culture,
saving, if you like, remnants of musical tradition in China.
Later he wrote “Yellow River Concerto,” that became part and parcel of
official Maoist China.
Finally he left
for Manhattan, where he lives now, since his ties to Mao and company
made him somewhat persona non grata after the death of the
dictator. Currently he is engaged in a concert tour of China as
part of an effort to restore the island, which has decayed and lost
much of its population. Up to 200 buildings are to be
refurbished. The government has also opened a piano museum, all
part of an effort to make it more tourist- friendly. We notice
that Fujian Province is just across from Taiwan: Is it not
possible that well-heeled Taiwanese may beat a path here as relations
continue to build between Taiwan and the mainland? At least in
the Yin’s one square mile, China is about something more than
relentless production, as it celebrates its ties to classical music.
Best History Books
for Children
forces of political correctness, along with the dumbing down of
education in America, have contrived to make history (a.k.a. social
studies) one of the least appealing subjects for elementary and
middle-school children. Parents can counter the eye-glazing,
yawn-making textbooks that most schools use by introducing their
youngsters to the very funny, wildly irreverent Horrible Histories
by British author Terry Deary. The twenty or so books--from The
Groovy Greeks to The Blitzed Brits--are jampacked
with the kind of grisly details, obnoxious cartoons and
strange-but-true facts that other history books for kids leave
out. In the publisher's words, "this is history with all the
nasty bits left in."
The series
(which has sold 2.5 million copies in the UK) has turned one
12-year-old we know into a late-night reader who regularly promises
(and fails) to turn his light out in "just a few more minutes."
He says, "Terry Deary proves to you that there were a lot of grim and
gruesome things that went on, and he tells you all about them."
Dates and major events are clearly presented, but you also learn, in The
Frightful First World War, that troublesome German recruits were
made "to scrub out the corporals' room with a toothbrush" and that the
way to survive a poison gas attack was to breath through urine-soaked
handkerchief. Lots of fun quizzes and silly cartoons by
illustrator Martin Brown round out the offerings in each book. A
few Horrible Histories can be found at Amazon.com
and at www.amazon.co.uk; the
best selection can be found at bookstores in the UK, including those at
Heathrow. For more on Terry Deary and Martin Brown, click here.
Wedding of the Waters
Readers who want to dig away at fundamental economic
causes should take a look at Peter Bernstein’s new book on the
Erie Canal, probably the seminal event in American nineteenth-century
economic history. It is called Wedding of the
Waters: The Erie Canal and the Making of a Great Nation.
The Closing of the American Frontier
Fortunately, we will change our ways
whether we like it or not. In his severely influential study, The
Frontier in American History, Frederick Jackson Turner talked
of the closing of the American frontier and, in effect, said our big
changes were behind us. But Americans on the move are still creating
new frontiers. The population continues to move South and West--and now
away from the Coasts--where it will create a different kind of Republic
not influenced by the fuzzy thinking of New York Times
editorial writers or the sages in Cambridge. And new emigrants from
literally everywhere are flocking to the U.S., creating a potent
diversity beyond the imaginings of ideologues on the Left and the
Right. All our migrants--from inside and outside the U.S. as revealed
by the latest census findings--promise to rekindle thrift, common
sense, and a larger sense of community all about their chosen provinces
in these United States.
Gold, Porcelain, Espionage, Land, Power,
and Women
Consultant Robert Keefer writes to share his fascination with Janet
Gleeson’s The
Arcanum, the much-lauded story of the invention of European
porcelain, the founding of Meissen Porcelain outside Dresden, and the
eventual ascendancy of European porcelain over Chinese offerings.
While not discovering gold, the alchemist Johann Frederick Bottger came
up with porcelain instead, hoping to square things with the very
demanding Augustus II of Saxony. One reviewer particularly
recommends the description of banquets, citing “the 2,200-piece dinner
services” and “porcelain finery, including an eight-foot-high model of
the Piazza Navona with running rosewater.”
Poetry Wins the War
While Alan Turing cracked German spy codes for the
British, Leo Marks invented codes that foiled Hitler's minions.
You can read about this in his new book, Between
Silk and Cyanide: A Codemaker's War, 1941-1945 (Free Press,
1999). His basic code system used poetry, with each agent
choosing his words from a poem. As he says in his book, "I hadn't
thought that writing poetry would be my contribution to Hitler's
downfall." See The New York Times, A13, July 17, 1999,
"Writing Codes, Movies, and a Book."
Affair of State: The Investigation, Impeachment, and Trial of President
Clinton, by Richard A. Posner (Harvard University Press,
1999), stings several hardened law school professors whose 1998 letter
urged Congress not to impeach President Clinton. "An unkind critic
might describe the signing by intellectuals of petitions, open letters,
and full-page ads as a form of herd behavior (the 'herd of independent
minds') by the animal that likes to see its name in print." My
one-time classmate Posner does a wonderful job of dispatching just
about everybody who touched Monicagate. If nitpicking, we might
ask him whoever thought law school professors were intellectuals.
In fact, we hope his next book will tell us how the law community is
diminishing and becoming our national polity.
Eating Crow
As head of the USIA, Henry Catto went hat in hand to get an additional
appropriation from a suspicious Iowan congressman. Sitting down,
he pulled a knife and fork out of his pocket and laid them down between
him and Representative Neil Smith. "Sir," he said, "I am here to
eat crow." (See pp. 310-11, Henry E. Catto, Jr., Ambassadors
at Sea (University of Texas Press, 1998)). As ambassador
to El Salvador, the OAS and Great Britain--in addition to several other
roles--Henry Catto had to eat crow more than once. But, as this
among other books demonstrates, he did it with grace and wit.
Moreover, we learn that he was an able and loyal public servant,
particularly in the Reagan and Bush administrations. We glean
from these memoirs that he was close enough to several leaders to
illuminate their virtues and considerable foibles.
John Kaaga - American Philosophy: A Love Story (11-30-16)
Christopher Hitchens - Mortality - 2014 (08-13-14)
John Gardner - Excellence: Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too? - 1961 (08-13-14)
Eric Kandel - Age of Insight - 2012 (06-18-14)
Sigmund Freud - An Autobiographical Study (06-18-14)
The Joy of Pain: Schadenfreude and the Dark Side of Human Nature. Richard Smith. 2013. (01-01-14)
Fire in the Ashes, Theodore White
The Making of the President, Theodore White
The Problem of the Soul, Owen Flanagan
America the Philosophical, Carlin Romano
Philosopher's Holiday, Irwin Edman
A Nation of Wusses, Ed Rendell
The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas - Gustave Flaubert
Small Memories - Jose Saramago - 2011
Living Well Is the Best Revenge - Calvin Tomkins - 1998
Who could not want to know the subject of Living Well is the Best Revenge? He and his wife Sara were great friends of Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, the Cole Porters, and Ernest Hemingway in Paris of the 1920s. (6-22-11)
Keith Richards – Life – 2010
“For many years, I slept, on average, twice a week. This means that I have been conscious for at least three lifetimes.” -- Keith Richards (12-15-10)
Charles P. Kindleberger - Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises - 2005 (09-15-10)
Richard McGregor –The Party – 2010
None can hold a candle to the Chinese Communist Party, which takes ruling-class networking to an entirely new level. The red machine gives the party apparatus a hotline into multiple arms of the state, including the government-owned companies that China promotes around the world these days as independent commercial entities.” The WSJ article is an escerpt from McGregor’s book The Party. (07-14-10)
Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect with Others ~ Marco Iacoboni - 2008 (04-07-10)
Harry Hurt – Hurt Yourself – September 2008 (02-10-10)
Mark Lamster - Master of Shadows: The Secret Diplomatic Career of the Painter Peter Paul Rubens – 2009 (10-14-09)
Tales Of Music and the Brain --
Oliver Sachs -- 2008 (04-15-09)
German Idea of Freedom -- Leonard Krieger – 1973 (04-15-09)
Losing Season– Pat Conroy – 2002 (04-15-09)
A History -2008 - Lennard J Davis (04-01-09)
White Tiger - Aravind Adiga (03-18-09)
Wisdom of Crowds - 2005 - James Surowiecki (03-04-09)
CLR James
We had never heard of CLR James until
Cedric the Englishman brought him up in connection with cricket.
James was a Marxist theorist from the West Indies whose fame
outside revolutionary circles arises from
Beyond a Boundary, his book on cricket, a game perhaps even
more fascinating internationally than soccer. He traces its
impact on the development of a united West Indian liberation
consciousness, as these islands sought to separate themselves from the
British. In time Frank Worrell became the first black cricketer
to captain the islands, an honor that had been denied to previous great
black players, the whites always having headed up the Windies
team. James gave us the famous expression: “What do they know of
cricket who only cricket know?”
Surely that’s the best and briefest
commentary on specialists anywhere. To know one thing, no matter
how well, is not to know very much. The educated individual
capable of playing on global playing fields does not just master a
bunch of skills, or accumulate 1,000,000 bits of information. Of
course, he needs all that, but he must be more than the sum of his
parts. He needs a consciousness that is much broader than the
playing field, region, nation, or ideology in which he finds himself,
so that he does not become its slave.
General Batiste’s Aggressive Retreat
“On June 19, the day before the change-of command ceremony,
he filled out a retirement form on his computer and faxed it to his
four-star commander in Germany…. The next day, Gen. Batiste,
speaking at the ceremony, began his protest…” See “The Two-Star
Rebel,” Wall Street Journal, May 13-14, 2006, pp. A1-A5, where
you can read a long and arresting account of how John Batiste, a
general on the way to the top, turned down his next star and the 2d
most important Army post in Iraq, to follow his conscience.
Unlike other protesting generals who have howled about Donald
Rumsfeld’s misdeeds from the comfort of their easy chairs in
retirement, this soldier gave up the career chase because he could no
longer bear Rummy’s gross mismanagement of the war. Again and
again, men and women of superior talent and keen intelligence are
facing the same dilemma—how does one act with honor and conviction when
caught up in a world that’s lost its head.
The Bard William Shakespeake touched on this
very question in several of his later works, but in none more tellingly
Troilus and Cressida. There, at Troy, we slither through
a war where nobody—Hector, Ajax, Achilles, Troilus, Cressida—emerges
heroic, and to quote a famous line, “all the argument is a whore and a
cuckold.” All become but buffoons, and the times make a mockery
of love, honor, and loyalty.
Celebrating the Fourth
We haul out the usual array of delights for the Fourth—corn
on the cob and hot dogs, a dip in a cool stream, a timid patch of
fireworks, and remembered moments of the Tall Ships on the Hudson, the
Statute of Liberty, and the Empire State Building festooned with bright
lights during the Bicentennial back in 1976. Our reading goes to
tawdry biographies and witty novels, well removed from the periodicals
and media fare that chops up our daily life.
Of course, we slipped in some oddities, such
as Lavender-Skewered Shrimp in Lemon,
Olive, Oil and Garlic, given our new very consuming interest in all
that the spices of the world have to offer us. And to inoculate
ourselves against
Patriotic Gore, we poured over history to find a drink that
would bring our spirits up to the occasion.
The Peter Principle
Written in 1969,
The Peter Principle was a humorous business treatise that led
to a British sitcom of the same name. In it Dr. Lawrence J. Peter
claimed that “In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level
of Incompetence.” But no matter how humorous, Peter was in deadly
earnest. Sadly he has been vindicated by time. Hapless
incompetents have seized every throne.
Deeply Superficial
Ava Garner is best known for one cunning witticism: “Deep
down, I’m pretty superficial.” She actually cracked quite a few,
but we will get to that. Ava’s on our screen at the moment
because a dreadful biography,
Ava Gardner: Love Is Nothing, from a movie groupie named Lee
Server, has lurched into the world in 2006, just in time for summer
reading. Five hundred and fifty one pages and counting, reviewed
favorably in every place imaginable, it’s one of those baloney-packed
affairs that you don’t have to pay too much attention to, good for
those 100-degree days when you don’t want your brain to be
Ava hailed from Grabtown
in Johnson County, North Carolina, just miles from
Smithfield, where her remains are buried. She’s the most
important thing that ever happened to either town or the county, so a museum has been put there to
secure her memory. Her chance visit to New York led to a career
at MGM, largely in second-rate movies, but with a life spread across a
wide canvas from Spain to Latin America and London in the company of
larger than life figures such as John Huston and Robert Graves, and
pint-size husbands Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra. We have
always been startled by the acclaim she arouses, though certainly she
had more allure than a mostly sexless sex symbol of her times, Marilyn
Monroe. What we did not realize ‘til now was that Ava had a fast,
incisive tongue—drunk or sober.
She provides interesting counterpoint to
another summer read, Muriel Spark’s
Curriculum Vitae, an autobiography that carries Spark through
her first novel,
The Comforters in 1957. Spark passed away in Italy in
April 2006, which event invites a reprise on her life. She, too,
has a connection with the movies,
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, her best known novel, having
been made over into a flick, starring the ever gifted Maggie
They both hailed from the
provinces—Edinburgh for Spark and central North Carolina in Gardner’s
case. Spark was the intellectual, lecturing now and again at more
than one academic venue, twirling a strand of hair as she thought her
way through her talk. Curiously, Gardner was more intellectually
honest, cutting right to the point, able in an instant, for example, to
find her own self superficial, never hiding behind artifice.
Spark talks about setting the record
straight, dueling with those who got the facts wrong about this or
that, at odds with husbands, lovers, and others. In her
autobiography, she is busy telling you how others got her wrong, and
how she got it right. Her daily regime rather bitter; all her
life was in her art. One knows she was an immense talent, but
suspects she had an unpleasant persona. The swashbuckling Gardner
really didn’t give a damn, partying, drinking, and lusting her way
through life. She put all her art into life, and will not be long
remembered as an actress.
Web of Government
A fertile concept in America, from our earliest days, is benign neglect.
The British were at their best when they did not pay too much attention
to the Navigation Laws and other instruments they used to regulate the
colonies: closer attention to their possessions lost them North
America. The late Daniel Moynihan touched on a bevy of
urban problems that government has only made worse, and which begin to
resolve themselves if left untouched. He counseled benign
neglect. Over-meddling by both the Feds and the states in
education seemed to have helped America get dumber, as well as
exhausting our teachers and students. One classic commentary to
government gone excessive is R. M. MacIver’s
The Web of Government.
