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Perfect Cinnamon Toast

This is the perfect fare for a wintry morning, or to enjoy with a cup of hot tea on a gray afternoon.  We’ve often tried to order cinnamon toast in hotel dining rooms, but find that almost no one knows how to make it.  So we fix it in the toaster oven at home, using fine-textured white bread, sliced very thin.  

To serve 1 


4 tablespoons butter, softened
3 tablespoons sugar
1-1/2 teaspoons ground Saigon cinnamon (Vietnamese cassia)
1 or 2 slices of fine-textured white bread, sliced 1/4-inch thick 


1. Set the toaster oven to 500 degrees, or your regular oven to broil.
2. Cream the butter, sugar and cinnamon with a fork until very soft and thoroughly blended.
3. Lightly toast the bread in a toaster, so that it is firm, but not brown.  Spread with 2 or more teaspoons of the cinnamon butter.  (The rest of the butter will keep, covered, in the refrigerator for several weeks, if it lasts that long.)
4. Put the buttered toast directly on the rack in the toaster oven or under the oven broiler for 30 seconds, just until the butter is bubbling and the edges of the toast are nicely browned.  Do not use a baking sheet, as the toast will soften on the underside.  You may need to leave it in longer than 30 seconds, but be careful that the toast does not burn.

5. Remove from the oven, cut into “fingers” if desired, and eat at once.  Delicious with hot tea.

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