Public Health
The public health establishment
has gone into severe decline worldwide, not just in the United
States. The old Soviet Union, incidentally, promulgated some
worthy health measures: now Russia stumbles along. A decent
public health system in these United States would do more to buck up
our health and button down our health bill than anything else on the
drawing boards. But right now, at every level of government,
public health is but a lost treasure, a dream gone. If you want
to read about this deterioration, you can find Laurie Garrett’s Betrayal
of Trust: The Decline of Global Public Health in our Infinite
Bookstore. For this reason, the public health sector offers
private enterprise unbelievable opportunities.
But certainly
part of the decline must be laid at the door of university
educators. First off, we are amazed at the number of renowned
universities with huge endowments that do not have schools of public
health. In fact, we may baldly claim that any university that
lacks such a school simply has opted out of the 21st century: such
education is a crying need everywhere. Arguably, the trustees of
such incomplete universities do not understand their responsibilities
to society and to the growth of critical knowledge. You can find
a pretty good, but not definitive, list of schools at the Association of
Schools of Public Health. (5/29/06)
Painfully, the
U.S. Army is learning something about guerilla warfare. Emerging
from Vietnam, it blamed our losses there on politicians who did not
allow it free rein to bring its full firepower to bear on the North
Vietnamese. But its braver theorists have since realized that it
only knew how to fight conventional wars, when anti-guerilla tactics
were called for, both in Vietnam and in Iraq. See “As Iraq War
Rages, Army Re-Examines Lessons of Vietnam,” The Wall Street Journal,
March 20, 2006, pp. A1 and A13. Now it learned what the British
achieved during their victory over the Communists in Malaysia: massive,
conventional forces cannot win. Their strikes alienate the
citizenry who have to be won over and who have to lead the fight
against guerillas—if the war is to be won. And, guerilla forces
eventually wear out the resources and willpower of a conventional
enemy, given enough time.
The Army and Vietnam by Andrew Krepinevich and
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife by John Nagl, both authors
being Army officers, are slowly changing Army doctrine, equipping it to
deal with the wars of attrition where the enemy melts into the
crowd. (4/19/06)
New Ideas
As we have said in several other spots, the really bright,
original ideas now are coming from countries out of the mainstream.
In “Just One
Fish in the Big Pond,” we refer to America’s diminished status in
the world, as it becomes just one country in the globally
interdependent network that must collaborate to share in the economic
and intellectual ferment beyond our borders.
These days a great deal of thought is being
given to creativity. Nancy Andreasen is trying to explore the
neurological roots of creativity, which she begins to explore in
The Creating Brain. Paul Johnson , a broadbrush historian
at Yale, is just out with
Creators. It would be a stretch to say that either
knows much about creativity, but there’s still time enough for them to
make a contribution. That people in several disciplines are
focused on creativity only highlights the fact that the nation is in a
mindless slough at the moment, and that creativity is probably the only
way in which we can recharge our political and economic system.
It was an unusually broad swathe of creative leaders that won for
this nation its Revolution and its Constitution. People now have
begun seriously working on the problem of creativity, because it is a
Our own thought is that high-order
creativity in America is, above all, the result of successful
importation from abroad. Of people and thoughts, not fragile
notebook computers. We’re great because of our very diverse
immigrant stocks and our ability to assimilate them. Now we must
travel with purpose in order to bring back the little seeds that may
grow into tall trees. It seems self evident, as in the oyster,
that it will take an irritant from outside—a grain of sand—to create a
new pearl. (5/22/06)
John Profumo, Her Majesty’s
Secretary of State for War 1960-1963 and Fifth Baron of the United
Kingdom of Italy, died Thursday at age 91. He had been brought
low 40 years back by his dalliance with Christine Keeler:
Profumo, in dinner-jacket, first met
Christine Keeler, wearing nothing but a dripping towel, at the swimming
pool of Cliveden, the country home of Lord Astor, in whose grounds
Stephen Ward rented a cottage. Keeler was Ward’s guest, Profumo
was Astor’s up at the “big house.” On the sultry evening of July
8, 1961, he had gone down to the pool with his host, and their wives,
for a cooling after-dinner stroll.
For a good
read of his climb into the upper reaches of British politics and his
quick tumble down the backside of the mountain, you will have to go to
the British rags, which have a much better feel for salacious
gossip. Try the Times
of London, which we have cited above, or the
Guardian, which places this rosy scandal in the frame of the
whole social revolution of the sixties. Profumo’s affair and his
lies to Parliament about it ultimately dragged down Harold MacMillan as
well, who ostensibly resigned as Prime Minister due to illness. The
New York Times does not do this sort of thing well, its
guilt-racked editors incapable of laying out the naked facts unless
they can call in a consulting psychologist to opine what it all
means. In any event, London, which thrives on recollections of
more glorious days, really has cornered the market on obituaries, if we
are to believe Marilyn Johnson’s new book
The Dead Beat.
Since that
time Profumo and his wife Valerie Dobson, a British actress who
faithfully stood by him, had worked ceaselessly for the poor, a worthy
Purgatory for this dapper and very well rounded fast track politician
and World War II gallant. Even more than America, British
society, particularly its upper crust, does not forgive its fallen
heroes, though an occasional eminence would still dare to shake his
hand and salute his life of atonement. He was hung out to
titillating British sexual scandals in high places have been aired
since that time, without all the frenzy. We ourselves are always
a bit heartened when something heterosexual happens in Britain, since
illicit appetites at Oxford and Cambridge have so often run in the
other direction, sometimes with dire consequences for Western security,
as in the Blunt Affair. (5/15/06)
Lewis and
Sports Management
Michael Lewis has to be one of the more interesting
chroniclers of our time, and he has caught hold of some trends that we
all seem to miss. We have not really followed the in’s and out’s
of his career, but we think his life as author got started in
Liars Poker, where he recounted his own life before writing at
Salomon Brothers. In this witty book, he showed investment
banking to be a pissing game where the contestants go to all sorts of
pains to show who has the longest stream. The theme of
gamesmanship and competitive antics shows up a lot in his writing,
revealing, in
The New New Thing, Jim Clark of Silicon Valley to be first and
foremost a gambler in who very much understood the art of bluffing.
We’re taken as well by his writings about
big-time athletics. There, we think, he depicts avant garde
management processes that leave the business world in the dust.
On the one hand, he has shown how general managers with limited
resources can put together winning ball clubs by combining statistical
analysis with recruiting. We discussed just this in
Michael Lewis’s
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game lays out how
General Manager Billy Beane has used statistics and intellect to put
together winning ball clubs at the Oakland Athletics. Similar
systems for measuring value have buttressed the Red Sox under the
guidance of GM Theo Epstein. They have proven that there’s a lot
to be had in the dregs of the wine bottle and the leftover players whom
nobody wants. This is all part of a tendency of the new breed of
managers to get very much more out of limited resources.
Increasingly, we will be using mathematics in several fields of
activity to marshal what we need in an environment where the options
are constantly changing.
Lewis has moved from hardball recruitment practices to dynamic
operations principles. In a look at college football, he has
shown how Coach Mike Leach of Texas Tech has run rings around his peers
with a whole different view of how the game should be played. In
a passing game, he puts out more receivers and does more plays than
ordinary heavyweight teams. Huge emphasis is placed on running
and conditioning: the coach puts his players in better fettle than
those of the opposition. For the first two or even three
quarters, Leach uses diverse plays to probe how the opposing team
defends against his gamut of plays. His quarterbacks have great
latitude to depart from the playbook set before the game, so that they
do not respond to an evolving situation with setpiece tactics. In
game after game, this has led to rapidfire touchdowns towards the end
of the game, leading to scores that literally embarrass opposing
coaches, who begin the day with high confidence. Some of this is
detailed in “Coach Leach Goes Deep, Very Deep,” Sunday Times
Magazine, December 4, 2005, pp. 58-65 and 109-114. “Synergy,
in Leach’s view, doesn’t come from mixing runs with passes but from
throwing the ball everywhere on the field, to every possible person
allowed to catch a ball.” Operations research—in football—has led
to a different kind of air-war dominated game. (1/25/06)
Home of
the Brave
Francis Scott Keyes called ours
“the land of the free and the home of the brave.” That
heroism goes much beyond our warriors. To our left and right
are people fighting the good fight with death, always with heroic
success, whether for days, or months, or years. We find that so
many live on the edge of darkness imbued with a total nobility that is
shared by their families. There’s Matt Ginop,
a quadriplegic, who has managed to put up an award winning spinal
injury website to help his comrades-in-arms. Or Stan, who has
been strafed by cancer in his brain and lungs and is off to Boston each
week to see if Dana Farber’s experimental
vaccine will cure the beast. Or Phil in Chicago, passionate about
wine and life, who is using a novel arsenic potion (arsenic trioxide)
to wrestle with his formerly untreatable glioblastoma. Finally,
we get reports on the rector in Washington, who has labored too hard
for her flock, and has just come off the ventilator after 31 days in
the hospital, beset by a particularly vicious incarnation of pneumonia,
her caretakers wary of the new, virulent, drug resistant forms of staph
that now infest all the nation’s wards.
Last week in “Getting out
of Limbo,” you heard from unstoppable Lynn Nelson,
who berated all the hand wringers who moan and groan about bird flu but
don’t do anything about it. This multi-talented man sticks close
to home these days, assailed by a panoply of health complaints about
which he does not complain. In fact, he writes to tell us that he
has had a fun time self diagnosing his new problem, diabetes, which all
the doctors managed to miss when they last looked at him. He’s
playing the hand he has been dealt. In contrast, one is reminded of
Soren Kierkegaard’s
The Sickness Unto Death, where we learn that the act of despair
itself, especially despair over one’s sins, can be so consuming as to
deny one any chance of salvation. The will to act must overcome the
temptation to weep.
Of Mice and Men
We’ve never met the man, but we have talked a whole
lot. It’s hard to remember exactly what brought us together, but
we have been exchanging virtual witticisms for a few years now.
Richard Conniff is an eloquent and amusing writer, who, in his own
words, has “done 2 basic things for the last 20 years. One is to
write about animals for National Geographic and Smithsonian
Magazine. And the other is to write about rich
people for Architectural Digest. So I’ve been going back
and forth between these two worlds for a long time. I didn’t see
the connection at first.”
These days he’s better known for his animal
writing about human beings, two volumes of which we have plumbed. The
Natural History of the Rich looks at the various pushings and
shovings of the rich who, no matter how rarified, always show an excess
of animal spirits, while
The Ape in the Corner Office takes a primatologist’s eye to the
workplace, where he brings all the anglings and occasional cooperation
of white collar workers into focus. His “ape” website is
www.apeinthecorneroffice.com. He pretty well establishes that
man is just another primate in love with hierarchy. Conniff is a
rather fascinating guy, so you should get up to speed on him before you
plunge into his prose. Most likely, we will next catch him on
another trip to Madagascar when we happen to exchange messages: he is
as likely to be off to unlikely places as our West Coast detective
friend who is our best source on Haiti and Thailand. We would
suggest you get a breezy overview of the man by consulting
IdentityTheory.com. Since we are deeply superficial, what we
like best about Conniff is his random anecdotes that tell us
everything, such as this little gem from the Richie Rich book:
The plane banked
eastward. Away from the green swath of the river valley, the
bleached-out canvas of desert stretched endlessly to both
horizons. We headed for the lawyer’s hot springs ranch, his
refuge from humanity, and we landed on a rough dirt runway atop a
mesa. The only rules of the species that seemed to matter out
there were the personal ones posted on a wall at the ranch: “Do
not talk politics. Do not talk business. Do not hustle
elected officials. Eat when you are hungry. Piss
now, though, I knew better. The rich like to pretend that nature is
something they have risen above. But in their hearts, they know
rising is a myth. (5/24/06)
Real Mao
Nicholas D. Kristof, a fine journalist, provides an
excellent review of
Mao: The Unknown Story
in the New York Times Book Review, October 23, 2005, pp. 1 and
10-11. Jung Chang, along with her husband historian Jon Halliday,
has “written a biography of Mao that will help destroy his reputation
forever.” “No wonder the Chinese government has banned not only
this book but issues of magazines with reviews of it, for Mao emerges
from these pages as another Hitler or Stalin.” The Chinese
Communist Party in its early days was entirely under the thumb of
Russia. “Mao rose to be party leader not because he was a
favorite of his fellow Chinese, but because Moscow chose him.”
“More startling, they argue that Mao didn’t even walk most of the Long
March—he was carried.”
Communist Party, of course, is having some difficulty maintaining its
legitimacy in modern China, and the erosion of the myth of Mao will not
help. Such a book suggests that the Party will have to broaden
its pantheon to include other historic figures and embrace some of the
traditions coming from earlier periods in its history. (11/30/05)
The American Colossus
A British historian now camped out at Harvard has told
America that it’s now an empire, and that it had better deal with
it. Niall Ferguson’s
Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire
somehow suggests at the same time that our day in the imperial sun may
be over before we all know it has begun. One
review of the book ably details Ferguson’s exposition of our
omnipotence. But the book is overdone, and, worse yet, our
politicos take it seriously. The fellows down in Washington are
acting like we can run the world, and this worldview threatens to drain
our already depleted national treasury well below zero.
Babes in Beijing
DeWoskin banged around China with her father, a noted sinologist, in
her youth. After Columbia, she rushed off to China and went to
work for a pr firm. By luck she wandered into a job that made her
China famous—one of two title gals in a Chinese nighttime soap called
“Foreign Babes in Beijing.” Since she has done a book by this
name—in case you’ve forgotten, Foreign Babes in Beijing—an
account of her times in China as well as on the show. And she
tucks in four stories of girl friends in China, capturing the flavor of
China through the lives of her China peers. DeWoskin most wanted
to catch the rapidfire change that has taken hold of modern China, it
probably changing more in 90s than it did in the last 5,000. For
a good account on De Woskin, see Columbia, Spring 2005, “Our Babe in
Beijing,” pp. 11-15. (7/6/05)
The Best
Friend Joe Louis Ever Had
We all know that Max Schmeling floored Joe Louis in the first fight,
and Louis returned the favor later. But we know little of their
friendship and Schmeling’s generosity to Louis. “Schmeling
treasured camaraderie and friendship and somehow, each of his ring
opponents became his friend. He regularly and discreetly gave the
down-and-out Joe Louis gifts of money, and the friendship continued
after death: when the great champion died in 1981 Schmeling paid for
the funeral.” See our commentary about Schmeling in
“Sportmanship.” Both Joyce Carol Oates and David Margolick,
author of a new book called
Beyond Glory: Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling (see tha New York
Times Book Review, October 2, 2005, pp. 10-11 and the New York
Times Sports, October 2, 2005, p. 11) are, on the other hand, very
disparaging about Schmeling. See also
The Funnies. On a recent visit
to the magazine store we found today’s funny books to be tours of dark
worlds, more science fiction than comics. Manga comics flourish
in Japan and have spread into this country but they hardly turn the
lights on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga).
The New York Times has just added a section to its magazine
(soon to disappear we hope) that is called “the funnies,” but is
decidedly Gothic. See
Elephantiasis at the Times. Stephen Colbert, who on Monday
kicked off his own spin off called the “Colbert Report” (www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_colbert_report/index.jhtml),
a splinter from the unfunny Daily Show (www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_daily_show/index.jhtml),
is distinguished, not because of his wit, but because of his
geeky manner. He sums up the comic state of affairs in an
interview with the New York Times (September 25, 2005)
where he reports on a phenomenon much worse than
The End of History and the Last Man proclaimed by Francis
Fukuyama in 1992. The true apocalypse is the “End of Jokes,”
which have all been carried off to the morgue:
Deborah Salomon
of the Times: I just read somewhere that jokes are less
popular than they used to be.
Colbert: You
mean like, “Two guys walk into a bar”? I think you are right.
I get e-mailed jokes a lot—by friends who are not in the
business. Jokes live on in e-mail. E-mail has become a
museum of jokes.
Indeed, jokes by the millions have been
archived in emails, but, just like those on the Comedy Central website,
they are labored and lacking. Relics.
Character is Destiny. John
McCain (along with Mark Salter) is just out with a book
Character is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know
and Every Adult Should Remember. Its title is borrowed
from the great Greek existentialist philosopher Heraclitus, who was
full of pregnant aphorisms. The 34 characters who people the book
are role models for us and point to the very dimension that is in short
supply now—in Washington. With some confidence, we would claim
that character will out and big people will stage a comeback in our
councils of state.
The trouble with trade talk is that it is usually very boring.
Full of inn jokes. Brian Weatherson is probably no
exception. He’s a philosopher now at Cornell. That said, we
find morsels on his sites (homepage plus blog) entertaining. We
urge them on you when you really need cerebral giggles. Thoughts
and Rants is at http://tar.weatherson.net.
The brain of Brian is at http://brian.weatherson.net.
You can learn, for instance, if there actually is philosophical humor (http://ideasofimperfection.blogspot.com/2005/06/joyful-science.html)
or about an injunction to save water by drinking beer (www.smh.com.au/news/National/Save-water-drink-beer--and-make-mine-a-plastic/2005/06/13/1118645753074.html).
Or you might scan some posts that prove with one liners that every
brand of philosophy is damn silly (http://tar.weatherson.net/archives/000979.html).
To check out Weatherson, read his notes on vagueness, which are pretty
vague (http://brian.weatherson.net/vagueness.htm.)
Somehow this reminded us of
Philosopher’s Holiday, a book handily by our bedside growing
up, right there beside the
Wind and the Willows. Columbia tells us that philosopher
Erdman, the author, never strayed too far from the practical problems
of life. Apparently he said, “Education is the process of casting
false pearls before real swine.” Today websites that are
over-clever amount to philosopher’s holidays. See
of the Fittest Wit
Charles Darwin’s greatest passion was worms, and he summed up
many of his observations about them in
The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms with
Observations of Their Habitats
(1881). Our friend Arch W observes that Mr. Darwin put down
objections to his findings with rapier like elegance. For
instance, of one critic he said, “M. D’Archiac must have thus argued
from inner consciousness and not from observation….” (8/3/05)
Theory of the Compulsive Class
In 1899 Thorstein Bunde Veblen penned his most famous work,
Theory of the
Leisure Class, where he essayed on “conspicuous
consumption,” the propensity of the upwardly mobile to spend income on
needless objects to achieve one-up status within a society perpetually
in social competition. (See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorstein_Veblen.) We expect him
to gain new currency, now that the New York Times, the Wall
Street Journal, and other publications are discovering that we are
becoming visibly class-riven again. See
Also, look
at new series on class in Times
Of course, the name of his book was a misnomer, because there is never
any hint of leisure amongst compulsive men and women on the make.
They are endlessly in motion, always trying to prove what goes up never
comes down.
When sport becomes a business, slicing away
its roots in leisure, the romance goes out of the game. It then
just becomes part of a culture of conspicuous consumption and
one-upsmanship, a joyless thing at best. Then “Debranding,”
which we have previously discussed, sets in. John Daly, grossly
overweight, married now to a lady with some legal problems, powerful
and out of control, a boyish gleam that still has him looking mighty
young, riding through the U.S. in his RV far from the first class air
cabin of his peers—he has the smell of leisure about him. His
waywardness is needed to get the game back on course.
Augustine’s Laws
Norm Augustine, who once commanded the weapons effort at the
Pentagon and went on to lead the Martin Marietta Corporation, authored
Augustine’s Laws,
which told us that the cost of jet planes grows exponentially as you
add more electronics and the breakdowns multiply at about the same
rate. That’s about true of everything else in our society,
too. As we add complex technology everywhere, things don’t work
and costs skyrocket. We have commented on this previously in “Systems on the Edge
of a Nervous Breakdown,” Letters from the Global Province, October
2, 2002.
We encounter this everyday in
our cellphone. The Nokia that AT&T provided us five or so
years ago operated without a hitch for years. Now the basic model
at AT&T Wireless, which has replaced it, has all sorts of new
functions we don’t want, has broken down beyond repair 3 times, and
offers 30% poorer reception. It is only laziness that prevents us
from migrating to another supplier.
With breakdown all about us, is
it any wonder that much of our populace wants to disconnect and pursue
a calming, detached, Thoreau-like simplicity? Indeed, any time
you can pull out of some national network, there is some assurance life
will go a little smoother. For example, our good friend in Ottawa finds
existence to be a little bit happier because he has installed
huge generators at home and the office, and life goes on uninterrupted
even during frequent meltdowns of the electric power grid.
Traditional Americans
With media to goad them on, extremists in every sphere become
more extreme. But Americans of traditional values still hug the
middle of the road—and are not as poles apart as all our pundits would
have us believe. Red America and Blue America are really all of a
piece, if Professor Wayne Baker of the University of Michigan has
gotten it right. (See
www.lsa.umich.edu/soc/directories/dl/faculty/wayneb.pdf.) A
very interesting and original fellow, he doubles as a business and a
sociology professor. His America's Crisis
of Values: Reality and Perception, from Princeton University
Press (2004), explores where Americans are at and does not find them to
be bitterly divided.
They can, he finds, live with
ambiguity. A great many of them, for instance, are against
abortion, but, equally, believe in a woman’s right to choose.
Likewise Americans want to guard the environment even as they
espouse economic growth. That is, they deal with modernity, not
by making a choice between either and or, but instead choosing both
either and or. As a citation about his book says, Baker looks at
the evidence and finds that “The results are surprising. The
evidence shows overwhelmingly that America has not lost its traditional
values, that the nation compares favorably with most other societies,
and that the culture war is largely a myth.”
If Baker has it right, we must wonder
whether our government and our press are at all representative of the
people. And if we are poorly served by them, it is because they
do not capture who we are and what we care about. And worse yet,
they ignore the world as it is and as it is becoming, making it
terribly difficult to get where we must go. Until we get the right
story on the front page, it’s going to be awfully hard for us to join
the twenty-first century.
Babes in Beijing
DeWoskin banged around China with her father, a noted sinologist, in
her youth. After Columbia, she rushed off to China and went to
work for a pr firm. By luck she wandered into a job that made her
China famous—one of two title gals in a Chinese nighttime soap called
“Foreign Babes in Beijing.” Since she has done a book by this
name—in case you’ve forgotten, Foreign Babes in Beijing—an
account of her times in China as well as on the show. And she
tucks in four stories of girl friends in China, capturing the flavor of
China through the lives of her China peers. DeWoskin most wanted
to catch the rapidfire change that has taken hold of modern China, it
probably changing more in 90s than it did in the last 5,000. For
a good account on De Woskin, see Columbia, Spring 2005, “Our Babe in
Beijing,” pp. 11-15. (7/6/05)
From Babe to Poesy
Rachel DeWoskin is a major poetic talent, according to Robert
Pinsky, one-time Poet Laureate of the United States, who had her under
his wing at Boston University after her return from China. In
China she had starred in a radio soap called “Foreign Babes in Bejing,”
the title also of a
book she has authored about her post-college experience in
China. Her poetry as well feasts on the China adventure:
McDonald’s downtown
in Beijing, I board a bus bound
for mountains with Xiao Dai
who carries equipment, asks why
I have to be so headstrong.
I say nothing. We belong
to a climbing club. Sheer rocks
more on her poetry, see Ploughshares at
The Simplicity Franchise
If you poke around the Internet, you will fast discover that
Henry David Thoreau owns the simplicity franchise. This 19th
century philosopher and individualist, who practiced his preachings
about the simple life at Walden Pond and in the Boston environs,
literally chanted “simplicity” throughout his works. In Walden, he
said, “Our life is frittered away by detail…. Simplify, simplify,
simplify! ... Simplicity of life and elevation of
His call for a life of spare
essentials next to nature has resonated ever since, never more than
now, even as life has become steadily more convoluted. Lately,
incidentally, even our scientists have discovered the health-giving
properties of a meditative life (see item 122 in
Stitch in Time) as Westerners learn to block out the hubbub of
society. At a very practical level, we notice that Real Simple
magazine has gained readership and 44.5% more advertising pages in the
first 10 months of 2003, even as its more grandiose homemaking
competitor Martha Stewart Living has fallen more than
30%. (See the New York Times, October 10, 2003, pp. C1
and C4). Chaos and complexity have truly come out of their caves
at the beginning of the 21st century, so Thoreau’s strains
are striking more of a chord now than they did when he was living.
A new book is out about James Reston, who was for decades the powerful New
York Times columnist and Washington bureau chief and confidant of
presidents, senators, and a host of world leaders. The book is
Scotty: James
B. Reston and the Rise and Fall of American Journalism.
It was during his tenure that the New York Times counted
politically, and it’s never been as important since. He was
civil, a middle-of-the-roader, discreet enough to realize he did not
have to tell all. For this he is somewhat disparaged now.
Throughout he was an optimist about the American society in which he
lived. Clearly no newsperson has come along who enjoys the
same power and influence. One of the uses of affirmation and
optimism, forgotten by the distrustful, catty scribblers of the present
day, is that it lets you sway history as well as report on it.
Too clever, acerbic journalists only strut at the margins of life well
away from the playing field.
Robert A.
We often forget that this marvelous historian and biographer came off
the New Brunswick Daily Home News and Long Island’s Newsday.
But he has the journalist’s predilection to tell the whole story,
leaving nothing—and we mean nothing—out. What he picks
are politicians who have clearly made a giant difference in
American society, because they will stop at nothing to move their plans
along. So his subjects have been Robert Moses, who paved over New
York City with cement and, in effect, instructed the nation that
highways are the American route to eternity, and Lyndon Johnson who
showed us that you “get along by going along.” You’d say that
Caro has a passion for authoritarian, well-meaning, and simultaneously
corrupt individuals who did us proud and/or did us in—who knows.
His picks are interesting, because Caro himself has a genial,
hardworking, ethical demeanor: he is not afraid to continuously
make his point, but, unlike his subjects, he clearly does not push
people around. Somewhat to his wife’s chagrin and as part of his
next chapter on Johnson’s career, the man who must pursue every detail
next intends to go and live in Vietnam, where he will surely capture
details about the Vietnam War that have escaped all those who have come
before. Caro is a relentless reporter who fairly presents all
sides of his subjects, but perhaps never quite makes up his own mind
about them. For a good account of him, see Scott Sherman’s
“Caro’s Way” in the May/June 2002 issue of the Columbia Journalism
Review. Also learn a bit about Caro at www.robertcaro.com,
perhaps paying special attention to the Kurt Vonnegut interview.
Some of his titles include:
Creative Hotspots
Richard Mellon, professor of regional development at Carnegie
Mellon, is just out with The Rise of the
Creative Class: And How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure,
Community and Everyday Life. He gives us a creativity top
10 list, topped by San Francisco and then followed by Austin, San
Diego-Boston (tie), Seattle, Raleigh-Durham, Houston,
Washington-Baltimore, New York, Dallas-Minneapolis-St. Paul
(tie). Looking at census data on the number of creative workers,
high-tech activity, patent development, percentage of college-educated
individuals, and the numbers of both gay and bohemian people, he finds
that both creativity and wealth migrate to areas with ample
concentration of these elements. We are not at all sure he has
picked the right factors or even the right areas (some of the cities he
has picked have clearly peaked out), but he has gotten one thing
right. Clearly creativity and knowledge are over-concentrated in
virtually every country on earth, with a few places garnering huge
amounts of the talent. The development problem is to figure out
how to distribute the talent across the land and and create ferment in
more places. Further, the key planning question for even creative
hotspots is to figure out more precisely what they are good at and what
they are poor at. So-called high tech areas tend to think they
can tackle all sorts of technology questions. The truth is that
each one is only really suited to take on a few technology challenges.
Mrs. Jack's Place: The Gardner Museum
you are just going to one, this is it. But first read about the
patroness in Mrs. Jack: An
Autobiography of Isabella Stewart Gardner by Louise Hill
Tharp. Then visit the website at
http://www.gardnermuseum.org/, which, unlike many museum sites, is
easy to use and comfortably informative. The Gardner is a little
worse for wear, what with funding problems and a burglary or two.
But, as you wander, you can still imagine Mrs. Jack’s goings on there,
transporting you to an earlier time when Brahmins dreamed of bringing
Europe into their lives. Boston has a raft of good museums, but
the best ones seem to surround you with history, more than
collections. The Gardner Museum. 280 The Fenway, Boston, MA
02115. Telephone: 617-566-1401.
San Francisco Passing
Whether San Francisco remakes itself or not, companies are well advised
to stage their assault on both Asia and China from San Francisco.
Sure enough, just the other day, we saw a new outlet for a hamburger
chain from the Philippines, Jollibee, south of Market, yet another
indication of the portal nature of San Francisco. In this view,
San Francsisco’s bible should be F.S.C. Northrop’s
Meeting of East and West.
Ethically Challenged
Certain places in this world produce a disproportionate
amount of brainy, creative people, and we don't know exactly why.
Rumor has it that West Virginia has generated an unusual number of
Rhodes Scholars, and we ourselves know a tranche of West Virginians
who've left the state who simply are fountains of ideas. Austria
is like this: it produces a number of seminal thinkers -- Schumpterer,
Drucker, Freud, Wittgenstein, Popper. And then there's Peter
Singer, of Austrian stock by way of Australia, and now at
Princeton. A sensitive, bright man, he's accused of every sin on
earth, since he wonders whether babies who are vegetative (almost
without consciousness) should be put to death, and since he
contemplates a number of other moral remedies that fly in the ointments
of ordinary men. He's been called a murderer and worse, yet he
asks each of us to think about living on much less so that others can
live a bit better. Probably he thinks a bit harder than most --
wrongheaded or not -- about how we deliver the greatest good to the
greatest number in a world where only a small fraction of human beings
really lay claim to the good life. See the New York Times,
September 5, 1999. Singer's books include
Animal Liberation and
Writings on an Ethical Life.
Tearing-Up Your Career
Novelist and essayist Arthur Koestler had a diverse
career in many countries. Best known for
Darkness at Noon, which made it to Broadway, he's less known
for what is reputedly a passable manual on sex, put together under a
pseudonym while he was in England.
We like him best for his two part autobiography,
Arrow in the Blue and
The Invisible
Writing, where he recounts how he began life all over again on
at least two or three occasions. Educated in the remnants of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, he tore up his record of courses taken at the
last (in those days you kept your own university transcript) and headed
off to Israel to work in the kibbutz, or something like that.
Later on, he became a semi-renowned journalist at a liberal newspaper
in Germany only to leave it and the beginnings of Nazism behind to try
out Soviet Russia. Equipped with no more than a phrase book and a
couple of names to contact, he tried his hand at Stalin's Russia.
Unlike his whole nest of relatives in Austria and Germany, he fled
security. Ironically, of course, he lived to tell his story; they
Smart Communities
An unfocused idea that never goes away--but never quite
manages to blossom--is "smart communities." At the simplest level it
means wiring a bunch of people together with the hope that they will
rapidly accrue and exchange knowledge that has tremendous relevance to
their economic, cultural, and political lives. After that, it can refer
to anything, including Plato's
Republic where the philosopher king makes sure that all
subjects are in touch with the wisdom of the gods on an everyday basis.
Religious Ecstasy
Once again the Atlantic publishes a tree-shaking article.
Toby Lester's "Oh, Gods!" (February 2002, pp. 37-45) shows just how
potent a force religion is worldwide in this 21st century. David
Barrett, editor of the
World Christian Encyclopedia, notes that "we have identified
nine thousand and nine hundred distinct religions in the world
increasing by two or three religions every day." As older
established religions wither, new religions are spreading like
viruses. "One of the most remarkable changes ... is the
underreported shift in the center of gravity in the Christian world ...
a dramatic move from North to South. Christianity is most vital
now in Africa, Asia, and Latin America...." New missionaries from
these exotic regions are coming into developed countries to spread the
Singapore, according to Ian Buruma, is a "Disneyland with capital
punishment" (New York Times Review of Books, December 16, 2001,
p. 11). See his
Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing.
By a couple of British journalists, the book purports to
recap and explain 10 minutes at the Cambridge Moral Science Club just
after World War II, when the Viennese philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein
and Karl Popper clashed early on at a presentation Popper gave to the
group. Wittgenstein interrupted and tried to prevail in the argument by
rhetorical flourishes and a menacing wave of a poker.
What we learn first is that the British
philosophers, at least back then, were rather slavish sorts, who easily
clustered at the feet of ostensible greats. If they were teenie
boppers, we would be able to call them groupies. Instead, since they
were ponderous, we call them philosophers. More importantly, in
oversimple terms, we discover that the core argument between the two
lay in their concept of philosophy. For the wealthy, Jewish,
upperclass Wittgenstein, philosophy was a semantic tool that sort of
cleared away language mix-ups, and little else. It was a game, but
certainly not the solution to humanity's problems. For Popper,
the middleclass Austrian, who was also part of Vienna's very productive
Jewish intellectual circles, philosophy did help remake the world. For
him it was not a game but a career with a vital mission.
It is Wittgenstein, not Popper, who still has a
hold over the academic imagination and young philosophers on the
make. Probably his terrible angst has turned him into an
appealing figure for romantic minds. Hardly a day went by for
Wittgenstein where he did not contemplate "suicide as a possibility."
He died in 1951, age 62.
This weekend C-Span
rebroadcast a 6/28/00 interview with Harold Bloom of Yale and NYU,
occasioned by his book, How
to Read and Why. You can, and we do, disagree with Bloom on
1,000 points, but thinking people will find it hard to contradict his
main thesis: The counterculture has overwhelmed culture throughout the
world. A sort of neo-Platonic gibberish has set in where absurdum
orthodoxies have stifled understanding. This surely adds complexity to
our national debate about education, since often more education dollars
only serve to buy more education mediocrity, once quality is out the
window. “C” again.
we not argue that it is cultural decline itself that has overwhelmed
quality in all spheres—wine, education, products and services, the
character of our governance? The ultimate righting of our political
economy seems inextricably tied to a revival of quality in our culture.
reserves particular despair for The New York Times, finding its
book review and Sunday magazine to be muddled organs of political
correctness and ignorance. And, for him, it is all downhill from there.
Democracy and
Years ago, John W. Gardner wrote about democracy and education. In its
way, it dealt with the present conundrum. How do you keep the needs of
the moment from swallowing the whole of our future? How do you mix rare
and popular in the same glass? If you are going to have a viticulture,
you absolutely have to have a culture that exalts quality. Some
of Gardner's works include:
We previously have talked about Steve Talbot's love/hate relationship
with technology. (See Best of Class, item 50.)
It worries him, but, of course, he's a computer guy. We enjoy the
fact that he's now given up conversing by email. Just like Bill
Joy at SUN or all the plasma physicists we know who are upset by atomic
power. But his wandering newsletter is read by everybody and has
tremendous impact. Lately he has been wrestling with
globalization gone astray, a topic now brought to a white heat by Duke
professor Michael Hardt, who has tried to lay a neo-leftist theoretical
foundation for all the clamor against technology and economics of
global forces. Co-author, with Italian Antonio Negri, of Empire,
he is now read and talked about in universities around the world.
See The New York Times, July 7, 2001, pp. A15 and A17.
Subscribe to Netfuture at www.netfuture.org.
Talking about Big Issues
In our
over-digitized lives, where we are horribly subject to distraction and
where we don’t take time to even read the daily newspaper, we have
become difficult to talk to about deeply important matters. It’s
a task for those who care about long-term worldly issues to communicate
about them with the vox populi. But that just means that
creative people are getting more imaginative. Richard Curtis,
writer of Four Weddings and a
Funeral and Notting Hill,
is out with yet another romantic comedy, The Girl in the Café.
Except in the background, this film deals with the plight of poor
nations, helping revive the concept of massive debt relief, something
the world had to do in the thirties (www.hbo.com/films/girlinthecafe/synopsis).
Ironically, of course, the U.S. has just tightened up its personal
bankruptcy laws, something it will have to reverse, given its widening,
dramatic gap in incomes between the rich and the poor. Well, we don’t
know how the movie is, but we will give it a go. We are hoping
for pleasant propaganda and colorful people. It is not only the
politically correct who are out with art that pushes ideas: Michael
Crichton’s State of Fear throws
brickbats at the global warming polemicists. (9/14/05)
Business as Usual. Bursting out
of Australia in 1982, the New Wave group Men at Work
became a huge global hit, its
Business as Usual at the top of the charts in America longer
than a first album from any other group. But then they
quarreled. Two members left the group. By 1985 they were
just a memory, and today this fallen star is on few lips.
Nonetheless, they’re part of the Australian
Surprise. Many of the Anglo-Saxon economies have performed
awfully well in the last 15 years, a function of both ideology and
culture. But the Aussies have outdone us all, based on some
shrewd governance and the wealth of natural resources generated there
that have been wolfed down by hungry Asian economies. As we implied in “The
Australian Attraction,” the land down under produces more than its
share of firsts, because it is just far enough away from things to
think a bit differently. While the conventional research tanks in
the U.S. medical establishment labored over dietary and psychological
explanations for ulcers that flattered the egos and filled the pockets
of the American healthcare system for better than half a century,
Australian doctors Barry Marshall and Robin Warren spotted the pylori
that were the basis of 95% of ulcers. For this they won the Nobel
But, as we said, Men of Work fell
apart. Victims of the polarization that has now afflicted all of
American politics and a host of our institutions, they lost it all,
subject to the cancer of the spirit that taxes anybody who labors for
fame and fortune, and not for the love of the game. This
splintering apart affects men at work in several venues.
There’s a movie called
The Legend of Bagger Vance, lovingly put together by Robert
Redford, about a 193l golf match in Savannah, Georgia between Bobby
Jones, Walter Hagen, and a local hero that we and others have watched
innumerable times. Oddly enough, we have not read the
novel by Steven
Pressfield, but it will be one of our New Year’s resolutions to do
so. Somewhere someone says in the movie, “Golf is not a game you
can win. All you can do is play the game.” Surely that’s
life. And for damn sure it’s what work is all about where most
everybody tries to win, but where you can only play the game. Try
to win, and you and those around you will surely fall apart.
Do You Speak American? Robert
MacNeil, the one-time delightful co-host of the PBS Newshour,
has turned to writing these days—both fact and fiction. In his
Do You Speak American?, he asks this question that we can
answer without reading the book. No, we don’t. We have been
pulled apart, section against section, gender against gender, trade
against trade, so that we are many nations divided by a vaguely common
language. This has made it difficult for us to get our politics,
and our business, and our lives done gracefully.
Our conclusion here is, apparently, the
diagnosis of the book. In a fine essay about the documentary that
sprung from MacNeil’s work,
Will Schroeder in Humanities acknowledges that sectional
differences have hardened as the years go by:
These changes
suggest that American speech is not becoming more homogeneous. “This is
the most surprising result of our research,” says [linguist William]
Labov. “While local dialects of small communities may be
receding, the larger regional patterns are becoming more different from
each other.” He says that the dialects of New York, Philadelphia,
Detroit, Chicago, Saint Louis, Dallas, and Los Angeles are more
different from each other today than they were just fifty years
Maybe if we can reach back a bit, we can
better come together again. We can remember the ties that bind us
Inarticulate Society: Eloquence and Culture in America
Tom Shachtman's look at the decline of eloquence and its effect of the
transmission of knowledge. Among other things, he shows how
epxerts in everything use gooblegood to keep us under their thumbs.
Victor Davis Hanson, grape farmer and professor of classics, tells how
California has lost its infrastructure through squabbling and fuzzy
thinking. See The Wall Street
Journal, March 21, 2001, p. A22.
"Not since the robed philosophers of Rome and
Greece bickered and harangued each other by lamplight has history seen
such a sophisticated preindustrial society as our own."
Hanson goes on to relate how Californians have
done in their electric-power, educational, and transportation
systems. To learn more from Hanson, see his new book, The
Land Was Everything.
Global Me
This book by G. Pascal Zachary says "hybrids" make the world go round.
Two-, three-, and even four-culture people make nations and
companies prosper, says the author. This argument relates to our
own proposition that (a) the real links between nations are being
created at the cultural level and (b) global individuals
shaped by several cultures have become the vehicles for creating such
The wonderful R. Buckminster Fuller, in his trim little volume Operating
Manual for Spaceship Earth, claimed that we need pirates to
keep the earth going, not cogmasters who specialize in recreating
yesterdays. That seems about right.
So Things
Aren't So Bad After All?
If all the recent election and post-election doomsday predictions about
how American democracy is on the way out are too much for you, you can
pick up a feel-good book out of the Cato Institute called It's
Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 Years.
Stephen Moore and Julian Lincoln Simon show that everything is getting
more wonderful, Pangloss-style, even as we speak, and it will get
better yet if we will only be smart enough to abolish government.
Operating Manual Spaceship Earth
Even more than the philosophers, we would hold that the
American genius R. Buckminster Fuller had integrity, had in particular
an integrated view of the world. In this regard, we would
particularly recommend a read of his short, lucid
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, where he tells us of the
intellectual “pirates” who can make the earth spin productively.
And, likewise, he tells us about the specialists who muck up matters
with their narrow thoughts and limited driving skills:
Of course, our failures are a consequence of
many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that
society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to
success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive
thinking. This means that the
potentially-integratable-techno-economic advantages accruing to society
from the myriad specializations are not comprehended integratively and
therefore are not realized, or they are realized only in negative ways,
in new weaponry or the industrial support only of warfaring.
All universities have been progressively
organized for ever finer specialization. Society assumes that
specialization is natural, inevitable, and desirable. Yet in
observing a little child, we find it is interested in everything and
spontaneously apprehends, comprehends, and co-ordinates an ever
expending inventory of experiences. Children are enthusiastic
planetarium audiences. Nothing seems to be more prominent about
human life than its wanting to understand all and put everything
For more from
his operating manual, see
Specialization, he finds, is the enemy of integrity, which we have
defined here as an integrated view of how the world should work and how
one should act in that world. Without a global operating
manual, we will surely go off course. And our economy will be in
the ditch.
$l.7 million spent by the No on 200 forces (not counting the $275,000
in ads from the Times) was almost three times what we
spent. Each vote we got cost us 60 cents; each vote they got cost
them $2.50.” (From Ward Connerly, Creating
Equal: My Fight Against Race Preferences, p. 245).
We all have heard of Connerly’s Proposition 209 win in California
against racial preferences, but little about I-200 in Washington—a more
remarkable victory, frankly. A smart Governor, every major
corporation in Washington State, a rogue’s galley of semi-scholars such
as Harvard’s Derek Bok, and everybody else you can imagine was arrayed
against Connerly and Company in this contest. All he had was a
sound idea (racial preference systems are racially discriminatory and,
hence, morally, legally, and humanly wrong with bad consequences for
the nation’s minorities) and a lot of tactical finesse.
Politicians should track his principles and his politics. But, as
a result, we still need a prescription for helping the underclass that
goes beyond the self-reliance that seems to lie behind Connerly’s
Hitchens on Kerry
Journalist Chistopher Hitchens is a witty, acid,
truth-telling journalist with original views. We refer
you to his comment on John Kerry’s
A Call to Service: My Vision for a Better America. He
claims it “merits Mark Twain’s comment on the Book of
Mormon—‘chloroform in print.’” See the New York Times Book
Review, August 15, 2004, p. 11. Is it possible that the
Senator is simply boring?
The Ultimate Joke
A boring book about jokes just out: Jokes:
Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters, by Ted Cohen
(University of Chicago Press, 1999).
Making Ideas Big
It's always a question as to why one good idea or bad
idea captures the popular imagination, while great ideas sit on the
shelf for decades or centuries. And, in our own age, we ask why
drivel and nonsense become buzz, infecting all our media in the sweep
of a moment. Malcolm Gladwell's The
Tipping Point (Little, Brown) is another attempt to explain
how ideas spread in our times. This is especially interesting
now, because we don't really know how ideas propagate and spread in the
age of the Internet. Mainstream newspapers and broadcasters often fail
to connect with the popular mind, while informal media such as
chatboards and evangelists distribute rumors, ideas, and fads much more
Mr. Gladwell, a writer for The New Yorker,
has shown some skill at flying his own balloons as The New Yorker
has become more of a spin parlor. In this vein, his website is very much to the
point in how you tip the media your way in the age of buzz.
Best Friendship Book of 1999
Just as you conclude the nation is going to hell
in a handbasket, you discover some new wonderful people who are
marching to a different drummer. We have already pointed out the
best love story of 1999 (see Best of Class #81), and now we discover a
gem about friendship. It's Stephen E. Ambrose's Comrades,
Brothers, Fathers, Heroes, Sons, Pals. He writes about
the Ambrose family, but also about Eisenhower and Patton, and Lewis and
Clark. It includes an affecting chapter, "Nary A Friend: Richard
Nixon," in which Ambrose calls Nixon a man of enormous talent and
drive, brought low by his very inability to have true friendship.
Mistress of Manners
In the 1950s there was a sometime ambassadoress Perle
Mesta -- whom we called the hostess with the mostest and who later
became the subject of a fun Broadway play. Someday
there will be a musical about Letitia Baldrige, called In a Class
of Her Own, re-using Cole Porter’s song, “You’re the Tops.” As you can see from her website (www.letitia.com), she is the best
of the manners’ ladies, because she believes good manners alone won’t
do it. She is the mistress of manners and
the doyenne of civility. She feels you
must have heart, kindness, and style. Her
family is quality itself; the Baldrige Awards for Quality are, in fact,
named after Malcolm Baldrige, Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of Commerce. She herself also put time in the White House,
serving as Jackie Kennedy’s Chief of Staff. She’s
written innumerable books about manners, a few of which we have listed
The Lap of Material Luxury
For those wanting to hear more about our materialism, see The New
York Times, August 16, 1999, p. B8, "The $2300 Pillow and the
Selling of Luxury." The article cites Robert Frank's Luxury
Fever: Why Money Fails to Satisfy in an Era of Excess (Free
Press) and James B. Twitchell's Lead
Us Into Temptation: The Triumph of American Materialism (Columbia
University Press). The New York Times wants
you to enjoy it while feeling guilty.
Brain Drain
Richard Florida
at Carnegie Mellon, author of
Cities and the Creative Class and Rise of the Creative
Class, is not an original thinker, but he is a very good
popularizer of ideas that are floating around in academic
pastures. Many, including Florida, have noticed that talent,
especially bright foreign graduates of our universities, are drifting
away from America, no longer hanging about to work their wonders
here. University graduates, over from China, don’t go to Silicon
Valley but return to Greater China. Florida’s version of our
creative brain drain is pretty well summed up in an his article
“America’s Best and Brightest are Leaving and Taking the Creative
Economy with Them,” in Across the Board, September 2004, pp.
34-40. (6/8/05)
Coming of Age
in Arabia
As we have said previously,
true advances in the Arabic and Moslem worlds will have to arise from
the liberation of women, who are second class non-citizens throughout
the Middle East See our 30 October 2002 Letter from the
Global Province,
“Falling off the Map,” and Big Ideas, item 137,
“Arabic Women’s News Service.” Little bits of
emancipation are happening, without much help from the West.
recently, The Economist, June 19,2004, pp. 26-8, in “Out of the
Shadows, into the World,” comments on their women’s emergence.
For instance, 55% of Saudi Arabia’s university students are now
women, and this is characteristic of female educational progress
in the region. Female life expectancy is rising, and
birthrates are falling, allowing women more time for other
activities. In halting ways, they are making occasional progress
in both the political and business spheres.
Ehrenreich of The New York Times on July 29, 2004, p. A27
recognizes the relationship between the status of Arab women and
terrorism. “So here in one word is my new counterterrorism
strategy for Kerry: feminism.” Downtrodden women are the biggest
emblem of the medieval thinking ruling Arabia. Bringing the
region into the 20th or 21st centuries would do much to end the
standoff between the West and the Middle East.
recently, the plight of women in Saudi Arabia and, conversely, the
threat emancipated women pose to extremist male Arabs, has been
dramatized by a much noticed book,
Inside the Kingdom, by Carmen bin Laden, ex-wife of Osama’s
older brother Yeslam. Educated in the West as a liberal Moslem,
she sweltered under the restrictions of life in Saudi Arabia. A
Swiss divorce saved her and her daughters from the stranglehold of life
in the oil kingdom.
of Conviction
The numbers of Americans
behind bars and out on parole has become simply staggering. The
cost of our prisons and of so many wasted lives is as incomprehensible
as that of our broken healthcare system. Nearly 6.9 million
people, or 3.2% of our population, are doing time Four
million-plus are on probation, and about 775,000 are on parole.
The number of women parolees has risen dramatically in parallel
with the rise in women involved in serious crimes. See The
New York Times, July 26, 2004, p. A10. This would suggest
that we require new ways of integrating crime doers into our
economy—whether they are on the loose or are behind bars.
recent book,
Miracle at Sing Sing, by Ralph Blumenthal, deals with
one of the pioneers of more enlightened incarceration. Lewis E.
Lawes headed Sing Sing from 1919 to 1941, and he brought some real
changes to the system. ”Men who took human life and served time
are the best behaved and best trusted in Sing Sing,” claimed
Lawes. Indeed, very few murderers who were paroled ever returned
to prison. See The New York Times, July 27, 2004, p.
B8. Lawes apparently showed that tough love could work out very
well even with the most hardened of criminals, the very types who were
sent to Sing Sing.
growth of prisons has changed life in America, particularly out in the
rural counties where they tend to be located. Perhaps a third of
America’s counties now have at least one prison. In a study
entitled “The New Landscape of Imprisonment: Mapping America’s
Prison Expansion” published by the Urban Institute, we learn that
federal and state prisons expanded from 592 in 1974 to 1023 in
2000. Texas and Florida have led the way in building new
prisons. “The study found that the county with the largest share
of its residents in prison was Concho County, Tex., with a population
of just under 4,000 and 33 percent of its population in prison.”
See The New York Times, April 30, 2004, p. A15.
New York Times recently issued
one of its periodic kneejerk editorials on how prisons across the
nation have to be reclaimed from the wardens and from the unions
representing prison guards entitled “Taking Back the Prisons,” August
2, 2004, p. A20. It particularly pointed to California and the
need for a more assertive state prisons authority. It cited Judge
Thelton Henderson, who put a special master in charge at Pelican Bay in
order to curb abuses, and it speculated that the courts may have to
step in more broadly to bring rogue prisons to heel.
Of course, The
Times is on the one hand too extreme, and on the other not extreme
enough. It’s not a question of putting band aids on our prison
systems. The real chore is to fold back into society 7 million
people who have been cast onto another planet, at great cost to society
and to themselves.
Paul Farmer
You can find out about
Paul Farmer simply by pouring through the Internet or by reading his
Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor
or by reading Tracy Kidder’s book about him,
Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who
Would Cure the World. A long time ago, he broke free from
conventional medicine and medical lucre to take on the poor, which is
what he thinks medicine is all about. He set up a community based
healthcare system in Haiti that not only brought affordable care to the
poor but went beyond this to attack the social causes making for
illness. Then too, he upset the applecart in treating
tuberculosis, showing that an intensive medicine-based approach was the
best way to deal with TB, particularly so that the poor would not
develop an immunity to treatment. He has gone on to work at the
Harvard Medical School and on as well to other impoverished spots on
the globe. Appropriately, he is both physician and
anthropologist. To read in detail about him and his achievement,
work, as it turns out, has been supported by some pretty
bountiful angels. Remarkable Tom White of Cambridge, Massachusetts and
Jupiter, Florida has virtually given away the whole of his considerable
fortune, much of it to Partners in Health, Farmer’s organization.
Indeed, Partners has named a treatment center in Haiti after him.
You can read about all his good works in the Boston Globe,
March 23, 2004, in an article by Bella English. Virtually the
whole of his philanthropy has been focused on the poor, both at home
and around the world. White has been a long-time supporter of
Partners: Bill and Melinda Gates, through their Foundation, have since
become major contributors. Time Magazine called White the
best philanthropist of 2001 in an article entitled “Quiet Giver” by Dan
Input-Output. Last week we stumbled onto a
first-class online magazine put out by none other than the Association
for Computing Machinery. It will rattle some of your
preconceptions. Who would think this society of computer
apparatchiks would be the sponsor of a wide-angle publication that
looks at the goals of computing; the evolution, progress, and future of
the field; and, to a limited extent, its reason for being? We
find a number of articles there, too many to mention, to be provocative
for anybody who wants to think about how any of society’s systems
evolve. Its title, Ubiquity, reminds one of the role God
enjoyed in the metaphysics of the medieval philosophers when he was
pictured as all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-present. Since
computing has become so pervasive in the life of the world, it is fair
to think of it as everywhere. Ubiquity blows aside
our own preconceptions about computer engineers, making them seem
much less linear.
We would
particularly recommend to you an interview there with consultant Fran
Johansson related to his book The Medici Effect.
“The book talks about the fact that we have the greatest chance
of coming up with groundbreaking insights at the intersection of
different disciplines or cultures.” (See
www.acm.org/ubiquity/interviews/v5i31_johansson.html.) He
cites, for instance, “swarm intelligence, which essentially came out of
the intersection of the study of social insects and computer search
algorithms.” He calls it “the Medici Effect,” inspired by the
powerful creative effects the Medici had in Florence of the 1500s by
bringing together talented people from so many disciplines.
Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death, and Brain Surgery - Henry Marsh (8-12-15)
On the Move: A Life - Oliver Sachs (8-12-15)
Salt Your Way to Health - David Brownstein (8-27-14)
Grain Brain - David Perlmutter (8-27-14)
Knocking on Heaven's Door: The Path to a Better Way of Death - Katy Butler (09-11-13)
Mortality, Christopher Hitchens
Arno Karlen - Biography of a Germ - 2001 (06-02-10)
Richard Burton – Anatomy of Melancholy – 1621 (02-10-10)
Anthony Rao and Michelle Seaton – The Way of Boys: Raising Healthy Boys in a Challenging and Complex World – 2009
Anatomy of an Illness
Almost from the beginning, the gods made clear that Norman Cousins
was an extraordinary fellow, all the more so since he, too, would
suffer greatly. Journalist, author, professor, and advocate for World
Government, he carried his message to every podium in the
country. You could not utter the words World Federalist and think
of anybody but him. As deftly, forcefully, but peacefully as
anyone, he worked for peace and nuclear commonsense.
But, ironically, he is much better
remembered and achieved wider prominence for his battles with
disease. “At age 11, he was misdiagnosed with tuberculosis and
placed in a sanatorium.” During the course of his life, he battled
serious illness, to include heart disease and arthritis, on 3
occasions: he was a 3-time loser, but a 3-time winner. No doctor
ever suspected he would live to the ripe old age of 85. Through
it all, he put out the Saturday Review of Literature, a
balanced effort, free of the axe-to-grind mentality that dominates
today’s book and literary reviews, carrying it from a circulation of
20,000 to 650,000. It’s hard to believe it’s gone now.
of an Illness is an account of his encounter and
victory over his collagen disease, an encounter which later was made
into a TV movie of the same name starring Ed Asner. Later on, he
recounted his affair (illness) of the heart in
The Healing Heart: Antidotes to Panic and Helplessness.
His true grit comes up time and again: “Death is not the greatest loss
in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we
live.” “The more serious the illness, the more important it is
for you to fight back, mobilizing all your resources-spiritual,
emotional, intellectual, physical.”
Just Blade
Katrina Firlik,
a Connecticut neurosurgeon, is just out with
Another Day in the Frontal Lobe: A Brain Surgeon Exposes Life on the
Inside. “Good neurosurgeons (who, by the way, spend more
time operating on spines than they do on brains) like to keep things
simple” (“Maybe Brain Surgeons Aren’t as Smart as You Thought,” New
York Times, May 12, 2006, p. B33. Firlik’s book dwells
heavily on her life and career, but it also gives a pretty good tour of
the brain surgery world. The review of the book by William Grimes
in the Times is not terribly profound, and it more or less
suggests that brain surgery is no less, no more complicated than other
forms of surgical endeavor. It does make clear that Firlik is a
fairly vivid writer who can communicate about her world in terms the
layperson can surely understand. (6/28/06)
We're Not
as Sick as We Think We Are
American health is not as good as it should be, but
it’s not quite as bad as we think. First off, we are a nation of
pill-takers and hypochondriacs. Secondly, our health system is so
avid that it reports complaints that others miss. Though the
statistics make us look like we are all one step from the grave and
suggest that the Brits are healthier, a closer examination shows that
they’re cholesterol and mortality are in the same range as ours.
See “If You’ve Got a Pulse, You’re Sick,” New York Times, May
21, 2006, pp. WK 1 & 5. “Dr. Hadler has written a book about
the problem of medicalization, calling it
Last Well Person: How to Stay Well Despite the Health Care System.
The title refers to a story told by Dr. Clifton K. Meador,
director of the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance”:
One day, as Dr.
Meador tells it, a doctor-in-training was asked by his professor to
define a well person. The resident thought for a moment. A well
person, he said, is “someone who has not been completely worked
can find something wrong with almost anybody. (6/28/06)
Genius under the Microscope
In “Marked by
Genius,” Christopher Chabris of Harvard’s Department of Psychology,
does an uncommonly fine review of Nancy Andreasen’s
The Creating Brain. “Her laboratory of the University of
Iowa was one of the first to use modern MRI technology and IQ testing
methods to confirm the suspicion that more intelligent people tend to
have larger brains.” A biological psychiatrist, she studies what
goes wrong with the brain during mental illness, but she has a special
interest “in extraordinary creative genius. Such genius has long
been associated with serious mental illness, especially schizophrenia
and drug abuse.” In the 70s and 80s, based on studies of visiting
faculty of the Iowa Writers Workshop, she “showed that mental illness
was indeed much more prevalent in the creative achievers.” “But
surprisingly, the disease most associated with creativity was not
psychosis but depression, especially bipolar disorder (manic
depression).” Loosely interpreted, both psychosis and creativity
require loose connections between the conceptual structures of the
brain, accounting for their close association. (1/18/06)
Flexing Your
The literature is now littered with hypotheses that say
the brain can be stretched and be rewired, overcoming the deterioration
of age and other mental defects, even surging beyond the capabilities
that were apparent there at birth. We have referred to the “Flexible
Brain.” A few years back Larry Katz et. al. came out with
Keep Your Brain Alive, offering 83 neurobic
exercises. Nancy Andreasen’s
The Creating Brain provides a more ambitious regime, offering
not only agility but creativity.
But we think the Japanese are really onto
something. See “Nintendo’s Brain-Training Game Targets Older
Players,” Wall Street Journal, February 23, 2006, pp. B1 and
B4. “Japan’s hottest videograme is about to hit the U.S … it’s a
bunch of word and math problems with a distinctly no-thrills title:
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day.” Nintendo President
Satoru Iwata read a book by neuroscientist Ryuta Kawashima two years
ago that showed how you could sharpen your brain doing simple math
problems. Having studied test subjects in his lab, Nintendo
programmers have devised a hand-held game that includes drills that
stimulate the brain most. Overseas is critical for Nintendo,
which typically gets 75% of its revenues offshore. “Brain Age flashes
questions on one screen, while the player writes answers on the
other.” The player, in effect, takes timed drills.
“Brain imaging has shown that, after just a
few weeks of training, the pattern of activity in older brains actually
starts to look like that in younger brains.” Different kinds of
drills relate to different forms of activity—short term memory,
information processing, etc. Drills for one activity don’t spill
over into other activities. Nintendo has definitely penetrated older
segments of its home market, well beyond teen age enthusiasts.
version of the game that will go on sales in the U.S. on April 1 (2006)
will include counting, memory and reading drills, as well as soduku….”
Sleeker iterations of the DS or DoubleScreen are on the
way. The revive-your-brain market is open for the taking.
Cutting Down
on Cut Ups
Business Week (July 18,
2005, pp. 32-35) headlined a very provocative article called “Is Heart
Surgery Worth It?” To a host of medical experts, it is not at all
clear that heart surgery isn’t vastly overdone, and many would contend
it should be done away with except in instances where the patient is
clearly in dire trouble. Norton Hadler, medical professor at UNC-Chapel
Hill and author of Last Well Person,
thinks bypass surgery in particular should have been relegated to the
junk heap a decade ago. On the other hand, Dr. Timothy Gardner, a
cardiac surgeon in Delaware and co-editor of Operative Cardiac
Surgery thinks bypasses have worked very well indeed. Heart
surgery is $100 billion industry, and so there are not only health but
vast economic questions at stake. Further, the amount of surgery
done may be a proxy for a more general problem—runaway, costly, and
ineffective treatment throughout the healthcare establishment.
Both Fisher and Wennberg at Dartmouth have long claimed that a sizable
portion of healthcare is not driven by either need or results, but
rather by available supply. (9/7/05)
Why the Tears? Where has the
funny gone, you ask? Perhaps people are down in the dumps: the
health statisticians do report that depression is growing mightily, not
only in the United States but in all the developed nations, at great
cost to the soul and to the economy. Maybe too, people are
working too hard: that condition is particularly acute in these United
States, and it does not leave much time for horseplay. And, as
Austin designer Mike Hicks remarks, urbanities are now shorn of their
second home and relegated to domestic caviar. See “Caviar Emptor.”
But we mainly lay the lack of laughter at
the door of the live media, particularly TV. Ideologists of all
stripes accuse the media of all sorts of failings, often laying a bum
rap at the feet of journalists, who are increasingly mediocre but not
all that slanted. The news and TV fare is downright repetitious,
often nasty, and morbidly voyeuristic. No wonder people wear
dreary faces: Dr. Andrew Weil, if we remember rightly, is advising
people to turn off their radios and TVs in order to feel better.
He’s got a new book out on
Healthy Aging, and we assume that it includes laughter.
Man cannot live by scandal alone. Networks and cable alike
probably are bringing people down.
Ex-pounded Governor
remember that Governor Bill, later Pres Bill, had a terrible fondness
for all sorts of junk food, constantly battled his waistline, and
finally had to give himself over to major heart surgery. Now we
learn that current Governor Mike Huckabee is battling weight in one and
all. He shed 100 pounds by the end of 2004, all recounted in his
book Quit Digging Your
Grave with a Knife and Fork. See “The Governor Who Put
his State on a Diet,” New York Times, August 10, 2005, p. D2.
“His transformation led him to begin the Health Arkansas initiative …
the goal of which has been to persuade” his fellow citizens “to join
him….” Under the program, state employees “are given 30 minutes a
day for exercise.” They also get days off as a reward for healthy
living. If all this is not satisfying, one can buy Liza Ashley’s
Thirty Years at the
Mansion, full of recipes she used to fatten up 7 Arkansas
governors. Read about the fatty years at
Prostate Bible
A prostate specialist and
surgeon for 25 years, Dr. Peter Scardino has authored a book—Dr. Peter Scardino’s
Prostate Book—that looks at cancer, prostatitis, BPH, and
everything else that can go wrong with the prostate. As The
Economist points out, the book is sorely needed. Prostate
cancer, if caught early, is curable, and yet more men die of it than
any other cancer except lung. See The Economist, April 9,
2005, p. 70. Scardino is prostate cancer chair at Memorial
Sloan-Kettering. Interestingly, Scardino got his first degree
from Yale—in religious studies.
Even with
Scardino, prostate sufferers will want to read further. One site
with a great deal of digestible information is Phoenix5.org to
include links to articles such as the famous Andrew Grove account in Fortune
We cannot emphasize enough that the Phoenix site is terrific and it
should be consulted by anybody with even the vaguest interest in
prostate cancer. And here is yet another reading list:
www.seattleprostateinst.com/readinglist.htm. The sources on
prostate problems are wide and deep. (8/31/05)
World (Autism)
Rigid thinking and behavior; poor eye contact and obliviousness to
social cues; a fixation on subjects and objects; hypersensitivity to
sound and a tendency to anxiety; lack of emotion and common sense; late
speech and echolalia: these are some of the telltale signs of an
autistic child. The surging incidence of autism in America
baffles the medical establishment. The causes are not well
understood. Bruno Bettelheim’s theories about the psychological
underpinnings of autism have been discarded. The condition stems
from neurological abnormalities in the brain, which show up as
cognitive and sensory disorders in a child. Something as basic as
forced eye contact or the presence of strangers can trigger sensory
overload. Auditory processing deficiencies mean the child may
have trouble understanding even the purpose of speech.
in Pictures, by Temple
Grandin (Vintage, 1996), is an autism classic. This delightful,
insightful book does not provide all the answers to the mysteries of
autism. Rather, the autistic author illuminates the mind,
behavior and outlook on the world of the autistic. As Dr. Oliver
Sacks writes in his elegant foreword: “We get a glimpse of her total
bewilderment about other people’s minds, her inability to decipher
their expressions and intentions, along with her determination to study
them, study us, our alien behaviors, scientifically and
systematically, as if (in her own words) she were “an anthropologist on
Grandin is a
world-famous expert on cattle psychology and behavior. A third of
all cattle and hogs in the U.S. are handled by equipment she
designed. The key, she explains, is her ability to think in
pictures (not words), and her ability to put herself into cattle’s
heads and look at the world through their eyes. Grandin deploys
superior visual spatial skills, which she describes as resembling a
video library or computer graphics program in her imagination and
memory (many autistics have heightened visual abilities for reasons not
well understood). “A great deal of my success in working with
animals,” she explains, “comes from the simple fact that I see all
kinds of connections between their behavior and certain autistic
behaviors … both cattle and people with autism can become very set in
their habits. A change in a daily routine can cause an autistic
person to have a tantrum…I have often observed that the senses of some
people with autism resemble the acute senses of animals.”
(Reviewed by Andrew Tanzer.)
The book
provides many insights into animal behavior. Indeed, Grandin
seems more comfortable with her animal friends than with homo
sapiens. “Like most autistics, I don’t experience the feelings
attached to personal relationships…. Teaching a person with
autism the social graces is like coaching an actor for a play.
Every step has to be planned…. Since I don’t have any social
intuition, I rely on pure logic, like an expert computer program, to
guide my behavior…. When people are responding to each other with
emotion rather than intellect, I need to have long discussions with
friends who can serve as translators.”
One of the
Thinking in Pictures’ strangest and most fascinating chapters is
“Einstein’s Second Cousin.” Grandin notes that the parents and
relatives of many autistic children are intellectually gifted.
There appear to be genetic links between autism and the depression,
anxiety disorder and schizophrenia often found in artists, poets, and
creative writers. “The genes that produce normal people with
certain talents are likely to be the same genes that produce the
abnormalities found at the extreme end of the same continuum.”
She notes that Einstein, Wittgenstein, van Gogh and Bill Gates all show
signs of autism, probably Asperger’s Syndrome (in recent weeks,
Michelangelo has been added to the list of likely Asperger’s
victims). In this high-functioning form of autism, Asperger’s
victims display odd behavior, a childlike quality and greater interest
in ideas and work than in human relations. “The genetic traits
that can cause severe disabilities can also provide the giftedness and
genius that has produced some of the world’s greatest art and
scientific discoveries.”
Fat Forward
There’s small evidence of progress on the fat front,
not only here but abroad. For the first time in years, Americans
dropped a little bit of weight last year. In Britain, “the
average man got thinner in 2002 … for the first time since
body-mass-index records began; women’s BMI was static.” See The
Economist, “Fat of the Land,” March 6, 2004, pp. 51-52.
In both America and Britain, there are various schemes being proposed
to impose a “fat tax” on the foods that put on the pounds, and an
effort to ban junk food advertising for children. Sales of
chocolate in Britain (the Brits are notorious consumers of sweets) have
been falling 2% a year, and food companies are edging into healthier
foods. Salads are moving faster on lunch menus, and exercise
clubs are increasing their membership at a healthy rate.
The question,
even so, is whether governments should intervene in the marketplace and
how. Kelly Brownell, chairman of Yale’s psychology department and
director of its Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, believes that
obesity is a public health prevention problem and that government
should be active in combating the “toxic food environment.” In
his book Food Fight,
he makes clear that individual dieting alone won’t work when one is
surrounded by signals that drive you to consume the wrong things.
Whatever the role of government, it seems clear that overweight
individuals are still fighting an uphill battle in trying to reduce in
a stressful atmosphere that goads them to consume and does not afford
them enough leisure to exercise properly. Nonetheless, a general
change in consciousness about health and obesity in many societies
already is leading to a loss of weight at the margins. For more
on Dr. Brownell’s views on government and obesity, see Yale Alumni
Magazine, “The Belly of the Beast,” March/April 2004, at
www.yalealumnimagazine.com/. Also see his vita at
Down and Out
On this section of our website, we largely make the
argument that health in these United States and around the world can
improve by leaps and bounds if we can implement decent preventive
health measures either through public health channels or through
motivated private sector initiatives. We think private
foundations probably will not get much done about health, whether we
are talking about the Rockefellers or the Melissa and Bill Gates
Foundation: they mean well but they suffer from whom they
are. Putting all this aside, some think that large-scale
improvements in health are more driven by initiatives in the social and
political sphere that seem unrelated to healthcare than by all our
tinkerings with health policy. If this is true, we would focus
less on health policy and more on issues like income distribution,
public infrastructure, etc.
This view comes down to
the idea that down and out people don’t have much of a chance to be
healthy. On the one hand, in societies that consume too much and
that are torn by income disparencies, there is little resource left
over for health. And, on the other, the poor and stressed lack
family cohesion and social amenities that are part of the fabric of
health, particularly as relates to mental wellbeing.
This is well related in
The Health of Nations by Ichiro Kawachi and Bruce P. Kennedy,
published in 2002. For the stressed and depressed who have no
time to read, we would particularly recommend a review of this book we
caught in the New England Journal of Medicine (January 2,
2003) by Stephen Bezruchka at the University of Washington School of
Public Health and Community Medicine:
Health of Nations presents evidence from many disciplines that
political policies that widen inequalities in income may harm a
nation's health. Kawachi, an internist turned social
epidemiologist, and Kennedy, an educational psychologist present
arguments to show that one's relative position in society is more
important than absolute wealth or income, not only when it comes to
general well-being, but in terms of mortality as well.”
work harder and longer just to keep up with our 1973 standard of
living. This additional work translates into 5 to 10 more weeks
of work each year for members of the American labor force than for
their European counterparts. Politicians preach about "family
values," but how can families prosper without time for
maintenance? As a result of the orientation toward individual
rather than family needs, some people see children as obstacles to
individual growth. The authors point out that higher rates of crime
occur when the high cultural value placed on competitive achievement
clashes with widespread disparities in actual living standards within a
society. Inequality is harmful, and we pay the ultimate price for
it with premature deaths.”
improve health in the United States or elsewhere in the world, we must
address factors that affect the health of populations but have only
indirect relevance for patient care.”
ourselves probably regard this point of view as interesting but a
distraction for health care professionals. We do think the
decline in the standard of living the nation has suffered since the
Vietnam War and the rise in stress occasioned by every employee doing
the job of two have brought low the health and welfare of the American
community. Nonetheless, we feel that massive, direct changes in
the healthcare system could ratchet American health upwards even with
the societal problems cited by the authors.
High, Drugs Low. We’re
not only buying a bit less at the department store, but we’re also
reining in our addiction to drugs. Americans, as you know, take
far too many drugs for far too little effect, both legal and
illegal. While healthcare spending—our worst national
problem—consumed over 15% of gross domestic expenditures in 2003 (first
time over 15%), the rate of prescription growth dramatically slowed to
10.7% a year from its previous 14.9%. (See The New York Times,
“Nation’s Health Spending Slows, But It Still Hits a Record,” January
11, 2005.) Consumers pay 30% of prescription drug costs, and
their pocketbooks cannot keep up with the bills, so they’re getting a
little tight fisted, even when they need the drugs. Drugs are
just one more consumer product category that is having a little
difficulty at retail.
That said, we
are startled to learn that America does not have the highest drug
prices in the world, even if the pols and the patients bitterly
complain that we pay so much more to the drug companies than other
citizens around the globe. “As the economists Patricia Danzon and
Michael Furukawa recently pointed out in the journal Health Affairs,
drugs still under patent protection are anywhere from twenty-five to
forty per cent more expensive in the United States than in places like
England, France, and Canada. Generic drugs are another story …
generic drugs here are among the cheapest in the world.” (See
Malcolm Gladwell, “High Prices,” New Yorker, October 25, 2004,
pp. 86-90. Also see Danzon and Furukawa on “Prices and
Availability of Pharmaceuticals: Evidence from Nine Countries,” www.healthaffairs.org,
a study which was supported by Merck). “So many important drugs
have gone off-patent recently that the rate of increase in drug
spending in the United States has fallen sharply for the past four
years. … The core problem in bringing drug spending under
control, in other words, is persuading the users and buyers and
prescribers of drugs to behave rationally, and the reason we’re in the
mess we’re in is that, so far, we simply haven’t done a very good job
of that.”
“There is a
second book out this fall on the prescriptive-drug crisis, called Overdosed America
… by John Abramson, who teaches at Harvard Medical School.” In
general, one may ask whether the medical system and marketing machines
of the drug companies don’t have us taking too many drugs and the wrong
ones (i.e., not enough generics). Despite the assertions in an
impassioned book from Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the
renowned New England Journal of Medicine, called The Truth about the
Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It,
it also seems clear that doctors, patients, insurance companies,
government—indeed, the whole of society—are at least very compliant
co-conspirators in runaway drug expenditures and a health system in
which, some authorities think, about a third of all the expenditures
are of no value to the patient or society. The fault lines here
have become so visible that we can be certain the tectonic plates are
about to shift. This is an “addictive society”; drugs and
healthcare just happen to be two of the things we are hooked on.
As we have
said before in Best of Class
and “Making Ideas Big,”
Gladwell, whose keen eye spotted what’s really happening on
drug prices and to whom we owe the quotes above, is one of those
handful of journalists who is worth reading at every turn, since he’s
liable to come up with an insight that will destroy your fixed view of
things. He’s just out with a new book called Blink: The Power of
Thinking without Thinking. Timely enough, it’s really an
ode in praise of intuition, which is in high demand in an age where the
world is being turned upside down. We need to radically change
the way we do things. For this, intuition and creativity are
quintessential, and yet our store of them has atrophied and withered.
Son of a mathematician, Gladwell comes equipped to discover
principles and laws beneath complexity, while the rest of us see
The Many
Fathers of Neoroscience
Just like good ideas, and the earthly children of the
gods, neuroscience can claim a host of fathers, with nobody having an
absolute claim on its paternity. We will cast our votes for a
couple of fellows here. First, Sir Charles Scott Sherrington set
forth “Sherrington’s Law,” “which states that for every neural
activation of a muscle, there is a corresponding inhibition of the
opposing muscle. Sherrington is also known for the study of the
synapse, a word which he coined for the then-theoretical connecting
point of the neurons” (Wikipedia). He did considerable work with
cholera, tetanus, and diphtheria, was a philosopher, and a poet as
well. Among his works are Integrative Action
of the Nervous System, The Brain and its
Mechanism, Man on His Nature,
and The Reflex Activity
of the Spinal Cord. He won the Nobel Prize in 1932 (http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1932/
But we could easily choose Santiago Ramon y
Cajal. He is known for proving that neurons, or nerve
cells, are the fundamental elements of the nervous system.
Starting off in artistic directions, he eventually made his way into
science. Using and improving on a silver nitrate staining technique
from the Italian Golgi, he did conclusive studies in Barcelona that led
to his definitive proof of neuron theory in 1889. (Oddly enough,
he had previously been in the opposing camp of thought—the single
“network” theory.) Cajal and Golgi shared the Nobel Prize in
1906. Like Sherrington, he made a multitude of contributions to
the field. See
It is impressive that Sherrington and Cajal
made so many discoveries in neuroscience but that their interests and
contributions ranged well beyond neuroscience. Generalists seem
to outdo specialists at every turn. (5/11/05)
Looking for
One's Memory
Cathryn Jacobson Ramin’s “In Search of Lost Time,” New
York Times Magazine, December 5, 2004, pp. 76-81 deals with the
author’s memory loss and her efforts to deal with it through a memory
regimen and more. In her thirties she began to find that her mind
was just not clicking in the same way. Just before she turned 45,
she realized that she had forgotten the title of a film (plus more)
that she had just seen with her husband. She went to see Dr. Gary
Small, director of UCLA’s Center on Aging and author of The
Memory Bible. Enrolling in a study he was doing, she
found out that she had average memory impairment for her age.
Apparently brain cholesterol to promote myelin growth accelerates from
youth, but reaches a point in one’s thirties where it produces a
protein toxic for myelin and other membranes in the brain. After
tests for deterioration and various attempts to sharpen the memory, she
discovered in fact that her loss was not so much due to brain
degeneration but to brain damage suffered much earlier in life.
Talking with her brother, she uncovered a number of early whacks she
took on the head that probably accounted for her later
is more common than is realized for early concussive effects to show up
in later brain impairment, so, signally, much breakdown we attribute to
age is actually due to events that occurred much earlier in life.
Wear your helmets. Adderall immediately brought new focus to her
brain, but found that it simultaneously dulled some aspects of life,
taking away some of the mental twists and turns she commonly
enjoyed. (3/23/05)
Mind Wide Open
Johnson, making himself the subject of examination, looks into the
operations of his own brain and lays his discoveries out in Mind
Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life.
“With the help of a new neurofeedback device called Attention
Trainer, he learns how to control his own brainwaves (this is now used
with Attention Deficit Disorder children as a way to get their brains
to focus as a substitute for Ritalin).” He learns that the
supercomputer model is probably not a good way of looking at the brain,
as the psyche turns out to be a battleground of competing forces,
rather than a harmoniously unified system. (From a review in The
Guardian, May 15, 2004). (3/16/05)
Strep and ODD
have previously noted that there is a small but vocal fraternity that
believes there is a direct connection between physical illnesses of
various sorts and such disorders as autism and obsessive compulsive
disorder in items 121 and in the original entry above. We
ourselves believe there is much to be gained by much more research on
the part bacterial and viral infections and environmental influences
play in a host of conditions. This line of thinking is slipping
into the mainstream with the New York Times Magazine (May 22,
2005, pp. 65-69), which in a further explication of the Pandas theory
relating to rapid-onset O.C.D., asks “Can You Catch
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.” Judith Rapoport, a child
psychiatrist who authored The Boy Who Couldn’t
Stop Washing, buys into the strep bacteria argument, and a
particular advocate is Susan E. Swedo at the National Institute of
Mental Health whom we mentioned previously. Roger Kurlan at the
University of Rochester and Edward L. Kaplan at the University of
Minnesota don’t buy into the theory, tending to believe, rather, that
any kind of infection tends to accentuate a pre-existing OCD
condition. In general researchers are pretty well defended
against theses that promote infectious or chemical bases of OCD and
other conditions. (6/29/05)
Medicine's 10 Greatest
Who knows whether the list is right, but it's a chance
to learn about some people we did not know. You can either read
Meyer Friedman's and Gerald Friedland's book,
Medicine's 10 Greatest Discoveries, or you can get a rundown at
Medicine's 10 Greatest Hits: Curiosity's Reward. The list:
a. 1543 - Vesalius' detailing of human anatomy.
b. 1628 - William Harvey on heart circulation.
c. 1675 - Anton Leeuwenhoek discovers bacteria.
d. 1796 - Edward Jenner uses cowpox to protect against smallpox, and
also uses other dead toxins to protect against other diseases.
e. 1842 - Crawford Long develops surgical anesthesia.
f. 1895 - Roentgen and x-rays.
g. 1907 - Ross Harrison grows living cells outside the body.
h. 1912 - Nikolai Anichkov discovers cholesterol is the basis of
coronary artery disease.
i. 1928 - Alexander Flemming and penicillin.
j. 1950-53 - Maurice Wilkins isolates single fiber of DNA, leading to
work of Watson and Crick who develop a double helix model.
Most of the great work, and most of the great
medicine, does not come from drug discoveries but from a better
understanding of how the body works. This tells us where medical
research monies should be directed.
Miracles Happen
Not all miracles happen on 34th Street. Unnoticed things of
worth and note occur in the hinterlands. In a crisis there's always a
determined person who's too stubborn to be scared and who meets the
situation head on. Such is Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer, mentioned before (see
Agile Companies #135), who put the VA on the road to recovery,
delivering a whole lot more healthcare while spending a whole lot less
dollars per capita. You can read about this in the Wall Street
Journal, December 10, 2001, pp. A1 and A10. Or, if you can bear up
under some medical jargon, read Dr. Kizer's own account in
"Reengineering the Veterans Healthcare System," a chapter in
Advancing Federal Sector Healthcare. The bottom line is that the VA
has achieved a 25% reduction in per-patient costs, while moving all the
treatment numbers in the right direction since 1996.
More Than You Ever Needed to Know About
Sawtooth Palmetto
Rick Mendosa has done everything hip and complex, and
aspires to be the world's best medical writer about diabetes. He
is a good writer and he clearly has done the definitive article about
sawtooth palmetto. (See www.mendosa.com/sawpalm.htm.)
As one of my graduate students opines, "It's for bad pipes," which is
also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition that
often affects men in their 50s, when various swellings make for both
difficult and frequent urination. (If you're a literary sort,
read about Paul in John O'Hara's
A Rage to Live.) Now the doctors push surgery or drugs
for this condition because that's what doctors do. To his credit,
our own internist suggested sawtooth palmetto, though he could not
remember the best recipe which comes out of Germany, apparently.
The source of the new material for all the world, incidentally, is
Florida, with Germany, Switzerland, and Italy being the best
formularies. Bottom line: It's sold at Costco, but you may want
to look for finer grades. And the best worldwide standards for
alternative treatments, including sawtooth, seem to obtain in Germany,
so that's probably where the best alternative, quality drugs come from.
Absolute Puritanism
Theodore Dalyrymple (a.k.a. Anthony Daniels) is a
British physician and psychiatrist who is willing to take on the health
police. In this instance, the American Medical Association, gone
awry, has gotten mad about late-night liquor advertisements on
T.V. "In my own code, it required no advertisements to persuade
me to drink alcohol every day." "But health is not the only good,
much less the supreme good, of human existence. Indeed, excellent
health is neither sufficient nor necessary for the good life, and he is
not always happiest who lives longest." See the Wall Street
Journal, December 21, 2001, p. A14. Also, see Dalrymple's
several books, including:
Listeria: The Meaning of Health Scares
Little Done: The Testament of a Serial Killer
at the Bottom: The Worldview that Makes the Underclass
of Its Mind: Psychiatry in Crisis
Hobson and Leonard talk about the decline in psychiatry and the hordes
of untreated patients wandering our streets. They "provide a neat
summary of recent progress in brain science and the treatments it has
led to." Reviewer Paul Raeburn also notes how we have moved too
deeply into treatment by drugs, cutting down on psychotherapy--the
other vital part of the mental-health cocktail. See Business
Week, July 9, 2001, p. 18.
Dr. Folkman's War
Obviously one has to be obsessive to roll rocks uphill. Ask the
Australian doctor who uncovered the bacterial foundation and cure for
ulcers. Or ask the Boston researcher who thought folic acid might
have something to do with arresting heart disease at a time when
cholesterol was the sole research theme in Boston and Framingham: he
was exiled to a VA hospital. Likewise, serious researchers in
cancer have to take on the world. A recent book by Robert Cooke, Dr.
Folkman's War, details the unseemly way the medical
establishment resisted the concept of angio-genesis, which roughly
means starving cancer cells to death by cutting off their blood supply.
Decline of Public
Catherine Arnst's excellent review of Laurie Garrett's
Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health
nicely sums up the key messages of this rather exhaustive book (Business
Week, October 2, 2000, pp. 29-31). Worldwide, the
public health system is in shambles. In the U.S., it is simply a
disgrace, resulting in mortality figures that are no better than
nations with much poorer economies. Garrett notes that less than
4% of the total improvement in life expectancy since the 1700s can be
attributed to 20th century advances in medicine. Public
health measures account for 96% of the improvement, but we're focusing
on the 4%. The economic costs of this folly are increasing.
Decline of Public Health
Catherine Arnst's excellent review of Laurie
Garrett's Betrayal
of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health nicely sums
up the key messages of this rather exhaustive book (Business Week,
October 2, 2000, pp. 29-31). Worldwide, the public health system
is in shambles. In the U.S., it is simply a disgrace, resulting
in mortality figures that are no better than nations with much poorer
economies. Garrett notes that less than 4% of the total
improvement in life expectancy since the 1700s can be attributed to
20th century advances in medicine. Public health measures
account for 96% of the improvement, but we're focusing on the 4%.
The economic costs of this folly are increasing.
Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, etc.
A close reading of the literature of child-learning
problems reveals that we don't know much about all the neuro-glitches
that trouble a mass of kids in schools across the land. Given our
ignorance, we are putting awesome amounts of ritalin and other
troublesome medications down their throats. As one physician put
it to me, the real problems with these drugs is if they work.
Then you have the quandary of weaning kids off the stuff at some
point. We are discovering that social environmental stimuli (i.e.
hyper-environmentals at school, home, and the community) play a
profound role in these conditions, whatever is amiss in a child's
wiring. For a collection of current thinking, see Thomas E.
Brown, Attention-Deficit
Disorders and Cormorbidities in Children, Adolescents, and Adults
(American Psychiatric Press, 2000). Dr. Brown is at Yale's Clinic
for Attention and Related Disorders.
World’s Fastest Neurologist
Doing his medicine all along, Roger Bannister was the first runner in
the world to break the four minute barrier on May 6, 1954 at
Oxford. As a physician and scientist, he had minutely researched
the mechanical aspects of running and developed training procedures
built around his knowledge of the body. (Read about his training
methods at Nevada Track
Stats.) Later at the British Empire Games, he bested John Landy, an
Australian who had broken his record not long after the Oxford race.
His autobiography,
The First Four Minutes, was published in 1955, and later
re-issued as Four Minute Mile.
On the fiftieth anniversary of his run, the
BBC asked him if the victory was the most significant event of his
life. He replied, no. “He rather saw his subsequent forty
years of practicing as neurologist and some of the new procedures he
introduced as being more significant.”
Today, Sir Roger Bannister is Director of
the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in London and is editor of
Autonomic Failure, a textbook on clinical disorders of the
autonomic nervous system. As well, he is editor/author, along
with Lord Walter Russell Brain, of
Brain and Bannister’s Clinical Neurology. He withdrew from
private practice and limited himself to research after a serious auto
accident which also ended his running. This was in 1975, the year in
which Queen Elizabeth knighted him. His other books include
Fair Play.
In an interview, he summed up his research
in “The Academy
of Achievement”:
At that stage
there were no methods of testing for diseases of the autonomic nervous
system. We saw all kinds of patients who might have these kinds
of diseases and created a battery of tests. At the same time, the
method of assaying chemicals like noradrenaline that are released by
nerve endings were being developed, so one had a direct biochemical way
of measuring the activity of this system. I developed it with
colleagues in London at the same time that NIH in Bethesda were also
doing it. I was near the leading edge, and set up Autonomic
Research Society. Now there are similar research societies in the
United State and other countries. At this time I was traveling
very widely and speaking at medical conferences on these areas, and I
wrote the first textbook on diseases of the autonomic nervous system.
It’s now in its fourth edition.” (12/7/05)
Andrew Weil
There's broad enthusiasm now about Dr. Weil, who once
operated at the margins, but he's now reached the stage of being
interviewed by Larry King. He combines traditional medicine and
alternative medicine, with particular emphasis on eating right.
Check out Ask Dr. Weil
online. Two of his current books are:
Crick and
Crick’s last
paper before his death in 2004 proposes to explain the neurological
basis of consciousness. See The Economist, July 30, 2005,
p. 71. Along with collaborator Christof Koch of the
California Institute of Technology, he published his thesis in the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society. “The part of the brain”
that caught their interest was “the claustrum, a thin sheet of grey
matter that lies concealed beneath part of the cortex….” In
effect, they found that all regions of the cortex are tied together to
the claustrum, so that sundry messages could be tied together there in
a unified whole—consciousness. Of course, now the thesis has to
be proven. See more on this and Crick’s book The Astonishing
Hypothesis at
Wired: Double Brained
“Two brains are better than one,” and it takes at least
two to keep men in motion, “one at the top of the spinal cord and the
hidden but powerful grain in the gut known as the enteric nervous
system” (“The Other Brain, the One with Butterflies, Also
Deals with Many Woes,” The New York Times, August 23,
2005, pp. D5 and D8). The close interrelationship between
the two suggests that brain mood can strongly affect digestion, and, in
turn, the digestive process has side effects in brain process.
Dr. Michael D. Gershon, author of The Second Brain
and chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology at
Columbia, “coined the term ‘second brain’ in 1996.” See book
abstract at
“The enteric nervous system was first
described in 1921 by Dr. J.N. Langley, a British physician who believed
that it was one of three parts … of the automatic nervous system, which
controls involuntary behaviors like breathing and circulation.”
Dr. Gershon revived his thinking and was widely mocked at
first. To learn about Langley and receptors, see
www.ibro.info/Pub_Main_Display.asp?Main_ID=277; also, see www.uni-graz.at/
“It turns out that irritable bowel syndrome,
like depression, is at least in part a function of changes in the
serotonin system. In this case, it is too much serotonin rather
than too little. … People with irritable bowel syndrome to
not have enough SERT, so they wind up with too much serotonin floating
around, causing diarrhea” (i.e., serotonin transporter). The
presence of the “second brain” plays a significant part in a range of
both digestive and psychological disorders.
identification of “two brains” is rife with implications. Not
only does it further our understanding of the direct collaboration
between brain/neural activity and other bodily functions, but it also
makes us begin to view distributed intelligence as a human trait—and a
clear model of how computer systems should operate.
Centralization in computerdom not only creates overload but it makes
the system very vulnerable to attacks from outside agents.
vu All Over Again
research on memory has opened a promising window on the
phenomenon, providing both a possible explanations for the sensation
and novel ways to create and measure it.” Dr. Alan Brown
reviews the history of the ‘déjà vu’ field in The
Déjà vu Experience: Essays in Cognitive Psychology.
“Déjà vu appears to be more common when people are
exhausted or stressed, conditions that are known to cloud short- and
long-term memory….” The same conditions can give vent to “jamais
vu,” the condition where familiar objects seem totally unfamiliar.
Basically data unconsciously imprinted on the brain at some point
can make a scene or experience seem very familiar at a later date, even
if one has not really encountered the scene or experience before.
For some of us, however, life is full of “presque vu,” a state when you
get old enough and so full of extraneous data that everything seems
like you may have seen it, almost seen it, but you are not quite sure.
Retrofitting the Brain
Your Brain Alive, by Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin
(Workman, 1999) looks like pop self-help literature, but it is backed
up by reasonably serious science. Exercising the brain seems to
keep it alive, stimulating, amongst other things, the same hippocampus
that we mention in "Swollen
Brains" in Wit and Wisdom. Apparently, the key to brain activity
and memory is enhancing connections between elements of the brain, just
as computer design people are now enhancing connections between the
memory and the other parts of the computer. Check out the book's website to read more about it.
Preventing Preventive Herbal
The biggest contribution of the medical establishment to
herbal medicine seems to be to warn us off the herbs. Such seems
to have been the thrust of a recent confab at Chapel Hill's University
of North Carolina, called "The Efficacy and Safety of Medicinal Herbs"
(see Denise Grady's article in The New York Times, March 7,
2000, pp.D1 & D4). Of course, the article wryly notes that the
medicinal herb industry flourishes in spite of the FDA, the medical
community, etc. Like Linux, Harry Potter, and the massive cult
religions infiltrating China, herbalism refuses to be contained.
Sorrowfully, the practice of
botanical medicine in this country has not advanced very far, mainly
because no one has figured out how to make big enough bucks off of
natural remedies, many of which work more miracles than those ginned up
in the labs of the world's pillpushers.
For those who want to probe this
subject, we have always recommended Dr. Jim Duke, a retired Department
of Agriculture scientist who got all this going on government
time. As you have witnessed time and time again, some of our best
innovations come from one outpost of government, only to be smothered
by another agency that is feeling very territorial.
The prolific Duke has written
widely; several books he's authored or contributed to are cited
below. See also his Nature's
Herbs website and his Mini-Course in Medical
Best Fat Cat's Diet
I first began to take note of Dr. Atkins three years ago
when a company founder came to a meeting without his
pudginess. He'd tried everything to lose weight without
success. Atkins does work for these type A, overweight, no
exercise, workaholic, travelling mini-magnates. I've seen it time
and time again. Read it all in the following books:
Basically, it's lots of meat and fat plus no
carbohydrates with some vitamins thrown in to compensate for the
un-balanced diet. We're not reommending the diet; in fact, we
lose weight the old-fashioned way: we burn it. But Dr. Atkins
does work for the hyper.
of Conviction
The numbers of Americans
behind bars and out on parole has become simply staggering. The
cost of our prisons and of so many wasted lives is as incomprehensible
as that of our broken healthcare system. Nearly 6.9 million
people, or 3.2% of our population, are doing time Four
million-plus are on probation, and about 775,000 are on parole.
The number of women parolees has risen dramatically in parallel
with the rise in women involved in serious crimes. See The
New York Times, July 26, 2004, p. A10. This would suggest
that we require new ways of integrating crime doers into our
economy—whether they are on the loose or are behind bars.
recent book,
Miracle at Sing Sing, by Ralph Blumenthal, deals with
one of the pioneers of more enlightened incarceration. Lewis E.
Lawes headed Sing Sing from 1919 to 1941, and he brought some real
changes to the system. ”Men who took human life and served time
are the best behaved and best trusted in Sing Sing,” claimed
Lawes. Indeed, very few murderers who were paroled ever returned
to prison. See The New York Times, July 27, 2004, p.
B8. Lawes apparently showed that tough love could work out very
well even with the most hardened of criminals, the very types who were
sent to Sing Sing.
Coming of Age
in Arabia
As we have said previously,
true advances in the Arabic and Moslem worlds will have to arise from
the liberation of women, who are second class non-citizens throughout
the Middle East See our 30 October 2002 Letter from the
Global Province,
“Falling off the Map,” and Big Ideas, item 137,
“Arabic Women’s News Service.” Little bits of
emancipation are happening, without much help from the West.
recently, The Economist, June 19,2004, pp. 26-8, in “Out of the
Shadows, into the World,” comments on their women’s emergence.
For instance, 55% of Saudi Arabia’s university students are now
women, and this is characteristic of female educational progress
in the region. Female life expectancy is rising, and
birthrates are falling, allowing women more time for other
activities. In halting ways, they are making occasional progress
in both the political and business spheres.
Ehrenreich of The New York Times on July 29, 2004, p. A27
recognizes the relationship between the status of Arab women and
terrorism. “So here in one word is my new counterterrorism
strategy for Kerry: feminism.” Downtrodden women are the biggest
emblem of the medieval thinking ruling Arabia. Bringing the
region into the 20th or 21st centuries would do much to end the
standoff between the West and the Middle East.
recently, the plight of women in Saudi Arabia and, conversely, the
threat emancipated women pose to extremist male Arabs, has been
dramatized by a much noticed book,
Inside the Kingdom, by Carmen bin Laden, ex-wife of Osama’s
older brother Yeslam. Educated in the West as a liberal Moslem,
she sweltered under the restrictions of life in Saudi Arabia. A
Swiss divorce saved her and her daughters from the stranglehold of life
in the oil kingdom.
Andrea Camilleri – Snack Thief – 2005 (08-04-10)
Andrea Camilleri –The Wings of the Sphinx – 2009 (06-30-10)
David Lodge – Thinks – 2001 (06-30-10)
John Mortimer - A Rumpole Christmas - 2009 (01-06-10)
Barbara Ehrenreich – Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America – 2009 (10-14-09)
B. Peterson – Prayers for Peace – 2004 (09-30-09)
Charles and Emma: The Darwins’
Leap of Faith – 2008 – Deborah Heiligman (05-20-09)
for Death –
2008 – Donna Leon (05-06-09)
Donna Leon - About Face (Commissario Guido Brunetti Mysteries) - 2010 - (8/28/13)
Saving Stuff
We’re working up to a conversation with Don
Williams, author of
Saving Stuff, a how-to which tells you how to take care of
everything you’ve had around the house for too long. We’re
betting that he has some old money clips somewhere. Now he’s not
to be confused with Don Williams,
the country Western singer from Texas who specializes in happiness.
Ten-Pound Christmas Gift
We don't know what this book actually weighs, but it is indeed
heavy. It's Alan Fletcher's
The Art of Looking Sideways, sort of his collection of sayings
and truncated thoughts -- many bits of this and that to which he tries
to bring some organization. It is mordant, perhaps, never quite
funny or philosophically assured, much in the vein of the modern
English sensibility. Fletcher was founding partner of Pentagram,
once arguably the world's greatest graphic design firm. He's a
chap who likes to turn a phrase, the hallmark, actually, of the most
interesting designers: in the U.S., you will find an occasional design
word in the South or Southwest, but not in the rest of the
country. Having been through most of the book, even the small
print and other challenges to the reader, we recommend : "Civilization
is chaos taking a rest"; "I always and assumed that cliché was a suburb of Paris, until I
discovered it was a street in Oxford"; and "If you don't know where you
are going all roads lead there." We hope the next edition has an
Talk a Good Game
We recommend that leaders of any stripe be able to talk a good golf
game, even if they can't play. To this end, you will want to read
the hilarious new book by William Geist, formerly the New York
Times' best feature writer, now a devilishly funny voice for the
networks. In his Fore! Play, he tells you about his
misadventures in the BGA (the Bad Golfers Association) and other dead
ends in his year long effort to sort of learn golf. Although
Amazon doesn't have a print copy of this text in stock (for some odd
reason), you might take a look at some of Geist's other works,
including Little
League Confidential: One Coach's Completely Unauthorized Tale of
Survival and The
Big Five Oh! Fearing, Facing, and Fighting Fifty.
The Romance of Golf
The game of golf has a romance and mystery about it that puts
all other sports in its shadow. It is the stuff of myth, easily
woven into books and films. Michael Murphy, the eminence behind
Esalen Institute, the parapsychology schlock tank on the shores of the
Pacific—in its fun, pre-business days as Big Sur or Slate’s Hot
Springs, this was just a nice hippie hangout where you could take in
the hot springs, do yoga with the son of a Chinese banker, and eat a
fine loaf of freshly baked bread—has a fair amount of Barnum and Bailey
in him, and, caught by the sport, he conjured up an amusing book called
Golf in the Kingdom
that’s a blend of pure yarn, pseudo-philosophy, and wispy
mysticism. Then there’s The Legend of Bagger
Vance, a Robert Redford movie where a local boy from Savannah
who is recovering from the horrors of World War I beats out Bobby Jones
and Walter Hagen, the kings of golf in his day, having rediscovered his
swing at the urgings of a gypsy coach. A movie closer to the
spirit of our own times called Tin Cup finds
a washed up pro named Roy “Tin Cup” McAvoy conquering the hearts of the
crowd and playing a storied round of golf, even though he is beaten by
his slick, calculating, play-it-safe friend Simms, who is the
million-dollar TV athlete McAvoy will never be. McAvoy loses the
battle, but wins the war—and the girl.
If you ever have walked the right course,
say the Country Club in Brookline, Massachusetts (www.golfclubatlas.com/thecountryclub1.html)
outside Boston in the Fall, and seen the birds overhead, and felt
happily alone with your thoughts, you can feel why golf is a sport
apart, even when you are not playing it. You are never playing
against some other golfer: you are in a contest with yourself or the
Global Golf Bubbles
You thought financial bubbles only affected stock markets, the tulip
trade, and Bordeaux wines. But there's a worldwide golf bubble,
as sports journalists are discovering:
a. Thomas L. Friedman, quoting
J.L. Koo Jr. of the Taiwan Golf Association: "'There are too many
courses.... Look, they may have 1.2 billion people, but they only
have a few hundred golfers. ... First, [the Chinese] have to get
cars, then they can play golf.'" See "Fine China," Golf Digest,
June 2001, pp. 182-86.
b. David Owen: "My trip was ... a
junket--a journalistic outing whose putative subject is also its
financial sponsor. In this case, however, the host was ... a
developing country whose place in the world has been influenced for
decades by its unlikely relationship with the game of golf.
Hassan II viewed golf not only as a palliative to the tedium of
absolute power but also as a means of ingratiating his small country
with the United States." See Swinging in Morocco: Golf Diplomacy
and the Last North African Kingdom," New Yorker, May 21,
2001, pp. 52-58. Owen is a great writer, incidentally. See,
for example, My
Usual Game: Adventures in Golf and The
Making of the Masters: Clifford Roberts, Augusta National, and Golf's
Most Prestigious Tournament.
Black on Black Comedy
"I sincerely believe that if you think there's a
solution, you're part of the problem."
"The Comic wants to be known as a real funny guy. But the
language of comedy is fairly grim and violent. . . . After all,
what does a comic worry most about? Dying! He doesn't want
to die."
-- George Carlin, from Brain
Droppings (Hyperion, 1997).
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